Deviant wants to marry his computer

What's even more amazing is that some people think that if gays are allowed to marry, it's going to open up the slippery slope of crap like this.

Sorry...................but humans (no matter what sexual orientation) are not computers, and as humans, they should have the right to marry whatever other human they love.

Including close relatives or is it back peddle time?

We already have laws on the books banning incest, because we know that it leads to a higher incidence of birth defects.

However...............I do believe it's legal to marry your second cousin.

That's not all he's done looks like he's your kind of guy trannySteve.

Nashville lawyer accused of stalking John Rich | Music | The Tennessean

Police have arrested a Nashville lawyer suspected of stalking country music star*John Rich.

Mark “Chris” Sevier, 36, was arrested Sunday and charged with aggravated stalking for repeatedly sending emails to Rich, according to his arrest warrant.

One of the emails included a picture showing a scantily clad Sevier draped in an American flag and covered in a substance “believed to be representing blood,” his warrant said.

Sevier’s warrant said he had stalked Rich for years. Rich had filed two previous restraining orders.
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A partner who only speaks when spoken to? A partner easily replaced when it becomes obsolete? Sounds like a Republican wet dream.
He just using his computer for sex and will divorce her as soon as a younger model comes along.

But why should there have to be two consenting adults? Why not one and a machine?

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