Did anyone watch the McMichaels trial today?

Bud, if someone was in front of me with a gun, telling me to stop, I"d damn sure try to go over them.

Your boys ain't got a chance.
You seem not to understand that when the macs parked their truck....ahhmaud was nowhere in sight.....they did not know where he was.

When ahmaud came running around the bend in the road they were at lest a hundred yards down that road from ahhmaud.....yet he saw them and continued running towards them.

He could easily have gone in a different direction if he had like some have claimed been in fear of his life or he could have knocked on someones door asking for help...there were houses all around.
you are very confused about this case...sounds like you got snippers of it here and there but have failed to put it all together in regards to the sequence of events.
Go to 0:05 to see the racist vigilante get out of the driver side and point his shotgun at Arbery.

But they had already attacked him.
They attacked him? By what? Trying to delay the convicted probation criminal from fleeing the area as the cops were on their way? Criminal knew was going back to prison, so he attacked them trying to steal their gun, and given his history of violence, he would have shot them---so it was self defense and it is a GOOD thing that another violent criminal is dead.
They attacked him? By what?
Threatening his life. That is an attack.

If cosomeone chased you down in a truck and blocked your path and hopped out and pointed a shotgun at you, you would understand your life was threatened. But racism and/or political fetishes are preventing you from seeing what is right in front of your face, in this case.
Go to 0:05 to see the racist vigilante get out of the driver side and point his shotgun at Arbery.

You mean how DARE the white investigators try to stop a violent black criminal by preventing him from leaving an area before the cops could arrest his ass and send him back to prison. The nerve of the white guys....trying to fight crime.
You mean how DARE the white investigators try to stop a violent black criminal by preventing him from leaving an area before the cops could arrest his ass and send him back to prison. The nerve of the white guys....trying to fight crime.
Thanks for proving my point. You are making idiotic and false assumptions that you would not make, if not for some sort of fetish handicapping your brain.
Threatening his life. That is an attack.

If cosomeone chased you down in a truck and blocked your path and hopped out and pointed a shotgun at you, you would understand your life was threatened. But racism and/or political fetishes are preventing you from seeing what is right in front of your face, in this case.
If I was a convicted Felon trespassing while casing a joint for a later robbery, I would know that they had called the cops and that I was being detained so I could be arrested.
If I was a convicted Felon trespassing while casing a joint for a later robbery, I would know that they had called the cops and that I was being detain so I could be arrested.
Well that might be the dumbest thing I have read all day. Look at what your handicap is doing to your brain.
I understand it perfectly. You are a racist wanting to see these white men get away with killing a black person.
What is the meaning of "trapped" then? Post the definition and we will examine which of us is right about it.
Isn’t it odd that Persuader hasn’t commented on the Prosecutions Opening Statement? Perhaps he will here. I’ve posted it before. Let’s do so again.

Will he comment or will he run from anything that doesn’t further his racist agenda? You be the judge.
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Well that might be the dumbest thing I have read all day. Look at what your handicap is doing to your brain.
You really think someone arrested and out on probation like Arbery was don't know he was caught in the act AGAIN. For he certainly treated the McMichaels exactly like he did the cop that caught his ass---by attacking them as he done the cop.
You really think someone arrested and out on probation like Arbery was don't know he was caught in the act AGAIN.
Irrelevant. Platitudes for racists to sooth themselves. In reality, the fat hillbillies threatened Arbery's life for no reason other than jogging while black coupled with fat hillbilly racist assumptions that were incorrect. And now they are charged with murder. And all of your speculation and racist assumptions will not help them.
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I'm hoping they get visited by the ghost of Jeffrey Epstein and that he encourages them to do the right thing instead of living out the rest of their existence as worms.
They need to go on and admit their crime, express remorse and hope the judge gives them mercy.
They need to go on and admit their crime, express remorse and hope the judge gives them mercy.
Let's hope, for their sake, their lawyer is not as steeped in delusion as they are and recommends they plead out. Else those two are going to prison for possibly the rest of their lives.
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