Dickhead Captured.

I didn't think Frein would be taken alive. These PA state cops have a hate-on for him that runs deep.

Funny mention about the injuries to the left side of his face. The PA state police spokesperson said he received that bashing "during flight in the woods". LOL, yeah, right. I'm surprised that's the worst they could do but I guess they wanted him semi-pretty for the perp walk.
I didn't think Frein would be taken alive. These PA state cops have a hate-on for him that runs deep.

Funny mention about the injuries to the left side of his face. The PA state police spokesperson said he received that bashing "during flight in the woods". LOL, yeah, right. I'm surprised that's the worst they could do but I guess they wanted him semi-pretty for the perp walk.

The funny thing is that nobody is on Frein's side. Nobody is going to even question the police's explaination for the bruises. Good. Fuck him.
I didn't think Frein would be taken alive. These PA state cops have a hate-on for him that runs deep.

Funny mention about the injuries to the left side of his face. The PA state police spokesperson said he received that bashing "during flight in the woods". LOL, yeah, right. I'm surprised that's the worst they could do but I guess they wanted him semi-pretty for the perp walk.

The funny thing is that nobody is on Frein's side. Nobody is going to even question the police's explaination for the bruises. Good. Fuck him.

Oh , someone will be on his side, some pansy group or another will scream and cry about the unfairness of it all and fight for this guy to stay alive at taxpayer expense.
I didn't think Frein would be taken alive. These PA state cops have a hate-on for him that runs deep.

Funny mention about the injuries to the left side of his face. The PA state police spokesperson said he received that bashing "during flight in the woods". LOL, yeah, right. I'm surprised that's the worst they could do but I guess they wanted him semi-pretty for the perp walk.

The funny thing is that nobody is on Frein's side. Nobody is going to even question the police's explaination for the bruises. Good. Fuck him.
A branch hit him while running around in the dark.
Why is it justified to spend millions of dollars on resources to catch a cop killer, but not your every day average Joe or Jane who gets murdered?
That's a pretty stupid question, considering the money spent trying to find, try and convict murderers.

But, you were just race baiting, I get it, its all you got.

Everybody involved is white you dumb ass.
If Jane's murderer took off into nearby woods with weapons, they'd go after him just like they did here.
In the example of murder of an ordinary citizen there would be less than one percent of the activity devoted to catching Frein. I understand that in addition to the state police there were local volunteers along with agents of the FBI, BATF, DEA, and Marshal Service. And the searching went on 24 hours a day for seven weeks.

Police authority is a virtual religion in the U.S. The reason for this is the police are committed to serve and protect -- the rich. Theirs is a holy purpose.

Listen here, genius.....

If that dude had killed a civilian with a sniper shot like he did the cop.....and then set off into the nearby woods Rambo style.....the fûcking response would have been the same. Period.
yea, i think so too.

well no, i know so.

we have examples of it.

member the guy and his son with the hole poked in their trunk taking out civilians?

That was different. They were serial killers. If they had killed one person the police wouldn't have spent seven weeks on a constant man hunt and millions of dollars trying to find him. The case would have been handed over to a couple of homicide detectives.
Sure looks like they tuned him up after "kneeling and putting his hands on his head as Marshalls approached". The "scratch on his nose" is a busted beak....looks like he took a couple punches to the face. They should have just executed his ass.
Sure looks like they tuned him up after "kneeling and putting his hands on his head as Marshalls approached". The "scratch on his nose" is a busted beak....looks like he took a couple punches to the face. They should have just executed his ass.

He does look a bit lumpy but I am glad this ordeal is over and justice can now be served. I have family and friends in the area and they were on high alert for the last several weeks.
Sure looks like they tuned him up after "kneeling and putting his hands on his head as Marshalls approached". The "scratch on his nose" is a busted beak....looks like he took a couple punches to the face. They should have just executed his ass.

He does look a bit lumpy but I am glad this ordeal is over and justice can now be served. I have family and friends in the area and they were on high alert for the last several weeks.

The guy is nuts but not clinically insane so he'll get the goodbye gurney.....after 20 years of appeals. He'll be a hero in prison...probably go AB and rape newbies. He's lucky there were more than a couple marshalls who spotted him, otherwise.....old-school cops had a creed.....if you murder a fellow cop, you'll never make it back to the station house alive. I had a buddy years ago back in Detroit who got into a gunfight with a cop....he was hitting on the cop's girlfriend. He wounded the cop in self-defense and boogied. APB out for him....everybody knew he would be murdered when they found him. So he disguises himself and with his lawyer beside him, walked into the nearest precinct and surrendered. The jailers beat the shit outta him and threatened to hang him with his sheet but his lawyer kept petitioning the court to hurry up his arraignment. They had no proof he'd done anything but defend himself and he walked.....and got the hell out of Detroit.
Sure looks like they tuned him up after "kneeling and putting his hands on his head as Marshalls approached". The "scratch on his nose" is a busted beak....looks like he took a couple punches to the face. They should have just executed his ass.

He does look a bit lumpy but I am glad this ordeal is over and justice can now be served. I have family and friends in the area and they were on high alert for the last several weeks.

The guy is nuts but not clinically insane so he'll get the goodbye gurney.....after 20 years of appeals. He'll be a hero in prison...probably go AB and rape newbies. He's lucky there were more than a couple marshalls who spotted him, otherwise.....old-school cops had a creed.....if you murder a fellow cop, you'll never make it back to the station house alive. I had a buddy years ago back in Detroit who got into a gunfight with a cop....he was hitting on the cop's girlfriend. He wounded the cop in self-defense and boogied. APB out for him....everybody knew he would be murdered when they found him. So he disguises himself and with his lawyer beside him, walked into the nearest precinct and surrendered. The jailers beat the shit outta him and threatened to hang him with his sheet but his lawyer kept petitioning the court to hurry up his arraignment. They had no proof he'd done anything but defend himself and he walked.....and got the hell out of Detroit.
A fine place to get the Hell out of, I hear.
Sure looks like they tuned him up after "kneeling and putting his hands on his head as Marshalls approached". The "scratch on his nose" is a busted beak....looks like he took a couple punches to the face. They should have just executed his ass.

He does look a bit lumpy but I am glad this ordeal is over and justice can now be served. I have family and friends in the area and they were on high alert for the last several weeks.

The guy is nuts but not clinically insane so he'll get the goodbye gurney.....after 20 years of appeals. He'll be a hero in prison...probably go AB and rape newbies. He's lucky there were more than a couple marshalls who spotted him, otherwise.....old-school cops had a creed.....if you murder a fellow cop, you'll never make it back to the station house alive. I had a buddy years ago back in Detroit who got into a gunfight with a cop....he was hitting on the cop's girlfriend. He wounded the cop in self-defense and boogied. APB out for him....everybody knew he would be murdered when they found him. So he disguises himself and with his lawyer beside him, walked into the nearest precinct and surrendered. The jailers beat the shit outta him and threatened to hang him with his sheet but his lawyer kept petitioning the court to hurry up his arraignment. They had no proof he'd done anything but defend himself and he walked.....and got the hell out of Detroit.

What an awful story.

If history is any judge he'll be on death row for many many years. My state has over 200 folks presently sitting on death row and we haven't executed someone since 1999. It is nothing more then an expensive threat.
What an awful story.

If history is any judge he'll be on death row for many many years. My state has over 200 folks presently sitting on death row and we haven't executed someone since 1999. It is nothing more then an expensive threat.

Ever watch "Rectify" on cable? Deathrow in most prisons is hell on earth.....nothing in the cell but a cot, pot, and a sink. Nothing on the walls....one skinny little window you can look out of and see things living free. I'd take the needle before I'd spend the rest of my days like that.....it's more cruel than death.

Rectify TV Series 2013 - IMDb
I didn't think Frein would be taken alive. These PA state cops have a hate-on for him that runs deep.

Funny mention about the injuries to the left side of his face. The PA state police spokesperson said he received that bashing "during flight in the woods". LOL, yeah, right. I'm surprised that's the worst they could do but I guess they wanted him semi-pretty for the perp walk.

The funny thing is that nobody is on Frein's side. Nobody is going to even question the police's explaination for the bruises. Good. Fuck him.

A he did was walk into a tree, 7 times.

To bad, so sad.
What an awful story.

If history is any judge he'll be on death row for many many years. My state has over 200 folks presently sitting on death row and we haven't executed someone since 1999. It is nothing more then an expensive threat.

Ever watch "Rectify" on cable? Deathrow in most prisons is hell on earth.....nothing in the cell but a cot, pot, and a sink. Nothing on the walls....one skinny little window you can look out of and see things living free. I'd take the needle before I'd spend the rest of my days like that.....it's more cruel than death.

Rectify TV Series 2013 - IMDb

Can't say that I have but I'll have to check it out. For me, I think knowing that you are never going to be free again is a far worse punishment then death. Besides, I am opposed to the death penalty because it isn't justice, it's vengeance in my opinion but that is a whole different fox hunt.
What an awful story.

If history is any judge he'll be on death row for many many years. My state has over 200 folks presently sitting on death row and we haven't executed someone since 1999. It is nothing more then an expensive threat.

Ever watch "Rectify" on cable? Deathrow in most prisons is hell on earth.....nothing in the cell but a cot, pot, and a sink. Nothing on the walls....one skinny little window you can look out of and see things living free. I'd take the needle before I'd spend the rest of my days like that.....it's more cruel than death.

Rectify TV Series 2013 - IMDb

Can't say that I have but I'll have to check it out. For me, I think knowing that you are never going to be free again is a far worse punishment then death. Besides, I am opposed to the death penalty because it isn't justice, it's vengeance in my opinion but that is a whole different fox hunt.

All justice requires a vengeance factor when there is a victim involved. Justice is a high level concept, people who have been wronged, or the survivors of a person who has been killed need a far more baser emotion quelled. The idea is to make the punishment harsh enough so the aggrieved parties do not take matters into their own hands.

Justice is just vengeance applied by the state in a controlled manner.
What an awful story.

If history is any judge he'll be on death row for many many years. My state has over 200 folks presently sitting on death row and we haven't executed someone since 1999. It is nothing more then an expensive threat.

Ever watch "Rectify" on cable? Deathrow in most prisons is hell on earth.....nothing in the cell but a cot, pot, and a sink. Nothing on the walls....one skinny little window you can look out of and see things living free. I'd take the needle before I'd spend the rest of my days like that.....it's more cruel than death.

Rectify TV Series 2013 - IMDb

Can't say that I have but I'll have to check it out. For me, I think knowing that you are never going to be free again is a far worse punishment then death. Besides, I am opposed to the death penalty because it isn't justice, it's vengeance in my opinion but that is a whole different fox hunt.

All justice requires a vengeance factor when there is a victim involved. Justice is a high level concept, people who have been wronged, or the survivors of a person who has been killed need a far more baser emotion quelled. The idea is to make the punishment harsh enough so the aggrieved parties do not take matters into their own hands.

Justice is just vengeance applied by the state in a controlled manner.

I don't see it that way. Society has a right to punish criminals but it doesn't have a right to vengeance. The death penalty is nothing more than vengeance masquerading as justice. Lock em' up and throw away the key.
If more juries knew how shitty life is on death row they'd sentence more heinous criminals to death. A life sentence means the freak will be walking around in general population, free to murder again...maybe a guard. I have no problem with the vengeance part of the capital punishment....but for it to be a deterrent it has to be ghastly. Kill him like he killed....by surprise, no warning. Go into his cell in the middle of the night and stab him to death...let him know the horror he caused another...eye for an eye.

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