DHS Officer Calls in SWAT Over Veteran Practicing with Air Gun, kid you not

Well, this is crazy............But a lot of pellet guns do look like a real gun...............

Perhaps they shouldn't have called in an army when a squad would have done the job..........

I can't blame the DHS individual for being concerned, but perhaps the DHS shouldn't hire people who hide under a rug if they think shots are being fired.

Amazing story.

Agreed, but consider that 1) the air gun was an obvious air gun with a cap at the end of the barrel I am guessing. and 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?

But note 3) by charging the guy with criminal mischief, they not only CYA but they also can charge him with all the costs.

All because one DHS official peed his pants at the mere sight of an AIR RIFLE!

IS this the kind of people we want running our country?

Well you got it. Fascism always draws sycophantic slugs and partisan shills to its ranks.

Just look at the Demofascists who still applaud that Liar in Chief Obama.

How can it be obvious if you are guessing?
And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

So tell me....How the fuck would he not hear the report from forty or fifty feet away when he can hear the sound of glass breaking?

And we've already agreed he needs a better pellet trap.
The over reaction is the problem here. Nobody heard gunshots including the dumbass DHS guy at the scene.
He heard glass breaking and saw the guy with a rifle/pellet gun. Any moron knows this guy wasnt shooting a real gun or they would have heard the report.
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Well, this is crazy............But a lot of pellet guns do look like a real gun...............

Perhaps they shouldn't have called in an army when a squad would have done the job..........

I can't blame the DHS individual for being concerned, but perhaps the DHS shouldn't hire people who hide under a rug if they think shots are being fired.

Amazing story.

if shots are being fired by an AR-15 you sure as hell are going to hear it, and it sounds nothing at all like an airsoft gun.
Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

So tell me....How the fuck would he not hear the report from forty or fifty feet away when he can hear the sound of glass breaking?

what airsoft gun is going to break a double pane window, especially on a ricochete
He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

So tell me....How the fuck would he not hear the report from forty or fifty feet away when he can hear the sound of glass breaking?

what airsoft gun is going to break a double pane window, especially on a ricochete

It's a pellet rifle.
Look, I'm done with you.

My last word on this is this..

If you own a firearm, if you use a firearm, if you carry a firearm, either be responsible and safe with them or sell them.

It is people with the attitude that you have, carrying a gun drunk???, that gives the gun grabbers like Luddley something to hang their hats on.

Not based on actual events, only by boogey men the gun grabbers and gun gurus like you create.

As I have said, no matter what I have done I have never ever accidentally hurt anyone with my guns.

Yes, you have the right to carry a gun.. I fight for that right every day. But with that right comes the responsibility to be a safe gun owner.

Thank you for your service, and I am responsible with my guns.

Mechanical gun safeties can and have failed, but if you were handling that gun safely to start with, that didn't matter.

Not talking about mechanical safeties; I dont trust them anyway.

Three rules for safety unless you mean to do harm:

1) Never put your finger on the trigger.

2) never unsheathe your weapon.

3) never point it at anyone you don't mean to hurt even if you 'know' it is unloaded.

I've always obeyed those rules no matter what and no one has gotten hurt. At firing ranges I always did as instructed even if it made no sense, but that is a firing range not real life on the street.

For centuries people have gotten drunk while hunting and carried their guns without massive chaos and mayhem breaking out. What you are talking about is more to protect you from lawyers, not real accidents.

Knew of a guy that always practiced what you call safe practices, but he had a defective safety mechanism that was supposed to keep the trigger from being pulled on his pistol and it went off while he fished for the keys to his car. He should have carried it in a holster. Caused a fatal wound to his leg. He was a fine judge of good pistols, though, apparently.

And while I have read of people being killed with a 22, I have not ever read about that resulting from an air gun.

At any rate, it is safe to say that calling in SWAT was a grotesque over-reaction by an idiot.
Well, this is crazy............But a lot of pellet guns do look like a real gun...............

Perhaps they shouldn't have called in an army when a squad would have done the job..........

I can't blame the DHS individual for being concerned, but perhaps the DHS shouldn't hire people who hide under a rug if they think shots are being fired.

Amazing story.

Agreed, but consider that 1) the air gun was an obvious air gun with a cap at the end of the barrel I am guessing. and 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?

But note 3) by charging the guy with criminal mischief, they not only CYA but they also can charge him with all the costs.

All because one DHS official peed his pants at the mere sight of an AIR RIFLE!

IS this the kind of people we want running our country?

Well you got it. Fascism always draws sycophantic slugs and partisan shills to its ranks.

Just look at the Demofascists who still applaud that Liar in Chief Obama.

How can it be obvious if you are guessing?

Because it shoots with air, genius, not gun powder.

Where do all you idjits come from? A fucking vegetable garden or what?
Look, I'm done with you.

My last word on this is this..

If you own a firearm, if you use a firearm, if you carry a firearm, either be responsible and safe with them or sell them.

No one has argued that you shouldn't be safe with them. What is being argued is what those NECESARY safety rules are and if those who run afoul of them in a gun guru's opinion should lose their right to own a gun.
And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

And at the close distance he should have known it was not a firearm, duh.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

Based on the report of an idiot who should have faced charges, not the innocent veteran who was just practicing his marksmanship.


If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

He was being safe enough. No one got hurt. Just a whiner got his panties wet when he lost his water.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

Thank God morons like you aren't getting your fucking way.
Agreed, but consider that 1) the air gun was an obvious air gun with a cap at the end of the barrel I am guessing. and 2) Whatever happened to just sending a peace officer to ask what the hell is going on before you make a literal federal case out of such a silly thing?

But note 3) by charging the guy with criminal mischief, they not only CYA but they also can charge him with all the costs.

All because one DHS official peed his pants at the mere sight of an AIR RIFLE!

IS this the kind of people we want running our country?

Well you got it. Fascism always draws sycophantic slugs and partisan shills to its ranks.

Just look at the Demofascists who still applaud that Liar in Chief Obama.

How can it be obvious if you are guessing?

Because it shoots with air, genius, not gun powder.

Where do all you idjits come from? A fucking vegetable garden or what?

But you are guessing as to what is was even though you were not there. You are making excuses for someone who wasn't being responsible with his firearm.
And while I have read of people being killed with a 22, I have not ever read about that resulting from an air gun.

At any rate, it is safe to say that calling in SWAT was a grotesque over-reaction by an idiot.

BB Gun Death: 10-year-old Florida Boy Dies After Being ...

BB Gun Death: 10-year-old Florida Boy Dies After Being Shot By Air Rifle [Video]...

Frostproof, FL – Authorities say a 10-year-old Florida boy shot in the head with a BB gun last week died from his injuries Wednesday night. According to

Pellet gun suspect charged with two counts of murder ...


Nov 29, 2012 · HOUSTON – A suspect has been arrested in connection with the pellet gun shooting deaths of a mother of four and a 20-year-old man. Desi Thomas, 33, is ...

Man's death ruled homicide from pellet-gun wound ...

Man's death ruled homicide from pellet-gun wound | HeraldNet.com - Local news

Apr 02, 2013 · LYNNWOOD -- A man found slain near Lynnwood on Sunday died from a pellet fired by a powerful air rifle into his chest, according to the Snohomish County ...

10-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot With A Pellet Gun


Fresno, CA – A 10-year-old boy was accidentally shot and killed with a pellet gun. Authorities say he was riding his bike in the neighborhood when a playmate a

BB and Pellet Gun-Related Injuries -- United States, June ...

BB and Pellet Gun-Related Injuries -- United States, June 1992-May 1994

BB and Pellet Gun-Related Injuries -- United States, June 1992-May 1994 . Each year in the United States, approximately 30,000 persons with BB and pellet gun ...

Man's death ruled homicide from pellet-gun wound ...

Man's death ruled homicide from pellet-gun wound | HeraldNet.com - Local news

Apr 02, 2013 · LYNNWOOD -- A man found slain near Lynnwood on Sunday died from a pellet fired by a powerful air rifle into his chest, according to the Snohomish County ...

Lynnwood woman charged with BB gun murder | Local ...


Apr 20, 2013 · A Lynnwood woman has been charged with second-degree murder in the death of a man shot with a powerful BB gun.
And look at where his house is located. Its not like he's out in the country.

Send him to basic training again because he's a menace.

Menace with a pellet gun.. Sounds like the title of a B grade movie.
It's fucken pellet gun,not an AK. Get a grip dude,if anyhing you should be pissed that your tax dollars went to train this guy and pay his salary,but the dipshit doesnt know the difference between a pellet gun and an AK report.

He didn't hear the report. He heard the double paned glass window breaking near him and saw a guy with a rifle.

He called the police.

The police responded to a shooter in a neighborhood with force.

If the idiot with the BB/Pellet gun had been safe to start with, nothing else would have happened.

If I had my way, he would be paying for the expenses of dragging all those cops out there.

No shit he didnt hear the report!!! Because it was a fucken pellet gun.
If the guy is close enough to hear the glass break and have a visual on the guy with the pellet gun he would have heard the report. IF IT WAS A REAL GUN!!!!!!!!!!
Do you get it now!!!
Even I, a lowly citizen who happens to like to shoot would have understood immediately that I was not being fired upon by a rifle. Maybe a pellet gun or a slingshot,but not a firearm.
This guy over reacted and I bet his buddies gave him a rash of shit when it was over.
I bet he'll forever be known as "pellet" down at the station.
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It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house nextdoor.

In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home. The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down. An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft. He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions.
- See more at: [VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....

A pellet can't ricochet that far.

He was firing at the window.

The vet is a disgrace and should have been dishonorable discharged.

What kind of child-man goes around shooting a pellet gun at his neighbors house.

It just cant get any stupider.

[VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The soldier was target practicing with his pellet air rifle on the side of his house when one of the pellets ricocheted and hit the window of a vacant house nextdoor.

In the empty house that was still under construction was a homeland security agent who was looking at buying the abandoned home. The agent called in an active shooter situation after seeing the soldier with the pellet gun.

That’s when all kinds of rumors erupted and two nearby schools were locked down. An armored vehicle, SWAT, and a massive law enforcement team showed up on scene to arrest the 25-year-old soldier who merely wanted to work on his craft. He is facing criminal charges of mischief for his actions.
- See more at: [VIDEO] SWAT Team Storms Soldier?s House After He Was Target Practicing with His Pellet Gun at Home

The veteran is now facing 'criminal mischief' charges, which are basically what they charge you with so you cant sue them for harassment.

Just more of the fascist America that is being constructed fro you children and grandchildren.

Libtards to jump in and deny it is true in 3....2....1....

A pellet can't ricochet that far.

He was firing at the window.

The vet is a disgrace and should have been dishonorable discharged.

What kind of child-man goes around shooting a pellet gun at his neighbors house.


You didnt watch the video....
They used to have this thing called law enforcement where cops didn't have shaved heads, a SWAT team and armored assault vehicle to knock down doors, kill everyone in the place just to serve a drug warrant let alone send a combat team into waste someone with a pellet gun with weapons provided for by FATTERLAND Security. Meanwhile, the little bitch from Homoland security masturbates from his house wishing he was just that cool.

You miserable leftist dogs will be given no quarter when your plastic existence comes to an end. You're a pestilence that needs to be rid from this earth.
A friend of mine spent a couple of years in a psych ward after drawing beads on passing pedestrians with a pellet gun from his roof.

SWAT teams showed up then too.


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