Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

We all hate Trump. So yes, we’ve come together on that.

I suspect he hates you too.

He doesn’t scare me.
So I’m sure you’re right. He only likes people he can intimidate…. like yourself

Intimidate? :auiqs.jpg:

So far in the main he's doing what I want him to do, and what I wanted from a president before he even announced his candidacy. That's hardly intimidation.

He likes Americans. You others, not so much.
My biggest disappointment of Obama's presidency.

No one was better equipped - not even close - and he chose to vote "present".

What a damn shame.
Wait....just "present"? And here we have some of your fellow posters stating he made things worse by causing more racism and more sexism. Seems like conservative republicans need to get their whining about Former President Obama consistant.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.
Barry made racism into a major issue by making everything racist. Walls are racist. America is racist. Being white is racist.
Did Obama say any of those things?
Guess you forgot the 'Clinger speech'.

".....they cling to their guns and their religion...."
I didn’t forget about that... Obama never said walls, America and whites are racist in that speech. Stop lying
Look retard, Obama was talking about WHITE CHRISTIANS!!!!

In another speech he said America was not cured of racism. 'We Are Not Cured': Obama Discusses Racism In America With Marc Maron

"In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves," Obama further said in Berlin. "We can’t hide behind a wall."

But many were quick to find Obama's comments pretty rich — and full of hypocrisy. Obama lectures America about border walls — but look at the glaring hypocrisy surrounding his home

If you want to go around being an ignorant ass the rest of your life, feel free, but stop wasting my time, because I'm onto you.
He's right...we are not cured. The OP wants him held responsible for that. You too?
My biggest disappointment of Obama's presidency.

No one was better equipped - not even close - and he chose to vote "present".

What a damn shame.
Wait....just "present"? And here we have some of your fellow posters stating he made things worse by causing more racism and more sexism. Seems like conservative republicans need to get their whining about Former President Obama consistant.
Well, that's the conservative line. I think what he chose not to do was plenty.
Apparently NOT as violent as INCEL white boys.....they've been killing a lot of women recently.....and let's look at last year: Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018

Excellent....bodecea has now been trained to hate her own whiteness....I swear, these people are the dumbest creatures in the history of Earth.
Fascinating that you would think so....when I just call out bad behavior when I see it regardless. What's next? You call me some kind of race-traitor? :71:

Correction, you call out bad behavior by conservatives when you see it, when you see bad behavior by leftists you play deaf, blind , and well not dumb because you aren't playing about being dumb.
True, black people are notoriously violent. Thank you for your honesty.
What do you expect to happen when you call them racial slurs? You think youre not going to get a busted lip? :laugh:
Oh, thanks for reminding me. Black people also make up lies about being called racial slurs as a weak attempt to excuse their uncivilized behavior.
Stop lying. You know the only reason you got your jaw broke is because you made a racial slur. :rolleyes:
True, black people are very violent. Good point.
When you make racial slurs we get violent. You get a broken jaw. Cause and effect. :rolleyes:

Excuse me , but not all black people are retards who respond to free speech they don't like with violence.

I always knew blacks would riot and commit more crimes during the Obama presidency, and wow, was I right. Unfulfilled expectation disappointment? Like that woman on the viral clip yelling, "Gimme more free shit!" Crime's out of control now. I suppose that Houston shooting of five police officers was probably a black guy; I didn't watch the news, but I'll bet.

Three political groups in America now: white conservatives, white leftists, and blacks.
Wait... you found a video of a black guy robbing a white guy and it is Obama’s fault? Are you joking with this OP?

I had thousands to choose from...am I joking?
No youre just whining because Black guys are always taking your women and lunch money. :rolleyes:
True, black people will rob you. Thank you for being honest.
White brown red and yellow people will rob you too. What’s your point?
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.
Barry made racism into a major issue by making everything racist. Walls are racist. America is racist. Being white is racist.
Did Obama say any of those things?
Guess you forgot the 'Clinger speech'.

".....they cling to their guns and their religion...."
I didn’t forget about that... Obama never said walls, America and whites are racist in that speech. Stop lying
Look retard, Obama was talking about WHITE CHRISTIANS!!!!

In another speech he said America was not cured of racism. 'We Are Not Cured': Obama Discusses Racism In America With Marc Maron

"In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves," Obama further said in Berlin. "We can’t hide behind a wall."

But many were quick to find Obama's comments pretty rich — and full of hypocrisy. Obama lectures America about border walls — but look at the glaring hypocrisy surrounding his home

If you want to go around being an ignorant ass the rest of your life, feel free, but stop wasting my time, because I'm onto you.
He was talking about a faction of people who do think that way, not all white Christians. It’s the same thing as Hillaries deplorables... all the low IQs out there try and conflate those statements to make it seem that they were talking about all white Christians or all Republicans. Who do you think you are fooling? And racism is not cured in this country is still very much exists. If you really can’t understand these simple messages then I don’t know what to say... I can’t fix stupid
Apparently NOT as violent as INCEL white boys.....they've been killing a lot of women recently.....and let's look at last year: Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2018

Excellent....bodecea has now been trained to hate her own whiteness....I swear, these people are the dumbest creatures in the history of Earth.
Fascinating that you would think so....when I just call out bad behavior when I see it regardless. What's next? You call me some kind of race-traitor? :71:

Correction, you call out bad behavior by conservatives when you see it, when you see bad behavior by leftists you play deaf, blind , and well not dumb because you aren't playing about being dumb.
You keep up with that fantasy....it fits quite nicely with your persecution complex....which, of course, is a mainstay of conservative republicans.
I had thousands to choose from...am I joking?
No youre just whining because Black guys are always taking your women and lunch money. :rolleyes:
True, black people will rob you. Thank you for being honest.
White brown red and yellow people will rob you too. What’s your point?
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
I wish white males would just get over all the generations of persecution they've had to endure from women and minorities!!!!! :102:
My biggest disappointment of Obama's presidency.

No one was better equipped - not even close - and he chose to vote "present".

What a damn shame.
Hey, Bret, Jemaine, and Murray all voted “present” and they put on a fine show
I had thousands to choose from...am I joking?
No youre just whining because Black guys are always taking your women and lunch money. :rolleyes:
True, black people will rob you. Thank you for being honest.
White brown red and yellow people will rob you too. What’s your point?
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
There are far more poor white neighborhoods than black ones. If poverty is the cause of violence, name the top 3 most dangerous white neighborhoods.
No youre just whining because Black guys are always taking your women and lunch money. :rolleyes:
True, black people will rob you. Thank you for being honest.
White brown red and yellow people will rob you too. What’s your point?
My point is the same as Asslips point. Black people do it FAR more often.
What’s the purpose of making that statement? Black people also have had generations of oppression and poverty that they’ve had to overcome so those stats are not a surprise.
I wish white males would just get over all the generations of persecution they've had to endure from women and minorities!!!!! :102:
There are no current white males who were alive during all those generations. Same goes for blacks.
Stop lying. You know the only reason you got your jaw broke is because you made a racial slur. :rolleyes:

You've never been in a fight....I know that because you're a little pussy snitch and always have been. Any white guy on this board would beat the daylights out of you, boy.
You keep up with that fantasy....it fits quite nicely with your persecution complex....which, of course, is a mainstay of conservative republicans.

Your blithering shows us you're having trouble organizing your thoughts. I've got a sneaking suspicion you're never around blacks and when you are you're either fawning over them seeking acceptance or wishing you could murder them all like the Klan of your forefathers......You progs are some of the most violent racists in US history....you murder their babies at Planned Parenthood, visit economic violence, cultural violence, the violence of a life of drugs and desperation on them...that's what the "black community" has gotten from your ilk.
Stop lying. You know the only reason you got your jaw broke is because you made a racial slur. :rolleyes:

You've never been in a fight....I know that because you're a little pussy snitch and always have been. Any white guy on this board would beat the daylights out of you, boy.
If you hadnt punked out when I invited you to Oakland we would have seen for sure. Why were you afraid? :rolleyes:

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