Did a Republican really just

So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.

Trump got rid of the corrupt FBI agents who launched the BS investigation & you crybabies continue to whine about them. Then Trump got caught trying to be more corrupt. That got him impeached.

Only Repubtards saddled US with "unfunded liabilities". Democrats always cut waste & fund their programs. Republicans always saddle US with new spending they never fund. They do that so they can claim government is wasteful & broke.

Hopefully Pence won't be so stupid as to sign a $5 Trillion spending bill like Trumptard!
5 out of 13 were hacks and got canned.......and the entire Mueller probe was started by calling a U.S. CIA agent a Russian spy..........so they could get wire tap warrants for Trump Tower.

Under Admiral Rogers......minimization procedures required by law were violated under Obama 85% of the time.

These are proven facts...........with court documents proving every one of them.

This Impeachment is a Joke..........the charges are a joke..........and Biden is still dirty as hell......why he's a Dem........your side is dirty
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
ok - so i can do some research - can you show some past examples of the FBI lying and/or other examples of how the FISA court was abused? i'd like to read up on it and better understand things overall if i can.
Compare the impeachment to the trial of Jesus?

I heard this happened...can anyone confirm it?

More like the Salem Witch Trial really.
Funny how you believe a Constitutional action is equivalent to the Salem Witch Trials.
When a president uses executive powers, it isnt obstruction of justice as we saw when Obama used it to protect Eric (the racist) Holder who let 10,000 Mexicans and 1 border agent get killed in the fast and furious scandal, where Eric should be held for criminal war crimes against humanity. But you dickwads want to impeach this president because Joe (the groper) Biden was quid pro quo the Ukrainian president if he didnt fire the prosecuting attorney against Joe's son. What is worse, the liberal elite can get away with all this shit, because you allow them to. Such dumbasses who vote for Democrats.
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
ok - so i can do some research - can you show some past examples of the FBI lying and/or other examples of how the FISA court was abused? i'd like to read up on it and better understand things overall if i can.

I will get you some tonight if I have time. I am on my phone only today so will not be able to till I get home.

Or you could do your own actual research
Compare the impeachment to the trial of Jesus?

I heard this happened...can anyone confirm it?

So what...
What people really noticed. ...if they were even paying attention was the dems wrapping themselves in the flag.....they raised it to nauseating levels of phony behavior...the clips are cringeworthy beyond belief

the rule of law...muh constitution ...oh Lawdy our evil white founding fathers who we revere ...oh lawdy our great wacist institutions... muh constitution muh constitution muh constitution ....mu founding fathers muh constitution
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
ok - so i can do some research - can you show some past examples of the FBI lying and/or other examples of how the FISA court was abused? i'd like to read up on it and better understand things overall if i can.

I will get you some tonight if I have time. I am on my phone only today so will not be able to till I get home.

Or you could do your own actual research
all good. and while i could do my own research (and i have) i like hearing your examples and reasoning behind it. helps me better understand vs reading in a void.
The republicans managed to wander all over the map yesterday without actually responding to the substance of the charges leveled against trump. It's not surprising that they would send in some southern baptist preacher to ramble on about Jesus as part of their attempts to distract people from focusing on these charges. The republicans have developed a tradition of not speaking to the topic at issue and not providing any detailed explanation. This is why they refuse to be questioned on anything, because they have no answers.
So it had nothing to do with two unfunded tax cuts, a huge unfunded expansion to medicare.

The Medicare expansion was done at the insistence of Libs. It was a cheaper, compromise program than what the libs wants to do. The Democrat Party, led by the Hero of Chappaquiddick, proposed a program where Walmart associates would be taxed to provide Free Erectile Disfunction medicine to aged billionaires like Warren Buffett. Dubya said no, but offered a compromise and that was that.


And this my friends is why things just keep getting worse and worse, none of the partisan whores will hold their party accountable for a damn thing, there is always an excuse why it was not their fault.

Getting worse and worse? What planet do you live on?

The real one, not the fantasy one you reside on.

So what is getting worse and worse? Are you disappointed that the economy is booming?

Booming: 2.1 DP growrth? You werte running through the streeets screamng "OMG OMG OMG" when we had this rate under Obama.

Booming: Deficits skyrocket. If we are piling up deficits when the economy is booming, when will we reduce deficits?
Clinton left office with a 3.9% UE rate, which is not significantly worse than 3.5%

You cannot compare straight numbers for something like the DJI, you have to look at percentage of growth.

The DJI grew 282% under Clinton...Right now Trump is on track to hit maybe 100% growth if he is lucky.

Under Clinton it had nowhere to go but up, thanks to Republicans in Congress too!
Clinton + Republican Congress = balanced budget

Bush + Same basic Congress = Deficits & debt

What changed?

If you assfucks are claiming the Republicans balanced the budget, what the fuck happened to them when Clinton left office?

The Global War on Evil as well as the Burst of the Dot Com Bubble happened.
So it had nothing to do with two unfunded tax cuts, a huge unfunded expansion to medicare.

The Medicare expansion was done at the insistence of Libs. It was a cheaper, compromise program than what the libs wants to do. The Democrat Party, led by the Hero of Chappaquiddick, proposed a program where Walmart associates would be taxed to provide Free Erectile Disfunction medicine to aged billionaires like Warren Buffett. Dubya said no, but offered a compromise and that was that.

Lying fuck. All you trump assholes do is lie. Check the vote on this.

Democrats did not vote for it BECAUSE IT WAS UNFUNDED.
Our country and our freedoms. Partisanship is ruining both. People like you that put their party before their country and turn a blind eye as the government slowly grows bigger and bigger because you party masters told you not to worry about it.

My government is getting smaller and smaller. I don't know what fucking TV show you are watching, but you need to stop!

The government is spying on us, the FISA court is corrupt, the Executive branch has the power to detain anyone, citizens included, indefinitely without recourse, oh and we have added 1.235 TRILLION dollars to our national debt in the last 365 days all while in the midst of the most amazing economy the country has ever known.
A FISA COURT abused to the high heavens under Obama and with his cronies...............that is crystal clear........and they were first exposed by Admiral Rogers..........It was so bad that FBI private contractors were no longer allowed access to the FISA courts.

In regards to the debt.....................Unless you take on Mandatory expenditures............the debt will go up........because unfunded liabilities have us on a roller coaster ride to hell..........it will not end well.

Trump got rid of the corrupt FBI agents who launched the BS investigation & you crybabies continue to whine about them. Then Trump got caught trying to be more corrupt. That got him impeached.

Only Repubtards saddled US with "unfunded liabilities". Democrats always cut waste & fund their programs. Republicans always saddle US with new spending they never fund. They do that so they can claim government is wasteful & broke.

Hopefully Pence won't be so stupid as to sign a $5 Trillion spending bill like Trumptard!
5 out of 13 were hacks and got canned.......and the entire Mueller probe was started by calling a U.S. CIA agent a Russian spy..........so they could get wire tap warrants for Trump Tower.

Under Admiral Rogers......minimization procedures required by law were violated under Obama 85% of the time.

These are proven facts...........with court documents proving every one of them.

This Impeachment is a Joke..........the charges are a joke..........and Biden is still dirty as hell......why he's a Dem........your side is dirty
Justice Department watchdog: No evidence of Trump Tower surveillance, despite Trump's claims - CNNPolitics
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
You didn't answer my questions on Mandatory spending...........pony the fuck up
Which part of the abuse was massive under Obama didn't you understand..........and that abuse has been uncovered because of this BS Impeachment nonsense by demented Liberals.

I understand it fully and agree that it was. What you seem to lack the IQ to understand, is the abuse did not start with Obama, it has been a thing almost as long as the court has existed.

I am ready to see FISA GONE.................because of this............fool me once shame on you.......fool me twice........shame on me..........it has been abused........and as long as CIVILIAN GOV'T POLITICAL HACKS work for the Federal Gov't.........it will be abused again.

Before FISA.........they had to go to a regular court for a warrant.........needs to go back to that.

Too bad you god just renewed it, now we are still stuck with it.

DEBT........my comment went over your head didn't it............Do you understand the difference between Mandatory and discretionary spending..................???

You know what I meant there...........and no damn politician is gonna touch that......period.......so we are riding a roller coaster like a bat at of hell..........and the tracks aren't finished......enjoy the ride...because the ending will not be pretty.

HOW TO WE PAY THE UNFUNDED LIABILITIES COMING.......tell me how we do that......stop complaining and tell us how to fix it.

No, your bumper sticker logic is not over the head of a 2nd grader. We all know you were not whining about mandatory spending when Obama was adding 9 trillion dollars to our debt, but since your god is sitting in the White House now all of a sudden there is nothing we can fucking do about it .

I hate you fucking partisan sheep that always put the party before the country.

What do you do about it...maybe vote for a fiscal conservative...but fuck no you morons will not do that.
You didn't answer my questions on Mandatory spending...........pony the fuck up

Mandatory spending can be cut the same way as any other spending. Congress can make changes to it.

But it will not happen because people like you and you mirror images on the left do not give a fuck about fiscal issues.

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