Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

All I want to know is ......why is Obama the only president in over 50 years to not have one single person in his administration get one single indictment in 8 years?

Because he hates white people so much?
No youre just whining because Black guys are always taking your women and lunch money. :rolleyes:
True, black people will rob you. Thank you for being honest.
White brown red and yellow people will rob you too. What’s your point?
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
Beverly Hills,Hollywood and Sherman Oaks
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
How about instead of dodging and weaving, you just admit you were wrong?
Guess you forgot the 'Clinger speech'.

".....they cling to their guns and their religion...."
I didn’t forget about that... Obama never said walls, America and whites are racist in that speech. Stop lying
Look retard, Obama was talking about WHITE CHRISTIANS!!!!

In another speech he said America was not cured of racism. 'We Are Not Cured': Obama Discusses Racism In America With Marc Maron

"In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves," Obama further said in Berlin. "We can’t hide behind a wall."

But many were quick to find Obama's comments pretty rich — and full of hypocrisy. Obama lectures America about border walls — but look at the glaring hypocrisy surrounding his home

If you want to go around being an ignorant ass the rest of your life, feel free, but stop wasting my time, because I'm onto you.
He was talking about a faction of people who do think that way, not all white Christians. It’s the same thing as Hillaries deplorables... all the low IQs out there try and conflate those statements to make it seem that they were talking about all white Christians or all Republicans. Who do you think you are fooling? And racism is not cured in this country is still very much exists. If you really can’t understand these simple messages then I don’t know what to say... I can’t fix stupid
Well unfortunately for your lame excuse....I've read parts of his books.....and it's pretty clear he meant White Christians in general.
He was just showing us how racist he was, but he wasn't brave enough to spell it out.....until after he became president. Not to mention his habit of hanging out in churches that preached racist doctrine like Black Liberation Theology where they believe that nothing about white people is redeeming, even claim that Jesus was black.
Oh so now you’re going to interpret what he didn’t really say but what you think he intended? Then attribute the remarks of one or two preachers from a church he visited to define his core beliefs?! Whatever man, those are both so lame. So if you went to Catholic Church and years later your priest was exposed as a molester does that mean you support molestation?! See how ridiculous that argument is?!
No....I see how ridiculous YOUR argument is.
Most of what I know about Obama isn't just from what he says, because most of what he says isn't his own words due to the fact that every speech was read from a teleprompter. It's derived from his actions. It's clear that he hates white people. We saw 9 years of this. Even before he became President it was clear he had a disdain for whites. He called his grandmother in Hawaii a "Typical White". After the Rev Wright controversy became public he really started to bitch and moan and complain about not being treated fairly by white voters. He didn't 'VISIT' that church......HE WAS A MEMBER FOR 20 YEARS!!!! I'd say that was a bit more than just a visit. LOL!!!
The globalists grabbed him and got him out of the country for 3 weeks during the campaign to patch up his image and change the debate when he started whining about not having the same opportunities as "Conventional Candidates", meaning white candidates.

When members of the New Black Panther Party were caught intimidating white voters in Philly during the 2008 election he refused to indict them for what was an open and shut case. He wasn't about to prosecute "HIS PEOPLE".
Seriously, you have to be living with blinders on to not notice his overt racist tendencies. Saying Trayvon Martin could be like his own son. Yep....Obama's son tried to murder a neighborhood watch volunteer and got shot for his troubles. Trayvon was portrayed as a victim, but the fact is he was bashing that guy's head into a concrete sidewalk when he was shot. And George Zimmerman is supposedly the thug. Total rubbish.

He always felt he had to say something when a thug was shot by police. He claimed that the police were being unfair when they arrested a black professor who a neighbor thought was breaking into his home. He didn't care if the cops were just doing their jobs. So while he was president his media got busy fomenting hatred against cops. Cops can't do their jobs now thanks to the microscope that was put on them. Cops can do no right now, thanks to Barack Obama and his anti-cop administration. Constantly siding with criminals instead of first responders.

I don't care if the media wants to kiss his ass at every turn, but the fact is Barack H. Obama was and is a racist. The final straw was his visit to South Africa a couple of months ago. That should have removed all doubt for anyone who has been paying attention to what's going on there.
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What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
How about instead of dodging and weaving, you just admit you were wrong?
No dodging... see above post, I gave a direct answer
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
How about instead of dodging and weaving, you just admit you were wrong?
No dodging... see above post, I gave a direct answer
Ive asked the same question multiple times. Quit dodging and just answer the question or admit you were wrong.
I don’t have those stats. Where do you find stats on neighborhood demographics and crime?
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
I can name several notoriously dangerous black neighborhoods and so can you. The question is, can you name any notoriously dangerous WHITE neighborhoods? If not, then poverty isnt the cause of violence.
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What are a few poor white neighborhoods that you know of?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
Noel, Missouri and the surrounding area..
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Noel Missouri has a population of 1,817. Want to try something a little more relevant to our conversation?

I can bring up poor low population black majority cities that have low crime as well. A place like North Lilbourn, Missouri that is 93% African American. How’s that work for you?

Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
Name the most dangerous white neighborhood in the country. Lets see how their crime stats compare with the worst black neighborhoods.
I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws.

So go talk to the Democrats.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a XXXXXX while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

WillPower Removed racist term. Please do not use it again.

There's definitely more to that than what's in that video. That boy did something..something not right.

That's not a simple robbery, that's a getback for something. Notice the black guy isn't messing with his friend. The skinnier one.

With a lead-in like that, I declare this thread is total ass.
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?

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