DHS Officer Calls in SWAT Over Veteran Practicing with Air Gun, kid you not

How in the hell did this DHS officer mistake an air gun for an AK?
Did he hear a gunshot? Obviously not.
Even if it was a suppressed AK it would be obvious even to a moron that it was a pellet rifle.
About eight or nine years ago something similar happened to a me and a buddy but the difference in the way it was handled is striking.
My buddy had just purchased a twenty caliber Blue Streak and we took it down to the bayou to test it out. There were some houses about two hundred yards away and one of them called the Harris County sheriffs dept. saying we were firing a rifle towards their house,which was complete bullshit by the way.
Two patrol cars showed up and drove down the bayou to check us out. No guns were drawn,no DHS showed up. They asked to see the airgun,we showed it to them. And they asked to take a couple shots. They took their shots and left telling us to be careful.
End of story.
What a difference a decade makes.....
I've been shot at in anger, and around gunfire on the job. It's hard to imagine how anyone similarly trained and employed could mistake an air rifle discharge for an actual gunshot. Walking out onto an open-air rifle range once, I hadn't yet put my ear plugs in when someone fired their rifle. There's no mistaking that for anything else, and a bb or pellet smacking into a window does not sound like anything BUT an air rifle or something innocuous smacking into the window. And a few years ago here, the ride-mower was going around outside my window and presumedly the propellar sucked up a rock and slingshot it into my window. It broke through the fire pane and was very loud as I was sitting right here at the computer. I imagine the air rifle propuced a simlar sound. But I didn't mistake it for someone shooting at me because one thing doesn't sound in any way like the other thing.

Just as those who're well-trained in firearms can tell the difference between a pistol's slide being raked and knowing whether a round was chambered or not, no one well-trained could possibly mistake gunfire for anything else. By the time you hear a gunshot, especially from rifles, the bullet's already missed you.
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Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.
Oh look a certain poster using the word "fascist" in entirely the wrong context. Again.

Your pathetic obfuscation does not change the plain meaning of the word 'fascist' which his used entirely correctly, dumbass.

Based on the dictionary from the magical kingdom of your own mind.

Well, I just went to Wikipedia, hardly a magical kingdom, and this was what I found relevant and very descriptive of todays goose stepping libtards.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fascism /fæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism[1][2] that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe. Influenced by national syndicalism, the first fascist movements emerged in Italy around World War I, combining more typically right-wing positions with elements of left-wing politics, in opposition to communism, socialism, liberal democracy and traditional conservatism. Although fascism is usually placed on the far right on the traditional left–right spectrum, fascists themselves and some commentators have argued that the description is inadequate.[3][4]

Fascists sought to unify their nation through a totalitarian state that promoted the mass mobilization of the national community[5][6] and were characterized by having a vanguard party that initiated a revolutionary political movement aiming to reorganize the nation along principles according to fascist ideology.[7] Fascist movements shared certain common features, including the veneration of the state, a devotion to a strong leader, and an emphasis on ultranationalism and militarism.

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fascism is commonly described as far right"[32][33] although some writers have found placing fascism on a conventional left-right political spectrum difficult.[34][35][36][37][38]

Fascism was influenced by both left and right, conservative and anti-conservative, national and supranational, rational and anti-rational.[36] A number of historians have regarded fascism either as a revolutionary centrist doctrine, as a doctrine which mixes philosophies of the left and the right, or as both of those things.[37][38] Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who combined left-wing and right-wing political views.

Fascism is considered by certain scholars to be right-wing because of its social conservatism and authoritarian means of opposing egalitarianism.[39][40]...

Contrary to the popular use of the term, Communist states have sometimes been referred to as "fascist", typically as an insult. Marxist interpretations of the term have, for example, been applied in relation to Cuba under Fidel Castro and Vietnam under Ho Chi Minh.[57] Herbert Matthews, of the New York Times asked "Should we now place Stalinist Russia in the same category as Hitlerite Germany? Should we say that she is Fascist?"[58] J. Edgar Hoover wrote extensively of "Red Fascism".[59] Chinese Marxists used the term to denounce the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet Split, and likewise, the Soviets used the term to identify Chinese Marxists.[

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ideological roots of fascism have been traced back to the 1880s, and in particular to the fin de siècle theme of that time.[61][62] The theme was based on a revolt against materialism, rationalism, positivism, bourgeois society and democracy.[63] The fin-de-siècle generation supported emotionalism, irrationalism, subjectivism and vitalism.[64] The fin-de-siècle mindset saw civilization as being in a crisis that required a massive and total solution.[63] The fin-de-siècle intellectual school considered the individual to be only one part of the larger collectivity, which should not be viewed as an atomized numerical sum of individuals.[63] They condemned the rationalistic individualism of liberal society and the dissolution of social links in bourgeois society.[63]

The fin-de-siècle outlook was influenced by various intellectual developments, including Darwinian biology; Wagnerian aesthetics; Arthur de Gobineau's racialism; Gustave Le Bon's psychology; and the philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche, Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Henri Bergson.[65] Social Darwinism, which gained widespread acceptance, made no distinction between physical and social life, and viewed the human condition as being an unceasing struggle to achieve the survival of the fittest.[65] Social Darwinism challenged positivism's claim of deliberate and rational choice as the determining behaviour of humans, with social Darwinism focusing on heredity, race, and environment.[65] Social Darwinism's emphasis on biogroup identity and the role of organic relations within societies fostered legitimacy and appeal for nationalism.[66] New theories of social and political psychology also rejected the notion of human behaviour being governed by rational choice, and instead claimed that emotion was more influential in political issues than reason.[65] Nietzsche's argument that "God is dead" coincided with his attack on the "herd mentality" of Christianity, democracy and modern collectivism; his concept of the übermensch; and his advocacy of the will to power as a primordial instinct, were major influences upon many of the fin-de-siècle generation.[67] Bergson's claim of the existence of an "élan vital" or vital instinct centred upon free choice and rejected the processes of materialism and determinism, this challenged Marxism.[68]

Gaetano Mosca in his work The Ruling Class (1896) developed the theory that claims that in all societies an "organized minority" will dominate and rule over the "disorganized majority".[69][70] Mosca claims that there are only two classes in society, "the governing" (the organized minority) and "the governed" (the disorganized majority).[71] He claims that the organized nature of the organized minority makes it irresistible to any individual of the disorganized majority.[71]...[/quote]

"emotionalism, irrationalism, subjectivism ".. that is the Democratic Party behavior today, and after adding their racist Identity Politics ideology there is little doubt that they are led by fascists in their ceaseless struggle to be the organized minority that dominates the disorganized majority.

So don't forget to lick the boot on your neck, dweeb.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

From that far away?

What do the nutters think should be done if someone is shooting at your windows? And why are you fools always making excuses for some dunderhead who doesn't know where he's aiming? First and most basic thing you SHOULD learn is know what you're going to hit if you pull the trigger.

Doesn't really matter what the weapon turned out to be. Idiot shooting at my window ... I'd call the cops.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

I dont think anyone is arguing about the guy needing a better pellet trap.
It's the over reaction that's the problem.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

OK, maybe the guy was not setting up his air soft range or whatever it was he fired (an air gun could be almost anything), but that does not justify a SWAT team being sent after him, dude.

Christ, you gun obsessives that think the rest of us have to practice your hyper-safety practices or go to jail are almost as bad as the fucking gun grabbers, and you are often their allies in advancing laws that limit the free use of guns by the rest of us.

Just because someone doesn't construct a fucking pill box to shoot in does not mean that they are not being responsible. Those empty houses around there had been busted up a lot, probably since the real estate market busted up in 2008 . So to his mind he was shooting in an area that was empty and of no loss of value if random strays hit a glass window; those windows were already busted anyway, Sherlock.

But hypervolks like you always undercut the rest of us because of your egotistical condescending view of the rest of us. Views that make you happy to sell out to or kiss up to the government and their lackey libtards.

Shit, Mr Gun Guru, why don't you learn how to recognize who is on your side and who isn't?
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

And the gun grabber almost immediately swoops in to support the Gun Guru who thinks the rest of us should be arrested for criminal mischief for not building firing ranges before shooting BB guns, lol.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

From that far away?.


Yes, even from that far away, dumbass.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

From that far away?.


Yes, even from that far away, dumbass.

The stupidity is amazing aint it? Lets see now...sound travels at 1,116 fps.
A 5.56 mm round goes about 2,700 fps.
You'd never know what hit you..........
From that far away?.


Yes, even from that far away, dumbass.

The stupidity is amazing aint it? Lets see now...sound travels at 1,116 fps.
A 5.56 mm round goes about 2,700 fps.
You'd never know what hit you..........

Anyone that has heard a firearm, even a 22 knows that it is nothing like a pellet gun or whatever air gun some kid plays with.

Nudly has outed himself as a complete ignoramus once again.

If you own a gun, carry a gun, or shoot a gun, you had better be a safety nut or else you are going to end up hurting someone.

Hurt some one bad enough and you'll end up in jail

Take some responsibility for your own actions and there won't be the over reactions. It really is that simple.

I have been shooting a gun of some sort since I got my first .22 when I was 6 years old. Safety is first and foremost. If you can't accept that, you don't need to be handling a weapon of any kind. It's that plain and simple.

If you own a gun, carry a gun, or shoot a gun, you had better be a safety nut or else you are going to end up hurting someone.

Hurt some one bad enough and you'll end up in jail

Take some responsibility for your own actions and there won't be the over reactions. It really is that simple.

I have been shooting a gun of some sort since I got my first .22 when I was 6 years old. Safety is first and foremost. If you can't accept that, you don't need to be handling a weapon of any kind. It's that plain and simple.



I started with a .22 too. That was the first thing I learned.

If you own a gun, carry a gun, or shoot a gun, you had better be a safety nut or else you are going to end up hurting someone.

Bullshit. I have carried legally and illegally, drunk and sober, where I should have been and where I shouldnt and I have NEVER hurt a damned soul. There are practical safety points that make all the other bullshit unneeded.

Hurt some one bad enough and you'll end up in jail
Unless I am rich or a politically connected Democrat.

Take some responsibility for your own actions and there won't be the over reactions. It really is that simple.

Yes, it is far simpler than you think or want to believe. And I do take responsibility, but thanks for sharing that condescending bullshit I was talking about. Illustrations are very helpful.

I have been shooting a gun of some sort since I got my first .22 when I was 6 years old. Safety is first and foremost. If you can't accept that, you don't need to be handling a weapon of any kind. It's that plain and simple.

No, it isn't that plain and simple. I have a right to own and carry guns even if self-appointed Gun Gurus like you think otherwise.

When there is no harm or foul, why don't you mind your own godamned business?

If you own a gun, carry a gun, or shoot a gun, you had better be a safety nut or else you are going to end up hurting someone.

Hurt some one bad enough and you'll end up in jail

Take some responsibility for your own actions and there won't be the over reactions. It really is that simple.

I have been shooting a gun of some sort since I got my first .22 when I was 6 years old. Safety is first and foremost. If you can't accept that, you don't need to be handling a weapon of any kind. It's that plain and simple.



I started with a .22 too. That was the first thing I learned.

But you cant tell the audial difference between a pellet gun shot and a 22?

Bullshit, you are a fucking liar.
Think maybe someone needs less caffeine. If you mistake an air rifle for an 'active shooter' you're the one who should be in trouble. If someone's shooting at you with a lethal weapon, you'll know it. If you survived long enough to look out a window, you weren't the target.

I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

It is people with the attitude that you have, carrying a gun drunk???, that gives the gun grabbers like Luddley something to hang their hats on.

Yes, you have the right to carry a gun.. I fight for that right every day. But with that right comes the responsibility to be a safe gun owner.

Mechanical gun safeties can and have failed, but if you were handling that gun safely to start with, that didn't matter.
I really get sick and tired of seeing people making excuses for the shooter and blaming the guy or gal who projectile either hit or hit near.

It is the shooter's responsibility to know where that projectile is going. I don't care if it's a BB, a Pellet, a paintball, a .22, or a 45. They all can and have caused damage.

If you are setting up a target range, then set it up properly. Make sure that the projectiles can not, I repeat.. CAN NOT.... go anywhere else besides your range.

When I set up a BB/Pellet gun range for my son years ago, I used 3/4 Plywood to line the sides and back Since I was building it inside a pole building, I didn't have to worry about a top. I used a total of 12 sheets of plywood, double stacking it along the back and the sides.

Yes, it cost some money, but not a single pellet or BB left the area.

This idiot put a target on a metal box of some sort. Nothing for the sides or top to catch ricochets. Just because he was a soldier, that doesn't make him smart or safe.

As I said before, he is very lucky that he was so minimally charged.

And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

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