DHS Officer Calls in SWAT Over Veteran Practicing with Air Gun, kid you not


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house nextdoor.

In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home. The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down. An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft. He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions.
- See more at: [VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....
Well, this is crazy............But a lot of pellet guns do look like a real gun...............

Perhaps they shouldn't have called in an army when a squad would have done the job..........

I can't blame the DHS individual for being concerned, but perhaps the DHS shouldn't hire people who hide under a rug if they think shots are being fired.

Amazing story.
It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house nextdoor.

In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home. The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down. An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft. He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions.
- See more at: [VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....

Homeland Security agents are liberals?
Well, this is crazy............But a lot of pellet guns do look like a real gun...............

Perhaps they shouldn't have called in an army when a squad would have done the job..........

I can't blame the DHS individual for being concerned, but perhaps the DHS shouldn't hire people who hide under a rug if they think shots are being fired.

Amazing story.

Agreed, but consider that 1) the air gun was an obvious air gun with a cap at the end of the barrel I am guessing. and 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?

But note 3) by charging the guy with criminal mischief, they not only CYA but they also can charge him with all the costs.

All because one DHS official peed his pants at the mere sight of an AIR RIFLE!

IS this the kind of people we want running our country?

Well you got it. Fascism always draws sycophantic slugs and partisan shills to its ranks.

Just look at the Demofascists who still applaud that Liar in Chief Obama.
I wouldn't want some ass bouncing shit off my windows either.

Well hell, then why not just nuke him from orbit?

Your response is just exactly the kind of no-brains-no-balls thinking the fascists in control want.

Maybe one day you'll be able to kiss and suck your way up to being able to SWAT anyone at will, stupid shit.
It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house nextdoor.

In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home. The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down. An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft. He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions.
- See more at: [VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....

Homeland Security agents are liberals?

Lol, each time you post you seem to stretch the envelope for stupidity.

No, libtards like you will support anything this fascist government does because you all are partisan suck asses and anything Obama does you will defend; anything done by his administration you will justify.

That is what worms like you do, worm.
It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....

Homeland Security agents are liberals?

Lol, each time you post you seem to stretch the envelope for stupidity.

No, libtards like you will support anything this fascist government does because you all are partisan suck asses and anything Obama does you will defend; anything done by his administration you will justify.

That is what worms like you do, worm.

Bush, a Conservative, created the Department of Homeland Security, ace.

Personally? I'd like to see it deep sixed. Along with the Patriot Act.
Homeland Security agents are liberals?

Lol, each time you post you seem to stretch the envelope for stupidity.

No, libtards like you will support anything this fascist government does because you all are partisan suck asses and anything Obama does you will defend; anything done by his administration you will justify.

That is what worms like you do, worm.

Bush, a Conservative, created the Department of Homeland Security, ace.

Personally? I'd like to see it deep sixed. Along with the Patriot Act.

God Damnit!

I am in complete agreement with one of your posts.

Don't make me feel like I might be a libtard too!

Oh it's here to stay alright, because the jolly libs and the corporatist well they all have plans, and they are going to work off of everything that they can find now, in order to make those plans become a reality for them and for us.

Every weak spot (where an idiot has been given power) is going to be exploited now for the use of that power, so stay tuned, as there will be plenty more to come.

This was in response to what Sallow said - Bush, a Conservative, created the Department of Homeland Security, ace, and Personally? I'd like to see it deep sixed. Along with the Patriot Act.

The reply to or quote box wouldn't let me check it.
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d 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?.

Because then the Police would not be able to play with all their new paramilitary toys. The days of peace officers like Sheriff Andy Taylor are long gone. The friendly peace officer is no longer the role model current cops want to be.
d 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?.

Because then the Police would not be able to play with all their new paramilitary toys. The days of peace officers like Sheriff Andy Taylor are long gone. The friendly peace officer is no longer the role model current cops want to be.
So we are Nazi Germany now or we are fast approaching the concept ?
You'll shoot your eye out

What's it matter? You must have went blind years ago anyway.
I don't know, it could be that they were all born that way (blind). I mean that's what others use now to describe most of their mental handicaps or conditions in life, even though we all know better about it.

Yeah, but I think that with rightwinger, it is a blindness that is...behaviorally induced judging from his self-abusive tendencies.
I wouldn't want some ass bouncing shit off my windows either.

Well hell, then why not just nuke him from orbit?

Your response is just exactly the kind of no-brains-no-balls thinking the fascists in control want.

Maybe one day you'll be able to kiss and suck your way up to being able to SWAT anyone at will, stupid shit.

Given our nations history of gun violence, and the anger of poster like this ^^^ it is insane to allow anyone to own, possess or have in their custody or control a firearm without a complete background check and gun safety training.

The person charged in the above case might have put out a child's eye or seriously injured a neighbors pet by his actions, which suggests a gun safety course should be necessary before anyone can own, possess, etc. an air gun.

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