Despite The Typical Conservative Denial, It Ain't Over


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Despite The Typical Conservative Denial, It Ain't Over

Conservative denial of reality has them convinced the COVID-19 pandemic has run its course. And if their denial isn't enough, they're certain they've stayed home with family members far longer than necessary so the coronavirus no longer poses a danger to them. Additionally, since they are more knowledgeable on this subject than all of the scientific and medical experts, the conservatives have assured themselves their collective decision to end all restrictions and reopen the economy is sound, and, their demands must be met by all state governments.

Conservatives must be correct in this, after all, they’ve been closely following the success Sweden has had in permitting life to go on as usual with no restrictions what-so-ever.

Well, the conservatives are wrong, as usual. “Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy has led to nearly 10 times the number of deaths of other Nordic countries — and it serves as a counterargument to US citizens calling for their country to reopen.” TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN NORWAY! TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN FINLAND!

Unlike Sweden, the neighboring countries, Norway and Finland reacted proactively. Both closed schools and restricted or banned outside travelers, required social distancing, and prohibited people gathering in tight groups. Finland has more than adequate medical supplies on hand, as they have remained prepared for such a crisis for several decades.

Norway, which has nearly 5.4 million people, has had 7,191 cases and 182 deaths, with a death rate of 3.37 deaths per 100,000 people. Finland’s population of 5.5 million has experienced 4,014 COVID-19 cases, with 141 fatalities, which equals 2.56 deaths per 100,000 people.

Compare this to COVID-19 cases due to Sweden’s lack of positive action to control the spread of the disease. With a population of about 10.2 million there has been 15,322 cases and 1,765 fatalities, which by standards set by the American conservatives demanding an end to lock downs and social distancing in the U.S., makes Sweden the winner at 17.3 deaths per 100,000 people.

So, as we can see, Sweden’s inaction was NOT the whizzbang plan that conservatives convinced themselves it would be.

Unfortunately, proving to the righties the Swedes screwed up will not change their collective mind. They will continue b!tching about social distancing restrictions and whining about lock downs infringing on their constitutional right to spread the coronavirus far and wide here in the U.S.

If state and local officials refuse to yield to the conservatives’ demands to end safety restrictions, the nation will see more instances like the violence in Michigan. There, conservatives took their guns and stormed the Michigan state capital building. Topping off their unreasonable display, conservatives sent death threats to Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It’s obvious the impeached president trump’s continuing encouragement to his devoted fanatics to commit violence had the desired effect in Michigan.

But, enough about Sweden’s fvck up and the righties’ irrational behavior it helped motivate. Now, we’ll wing our way across the Pacific to Southeast Asia, where we will find another compelling argument against the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and his devoted fanatics’ screams to end lock downs and social distancing.

Vietnam has a population roughly 30% that of the U.S. that’s crammed into an area approximately 3.4% the size of the U.S. That nation’s government could not afford to react to the COVID-19 outbreak as incompetently as the impeached president trump. Their healthcare system would have been rapidly overwhelmed had their government and citizenry not reacted quickly and efficiently.

COVID-19 is not the first pandemic successfully fought by the Vietnamese people. " ‘The government and population are very, very used to dealing with infectious diseases and are respectful of them, probably far more so than wealthier countries. They know how to respond to these things.’ "

Vietnam’s first coronavirus case was confirmed on January 23rd, and with their emergency plan in place, the country put that plan in motion months before other nations took any action at all. Such quick response enabled them to stem the spread of the disease as schools were closed from the end of January until the middle of May. “A vast and labour intensive contact tracing operation got under way.” Everyone entering the country, anyone within the country who'd had contact with a confirmed case, and all who tested positive but were asymptomatic and could unknowingly spread the disease were held in quarantine centers for 14 days.

At first Vietnamese officials closely monitored their 900 mile border with China, but it was soon closed. Officials then increased health checks at borders and other vulnerable locations. And throughout the country certain citizens’ rights were curtailed. However, in the course of fighting the spread of the coronavirus, people’s temporary loss of their right to wander around infecting others was a benefit to the population as a whole.

The Vietnamese protocols kept their senior population safe and limited COVID-19 cases to just over 300 nationwide, with NO fatalities.

Naturally, a successful program like that of Vietnam’s could never be implemented in the United States. Conservatives’ rights to freely spread a seriously contagious disease supersedes the rights of all other Americans, as we’ve seen with their demonstrations and their violent protest in Michigan.

Since the impeached president trump decided early on to ignore medical and scientific experts, and exploit the sickness and deaths of the American people as a political tool, the United States economy and its people are in for a long and miserable recovery period. As lock downs are lifted and then reinstated, and COVID-19 cases (and deaths) spike and recede, the conservatives’ demonstrations and armed protests will become more and more frequent and violent.

And of course, regardless of how many months his disastrous performance goes on, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will remain confident their a$$hole-in-chief is doing a bang up job. But that is expected from people famous for their denial of reality. A part of which is the righties’ convoluted logic that a person with a pre-existing condition, which is survivable for 10, 20, or 40+ years, who contracts the COVID-19 virus that exacerbates the condition causing the victim’s death, that death is somehow unrelated to the coronavirus. That isn't simply conservative denial, that’s just plain stupidity.

In closing, since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, and understanding their replies will contain few if any facts or reliable information, it is totally pointless to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. So, it’s post the OP, then move on, knowing there is no reason to look back.

Coronavirus: How 'overreaction' made Vietnam a virus success

Conservatives think they can use their old poverty argument here. If you get the virus and die it will somehow be entirely your fault. Kind of clashes with the victim mentality they intend to use in their "blame it all on China" strategy. Wouldn't be the first time they believed two contradictory things at once.
Despite The Typical Conservative Denial, It Ain't Over

Conservative denial of reality has them convinced the COVID-19 pandemic has run its course. And if their denial isn't enough, they're certain they've stayed home with family members far longer than necessary so the coronavirus no longer poses a danger to them. Additionally, since they are more knowledgeable on this subject than all of the scientific and medical experts, the conservatives have assured themselves their collective decision to end all restrictions and reopen the economy is sound, and, their demands must be met by all state governments.

Conservatives must be correct in this, after all, they’ve been closely following the success Sweden has had in permitting life to go on as usual with no restrictions what-so-ever.

Well, the conservatives are wrong, as usual. “Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy has led to nearly 10 times the number of deaths of other Nordic countries — and it serves as a counterargument to US citizens calling for their country to reopen.” TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN NORWAY! TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN FINLAND!

Unlike Sweden, the neighboring countries, Norway and Finland reacted proactively. Both closed schools and restricted or banned outside travelers, required social distancing, and prohibited people gathering in tight groups. Finland has more than adequate medical supplies on hand, as they have remained prepared for such a crisis for several decades.

Norway, which has nearly 5.4 million people, has had 7,191 cases and 182 deaths, with a death rate of 3.37 deaths per 100,000 people. Finland’s population of 5.5 million has experienced 4,014 COVID-19 cases, with 141 fatalities, which equals 2.56 deaths per 100,000 people.

Compare this to COVID-19 cases due to Sweden’s lack of positive action to control the spread of the disease. With a population of about 10.2 million there has been 15,322 cases and 1,765 fatalities, which by standards set by the American conservatives demanding an end to lock downs and social distancing in the U.S., makes Sweden the winner at 17.3 deaths per 100,000 people.

So, as we can see, Sweden’s inaction was NOT the whizzbang plan that conservatives convinced themselves it would be.

Unfortunately, proving to the righties the Swedes screwed up will not change their collective mind. They will continue b!tching about social distancing restrictions and whining about lock downs infringing on their constitutional right to spread the coronavirus far and wide here in the U.S.

If state and local officials refuse to yield to the conservatives’ demands to end safety restrictions, the nation will see more instances like the violence in Michigan. There, conservatives took their guns and stormed the Michigan state capital building. Topping off their unreasonable display, conservatives sent death threats to Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It’s obvious the impeached president trump’s continuing encouragement to his devoted fanatics to commit violence had the desired effect in Michigan.

But, enough about Sweden’s fvck up and the righties’ irrational behavior it helped motivate. Now, we’ll wing our way across the Pacific to Southeast Asia, where we will find another compelling argument against the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and his devoted fanatics’ screams to end lock downs and social distancing.

Vietnam has a population roughly 30% that of the U.S. that’s crammed into an area approximately 3.4% the size of the U.S. That nation’s government could not afford to react to the COVID-19 outbreak as incompetently as the impeached president trump. Their healthcare system would have been rapidly overwhelmed had their government and citizenry not reacted quickly and efficiently.

COVID-19 is not the first pandemic successfully fought by the Vietnamese people. " ‘The government and population are very, very used to dealing with infectious diseases and are respectful of them, probably far more so than wealthier countries. They know how to respond to these things.’ "

Vietnam’s first coronavirus case was confirmed on January 23rd, and with their emergency plan in place, the country put that plan in motion months before other nations took any action at all. Such quick response enabled them to stem the spread of the disease as schools were closed from the end of January until the middle of May. “A vast and labour intensive contact tracing operation got under way.” Everyone entering the country, anyone within the country who'd had contact with a confirmed case, and all who tested positive but were asymptomatic and could unknowingly spread the disease were held in quarantine centers for 14 days.

At first Vietnamese officials closely monitored their 900 mile border with China, but it was soon closed. Officials then increased health checks at borders and other vulnerable locations. And throughout the country certain citizens’ rights were curtailed. However, in the course of fighting the spread of the coronavirus, people’s temporary loss of their right to wander around infecting others was a benefit to the population as a whole.

The Vietnamese protocols kept their senior population safe and limited COVID-19 cases to just over 300 nationwide, with NO fatalities.

Naturally, a successful program like that of Vietnam’s could never be implemented in the United States. Conservatives’ rights to freely spread a seriously contagious disease supersedes the rights of all other Americans, as we’ve seen with their demonstrations and their violent protest in Michigan.

Since the impeached president trump decided early on to ignore medical and scientific experts, and exploit the sickness and deaths of the American people as a political tool, the United States economy and its people are in for a long and miserable recovery period. As lock downs are lifted and then reinstated, and COVID-19 cases (and deaths) spike and recede, the conservatives’ demonstrations and armed protests will become more and more frequent and violent.

And of course, regardless of how many months his disastrous performance goes on, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will remain confident their a$$hole-in-chief is doing a bang up job. But that is expected from people famous for their denial of reality. A part of which is the righties’ convoluted logic that a person with a pre-existing condition, which is survivable for 10, 20, or 40+ years, who contracts the COVID-19 virus that exacerbates the condition causing the victim’s death, that death is somehow unrelated to the coronavirus. That isn't simply conservative denial, that’s just plain stupidity.

In closing, since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, and understanding their replies will contain few if any facts or reliable information, it is totally pointless to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. So, it’s post the OP, then move on, knowing there is no reason to look back.

Sweden has nearly 10 times the number of COVID-19-related deaths than its Nordic neighbors. Here's where it went wrong.

Coronavirus: How 'overreaction' made Vietnam a virus success


Now go wash your hands and get back under your bed.
Nothing wrong with people dying... so long as it’s the right people dying: the elderly, the infirm, the ghetto populations. Nothing wrong with that.

- an Ultra Conservative
Nothing wrong with people dying... so long as it’s the right people dying: the elderly, the infirm, the ghetto populations. Nothing wrong with that.

- an Ultra Conservative
Nothing wrong with people dying... so long as it’s the right people dying: the elderly, the infirm, the ghetto populations. Nothing wrong with that.

- an Ultra Conservative

I saw that movie ...

Conservatives think they can use their old poverty argument here. If you get the virus and die it will somehow be entirely your fault. Kind of clashes with the victim mentality they intend to use in their "blame it all on China" strategy. Wouldn't be the first time they believed two contradictory things at once.
So, you don't believe it came from China and the Chicoms and WHO lied to the world about it for months? Not sure how the truth makes it a "victim mentality".

I mean, don't you clowns blame Trump? How is that not a victim mentality?
It's not truth, because nobody is making that argument.

Grow up.

It most definitely is the argument that I am making. Diseases kill those who are unable (for one reason or another) to overcome them. That’s a fact of life.

If you think you’re going to keep me cooped up in my home to protect YOU, it isn’t going to happen. Not now, or ever.
Conservatives think they can use their old poverty argument here. If you get the virus and die it will somehow be entirely your fault. Kind of clashes with the victim mentality they intend to use in their "blame it all on China" strategy. Wouldn't be the first time they believed two contradictory things at once.
So, you don't believe it came from China and the Chicoms and WHO lied to the world about it for months? Not sure how the truth makes it a "victim mentality".

I mean, don't you clowns blame Trump? How is that not a victim mentality?
You intend to blame everyone except Trump. That's a way more far-fetched opinion than blaming the president for mishandling a crisis.
Conservatives think they can use their old poverty argument here. If you get the virus and die it will somehow be entirely your fault. Kind of clashes with the victim mentality they intend to use in their "blame it all on China" strategy. Wouldn't be the first time they believed two contradictory things at once.
So, you don't believe it came from China and the Chicoms and WHO lied to the world about it for months? Not sure how the truth makes it a "victim mentality".

I mean, don't you clowns blame Trump? How is that not a victim mentality?
You intend to blame everyone except Trump. That's a way more far-fetched opinion than blaming the president for mishandling a crisis.
And your blame begins and ends with Trump.....More retarded than anything out there.
Despite The Typical Conservative Denial, It Ain't Over

Conservative denial of reality has them convinced the COVID-19 pandemic has run its course. And if their denial isn't enough, they're certain they've stayed home with family members far longer than necessary so the coronavirus no longer poses a danger to them. Additionally, since they are more knowledgeable on this subject than all of the scientific and medical experts, the conservatives have assured themselves their collective decision to end all restrictions and reopen the economy is sound, and, their demands must be met by all state governments.

Conservatives must be correct in this, after all, they’ve been closely following the success Sweden has had in permitting life to go on as usual with no restrictions what-so-ever.

Well, the conservatives are wrong, as usual. “Sweden's controversial coronavirus strategy has led to nearly 10 times the number of deaths of other Nordic countries — and it serves as a counterargument to US citizens calling for their country to reopen.” TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN NORWAY! TEN TIMES MORE DEATHS THAN FINLAND!

Unlike Sweden, the neighboring countries, Norway and Finland reacted proactively. Both closed schools and restricted or banned outside travelers, required social distancing, and prohibited people gathering in tight groups. Finland has more than adequate medical supplies on hand, as they have remained prepared for such a crisis for several decades.

Norway, which has nearly 5.4 million people, has had 7,191 cases and 182 deaths, with a death rate of 3.37 deaths per 100,000 people. Finland’s population of 5.5 million has experienced 4,014 COVID-19 cases, with 141 fatalities, which equals 2.56 deaths per 100,000 people.

Compare this to COVID-19 cases due to Sweden’s lack of positive action to control the spread of the disease. With a population of about 10.2 million there has been 15,322 cases and 1,765 fatalities, which by standards set by the American conservatives demanding an end to lock downs and social distancing in the U.S., makes Sweden the winner at 17.3 deaths per 100,000 people.

So, as we can see, Sweden’s inaction was NOT the whizzbang plan that conservatives convinced themselves it would be.

Unfortunately, proving to the righties the Swedes screwed up will not change their collective mind. They will continue b!tching about social distancing restrictions and whining about lock downs infringing on their constitutional right to spread the coronavirus far and wide here in the U.S.

If state and local officials refuse to yield to the conservatives’ demands to end safety restrictions, the nation will see more instances like the violence in Michigan. There, conservatives took their guns and stormed the Michigan state capital building. Topping off their unreasonable display, conservatives sent death threats to Governor Gretchen Whitmer. It’s obvious the impeached president trump’s continuing encouragement to his devoted fanatics to commit violence had the desired effect in Michigan.

But, enough about Sweden’s fvck up and the righties’ irrational behavior it helped motivate. Now, we’ll wing our way across the Pacific to Southeast Asia, where we will find another compelling argument against the impeached president trump’s incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and his devoted fanatics’ screams to end lock downs and social distancing.

Vietnam has a population roughly 30% that of the U.S. that’s crammed into an area approximately 3.4% the size of the U.S. That nation’s government could not afford to react to the COVID-19 outbreak as incompetently as the impeached president trump. Their healthcare system would have been rapidly overwhelmed had their government and citizenry not reacted quickly and efficiently.

COVID-19 is not the first pandemic successfully fought by the Vietnamese people. " ‘The government and population are very, very used to dealing with infectious diseases and are respectful of them, probably far more so than wealthier countries. They know how to respond to these things.’ "

Vietnam’s first coronavirus case was confirmed on January 23rd, and with their emergency plan in place, the country put that plan in motion months before other nations took any action at all. Such quick response enabled them to stem the spread of the disease as schools were closed from the end of January until the middle of May. “A vast and labour intensive contact tracing operation got under way.” Everyone entering the country, anyone within the country who'd had contact with a confirmed case, and all who tested positive but were asymptomatic and could unknowingly spread the disease were held in quarantine centers for 14 days.

At first Vietnamese officials closely monitored their 900 mile border with China, but it was soon closed. Officials then increased health checks at borders and other vulnerable locations. And throughout the country certain citizens’ rights were curtailed. However, in the course of fighting the spread of the coronavirus, people’s temporary loss of their right to wander around infecting others was a benefit to the population as a whole.

The Vietnamese protocols kept their senior population safe and limited COVID-19 cases to just over 300 nationwide, with NO fatalities.

Naturally, a successful program like that of Vietnam’s could never be implemented in the United States. Conservatives’ rights to freely spread a seriously contagious disease supersedes the rights of all other Americans, as we’ve seen with their demonstrations and their violent protest in Michigan.

Since the impeached president trump decided early on to ignore medical and scientific experts, and exploit the sickness and deaths of the American people as a political tool, the United States economy and its people are in for a long and miserable recovery period. As lock downs are lifted and then reinstated, and COVID-19 cases (and deaths) spike and recede, the conservatives’ demonstrations and armed protests will become more and more frequent and violent.

And of course, regardless of how many months his disastrous performance goes on, the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics will remain confident their a$$hole-in-chief is doing a bang up job. But that is expected from people famous for their denial of reality. A part of which is the righties’ convoluted logic that a person with a pre-existing condition, which is survivable for 10, 20, or 40+ years, who contracts the COVID-19 virus that exacerbates the condition causing the victim’s death, that death is somehow unrelated to the coronavirus. That isn't simply conservative denial, that’s just plain stupidity.

In closing, since the impeached president trump and his lies became the beacon that guides the thoughts of conservatives, and understanding their replies will contain few if any facts or reliable information, it is totally pointless to return to one’s thread only to read the mindless prattle the conservatives spew when responding. So, it’s post the OP, then move on, knowing there is no reason to look back.

Sweden has nearly 10 times the number of COVID-19-related deaths than its Nordic neighbors. Here's where it went wrong.

Coronavirus: How 'overreaction' made Vietnam a virus success

if you were born with a penis you are a male if you were born with a vagina you are a female ....until the dems are mentally acute enough to figure that out they need to refrain from attempting to calculate any solutions to problems that a steaming turd could solve .
Conservatives think they can use their old poverty argument here. If you get the virus and die it will somehow be entirely your fault. Kind of clashes with the victim mentality they intend to use in their "blame it all on China" strategy. Wouldn't be the first time they believed two contradictory things at once.
So, you don't believe it came from China and the Chicoms and WHO lied to the world about it for months? Not sure how the truth makes it a "victim mentality".

I mean, don't you clowns blame Trump? How is that not a victim mentality?
You intend to blame everyone except Trump. That's a way more far-fetched opinion than blaming the president for mishandling a crisis.

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