Dick's Crossed The NRA And They Hit Back Hard. Now Dick's Has To Deal With...The Best Sales Ever

In President Trump's economy no less. But what if they didnt [sic] stop selling guns, can you even imagine how much more they would of made? Oh well, I dont [sic] go to Dick's which should be put next to BJ's if you know what I mean......

Dick's should be compelled to change it's name to Pussy's.
The place is grossly overrated....Scheel's is way better.

Yep....the place is way over priced.
In Texas we go to Academy sports and outdoors.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:
And the childish hissy fit that ensues when a private company elects to stop selling AR 15s.

Now Dick’s is ‘the enemy,’ the store must be pilloried, vilified, and driven out of business.

That a reseller decides to not sell AR 15s doesn’t mean it’s ‘anti-gun,’ it doesn’t mean it’s ‘anti-Second Amendment,’ and it doesn’t warrant a boycott.

There are ample other venues that will continue to sell AR 15s, in addition to scores of online resellers.
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List

Americans more easily recognized propaganda when we were fighting Marxism in the Cold War. But when that ended and they lost their base in the Soviet Union they infiltrated domestic institutions and began spewing propaganda from American based organs. Daily Kos is one of them.
For liberal puritans and pharisees propaganda means "must be a blatant lie that can be proven to be a blatant lie legalistically". But thats not the definition at all. Propaganda is when information is slanted to promote a particular ideology and very often logical fallacies are used. As in the case above.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:
And the childish hissy fit that ensues when a private company elects to stop selling AR 15s.

Now Dick’s is ‘the enemy,’ the store must be pilloried, vilified, and driven out of business.

That a reseller decides to not sell AR 15s doesn’t mean it’s ‘anti-gun,’ it doesn’t mean it’s ‘anti-Second Amendment,’ and it doesn’t warrant a boycott.

There are ample other venues that will continue to sell AR 15s, in addition to scores of online resellers.

They have the right to sell or not sell anything they want.

I have the right to boycott them for any reason whatsoever.

If they had just made the decision based on market demand then that would have been OK. After all the AR market is saturated nowadays and for some businesses the profit margin may not be enough to warrant shelf space. No different than the guy who use to sell ARs at the gun show but nowadays can't make a profit because everybody else is underselling them.

However, when the asshole management at Dick's comes out saying that an AR15 is some kind of evil destructive weapon that should not be sold in their store then piss on them. To me that is anti right to keep and bear arm. I'll not reward Moon Bat stupidity and hatefulness and lack of regard for the Bill of Rights like that.

I'll buy my sporting goods elsewhere. For instance, I am getting my nephew a baseball glove for Christmas. A couple of years ago I would have got it at Dick's because they have a store close by. Now I'll buy it elsewhere.
Moral of the story:

The vocal gun enthusiasts just aren't as many in number as they think they are. They make so much noise that they fool each other into thinking they number more than they really do, and that anyone and everyone who owns a gun is as strident and activist as they are.

Rightist gun owners clearly miscalculated; they believed that by ‘boycotting’ Dick’s they would drive the company out of business and make an example of Dick’s to other gun resellers, that if they also stopped selling AR 15s, they too would be driven out of business.

Rightist gun owners were indeed wrong.
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List

Americans more easily recognized propaganda when we were fighting Marxism in the Cold War. But when that ended and they lost their base in the Soviet Union they infiltrated domestic institutions and began spewing propaganda from American based organs. Daily Kos is one of them.
For liberal puritans and pharisees propaganda means "must be a blatant lie that can be proven to be a blatant lie legalistically". But thats not the definition at all. Propaganda is when information is slanted to promote a particular ideology and very often logical fallacies are used. As in the case above.

Really? So, when anti-gunners start out with the same, exact reasoning, it would be a "logical fallacy" as well.

The OP fails to prove his / her position. In order for the OP to be true, firearms would have had to constitute a substantial portion of Dick's yearly sales. So, IF what I posted is a "logical fallacy," then this thread is built on one.
Last year, the Parkland students took on the NRA. The student survivors of the massacre found themselves being viciously attacked by the right, but they held marches and rallies across the nation regardless, and intensely targeted the campaigns of cowardly legislators. Their efforts paid off. They got gun safety legislation passed in several states, and then shamed virtually every one of the NRA’s sponsors. The kids showed what many of us have known for years: that the NRA is a paper tiger. The one thing they could always count on is to get their minions to mobilize and strong-arm against any action whatsoever to stop gun massacres. I guess that’s not a thing anymore. The NRA is now a toxic brand, and it’s about damn time.

Dick's crossed the NRA, and they hit back hard. Now Dick's has to deal with...best sales ever

How about those yeti coolers?
In President Trump's economy no less. But what if they didnt stop selling guns, can you even imagine how much more they would of made? Oh well, I dont go to Dick's which should be put next to BJ's if you know what I mean......
Sounds like they wrote you off and don't need you.
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List

Americans more easily recognized propaganda when we were fighting Marxism in the Cold War. But when that ended and they lost their base in the Soviet Union they infiltrated domestic institutions and began spewing propaganda from American based organs. Daily Kos is one of them.
For liberal puritans and pharisees propaganda means "must be a blatant lie that can be proven to be a blatant lie legalistically". But thats not the definition at all. Propaganda is when information is slanted to promote a particular ideology and very often logical fallacies are used. As in the case above.

Really? So, when anti-gunners start out with the same, exact reasoning, it would be a "logical fallacy" as well.

The OP fails to prove his / her position. In order for the OP to be true, firearms would have had to constitute a substantial portion of Dick's yearly sales. So, IF what I posted is a "logical fallacy," then this thread is built on one.

Not you. I was pointing at the OP.
"Daily Kos"


The fair and balanced media tried to do what they always do and warned everyone that Dicks’ awoke a sleeping giant. Oh no, the NRA is going to boycott!! Those always work! The NRA promised that they would ensure that Dick’s sales would plummet. Sure enough, the NRA geniuses were out in force with dozens of YouTube videos blowing up $300/$1000 Yeti coolers—that they had already paid for—to, you know, “own” the libs.
"On August 22, 2019, the Company completed the sale of two of its technology subsidiaries, Blue Sombrero and Affinity Sports, to Stack Sports for $45 million. Stack Sports has no affiliation with Edward W. Stack, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The sale is expected to result in a one-time gain which will be determined later in the third quarter.
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List

Americans more easily recognized propaganda when we were fighting Marxism in the Cold War. But when that ended and they lost their base in the Soviet Union they infiltrated domestic institutions and began spewing propaganda from American based organs. Daily Kos is one of them.
For liberal puritans and pharisees propaganda means "must be a blatant lie that can be proven to be a blatant lie legalistically". But thats not the definition at all. Propaganda is when information is slanted to promote a particular ideology and very often logical fallacies are used. As in the case above.

Really? So, when anti-gunners start out with the same, exact reasoning, it would be a "logical fallacy" as well.

The OP fails to prove his / her position. In order for the OP to be true, firearms would have had to constitute a substantial portion of Dick's yearly sales. So, IF what I posted is a "logical fallacy," then this thread is built on one.

Not you. I was pointing at the OP.

I misunderstood. I got curious about this since everybody can put a spin on it, but here is something I found:

"On August 22, 2019, the Company (Dick's) completed the sale of two of its technology subsidiaries, Blue Sombrero and Affinity Sports, to Stack Sports for $45 million. Stack Sports has no affiliation with Edward W. Stack, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The sale is expected to result in a one-time gain which will be determined later in the third quarter"

DICK'S Sporting Goods Reports Second Quarter Results; Delivers 3.2% Increase in Same Store Sales and Raises Full Year Guidance

Then we learn that golf stuff and designer work out clothing are the meat and potatoes of Dick's sales.

Another article:

"The vast majority of Dick's business is selling sporting goods like basketballs and sneakers. Joseph Feldman, a senior managing director at the Telsey Advisory Group, estimated that guns and ammunition account for 8 percent of the company's sales."

Retailers Dick's and Walmart take harder line against guns
Last edited:
"On August 22, 2019, the Company completed the sale of two of its technology subsidiaries, Blue Sombrero and Affinity Sports, to Stack Sports for $45 million. Stack Sports has no affiliation with Edward W. Stack, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The sale is expected to result in a one-time gain which will be determined later in the third quarter.
While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

Academy didn't bow to anti-gun zealots and they are having record sales this year.

Americans shopping for sporting goods at Academy Sports & Outdoors by age 2018 | Statista

Academy Sports + Outdoors on the Forbes America's Best Employers By State List

Americans more easily recognized propaganda when we were fighting Marxism in the Cold War. But when that ended and they lost their base in the Soviet Union they infiltrated domestic institutions and began spewing propaganda from American based organs. Daily Kos is one of them.
For liberal puritans and pharisees propaganda means "must be a blatant lie that can be proven to be a blatant lie legalistically". But thats not the definition at all. Propaganda is when information is slanted to promote a particular ideology and very often logical fallacies are used. As in the case above.

Really? So, when anti-gunners start out with the same, exact reasoning, it would be a "logical fallacy" as well.

The OP fails to prove his / her position. In order for the OP to be true, firearms would have had to constitute a substantial portion of Dick's yearly sales. So, IF what I posted is a "logical fallacy," then this thread is built on one.

Not you. I was pointing at the OP.

I misunderstood. I got curious about this since everybody can put a spin on it, but here is something I found:

"On August 22, 2019, the Company (Dick's) completed the sale of two of its technology subsidiaries, Blue Sombrero and Affinity Sports, to Stack Sports for $45 million. Stack Sports has no affiliation with Edward W. Stack, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. The sale is expected to result in a one-time gain which will be determined later in the third quarter"

DICK'S Sporting Goods Reports Second Quarter Results; Delivers 3.2% Increase in Same Store Sales and Raises Full Year Guidance

Then we learn that golf stuff and designer work out clothing are the meat and potatoes of Dick's sales.

The propaganda war is never ending but also the "left ratchet". The money powers and the corporate boardrooms are leftist. They have to be satisfied first. Meanwhile Americans dont generally embrace the ideological purity the left demands of their own and so they carry on with their lives. Ask them if they approve another huge multinational corporation attacking their Constitutional rights and supporting Democrats and they will say no...but sell them a camping lantern for cheap and they will flock in because they arent obsessed with taking down a country or corporation.
Life gets in the way. If you arent media, a corporate bigwig, a tenured professor, a union boss, a government worker or a welfare recipient then just surviving comes first and ideological purity a far distant second.
"Daily Kos"

And loser number 1 shows up.

Paid spammer.

Followed by loser number 2. But in the case of this moron, just a loser period in every thread he shows up in.

And it's the trifecta. Loser number 3.

We're not the ones citing a completely non-credible extreme left wrong-wing propaganda source, and treating it as if it has any vestige of credibility.

That would be you, the true loser.

And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.[/QUOTE]

1. The dailyKos is as respected as Sean Hannity...

2. What you miss about the is the fact the Sporting Good Store did this without your wish to force them.

That is how it should be and not use changing laws to force your will on others...
"Daily Kos"

And loser number 1 shows up.

Paid spammer.

Followed by loser number 2. But in the case of this moron, just a loser period in every thread he shows up in.

And it's the trifecta. Loser number 3.

We're not the ones citing a completely non-credible extreme left wrong-wing propaganda source, and treating it as if it has any vestige of credibility.

That would be you, the true loser.

And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

1. The dailyKos is as respected as Sean Hannity...

2. What you miss about the is the fact the Sporting Good Store did this without your wish to force them.

That is how it should be and not use changing laws to force your will on others...[/QUOTE]

Force your will on others? Isn't this what big money powers do when they donate big money to influence politics that isn't even in the state they are incorporated in?
"Daily Kos"

And loser number 1 shows up.

Paid spammer.

Followed by loser number 2. But in the case of this moron, just a loser period in every thread he shows up in.

And it's the trifecta. Loser number 3.

We're not the ones citing a completely non-credible extreme left wrong-wing propaganda source, and treating it as if it has any vestige of credibility.

That would be you, the true loser.

And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

1. The dailyKos is as respected as Sean Hannity...

2. What you miss about the is the fact the Sporting Good Store did this without your wish to force them.

That is how it should be and not use changing laws to force your will on others...

Force your will on others? Isn't this what big money powers do when they donate big money to influence politics that isn't even in the state they are incorporated in?[/QUOTE]

Donate more to bribe that politician to your side. Still it is Dicks sporting good choice and I do not care what they do.

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