Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

#1-#43...no responsibility for the racial issues of America

#44....it's on you, Obama!

#45...no responsibility for the racial issues of America
#35 did pretty good
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.
Haha, that is fucking hilarious!!! No race riots under trump?! Ok buddy

So what exactly did Obama do to cause race riots?
"Trayvon could have been my son", "the cops acted stupidly", etc, etc, etc. He fanned the flames.
Right, and there are good people on both sides. It’s amazing how you are so quick to blame on one side and so quick to excuse, spin and ignore in the other. It’s called hypocrisy
Are you even folowing this debate? What does your post have to do with race riots?
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.

Yep. And the dems are trying to kabuki theater racial unrest back to back since. Such a neat wave lgbt behaviors were riding there for awhile under Obummer.
Yep. And the dems are trying to kabuki theater racial unrest back to back since. Such a neat wave lgbt behaviors were riding there for awhile under Obummer.

The Dems. and the MEDIA are doing the Kabuki theater thing on race, gender, and gay attacks.
Yep. And the dems are trying to kabuki theater racial unrest back to back since. Such a neat wave lgbt behaviors were riding there for awhile under Obummer.

The Dems. and the MEDIA are doing the Kabuki theater thing on race, gender, and gay attacks.
Yes. Their bullshit is now overdone & falling on wise/deaf ears.

Gays always were good at theater. But the audience tires of reruns & the theater is emptying.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a XXXXXX while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

WillPower Removed racist term. Please do not use it again.

No one separated this country more than Barry.... There would be no trump if there was no Obama
No president, regardless of party affiliation nor the Lord himself can stop sorry ass white people from hating on blacks or people of color. And just the assumption that Obama could somehow convince rednecks that racism isn't cool, is ridiculous. Just as blaming Trump for racism, that too is stupid. Bottom line is this, until the dirt hits the box, white people will always harvest fears of being number two someday, harvest resentment of black men taking over their covenant barbies and will always need somebody to blame when life hands them a bad card and things don't go their way....its in the DNA of that race that has had privilege since the dawn of man.
Well said, except I’d say your observation about white peoples fears only applies to a faction, not all of us see the world in black and white and the idiots that do don’t represent all of us. Privilege is an unfortunate by product of generations of bad behavior from whites and the wealthy/powerful. It is fine to discuss and become educationed about so we don’t replicate those mistakes. It’s not healthy to continue to blame or penalize white people in today’s world for actions of their ancenstors, and it is not productive for people of color to use the past as an excuse to not kick ass in the present nor should they use the past to harness resentment for those who do not deserve it.

I hate generalizing in my comments, I am of the belief, if the shoe doesn't fit, try on another pair...in short, if the comment doesn't pertain to you or your beliefs, than don't take ownership of it. I agree with all you said
No president, regardless of party affiliation nor the Lord himself can stop sorry ass white people from hating on blacks or people of color. And just the assumption that Obama could somehow convince rednecks that racism isn't cool, is ridiculous. Just as blaming Trump for racism, that too is stupid. Bottom line is this, until the dirt hits the box, white people will always harvest fears of being number two someday, harvest resentment of black men taking over their covenant barbies and will always need somebody to blame when life hands them a bad card and things don't go their way....its in the DNA of that race that has had privilege since the dawn of man.
I would be more worried about blacks hatin' on blacks more than a white person.
Have you ever looked up the numbers on that, or are you just hatin'?

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