Dick's Crossed The NRA And They Hit Back Hard. Now Dick's Has To Deal With...The Best Sales Ever

"Daily Kos"

Last year, the Parkland students took on the NRA. The student survivors of the massacre found themselves being viciously attacked by the right, but they held marches and rallies across the nation regardless, and intensely targeted the campaigns of cowardly legislators. Their efforts paid off. They got gun safety legislation passed in several states, and then shamed virtually every one of the NRA’s sponsors. The kids showed what many of us have known for years: that the NRA is a paper tiger. The one thing they could always count on is to get their minions to mobilize and strong-arm against any action whatsoever to stop gun massacres. I guess that’s not a thing anymore. The NRA is now a toxic brand, and it’s about damn time.

Dick's crossed the NRA, and they hit back hard. Now Dick's has to deal with...best sales ever

How about those yeti coolers?

Source: Daily Kos

View attachment 292187
"Daily Kos"

Paid spammer.

Followed by loser number 2. But in the case of this moron, just a loser period in every thread he shows up in.
View attachment 292188
Dick's Sporting Goods shares spike after earnings beat and outlook upgrade

Motley fool
Dick's Sporting Goods "Bends the Sales Curve" in Q2 | The Motley Fool

Dick's Sporting Goods Inc.

How many more do you need?
They were never serious about anything other than selling jerseys to gangbanger wanna bees....

Like I said they can do whatever the fuck they want…

Like another poster said… They should change their name to pussies. Lol
Moral of the story:

The vocal gun enthusiasts just aren't as many in number as they think they are. They make so much noise that they fool each other into thinking they number more than they really do, and that anyone and everyone who owns a gun is as strident and activist as they are.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018......irrelevant yammer yammer yammer ...
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaa.

You are confused Moon Bat.

All he did was present facts. You Moon Bats can't deal with facts. What you idiot anti gun nuts call "assault weapons" are hardly ever used in crime. Not in relative terms for a country of 330 million people where there are 20 millions of the guns in the hands of civilians.

My backyard swimming pool is much more dangerous and likely to cause a death than the 30 AR-15s that I have in the house. My car is a lot more dangerous. I live in the lightning capital of the US and more people are struct by lightning each year where I live than are killed by "assault weapons" and everybody I know has at least one AR-15.

Most the gun crime in this country takes place among the inner city criminal element of gangbangers, druggies and minority thugs in Democrat controlled big city shitholes and banning assault weapons ain't going to change that one bit.

If you take the gun crime of six of the larges Democrat controlled big city shitholes gun crime in the US is in the bottom 10% of all the countries on the earth.

Go spout your stupid mindless anti Constitutional bullshit elsewhere. 2AGUY always make you look like a fool on threads like this when he post facts and all you do is respond with drivel.

"All he did was post facts" hm? Let's see. Roll it.

I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018......irrelevant yammer yammer yammer ...

At the risk of sounding like Edward R. Murrow ---- see it now?
Yeti coolers are $$$ and those dumbasses who blew theirs up are losers. NRA is nothing but money grubbers who don't give a shit about spending membership money on themselves.
Those dumbasses are also losers because they had a temper-tantrum after Dick’s decided to stop selling AR 15s.
Like burning $$$ Nikes. F'n boneheads.
Nikes are only worth burning because they are pieces of shit… Dumb ass
You like talking to yourself
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Mr. fucking know it all. 25 years huh. And you act like a 10 year old.
Those dumbasses are also losers because they had a temper-tantrum after Dick’s decided to stop selling AR 15s.
Like burning $$$ Nikes. F'n boneheads.
Nikes are only worth burning because they are pieces of shit… Dumb ass
You like talking to yourself
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Mr. fucking know it all. 25 years huh. And you act like a 10 year old.
Says a socialist
Like burning $$$ Nikes. F'n boneheads.
Nikes are only worth burning because they are pieces of shit… Dumb ass
You like talking to yourself
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Mr. fucking know it all. 25 years huh. And you act like a 10 year old.
Says a socialist
Stay on topic and quit being a bitch.
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:

Excuse me. A killing instrument? You place no value on Liberty and Freedom? A firearm is a tool. It is nothing more; nothing less. How do you think the liberals appear when they cry, whine, moan, groan and complain when they want something and will resort to terror and tyranny to get it?
Nikes are only worth burning because they are pieces of shit… Dumb ass
You like talking to yourself
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Mr. fucking know it all. 25 years huh. And you act like a 10 year old.
Says a socialist
Stay on topic and quit being a bitch.
You do realize dicks was never a serious store when it comes to sporting goods? They sold a lot of jerseys to gang banger wanna bees… Big fucking deal
You people are arguing about a retail store that used to sell guns. Nobody cares. As if selling guns or not is going to influence where one shops.

If a store is anti-gun, I boycott it. Wonder if Academy will make a record profit? They started kicking Walmart's ass on ammo prices as Walmart exits that market.

As an individual, I'd say that the real reason Dick's got out of firearms sales is that they were not heavily vested and could not be competitive. Dicks took an advantage of a situation since most of their customers drive hybrid cars and watch Dwayne Johnson doing the Fairy movie. I think that way because I recently started getting out of combloc weapons and I've had ammo on sale for below wholesale - the only people buying from me are dealers. Dick's was the most expensive game in town. So I know they weren't selling much in the way of firearms.

Trump are over-confident with Trump in office, so buy your ammo now. It will be like investing in gold when the Dems take over. I'd store it and wait if I had the space.
Also the over-saturated market. Colt states the same.

Colt suspends production of AR-15 for civilian market
Na, not really
I’ve been selling firearms and ammo for over 25 years, the last couple years have been the most consistent sales from day today I’ve ever had.

We live in different worlds. To prove it, I'll sell you combloc ammo for Makarovs and Tokarevs / CZ 52s for BELOW WHOLESALE. If sales are that good drop me a PM. Case lots for $15 under wholesale.
You like talking to yourself
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Mr. fucking know it all. 25 years huh. And you act like a 10 year old.
Says a socialist
Stay on topic and quit being a bitch.
You do realize dicks was never a serious store when it comes to sporting goods? They sold a lot of jerseys to gang banger wanna bees… Big fucking deal
You do realize you mentioned that more than a few times. OK I HEARD YOU. Happy now?
I use to shop a Dick's.

Now I wouldn't set foot in that filthy ass commie store.

Fuck 'em.

I know right? Who do they think they are not facilitating weapons of mass shooting? It's unnamurrikin.


Weapons of mass murder? You mean like handguns, the most common gun used in shootings...you moron.....

Mass public shootings in 2018....12....total killed, 93. Total killed with rifles, 33........you are an idiot......

18 million AR-15 rifles in private hands in this country.......less than 33 people killed with them in mass public shootings, you dope...

Bicycles killed more people.....so I guess according to you they would be weapons of mass killing...you moron...

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8



2018........10,265 ...


2016, 11,138

Rifle......297 ( 2017... 403)

knives, 1,515

Blunt objects.... 443

hands and feet... 672

Cars.... 2017 ...... 38,659


This post ^^ demonstrates exactly what I mean when I talk about the gun fetish. Emotional basket-case wankers acting like an infant that's had its pacifier taken out of its mouth. Waaaaaaah. :crybaby: All for a fucking killing instrument. :cuckoo:

Excuse me. A killing instrument? You place no value on Liberty and Freedom? A firearm is a tool. It is nothing more; nothing less. How do you think the liberals appear when they cry, whine, moan, groan and complain when they want something and will resort to terror and tyranny to get it?

Pogo's premise is all screwed up. I have about 50 firearms. Never used one for killing.

Moon Bats like Pogo are confused about a lot of things.
And that's why you're a loser. In order to call a source non credible, you have to disprove the information in the article.

Can't do that can you loser?

Daily Kos is one of the most respected sites in the internet for a reason. The authors of the articles there post links of their sources for the information in their articles.

Not one of you losers has yet to attack the facts contained within the article. Just the source with no credible sources showing why they information is wrong.

So lets make this simple. So simple even a shit for brains conservative can understand it.

Question: Are Dick's sales up?

Take your time morons. I know that's a lot of information to process in an empty space as big as the one between your ears.

While its true that big business is still making profits while supporting their Democrat allies the story is fake news as per usual.

Instead of trying to penetrate your collectivist skull with common sense by explaining to you what propaganda technique was used here Ill just illustrate it with equally "truthful" headlines.

Americans elected Trump and now Dicks sales, in record breaking economy, are through the roof

Target didnt attack the 2nd amendment and now has to deal with record sales

Best Buy refuses to close stores for Earth Day...and has to deal with record sales now.

By the way when you click on your leftist Daily Kos link a box pops up attacking the Constitution and demanding petition signatures to ban the Electoral College.

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