Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

The prisoners cannot see that Oswald symbology does not require a high IQ from LHO, just as a persona on this thread that symbolizes (poetizes) themselves with a naval image remains "clammed up" about the British admiralty link to the Clinton mafia we have already posted, which is the Boteler line at Oliver Springs, Tennessee. Is Chicago's Skolnik correct in fingering Obama as a British spy, or not? The Boteler-Amery assemblage is British MI6 Albania, a chron close to Doc1's 1953, which links the bozos that are now collecting themselves for an msm photo-op (see Yahoo).
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".
People keep saying "prove it to me". Do your own research, it means more. Here is the thing though, once you learn the truth it cannot be unlearned.

Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

what a fucking lying troll.:rofl:

this troll posts these lies of his cause he knows he cant prove oswald did it and knows he skipped junior high school science classes.:rofl:

What a babbling idiot. I'm not lying about a fucking thing, the evidence points to Oswald being the killer, and no one else was involved. You don't want to believe it, I could fucking care less.
As for proof, you can't prove anything different.

a babbling idiot you are indeed .:biggrin:How much is your boss paying you to troll this thread?:biggrin:

there you go lying AGAIN.,you have not proved one fucking thing here that oswald did it you shill.I on the other hand, with the help of others of course have posted MANY posts that you did not address cause you knew you could not counter them, you mention that bs book of posners case closed.

I mentioned how that book was debunked and proven to be the bullshit it was by weisbergs book CASE OPEN. you wont read that book though cause as we BOTH know you paid troll,you only see what you WANT to see just as your boss instructs you while trolling here.

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are as we both know.:itsok:

myself and others have posted MANY posts that prove oswald innocent and a conspiracy existed,you trolls have not posted one single thing to prove he did or address our facts that counter the BS you all sprout.:itsok:

debunk these two videos that there were multiple shooters and oswald was innocent,you cant,you know it,i know it.:D NOBODY EVER HAS.hee hee

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Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?
Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

what a fucking lying troll.:rofl:

this troll posts these lies of his cause he knows he cant prove oswald did it and knows he skipped junior high school science classes.:rofl:

What a babbling idiot. I'm not lying about a fucking thing, the evidence points to Oswald being the killer, and no one else was involved. You don't want to believe it, I could fucking care less.
As for proof, you can't prove anything different.

a babbling idiot you are indeed .there you go lying again,you have not proved one fucking thing here that oswald did it you shill,i with the help of others of course have posted MANY posts that you did not address cause you knew you could not counter them, you mention that bs book of posners case closed. I mentioned how that book was debunked and proven to be the bullshit it was by weisbergs book CASE OPEN. you wont read that book though cause as we BOTH know you paid troll,you only see what you WANT to see just as your boss instructs you while trolling here.

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are as we both know.:itsok:

myself and others have posted MANY posts that prove oswald innocent and a conspiracy existed,you trolls have not posted one single thing to prove he did.:itsok:

First of all, could I ask your age? Your posts look like they belong to a grade school kid whose had way too much sugar. Maybe you've missed your Ritalin dose for the day.

Second, whether you like it or not the official blame for the murder of JFK was that Oswald acted alone. This means YOU and others are the ones who have to prove differently. I don't have to prove squat. I am willing to accept the conclusion that Oswald did it. The vast majority of the evidence points to him, and I'm willing to accept that.
You don't want to believe it, oh well, I could fucking care less what you believe. You've produced nothing, and you never will. Anything you think you've found, has been investigated over and over. Get over yourself, you've got nothing.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.
My opinion he did not shoot JFK but was involved to take him out. There was no secret a group was planning on killing him....hell the FBI knew well in advance. Oswald was the lookout and when they turned on him he got scared and went to his boarding house for his pistol, and going to the Texas Theatre was no spur of the moment thing either. But that's my opinion. You can listen for yourselves.

Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
Maybe so, but it's about fucking time this information was released.
I predict that there will be no earth shattering new news, and we will return to having just as many conspiracy nuts as there's always been, and there will remain a substantial percentage of the population convinced that there was a cover-up.

we have conspiracy nuts like you who ignore the laws of physics that a persons head NEVER goes backwards when shot from the front and conspiracy nuts like you who ignore what all the doctors testified to saying the bullet hole in was an ENTRANCE wound in the front you deluded hick.

how many more times are you going to keep coming back asking to have egg all over you face?:itsok:

Let me know as soon as you prove Oswald either didn't kill Kennedy, or he was part of a "conspiracy". :biggrin:

Watch the fucking film kid, his head jerked BACKWARDS, how did Oswald do that?

That has been explained time and again over the years. The fact you don't know it is scary on its' own.

No but its hysterical that there are grade school students out there
Oswald acted alone.
Get over it.

the CIA killed him,YOU get over that.:itsok:

ah the old tiresome propaganda video that has been debunked too many times to remember.That bullshit video doesnt even scratch the surface of the evidence and facts,it leaves out MANY key facts,evidence and witness testimony.miserable fail.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I would expect this out of troll like you though,one who ignored what cal ripken said,that chase utley did not do anything dirty in that playoff game when he slid in at second base and hurt that shortstop. EXPERTS like cal ripken who played the position mean nothing to bozos like you.:lmao:

so same as this,experts and what they say,mean nothing to you,only what the corrupt government tells you does.:rolleyes:

Then explain why the CIA wanted to take out Edwin Walker.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.

I don't see how she has any claims on what should be public information.
Oswald acted alone.
Get over it.

Stay asleep, it will allow you to keep piece of mind.

Yeah obviously he is in denial mode and only wants to look at the so called evidence that supports the warren commission.:rolleyes: No suprise when you know him as well as i do.anytime when he cant refute facts and he is cornered,he starts insulting you.:rolleyes:

For the record, for forty years I was as convinced it was a conspiracy as you still are. Of course, like you, I never read the actual Warren Report. I relied on conspiracy nuts because it seemed more intriguing. Sometimes the obvious just can't be rationalized away.
Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

what a fucking lying troll.:rofl:

this troll posts these lies of his cause he knows he cant prove oswald did it and knows he skipped junior high school science classes.:rofl:

What a babbling idiot. I'm not lying about a fucking thing, the evidence points to Oswald being the killer, and no one else was involved. You don't want to believe it, I could fucking care less.
As for proof, you can't prove anything different.

a babbling idiot you are indeed .there you go lying again,you have not proved one fucking thing here that oswald did it you shill,i with the help of others of course have posted MANY posts that you did not address cause you knew you could not counter them, you mention that bs book of posners case closed. I mentioned how that book was debunked and proven to be the bullshit it was by weisbergs book CASE OPEN. you wont read that book though cause as we BOTH know you paid troll,you only see what you WANT to see just as your boss instructs you while trolling here.

you can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are as we both know.:itsok:

myself and others have posted MANY posts that prove oswald innocent and a conspiracy existed,you trolls have not posted one single thing to prove he did.:itsok:

First of all, could I ask your age? Your posts look like they belong to a grade school kid whose had way too much sugar. Maybe you've missed your Ritalin dose for the day.

Second, whether you like it or not the official blame for the murder of JFK was that Oswald acted alone. This means YOU and others are the ones who have to prove differently. I don't have to prove squat. I am willing to accept the conclusion that Oswald did it. The vast majority of the evidence points to him, and I'm willing to accept that.
You don't want to believe it, oh well, I could fucking care less what you believe. You've produced nothing, and you never will. Anything you think you've found, has been investigated over and over. Get over yourself, you've got nothing.

I posted two videos here with HARD CORE FACTS you could not counter that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters and like clockwork,as always,since you knew you were cornered and backed up against the wall,you did this-:scared1:

thanks for proving you did not watch them and have NO INTEREST IN THE TRUTH.:up: i ALSO noticed like all lone nut theorists always do,you only read part of my post ignoring the part of that book i mentioned that proves posner is a liar same as the warren commission.:rolleyes:

here again is a crying towel for you to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll you are/:itsok:

the only one that needs to get over himself is YOU.unlike you,i Look at BOTH sides where you MAGIC BULLET THEORISTS,only read stuff that supports the warren know it,i know it.again,here let me give you this crying towel while you sling shit in defeat.:itsok:

this is all you have done in every post after i took you to school with the help of others of course.
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so much for lies of people like digitial drifter who make wild claims with no evidence to back them up that oswald was the lone assassin and there was no conspiracy.

I just got done taking troll digital drifter to school.NEXT magic bullet theorist step forward.Next victem please.:D

so much for lies of people like digitial drifter who make wild claims with no evidence to back them up that oswald was the lone assassin and there was no conspiracy.

I just got done taking troll digital drifter to school.NEXT magic bullet theorist step forward.Next victem please.:D

You continue to lend evidence of your age. You might want to take the time to look up the definition of "lie".
You see, you might not like my opinions, but there is no intent to decieve anyone.
I simply accept the OFFICIAL conclusion that Oswald acted alone in his murder of JFK.
You and other conspiracy nuts are the ones with the burden of proving the OFFICIAL conclusion.

And just to be clear, you have not shown anything that hasn't already been looked at over and over.
DD is incorrect. There is information in this thread that is not in Posner's nor Bugliosi's books.
Oswald acted alone.
Get over it.

Stay asleep, it will allow you to keep piece of mind.

Yeah obviously he is in denial mode and only wants to look at the so called evidence that supports the warren commission.:rolleyes: No suprise when you know him as well as i do.anytime when he cant refute facts and he is cornered,he starts insulting you.:rolleyes:

For the record, for forty years I was as convinced it was a conspiracy as you still are. Of course, like you, I never read the actual Warren Report. I relied on conspiracy nuts because it seemed more intriguing. Sometimes the obvious just can't be rationalized away.

Dude,you are losing your credibility more and more so same as digital drifter does in every post:D,first of all,you make an ASSUMPTION about me that i never read the warren commission:rolleyes:so as always ,you have egg on your face same as he always does since that is not true.:rolleyes:

I always accepted the fact that oswald was the lone assassin for over a decade until the late 1980's.I accepted it without question because growing up,I was clueless to how evil and corrupt our government really is and trusted our corrupt school system to be all truthful. It wasnt till then when I saw a documentary on the history channel that i knew right then and there that i had been lied to my whole life.the history channel USED to be objective because they used to present both sides.Now they are corrupt though and only support the lies of the governments version of events.

it was IMMEDIATELY after that documentary i read the warren report to see what they were talking about. Now that was way back in the 80's when i read it but they withheld so many evidence and facts that the report is such a freaking really need to go back and read it AGAIN when you are not smoking crack as you did then.:rofl:

myself and many others have shot down all the lies you and digitial drifter have posted,you two trolls on the other hand,have not addreesed any of the evidence we have posted that shoots down your bullshit ramblings.:rolleyes:

so much for lies of people like digitial drifter who make wild claims with no evidence to back them up that oswald was the lone assassin and there was no conspiracy.

I just got done taking troll digital drifter to school.NEXT magic bullet theorist step forward.Next victem please.:D

You continue to lend evidence of your age. You might want to take the time to look up the definition of "lie".
You see, you might not like my opinions, but there is no intent to decieve anyone.
I simply accept the OFFICIAL conclusion that Oswald acted alone in his murder of JFK.
You and other conspiracy nuts are the ones with the burden of proving the OFFICIAL conclusion.

And just to be clear, you have not shown anything that hasn't already been looked at over and over.

okay let me correct myself then,you only see what you WANT to see as you have proven in all your ramblings on this thread by refusing to look at pesky facts that dont go along with your babble that oswald was the lone bad.see unlike YOU,I can admit when i am
There he goes again, claiming we are posting lies.

Please educate yourself on the definition of the word "lie".
DD is incorrect. There is information in this thread that is not in Posner's nor Bugliosi's books.

read all the posts of the magic bullet theorists on this thread,you will find they cowardly run off from facts that shoot down the fairy tale that oswald was the lone assassin,that unlike us,they dont look at BOTH sides.Like you said so well.there are many facts that are not presented in those books by those two government disinformation trolls Posner and Bugliosi.:up::clap: they OMIT key facts since it does not support the warren commission yet these trolls worship those books as the god given truth and wont look at videos that shoot down the lies of people such as Posner and Bugliosi.:rolleyes:
There he goes again, claiming we are posting lies.

Please educate yourself on the definition of the word "lie".

uh I just said you did not lie,that i only told the truth that you two trolls only see what you WANT to see as you have both proven in this entire thread.:rolleyes:

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