Did a Republican really just

Compare the impeachment to the trial of Jesus?

I heard this happened...can anyone confirm it?

I can, Jesus was tried for being for the people, the Jews at the time were for the sheckels. Today, President Trump is for the people, and the Dimwitocraps are for their power and their laundered money. You are too stupid with your head up your ass to see this, but most intelligent people know the Democraps are crooks.
If Trump is the best you Repukes can come up with, you're in deeper shit then I thought. Enjoy!

Donald J Trump is a winner. Certainly better than Pathetic Losers Romney or McCain, by far. It really doesn't matter how "decent" Mitt is, as he will never be , or could he ever be , actually elected and implement policies. If the GOP was going to nominate Romney, it really doesn't matter what he does, as he would never serve
You picked McCain to run for President....You picked Romney to run for President. You turned on them both. You will turn on fat donnie.....maybe even deny him three times before the cock crows. :71:

Romney and McCain turned on the people, not vice versa. McCain called Trump supporters "crazy". With both of these men, the people supported them, but they refuse to return the favor. Lastly, they were both losers, neither really fought against Obama and his lies.
So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!
My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

Oh yeah...smaller and smaller...dumb fuck...
Jesus didn't have special Republicans Senators performing fellatio on him in public either.

It was embarrassing watching Mike Pence & Cabinet repeatedly taking dictation from Dictator Trump. Every one of them have already taken bullets for Trump.

So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

Oh yeah...smaller and smaller...dumb fuck...
View attachment 295498

I guess you can't read a fucking chart either dumbass!

2.83 is less than 2.85 anytime I have checked.

The decision has already been made to hire 5 new people for my team at the beginning of next year and we will double in size by November 2021. When you increase the size of the Army, the number of people naturally goes up!

My job is being split in two, hiring another manager to take over all the additional personnel and workload.
So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.

The FISA court is corrupt, but will be fixed.

The Executive Branch does not have the power to detain anyone, you just can't fucking read!

Imagine what the debt would have been without that amazing economy.

You really are a glass is hall empty kind of dumbass, aren't you!
I guess you can't read a fucking chart either dumbass!

2.83 is less than 2.85 anytime I have checked.

One little downturn does not change the course of the government getting bigger and bigger.

The decision has already been made to hire 5 new people for my team at the beginning of next year and we will double in size by November 2021. When you increase the size of the Army, the number of people naturally goes up!

My job is being split in two, hiring another manager to take over all the additional personnel and workload.

If you did not suck at your job they would not need to hire someone to help you do it.
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So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.
The FISA court is corrupt, but will be fixed.

Who is going to fix it?

The Executive Branch does not have the power to detain anyone, you just can't fucking read!

Yes it does. The power was given to it by the National Defense Authorization Act 2012, and it has not been revoked yet.

Imagine what the debt would have been without that amazing economy.

Imagine what it is going to be in the next recession. The last recession the deficit tripled in a year...

You really are a glass is hall empty kind of dumbass, aren't you!

Nope, I am a pragmatist, I see things for what they are. I do not worship a human being like you and I am not loyal to a party like you so I can see reality.
[QUOTE="Admiral Rockwell Tory, post: 23699505, member: 56040"

I guess you can't read a fucking chart either dumbass!

2.83 is less than 2.85 anytime I have checked.

One little downturn does not change the course of the government getting bigger and bigger.

The decision has already been made to hire 5 new people for my team at the beginning of next year and we will double in size by November 2021. When you increase the size of the Army, the number of people naturally goes up!

My job is being split in two, hiring another manager to take over all the additional personnel and workload.

If you did not suck at your job they would not need to hire someone to help you do it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's why they are saving my position despite my being out on medical leave for a minimum for 4 months coming up soon. You continue to talk out of your ass.
So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.

FISA abuse has been happening longer than just Obama.

This is the problem, all you people put your party before you fucking country and always give your party gods a free pass. When Obama was POTUS the debt was the biggest deal in the fucking world and now it means nothing because your god sits in the White House.
So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.

FISA abuse has been happening longer than just Obama.

This is the problem, all you people put your party before you fucking country and always give your party gods a free pass. When Obama was POTUS the debt was the biggest deal in the fucking world and now it means nothing because your god sits in the White House.
BS.........That is TDS talking and nothing else.........

Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.
Obama was a fucking traitor............he weaponized the gov't..............crystal clear what he has done......

Trump didn't do that.............he got attacked by it...........and Mr. Gator gone golfing doesn't like it when some people say that..........

You have TDS...........I suggest you hold your nose and blow real hard and dislodge that TDS.........it's unhealthy to have your head stuck up your ass.
So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.

Trump got rid of the corrupt FBI agents who launched the BS investigation & you crybabies continue to whine about them. Then Trump got caught trying to be more corrupt. That got him impeached.

Only Repubtards saddled US with "unfunded liabilities". Democrats always cut waste & fund their programs. Republicans always saddle US with new spending they never fund. They do that so they can claim government is wasteful & broke.

Hopefully Pence won't be so stupid as to sign a $5 Trillion spending bill like Trumptard!

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