DEVELOPING=> White Received the House Intel FISA Memo Last Night – Reviewing Document Now (Video)

Hold on a bit.

I think The Donald gauges all the responses from the SOTU.
He's not going to want to alter a positive narrative but rather
let it play out.

Now, if the Left do their usual invention of fake stories after
he does something good, that could change his time line a bit,
but the calendar is not right for a release this week.

Wed, isn't a bad day, but I don't think he'll want to trample
on his own words. Thurs. Is okay but it could die out pretty
quickly. He'd never waste this info for a Fri release.

He's gonna let the narrative run its course. Do his normal
tweeting of rebuttals to new fake info, business as usual, per se.

Then on Friday morning he will announce a 9 or 10am release
of the memo to the Public, on Monday morning. (He'll want to ensure the folks in
the West are all up.)

Sunday morning his folks will be all over those Sun morning political
shows laying the groundwork and inviting the press and the dems
into a bushwhack. Just itching to turn them into fools if they counter
any of their remarks.

Monday morning he releases the info. Then the party will start. Now,
the only logical response from the media will be a release of the Dems
memo. Trump will tease with the possibility of him declassifying the
actual FISA warrant used to spy on him and his campaign, That'll
slow them down some. But even that might be a bait.

He might be tempting one of them to leak the dem memo. *That is against
the law and his folks may very well get their own FISA warrant to discover
the leaker(s). There ain't but 8 or 9 of them that will have it, so that won't take forever.

This will be a fun two or three weeks. Gonna be plenty of excitement.
Rosenstein got a favorable comment from Ryan who said he (Roddy) was
doing a good job. Now this is politics and not CFB or the NFL but in CFB
or the NFL when a Coach gets a public, vote of confidence, it is time to call
MayFlower and start purchasing boxes.

Theater at its finest. Civics Classes all around this country are getting a
massive education these days.
I hear Schiff is extremely distraught that the Republicans wouldn't release his in depth and deeply researched counter memo.



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