Dicks sporting goods to remove guns from 125 stores

What's "wrong with selling guns"? Whelp, by selling guns you're enabling death. Just not sure why you'd want to enable death. Never have figured that out. To me it's a helluva lot more healthy to sell art. Or food. Or clothing. Or music. You know, constructive things instead of destructive.

Guns are also necessary for people to defend themselves when they walk the streets or they are in their homes.

I'm a senior citizen, what should I do if a gangster decides to pull a gun on me? Just die? I'm sure you would like that, and in major cities if the perp is a black youth or an Illegal, they'll get less time that Manafort.

But I see it different.

You sure do.

Frankly if a gangster pulls a gun on you take a look around, for you're probably living in a comic book. Onliest people who ever pulled guns on me were cops, and if I'd been following the advice of the drooling gun-fetishists and been carrying as you think "necessary" above, at least two of us would have been dead if not all three.

'Round here the nearest I get is a bear trawling around on my porch looking for bird seed. What do I do? I sure as fuck don't freak out and go "must..... destroy.... must .... .kill....."

Good for you if you haven't had a gun pulled on you. But others haven't been so lucky. In 2018, 561 brave Americans were slaughtered in cold blood in Chicago alone. The number has been decreasing since the McDonald decision, but that's still high. On another board, we had a poster in Chicago- presumed dead- you have to dodge bullets in that city.

I think I just said I DID have guns pulled on me. And if I'd followed that kind of paranoia advice there would have been a shootout right then and there, completely unnecessary.

As the old truism says, countering guns with more guns is like trying to put out a fire by dousing it with gasoline.
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I didn't say that....its the anti- gun nuts who pressure these stores ..are you one of those?

Nope, and I've never been inside a Dick's. You?

Actually none of us know what Dick's reasoning was, so that's a misfire.
oh yes we do...ill be shopping Dunham's they sell all kinds of firearms there:cool:

Oh no we don't. And you shop wherever you like, not my concern.
What’s wrong about selling guns? Hell...your good buddies Obama and Holder sold “war machines” to the drug cartels. I thought you liked everything they did.

You did huh. Where'd you get that idea?

What's "wrong with selling guns"? Whelp, by selling guns you're enabling death. Just not sure why you'd want to enable death. Never have figured that out. To me it's a helluva lot more healthy to sell art. Or food. Or clothing. Or music. You know, constructive things instead of destructive.
Buy more guns and ammo... It makes America great
Guns are also necessary for people to defend themselves when they walk the streets or they are in their homes.

I'm a senior citizen, what should I do if a gangster decides to pull a gun on me? Just die? I'm sure you would like that, and in major cities if the perp is a black youth or an Illegal, they'll get less time that Manafort.

But I see it different.

You sure do.

Frankly if a gangster pulls a gun on you take a look around, for you're probably living in a comic book. Onliest people who ever pulled guns on me were cops, and if I'd been following the advice of the drooling gun-fetishists and been carrying as you think "necessary" above, at least two of us would have been dead if not all three.

'Round here the nearest I get is a bear trawling around on my porch looking for bird seed. What do I do? I sure as fuck don't freak out and go "must..... destroy.... must .... .kill....."

Nobody that lives in the middle of the woods doesn't have guns. That's just stupid to not have guns when living in the woods.


Maybe I just ain't into killin' and shit. That *IS* an option yanno.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.
You sure do.

Frankly if a gangster pulls a gun on you take a look around, for you're probably living in a comic book. Onliest people who ever pulled guns on me were cops, and if I'd been following the advice of the drooling gun-fetishists and been carrying as you think "necessary" above, at least two of us would have been dead if not all three.

'Round here the nearest I get is a bear trawling around on my porch looking for bird seed. What do I do? I sure as fuck don't freak out and go "must..... destroy.... must .... .kill....."

Nobody that lives in the middle of the woods doesn't have guns. That's just stupid to not have guns when living in the woods.


Maybe I just ain't into killin' and shit. That *IS* an option yanno.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.

That right there is fucking disgusting.
They need to attract Liberal males by selling hot cocoa and PJs instead of mean poopyheaded guns
Nobody that lives in the middle of the woods doesn't have guns. That's just stupid to not have guns when living in the woods.


Maybe I just ain't into killin' and shit. That *IS* an option yanno.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.

That right there is fucking disgusting.

Now who's snowflaked out? :aargh::auiqs.jpg:

If you had any sense, you'd gently sweep the nest down with a broom after dark and transport it away from the doorway if you didn't want to kill them.

Apparently you have no animals to protect.

Maybe I just ain't into killin' and shit. That *IS* an option yanno.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.

That right there is fucking disgusting.

Now who's snowflaked out? :aargh::auiqs.jpg:

"Snowflaked"? I just know cowardice when I see it. And I respect life where clearly this video does not.

"Snowflaked" means fear, not disgust. Culture of Death disgusts me. So sue me.

If you had any sense, you'd gently sweep the nest down with a broom after dark and transport it away from the doorway if you didn't want to kill them.

I don't NEED to fuck with somebody else's home, don't you GET it?

Apparently you have no animals to protect.

Actually I do. My cat likes to root around for snakes. I try to tell him his job is mice. And I do bring him in at sunset, cuz I don't trust the coyotes.

And I realize when I mentioned my three guns I left one out.

It's a soldering gun. Once again constructive stuff rather than destructive. I usually prefer the irons, that's why I forgot it.
Nobody that lives in the middle of the woods doesn't have guns. That's just stupid to not have guns when living in the woods.


Maybe I just ain't into killin' and shit. That *IS* an option yanno.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.

That right there is fucking disgusting.

So is dying because you don't have a gun.

Hogs tear up property, coyotes,bears, cats, snakes, wolves. All can and will kill you in certain circumstances.

Not if you don't fuck with 'em.

I don't have hogs here; I have all the rest and you didn't mention dogs. Wasps too in the summer. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Snakes? They keep the rodents down. So do the owls.

Several springs ago I noticed a wasp busily building a nest right over my side door, the one I use the most. First inkling was to start making a plan -- "I'll bring the hose this way, blow that mother off, and run that way... " then cooler heads prevailed and I chastised myself. That's just a mother with a family taking care of her young. Let 'em be. That's what I did and for the rest of the year I didn't bother them and they didn't bother me.

Nature is your friend, not your enemy. Ahimsa, motherfucker.

That right there is fucking disgusting.

Now who's snowflaked out? :aargh::auiqs.jpg:

"Snowflaked"? I just know cowardice when I see it. And I respect life where clearly this video does not.

"Snowflaked" means fear, not disgust. Culture of Death disgusts me. So sue me.

If you had any sense, you'd gently sweep the nest down with a broom after dark and transport it away from the doorway if you didn't want to kill them.

I don't NEED to fuck with somebody else's home, don't you GET it?

Apparently you have no animals to protect.

Actually I do. My cat likes to root around for snakes. I try to tell him his job is mice. And I do bring him in at sunset, cuz I don't trust the coyotes.

And I realize when I mentioned my three guns I left one out.

It's a soldering gun. Once again constructive stuff rather than destructive. I usually prefer the irons, that's why I forgot it.

1 cat? Geez. How productive!

Apparently they're also not English teachers..


Neither are you.

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