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Did anyone actually watch Trump's press conference? He told the truth, everyone else, not so much.

Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
You people blame the whites on a daily basis, so that's a given. It's just that when the left or blacks who are guilty get accused, then it's a taboo. Victims can't be accused of anything, their victims right ? WRONG !!!
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
You people blame the whites on a daily basis, so that's a given. It's just that when the left or blacks who are guilty get accused, then it's a taboo. Victims can't be accused of anything, their victims right ? WRONG !!!

So when a racist white guy tries to commit mass murder you are ok with it and somebody not white is to blame. You sure are confused.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
. Because the left is also partially to blame.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
You people blame the whites on a daily basis, so that's a given. It's just that when the left or blacks who are guilty get accused, then it's a taboo. Victims can't be accused of anything, their victims right ? WRONG !!!

So when a racist white guy tries to commit mass murder you are ok with it and somebody not white is to blame. You sure are confused.
. You actually stand by such an idiotic statement ?? Your getting desperate in your spin.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
You people blame the whites on a daily basis, so that's a given. It's just that when the left or blacks who are guilty get accused, then it's a taboo. Victims can't be accused of anything, their victims right ? WRONG !!!

So when a racist white guy tries to commit mass murder you are ok with it and somebody not white is to blame. You sure are confused.
. You actually stand by such an idiotic statement ?? Your getting desperate in your spin.

I was translating your spin.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
. Because the left is also partially to blame.

Really? So mass murder is justified if there are mean protesters?
And he was right to do it......in the last two years....did the white racists shut down political rallies? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists attack peaceful people attending poltical rallies or college speaches? No. Antifa did and black lives matter did.

Did white racists attack police? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists get invited to the White House? no. Black lives matter was.

So at this point, the white racists are zeros as far as numbers and actual activity........the only reason they get any coverage at all is so that the democrats can use them to smear Trump...who has no connection or relationship with them.

He was discussing a specific tragic event. The event was tragic because the racist side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. So trump comes down equally on the protestors of the racist scum who killed a girl and you guys like that.

No shit head.....antifa and black lives matter have been beating peaceful people at rallies all year long, and black lives sympathizers have been murdering police officers for the last two years......the antifa thugs started the fight.....Trump told the truth, and the truth burns you the way a cross burns a vampire......antifa has been lucky that their violence hasn't killed anyone.....but it will, espcecially as you asswipes keep giving them cover...they are getting more and more violent....

The truth is the president was referencing this one event. This even which became a tragedy when a neo nazi killed a girl while trying to mass murder many. You and the kkk and the neo nazis are in complete agreement on this. That isn't a place I'd ever want to be. Funny you are the one always claiming nazis are left. Look at you now...
. You think the president lives in a bubble, and didn't run against the Demon-crats ideology as a Republican ? Just because you are attempting to assign blame in an idiotic way, do you think people are just going to fall for it ?? Good grief.
"assign blame in an idiotic way".....you mean the way where we can see an Alt-Right NAZI ran down 20 people and killed one woman? Darn! That's so idiotic to notice that, eh?
. Now your attempting to troll someone ?? If don't know what the entire conversation was, then it best not to just jump in like a blind man wondering when to jump into a colored wheel where the color green means jump.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
. Because the left is also partially to blame.

Really? So mass murder is justified if there are mean protesters?
. Trying to assign to me your ways of thinking in that you create won't do. Is that the wickedness you have as a mind ?? People who can't read your game are idiots, but we see through your hyped up bullcrap.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
. Because the left is also partially to blame.

Really? So mass murder is justified if there are mean protesters?
. Trying to assign to me your ways of thinking in that you create won't do. Is that the wickedness you have as a mind ?? People who can't read your game are idiots, but we see through your hyped up bullcrap.

Well that is what you are saying.
Scalise and others being shot was a tragedy. It was condemned by everyone. I didn't see the left trying to put any blame on the right. Why is it a racist kills a woman and the right feels they need to put some blame on the left?
You people blame the whites on a daily basis, so that's a given. It's just that when the left or blacks who are guilty get accused, then it's a taboo. Victims can't be accused of anything, their victims right ? WRONG !!!

So when a racist white guy tries to commit mass murder you are ok with it and somebody not white is to blame. You sure are confused.

The one white racist killed one woman, the black racist murdered 5 police officers, the bernie sanders socialist tried to murder an entire baseball team. You guys only care about the dead when you can use it to hurt Trump.
If you actually watch the press conference you see some amazing things.....like the fact that he told the truth, and the press. rino republicans, democrats and other morons are lying about what he actually said.......

And Yet President Trump, in His Classically Inartful Way, Was Absolutely Right

just did something fascinating. I just watched the President’s entire 14-minute impromptu news conference at Trump Tower on Monday that sparked all the latest barrage of anti-Trump screeds from the left media that will criticize him every day, no matter what he does, augmented by the “Never Trump” Republicans and neo-conservatives who will not rest until they can re-conquer the political party they lost because of three terms of two failed Bush presidencies, followed by the two failed Presidential candidacies of Sen. John McCain and of Gov. Mitt Romney.

Not the reportage about the conference, but the entire 14 minutes unedited, uninterrupted. I found myself agreeing with his every word.

I did not find his tone or demeanor “unpresidential” in the least.

He sharply and explicitly condemned the Nazis and White Supremacists unequivocally.

He also condemned the extreme leftists who premeditatedly came armed with weapons to smash up a demonstration that, rightly or wrongly, had been granted a legal permit.

(I personally wish that ACLU liberals were not so proactive in advancing the right of Nazis to get permits to rally at public venues, but the demonstration had a permit. Meanwhile, the Antifa Alt-Left thugs came with flame-throwers, bats, and shields, and they came to fight.) All the while, the police did nothing for much too long. Chaos and violence ensued.

The media get exercised when President Trump does not parrot their scripts, but they never minded that Barack Obama would not call out leftist rioters and violent leftist organizations by name.

As inner cities would burn, with innocents watching their life savings go aflame as mobs would burn down their inner-city stores in cities from Baltimore to Ferguson, the Obama Administration avoided planting blame or naming hate groups.

When a Jihadist murdered Americans serving our nation faithfully at Fort Hood, Obama attributed the murders to “workplace violence.” Obama never could articulate the term “Radical Islamist terrorist,” as though he were Lou Costello fearing what would happen to him if he said “Niagara Falls.” When Rep. Gabrielle Giffords was shot by her own former supporter, a mentally ill clinger who had backed the Democrat, the media blamed the violence on Republicans like Sarah Palin.

When Rep. Steve Scalise was shot, and others were wounded, by a Bernie Sanders supporter who had set out to kill Republicans, the media avoided pinning blame on a left ideology and overheated rhetoric of leftist hate. But when the President of the United States rightly excoriated law-breakers and thugs on all sides of a street conflagration, he came in for a torrent of media abuse, forcing even level-headed bystanders to take cover.

I watched and agreed with everything he said.
And he was right to do it......in the last two years....did the white racists shut down political rallies? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists attack peaceful people attending poltical rallies or college speaches? No. Antifa did and black lives matter did.

Did white racists attack police? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists get invited to the White House? no. Black lives matter was.

So at this point, the white racists are zeros as far as numbers and actual activity........the only reason they get any coverage at all is so that the democrats can use them to smear Trump...who has no connection or relationship with them.

He was discussing a specific tragic event. The event was tragic because the racist side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. So trump comes down equally on the protestors of the racist scum who killed a girl and you guys like that.
"Sides" don't kill, baby. When one of you history-hatin' whores condemns George Soros for being the (((puke))) that started all this, then I'll listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, you are just a boring parrot.

So which side killed a girl and made it a tragedy means nothing to the right. Got it. You guys want to be in complete agreement with the kkk and neo nazies. Got it.

When you support BLM protests, does that mean you are in complete agreement when they violate local laws marching without permits and when they burn down buildings?

You say you're against people having guns yet you've refused a challenge to try and take mine.

I don't support BLM protests.

Awe the internet tough guy again. Adorable.

Awe, the internet pussy again.

I'm not the one that says people should have something then does nothing about it.
And he was right to do it......in the last two years....did the white racists shut down political rallies? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists attack peaceful people attending poltical rallies or college speaches? No. Antifa did and black lives matter did.

Did white racists attack police? No. Antifa and black lives matter did.

Did the white racists get invited to the White House? no. Black lives matter was.

So at this point, the white racists are zeros as far as numbers and actual activity........the only reason they get any coverage at all is so that the democrats can use them to smear Trump...who has no connection or relationship with them.

He was discussing a specific tragic event. The event was tragic because the racist side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. So trump comes down equally on the protestors of the racist scum who killed a girl and you guys like that.

No shit head.....antifa and black lives matter have been beating peaceful people at rallies all year long, and black lives sympathizers have been murdering police officers for the last two years......the antifa thugs started the fight.....Trump told the truth, and the truth burns you the way a cross burns a vampire......antifa has been lucky that their violence hasn't killed anyone.....but it will, espcecially as you asswipes keep giving them cover...they are getting more and more violent....

The truth is the president was referencing this one event. This even which became a tragedy when a neo nazi killed a girl while trying to mass murder many. You and the kkk and the neo nazis are in complete agreement on this. That isn't a place I'd ever want to be. Funny you are the one always claiming nazis are left. Look at you now...
. You think the president lives in a bubble, and didn't run against the Demon-crats ideology as a Republican ? Just because you are attempting to assign blame in an idiotic way, do you think people are just going to fall for it ?? Good grief.

So it is idiotic to assign blame to the side that killed a girl while trying to commit mass murder? ISIS would like to talk to you.

What SIDE killed a girl? It was a single nutcase doing something stupid.
This whole made up controversy regarding Trump's speech, just proves once again how easy the DNC Bolshevik news media can inflame some Americans, based on distortions.

There is no way we can unite, with a news media intent on dividing us.
This whole made up controversy regarding Trump's speech, just proves once again how easy the DNC Bolshevik news media can inflame some Americans, based on distortions.

There is no way we can unite, with a news media intent on dividing us.
It looks like the choice is between racial unity and alien dominance--blood or servitude. Doesn't appear to be a hard choice at all.
The concept that the President known as the Liar in Chief can give a speech without it being peppered with lies and misinformation is laughable and ridiculous.
The concept that the President known as the Liar in Chief can give a speech without it being peppered with lies and misinformation is laughable and ridiculous.
. You acting as if you are surprised about government is laughable seeing that government has been lying and misleading us forever. Oh but it's Trump so it's different right ? ROTFLMBO. If anything Trump is breaking the centuries old dialog of government leading us by our noses around the room with it's lies, but you attack Trump because he's not a typical lying stinking politician of old ?? Good grief you people need help bad.
He was discussing a specific tragic event. The event was tragic because the racist side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. So trump comes down equally on the protestors of the racist scum who killed a girl and you guys like that.
"Sides" don't kill, baby. When one of you history-hatin' whores condemns George Soros for being the (((puke))) that started all this, then I'll listen to what you have to say. Otherwise, you are just a boring parrot.

So which side killed a girl and made it a tragedy means nothing to the right. Got it. You guys want to be in complete agreement with the kkk and neo nazies. Got it.

When you support BLM protests, does that mean you are in complete agreement when they violate local laws marching without permits and when they burn down buildings?

You say you're against people having guns yet you've refused a challenge to try and take mine.

I don't support BLM protests.

Awe the internet tough guy again. Adorable.

Awe, the internet pussy again.

I'm not the one that says people should have something then does nothing about it.

Ok, what is your address?
He was discussing a specific tragic event. The event was tragic because the racist side killed a woman while trying to commit mass murder. So trump comes down equally on the protestors of the racist scum who killed a girl and you guys like that.

No shit head.....antifa and black lives matter have been beating peaceful people at rallies all year long, and black lives sympathizers have been murdering police officers for the last two years......the antifa thugs started the fight.....Trump told the truth, and the truth burns you the way a cross burns a vampire......antifa has been lucky that their violence hasn't killed anyone.....but it will, espcecially as you asswipes keep giving them cover...they are getting more and more violent....

The truth is the president was referencing this one event. This even which became a tragedy when a neo nazi killed a girl while trying to mass murder many. You and the kkk and the neo nazis are in complete agreement on this. That isn't a place I'd ever want to be. Funny you are the one always claiming nazis are left. Look at you now...
. You think the president lives in a bubble, and didn't run against the Demon-crats ideology as a Republican ? Just because you are attempting to assign blame in an idiotic way, do you think people are just going to fall for it ?? Good grief.

So it is idiotic to assign blame to the side that killed a girl while trying to commit mass murder? ISIS would like to talk to you.

What SIDE killed a girl? It was a single nutcase doing something stupid.

Well the killer was part of the march. Are you too dumb to figure out which side he was on?

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