Did Anyone Else Catch What Trump Did On Fox News Sunday?

Hahahaha.....Trump was sweating like a pig.
Sure, Brain Tweezer, because you made up a meme saying so? You obviously didn't even watch the actual broadcast like I did. Funny, Trump was the one who picked the patio and it was your boy Wallace who kept commenting on how hot it was.

Can't wait to see Joe's first interview in 100° heat.

Hope they have the paramedics close by.

She should learn to stay close by the swimming pool, like Joe:

I watched the entire interview and Wallace only made one comment about the heat.

My favorite line of Trump's was when he commented that we are, in reference to COVID, "the envy of the world".
Wallace could have asked him why then has the EU banned flights from America?

But Wallace didn't.
Soft like your head.
Soft and rotten.
More Fox bullshit.

So the US is the "envy" of NO ONE. We are the embarrassment and pity-party of the world at present.
And we are welcome pretty much NOWHERE.
In the end we learned nothing. It was a wast of time.

I learned a lot.

I learned that Trump can still take anything the Left can throw at him point blank and it bounces right off of him. He's better than 2016. Trump is Strong, he's Ready, he's Virus-free. He's good to go from +17°F to +105°F. The Democrats have case-hardened Trump to withstand anything after 4 relentless years trying to destroy him.

Joe can't even read a cue card, has no short term memory, needs prep and primping, he's not ready, can't take questions, is afraid of a puff of air, and would be cold flat on his back if he had to debate Trump, much less go the rounds for an hour in 100° heat and Washington humidity.

Trump is going to make a fool of Biden. You wait and see.

There are cures for disillusionment. However, I am not fooled by your alt-reality
Seek help Freak - As in SERIOUSLY.
Your many issues MAY be covered under Obamacare.

Trump has created a parallel universe for his groupies. They really do think they are here with the rest of the planet.
It's an illusion.
Trump is comfortable in any setting while Biden is , well awkward to say the least. Can you imagine him with world leaders who aren't going have the questions and answers fed to him beforehand?
Of course we can imagine Biden with world leaders. He just spend 8 years as VP interacting with leaders from all over the world. Did you forget?
You mean he spent 8 years extorting world leaders to line his own pockets don't you?
No that’s not at all what I meant.
Yeah, Germany is sooooooo envious of the U.S. and our handling of COVID:
Der Speigle

"""Instead of offering leadership, President Donald Trump is exacerbating divisions and showing authoritarian tendencies. With the presidential election still several months away, the country's health is at stake."""
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Trump has no answer to the crippling pandemic.

Oh, do tell us. Who DOES have the answer, mouse meat?

Trump's answer is to do the best we can to fight against it, while balanced with reasonable economic measures to keep deaths down best we can while not killing the country in the process either.
In the end we learned nothing. It was a wast of time.

I learned a lot.

I learned that Trump can still take anything the Left can throw at him point blank and it bounces right off of him. He's better than 2016. Trump is Strong, he's Ready, he's Virus-free. He's good to go from +17°F to +105°F. The Democrats have case-hardened Trump to withstand anything after 4 relentless years trying to destroy him.

Joe can't even read a cue card, has no short term memory, needs prep and primping, he's not ready, can't take questions, is afraid of a puff of air, and would be cold flat on his back if he had to debate Trump, much less go the rounds for an hour in 100° heat and Washington humidity.

Trump is going to make a fool of Biden. You wait and see.

There are cures for disillusionment. However, I am not fooled by your alt-reality
Seek help Freak - As in SERIOUSLY.
Your many issues MAY be covered under Obamacare.

Trump has created a parallel universe for his groupies. They really do think they are here with the rest of the planet.
It's an illusion.

they are from this planet:

Trump has no answer to the crippling pandemic.

Oh, do tell us. Who DOES have the answer, mouse meat?

Trump's answer is to do the best we can to fight against it, while balanced with reasonable economic measures to keep deaths down best we can while not killing the country in the process either.

he can start by listening to the scientists.
Great Britain (no longer in the EU) is just GREEN with envy------

'The virus doesn't care about excuses': US faces terrifying autumn as Covid-19 surges
Kind of sucks to be in the trump wacko science and health debacle of 2020. He's dumb, but who would have thought he and his followers would be this damned dumb in an election year?
Parisians all want to move here:

From Le Figaro:
Covid-19: nearly 78,000 cases in 24 hours in the United States, new record

The 140,000 dead mark should be exceeded this weekend, while the epidemic still seems out of control.""""

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