Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Sure, because he claimed he would, along with lowering the oceans, and letting us keep our health plans.....all lies, he didn't do squat after the magical "beer summit" which the cop left steaming pissed. Barry could talk the paint of a cigar store wooden indian but that was it....talk talk talk, never any action.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Allow me to answer.

Just the fact that a black man had been elected to the office of Presidency not once but twice should have convinced most sane Americans that racism was largely dead in the Unites States and we should have been able to move on, but instead Obama actually made things worse by instituting policies which were themselves racist, well and sexist, but that's another thread.

Obama actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a black man was a mistake, which is a crying shame because other blacks should not be judged by Obama's actions.

Obama was a TERRIBLE President, and he was even worse for blacks than he was for whites. The numbers bear this out, blacks were worse off in nearly every metric at the end of Obama's reign of terror than they were at the beginning. I mean other groups were too, but the gap was larger for blacks.

So...if we take your logic to it's end....can we now say that voting for trump actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a white male was a mistake....with the numbers bearing this out?

The numbers don't bear that out. Obama's policies actually were racist and sexist , Trump's not so much.
Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Sure, because he claimed he would, along with lowering the oceans, and letting us keep our health plans.....all lies, he didn't do squat after the magical "beer summit" which the cop left steaming pissed. Barry could talk the paint of a cigar store wooden indian but that was it....talk talk talk, never any action.
So why is Former President Obama held solely responsible when we've had many white Presidents who talk talk talk , never any action, also?
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Allow me to answer.

Just the fact that a black man had been elected to the office of Presidency not once but twice should have convinced most sane Americans that racism was largely dead in the Unites States and we should have been able to move on, but instead Obama actually made things worse by instituting policies which were themselves racist, well and sexist, but that's another thread.

Obama actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a black man was a mistake, which is a crying shame because other blacks should not be judged by Obama's actions.

Obama was a TERRIBLE President, and he was even worse for blacks than he was for whites. The numbers bear this out, blacks were worse off in nearly every metric at the end of Obama's reign of terror than they were at the beginning. I mean other groups were too, but the gap was larger for blacks.

So...if we take your logic to it's end....can we now say that voting for trump actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a white male was a mistake....with the numbers bearing this out?

The numbers don't bear that out. Obama's policies actually were racist and sexist , Trump's not so much.

Link Former President Obama's policies that were racist.

Link Former President Obama's policies that were sexist.
Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Sure, because he claimed he would, along with lowering the oceans, and letting us keep our health plans.....all lies, he didn't do squat after the magical "beer summit" which the cop left steaming pissed. Barry could talk the paint of a cigar store wooden indian but that was it....talk talk talk, never any action.

That incident right there was the beginning of judging events before you even knew the details. Before "the police behaved stupidly" without even the slightest idea of what had transpired most people were willing to wait for at least the broad strokes of a story before offering an opinion, but not Barry no sirree........ And now everyone does it. "I don't know what happened, but ___________ was in the wrong for sure"
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Wait... you found a video of a black guy robbing a white guy and it is Obama’s fault? Are you joking with this OP?

He got beat up a lot by Black guys so he is in perpetual victim mode.

True, black people are notoriously violent. Thank you for being honest.
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades

Why? Because you tore down their neighborhoods, broke up their families, put them on welfare and sent them to shitty government schools for penitentiary-training they'd need after they turned 20? You think we're going to let you scumbags do that to the rest of the country? No way.
Well I see you’ve abandoned your idiotic argument blaming Obama for every interracial fight caught on YouTube. At least you’re making baby steps.

Horseshit....the halfrican punk set race relations in this country back 25 years embracing Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright.....the little bitch and Mike both hate whites with a passion...we know, we saw it.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.
Barry made racism into a major issue by making everything racist. Walls are racist. America is racist. Being white is racist.
Did Obama say any of those things?
Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Sure, because he claimed he would, along with lowering the oceans, and letting us keep our health plans.....all lies, he didn't do squat after the magical "beer summit" which the cop left steaming pissed. Barry could talk the paint of a cigar store wooden indian but that was it....talk talk talk, never any action.
So why is Former President Obama held solely responsible when we've had many white Presidents who talk talk talk , never any action, also?

Damn you are dishonest. There are LOTS of Presidents who universally reviled for being such terrible Presidents, not just the black guy.

In fact we have EASILY had more bad Presidents than good ones.
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades

Why? Because you tore down their neighborhoods, broke up their families, put them on welfare and sent them to shitty government schools for penitentiary-training they'd need after they turned 20? You think we're going to let you scumbags do that to the rest of the country? No way.
First of all I didn’t do any of that. Second, you are dismissing the fact that republicans have been in power for just as much time as Dems yet you blame the state of affairs all on the Dems. That doesn’t make sense
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades

Why? Because you tore down their neighborhoods, broke up their families, put them on welfare and sent them to shitty government schools for penitentiary-training they'd need after they turned 20? You think we're going to let you scumbags do that to the rest of the country? No way.
First of all I didn’t do any of that. Second, you are dismissing the fact that republicans have been in power for just as much time as Dems yet you blame the state of affairs all on the Dems. That doesn’t make sense

Republicans own the blame for a lot of things, but the destruction of the black community falls squarely on the Dems.
Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Sure, because he claimed he would, along with lowering the oceans, and letting us keep our health plans.....all lies, he didn't do squat after the magical "beer summit" which the cop left steaming pissed. Barry could talk the paint of a cigar store wooden indian but that was it....talk talk talk, never any action.
So why is Former President Obama held solely responsible when we've had many white Presidents who talk talk talk , never any action, also?

Damn you are dishonest. There are LOTS of Presidents who universally reviled for being such terrible Presidents, not just the black guy.

In fact we have EASILY had more bad Presidents than good ones.
How many of those other Presidents have posters here gone out of their way to blame for the lack of unity between Blacks and Whites as the OP has?
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Wait... you found a video of a black guy robbing a white guy and it is Obama’s fault? Are you joking with this OP?

He got beat up a lot by Black guys so he is in perpetual victim mode.

True, black people are notoriously violent. Thank you for being honest.

Apparently NOT as violent as INCEL white boys.....they've been killing a lot of women recently.....and let's look at last year: Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018
How many of those other Presidents have posters here gone out of their way to blame for the lack of unity between Blacks and Whites as the OP has?

Trump got them JOBS unlike your fellow-travelers and now you want illegals to steal those jobs....afraid the africans are turning on you?.....pssssstttt....they are.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Wait... you found a video of a black guy robbing a white guy and it is Obama’s fault? Are you joking with this OP?

He got beat up a lot by Black guys so he is in perpetual victim mode.

True, black people are notoriously violent. Thank you for being honest.

Apparently NOT as violent as INCEL white boys.....they've been killing a lot of women recently.....and let's look at last year: Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018

No, black people murder more people EVERY year than whites, despite the fact that they have a much smaller population. Its a real problem.

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