Dick Turbin Throws Out The Race-Card


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Dick Durbin accused Republicans of racism over Obama's nominee for Attorney General. Even MSNBC is beside themselves over this:

MSNBC s Capehart Steele Slam Durbin Over Back of the Bus Rhetoric Against GOP
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Lynch is another person who will get the nomination because the Republicans are afraid of being accused of racism.
Her selection is simply because she is a black female and not due to her achievements. She has claimed that Obama's Executive Actions are legal and that illegal immigrants have as much right to work in the US as citizens have. Both of these opinions are enough to deny her the appointment as AG.
this progressive/democrat party has went beyond HOSTILE, hateful and just downright UGLY

they hate you and anyone who doesn't bow down to them

wake up people
Lynch is another person who will get the nomination because the Republicans are afraid of being accused of racism.
Her selection is simply because she is a black female and not due to her achievements. She has claimed that Obama's Executive Actions are legal and that illegal immigrants have as much right to work in the US as citizens have. Both of these opinions are enough to deny her the appointment as AG.

What Lynch said was that she preferred illegal immigrants "be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace". I would think this sentiment would resonate with those of you who whine about illegals on welfare.

As for Obama's EO, she said it is not amnesty. And she is correct. Those who call it amnesty are either stupid or evil. In any case, they are demagogues whose intent is to keep the gullible rubes fired up.
Is this the same Dick Durbin who voted against Condoleezza Rice for Sect of State ironically during the 40th anniversary of the march on Selma?

yes it is. dick is a fitting name for him. just disgusting
Lynch is another person who will get the nomination because the Republicans are afraid of being accused of racism.
Her selection is simply because she is a black female and not due to her achievements. She has claimed that Obama's Executive Actions are legal and that illegal immigrants have as much right to work in the US as citizens have. Both of these opinions are enough to deny her the appointment as AG.

What Lynch said was that she preferred illegal immigrants "be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace". I would think this sentiment would resonate with those of you who whine about illegals on welfare.

As for Obama's EO, she said it is not amnesty. And she is correct. Those who call it amnesty are either stupid or evil. In any case, they are demagogues whose intent is to keep the gullible rubes fired up.

When asked by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) “Who has more right to a job in this country" – citizens and legal permanent residents or illegal aliens?
“I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here,” Lynch responded.
If that is the case, how can you prosecute any company that employs them? She is on the wrong side of this argument.
Lynch is another person who will get the nomination because the Republicans are afraid of being accused of racism.
Her selection is simply because she is a black female and not due to her achievements. She has claimed that Obama's Executive Actions are legal and that illegal immigrants have as much right to work in the US as citizens have. Both of these opinions are enough to deny her the appointment as AG.

What Lynch said was that she preferred illegal immigrants "be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace". I would think this sentiment would resonate with those of you who whine about illegals on welfare.

As for Obama's EO, she said it is not amnesty. And she is correct. Those who call it amnesty are either stupid or evil. In any case, they are demagogues whose intent is to keep the gullible rubes fired up.
Nope, the only thing that resonates true is deportation. Lynch is probably worse than holder, if that is possible.

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