DHS Officer Calls in SWAT Over Veteran Practicing with Air Gun, kid you not

I wish they would come to my neighborhood. I have a neighbor behind me that is always out target practicing. There are houses on 3 sides of him. Mine is one. I've called the sheriff about it and am told that there is no law against shooting in a subdivision out in the county. So, I will just have to wait until he shoots the grandbaby before I can do anything about it. One of the bricks on my house already is broken where a bullet has hit it. The people doing this shit are a bunch of yankees, so clearly they don't know anything about the safe use of guns. They just move out into the KY countryside and think they can do whatever the fuck they want. And up to now they have been able to.

If you live in a subdivision with other houses right around you, then you need to do your target practice somewhere else.

Sorry, I just cant sympathize on this one. The reaction was an overreaction to be sure, but other than that, I see nothing wrong. They guy was shooting in a closely built neighborhood and hit a neighbor's house. He's lucky he didn't put someone's eye out.

What exactly is this guy shooting? A pellet rifle might put a small chip on a brick unless he's shooting one of these.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlxcFSq5k8c]Air Rifle that Shoots through Cement Blocks! - YouTube[/ame]

And if a bullet hit your house it wasnt a "pellet" gun.
And the house behind the guy is abandoned.
If done properly there is really no danger in shooting a pellet gun in your backyard.

If I were you I would talk to your neighbor and tell him you want to see his backstop and make sure it was safe. If he refuses I would set up a pellet gun range and see how comfortable he is when you start shooting.
Who knows,you might find it's a lot of fun.

A Luger.
He violated the first rule of shooting.

Know where your bullet is going to go.

He knew from the past that his pellets could ricochet and hit the houses under construction. He didn't take steps to prevent that from happening.

Honestly, he was lucky he only hit windows.. He really could have hit a person and caused damage. Pellet guns started off as a means to put meat on the table. Just the fact that the pellet went through double-paned glass windows demonstrates that they can penetrate the skin.

You all know that I a hard-core supporter of the 2nd and being able to carry a weapon/firearm at all times. I am just as hard-core supporter of holding people responsible for their actions with those weapons.

If you can't handle the responsibility, don't handle the weapon. It's that simple.

that he did

So who did the man hit? If he didn't hurt anyone, how was he being irresponsible?

Not being a safety Nazis is now grounds for disarming a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief?

The simple fact that his projectile went through the window of a neighbor's house is proof that he is being unsafe and that is proof that he is being irresponsible with a weapon.

And yes, being unsafe with a weapon of any kind and putting other people in danger is grounds to disarm a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief.

As I said before, he's lucky that the charge is only criminal mischief.
I wish they would come to my neighborhood. I have a neighbor behind me that is always out target practicing. There are houses on 3 sides of him. Mine is one. I've called the sheriff about it and am told that there is no law against shooting in a subdivision out in the county. So, I will just have to wait until he shoots the grandbaby before I can do anything about it. One of the bricks on my house already is broken where a bullet has hit it. The people doing this shit are a bunch of yankees, so clearly they don't know anything about the safe use of guns. They just move out into the KY countryside and think they can do whatever the fuck they want. And up to now they have been able to.

If you live in a subdivision with other houses right around you, then you need to do your target practice somewhere else.

Sorry, I just cant sympathize on this one. The reaction was an overreaction to be sure, but other than that, I see nothing wrong. They guy was shooting in a closely built neighborhood and hit a neighbor's house. He's lucky he didn't put someone's eye out.

What exactly is this guy shooting? A pellet rifle might put a small chip on a brick unless he's shooting one of these.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlxcFSq5k8c]Air Rifle that Shoots through Cement Blocks! - YouTube[/ame]

And if a bullet hit your house it wasnt a "pellet" gun.
And the house behind the guy is abandoned.
If done properly there is really no danger in shooting a pellet gun in your backyard.

If I were you I would talk to your neighbor and tell him you want to see his backstop and make sure it was safe. If he refuses I would set up a pellet gun range and see how comfortable he is when you start shooting.
Who knows,you might find it's a lot of fun.

A Luger.

Then take heart. That thing only shoots around 400 fps which is extremely(a fast paintball gun shoots at 300 fps) weak even for a pellet gun. Sure it could take an eye out,but when you consider a decent pellet rifle shoots at around 1200 fps that pistol is a piece of crap. And their is no way it would ever chip a brick or even go through a fence board for that matter.
I would still insist to see his backstop and go buy a cheap BB gun just to screw with him.:razz:
that he did

So who did the man hit? If he didn't hurt anyone, how was he being irresponsible?

Not being a safety Nazis is now grounds for disarming a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief?

The simple fact that his projectile went through the window of a neighbor's house is proof that he is being unsafe and that is proof that he is being irresponsible with a weapon.

And yes, being unsafe with a weapon of any kind and putting other people in danger is grounds to disarm a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief.

As I said before, he's lucky that the charge is only criminal mischief.

I wonder how many pellet gun incidents happen in America on a daily basis and the police dont get involved?
I mean we used to have BB gun wars as kids before paintball was invented.
And what do you want to bet if the guy was shooting a slingshot(which by the way is far more dangerous then a pellet gun) we wouldnt even be discussing this.
Now if you could prove the guy was shooting out windows on purpose(which I'm not so sure he wasn't)then you might have a case.
At his point you have a guy that had an inadequate backstop that made a mistake with a pellet gun.
Slap him on the wrist and give him a stern warning.
So who did the man hit? If he didn't hurt anyone, how was he being irresponsible?

Not being a safety Nazis is now grounds for disarming a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief?

The simple fact that his projectile went through the window of a neighbor's house is proof that he is being unsafe and that is proof that he is being irresponsible with a weapon.

And yes, being unsafe with a weapon of any kind and putting other people in danger is grounds to disarm a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief.

As I said before, he's lucky that the charge is only criminal mischief.

I wonder how many pellet gun incidents happen in America on a daily basis and the police dont get involved?
I mean we used to have BB gun wars as kids before paintball was invented.
And what do you want to bet if the guy was shooting a slingshot(which by the way is far more dangerous then a pellet gun) we wouldnt even be discussing this.
Now if you could prove the guy was shooting out windows on purpose(which I'm not so sure he wasn't)then you might have a case.
At his point you have a guy that had an inadequate backstop that made a mistake with a pellet gun.
Slap him on the wrist and give him a stern warning.

If it had been a one-off, I would agree.. However, if you watch the video, you will see where he had broken numerous windows with his ricochets. Since he had been shooting for quite a while, he knew what was going on. He showed a lack of concern where his projectiles went.

I've got some mice and smallish rats and other rodents that like to mess with me at night at my job.. I was thinking of getting an airgun to take care of them....

I've got some mice and smallish rats and other rodents that like to mess with me at night at my job.. I was thinking of getting an airgun to take care of them....

Small game hunting at work? That'll make the time fly. If you really want to weird out your coworkers go ahead and tackem to the wall with all the pertinent's like weight and were you took em.:wtf:
"emotionalism, irrationalism, subjectivism ".. that is the Democratic Party behavior today, and after adding their racist Identity Politics ideology there is little doubt that they are led by fascists in their ceaseless struggle to be the organized minority that dominates the disorganized majority.

So don't forget to lick the boot on your neck, dweeb.

You've just copied and pasted 1,000 words and then referrenced 3 of them. Not even the most operative 3 at that. You have failed again. Very sad to see.

"Veneration of the state", there is the crux of fascism. The triumph of state of the individual.

I'd just log off and never log back on again if I were you.

Lol, you ignore the vast majority of the post, do a little critique on what, research methodology and claim I have been humiliated?

Lol, you cant even get attributions right, dumbass little goose stepping bitch.

Highlighting the bits you have selected from a wikipedia article is not making is not an argument, it's lazy. I know what the wiki artical says, I helped write some of it.

bullshit, you lying fucktard.

You have provided NOTHING, no explanation, no cogent arguement NOTHING. All you have done is copy and paste and attribute one small part of Fascist methodology and CLAIMED that the Democrat party do the same.

Yes I did, but you didn't read any of it or you would know I did.

You have not proven the Demcrat Paty do what you say, you have not illustrated a direct causal link between their behavoiur and broad range on of the charecteristics of fascism but MUCH MUCH more to the point you have not proven me to be a fascist because your argument is so poor you have ATTRIBUTED ME AS A FUCKING DEMOCRAT WHEN I'M NOT.

Meh, no significant diff between a Demofascist and whatever the fuck you are, you little Nazi bastard.

Is that clear enough?

edit: One final point you fail on. No fascist has ever goose stepped, the goose step was abolished in the 1920s in both Germany and Italy.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kNeKVof1Oo&list=PLHvNGfE_QYTriJCnSLwUKvK_bc8PaZ6iU]Italians Goose Step for Hitler - YouTube[/ame]

You are such a lying piece of shit.

I've got some mice and smallish rats and other rodents that like to mess with me at night at my job.. I was thinking of getting an airgun to take care of them....

Be sure you build a range around them so nearby windows will be safe, Gun Guru, lol.
The simple fact that his projectile went through the window of a neighbor's house is proof that he is being unsafe and that is proof that he is being irresponsible with a weapon.

And yes, being unsafe with a weapon of any kind and putting other people in danger is grounds to disarm a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief.

As I said before, he's lucky that the charge is only criminal mischief.

I wonder how many pellet gun incidents happen in America on a daily basis and the police dont get involved?
I mean we used to have BB gun wars as kids before paintball was invented.
And what do you want to bet if the guy was shooting a slingshot(which by the way is far more dangerous then a pellet gun) we wouldnt even be discussing this.
Now if you could prove the guy was shooting out windows on purpose(which I'm not so sure he wasn't)then you might have a case.
At his point you have a guy that had an inadequate backstop that made a mistake with a pellet gun.
Slap him on the wrist and give him a stern warning.

If it had been a one-off, I would agree.. However, if you watch the video, you will see where he had broken numerous windows with his ricochets. Since he had been shooting for quite a while, he knew what was going on. He showed a lack of concern where his projectiles went.

Neighborhood kids had been breaking windows long before he started shooting, Sherlock.

Man, you just cant give that VETERAN who fought for your rights a single fucking doubt, can you?

Makes me wonder if your claims to being a vetran are not just more internet bullshit.
that he did

So who did the man hit? If he didn't hurt anyone, how was he being irresponsible?

Not being a safety Nazis is now grounds for disarming a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief?

See my post above. He hit a neighbor's house. I grew up in KY where we are taught the safe handling of guns. You don't target practice in places where you could hit another person or property.

Then he was irresponsible, agreed.

The veteran in the OP was not so irresponsible.
I wish they would come to my neighborhood. I have a neighbor behind me that is always out target practicing. There are houses on 3 sides of him. Mine is one. I've called the sheriff about it and am told that there is no law against shooting in a subdivision out in the county. So, I will just have to wait until he shoots the grandbaby before I can do anything about it. One of the bricks on my house already is broken where a bullet has hit it. The people doing this shit are a bunch of yankees, so clearly they don't know anything about the safe use of guns. They just move out into the KY countryside and think they can do whatever the fuck they want. And up to now they have been able to.

If you live in a subdivision with other houses right around you, then you need to do your target practice somewhere else.

Sorry, I just cant sympathize on this one. The reaction was an overreaction to be sure, but other than that, I see nothing wrong. They guy was shooting in a closely built neighborhood and hit a neighbor's house. He's lucky he didn't put someone's eye out.

The houses were abandoned and long been trashed out by neighborhood kids.

No harm done, other than a DHS agent losing his water.
that he did

So who did the man hit? If he didn't hurt anyone, how was he being irresponsible?

Not being a safety Nazis is now grounds for disarming a citizen and throwing them in jail for criminal mischief?

careless behavior is often punishable by jail or fines

there was probably other ordinances regarding the discharge

of an air rifle in the city limits

No ordinances were violated or they would have charged whim with something other than criminal mischief.

He was surrounded by abandoned trashed out houses. Nothing was at risk so there was no lack of safety, lol.
They do make some powerful one's these days.
Take a gander at some of these things.


I've got some mice and smallish rats and other rodents that like to mess with me at night at my job.. I was thinking of getting an airgun to take care of them....

Small game hunting at work? That'll make the time fly. If you really want to weird out your coworkers go ahead and tackem to the wall with all the pertinent's like weight and were you took em.:wtf:

I spend a 12 hour over night shift sitting in a Guard Shack by myself.. Woods on both sides of me.

It's been a few days since I've seen any of the rodents, as I got the other guys who work there to stop being slobs tossing their crumbs into the bushes.
I wonder how many pellet gun incidents happen in America on a daily basis and the police dont get involved?
I mean we used to have BB gun wars as kids before paintball was invented.
And what do you want to bet if the guy was shooting a slingshot(which by the way is far more dangerous then a pellet gun) we wouldnt even be discussing this.
Now if you could prove the guy was shooting out windows on purpose(which I'm not so sure he wasn't)then you might have a case.
At his point you have a guy that had an inadequate backstop that made a mistake with a pellet gun.
Slap him on the wrist and give him a stern warning.

If it had been a one-off, I would agree.. However, if you watch the video, you will see where he had broken numerous windows with his ricochets. Since he had been shooting for quite a while, he knew what was going on. He showed a lack of concern where his projectiles went.

Neighborhood kids had been breaking windows long before he started shooting, Sherlock.

Man, you just cant give that VETERAN who fought for your rights a single fucking doubt, can you?

Makes me wonder if your claims to being a vetran are not just more internet bullshit.

You can wonder all you want... I spent my time. I will even tell you the locations of the three bases I was assigned to after Tech School... Arizona, Germany, and Florida.

One of those three bases is now closed.

And just because a person is a Vet doesn't mean they aren't an asshat and deserves to go to jail.
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What exactly is this guy shooting? A pellet rifle might put a small chip on a brick unless he's shooting one of these.
Air Rifle that Shoots through Cement Blocks! - YouTube

And if a bullet hit your house it wasnt a "pellet" gun.
And the house behind the guy is abandoned.
If done properly there is really no danger in shooting a pellet gun in your backyard.

If I were you I would talk to your neighbor and tell him you want to see his backstop and make sure it was safe. If he refuses I would set up a pellet gun range and see how comfortable he is when you start shooting.
Who knows,you might find it's a lot of fun.

A Luger.

Then take heart. That thing only shoots around 400 fps which is extremely(a fast paintball gun shoots at 300 fps) weak even for a pellet gun. Sure it could take an eye out,but when you consider a decent pellet rifle shoots at around 1200 fps that pistol is a piece of crap. And their is no way it would ever chip a brick or even go through a fence board for that matter.
I would still insist to see his backstop and go buy a cheap BB gun just to screw with him.:razz:

My neighbor is NOT using a fucking pellet gun. What don't you get about that? He is using a Luger.

Luger pistol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I've got some mice and smallish rats and other rodents that like to mess with me at night at my job.. I was thinking of getting an airgun to take care of them....

Small game hunting at work? That'll make the time fly. If you really want to weird out your coworkers go ahead and tackem to the wall with all the pertinent's like weight and were you took em.:wtf:

I spend a 12 hour over night shift sitting in a Guard Shack by myself.. Woods on both sides of me.

It's been a few days since I've seen any of the rodents, as I got the other guys who work there to stop being slobs tossing their crumbs into the bushes.

You stopped em? So how you gonna bring em in? I'd suggest corn chips.:tongue:

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