Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

I don’t know white neighborhoods or black neighborhoods. Do you have a good source to find those? I know that blacks have a much higher poverty rate than whites so that is a major factor in the high crime rate in their community. Again I’ll ask. What point are you trying to make with this? Cut the shit and just say it
Youve never heard of Compton or any of Baltimores various crime ridden neighborhoods? I seriously doubt that. If you have to be dishonest, why disagree with me in the first place?
What is it you think I’m disagreeing about? And why do you think places like Compton have high crime rates?
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws.

So go talk to the Democrats.
I y’all to both republicans and democrats. Unfortunately those are the only shitty options we have in government control
No president, regardless of party affiliation nor the Lord himself can stop sorry ass white people from hating on blacks or people of color. And just the assumption that Obama could somehow convince rednecks that racism isn't cool, is ridiculous. Just as blaming Trump for racism, that too is stupid. Bottom line is this, until the dirt hits the box, white people will always harvest fears of being number two someday, harvest resentment of black men taking over their covenant barbies and will always need somebody to blame when life hands them a bad card and things don't go their way....its in the DNA of that race that has had privilege since the dawn of man.
...because black culture is awful, obviously. It isnt a money issue, its a cultural one.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
No president, regardless of party affiliation nor the Lord himself can stop sorry ass white people from hating on blacks or people of color. And just the assumption that Obama could somehow convince rednecks that racism isn't cool, is ridiculous. Just as blaming Trump for racism, that too is stupid. Bottom line is this, until the dirt hits the box, white people will always harvest fears of being number two someday, harvest resentment of black men taking over their covenant barbies and will always need somebody to blame when life hands them a bad card and things don't go their way....its in the DNA of that race that has had privilege since the dawn of man.
Well said, except I’d say your observation about white peoples fears only applies to a faction, not all of us see the world in black and white and the idiots that do don’t represent all of us. Privilege is an unfortunate by product of generations of bad behavior from whites and the wealthy/powerful. It is fine to discuss and become educationed about so we don’t replicate those mistakes. It’s not healthy to continue to blame or penalize white people in today’s world for actions of their ancenstors, and it is not productive for people of color to use the past as an excuse to not kick ass in the present nor should they use the past to harness resentment for those who do not deserve it.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
Oh I’m sorry, do you feel bad that your not getting trophy points?! Here I’ll give you a big win and then you can go get a cookie, ok?!
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
Oh I’m sorry, do you feel bad that your not getting trophy points?! Here I’ll give you a big win and then you can go get a cookie, ok?!
Weve been having a racial discussion for days, now i see you condoning racist posts against white people. Youre a racist/hypocrite piece of shit.
Black culture has evolved through generations of oppression and poverty. Most black people alive today have parents and grandparents who literally lived through and experienced jim crow and discrimination by our laws. Is it really that surprising that a group that was outwardly hated and not given fair employment or educational opportunities moved towards a gang/underground culture? Come on man, open your eyes and show a little awareness and understanding of real life situations.
If we saw a real effort from the black community to clean up their act it would be different, but they only talk about racist whites and use it as an excuse for their terrible behavior.

Also, if you have evidence that someone was denied work because of the color of their skin, present it, otherwise dont make shit up.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
Dude, your the one thats full of shit, I can smell you through my keyboard.
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
Oh I’m sorry, do you feel bad that your not getting trophy points?! Here I’ll give you a big win and then you can go get a cookie, ok?!
Weve been having a racial discussion for days, now i see you condoning racist posts against white people. Youre a racist/hypocrite piece of shit.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake us all up when you sir can have a civil convo without wetting your diaper
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth

President First Lady Obama, kendrick lamar.jpg

Hello. I choose to join my responsible, much better educated American and foreign born neighbors intelligently examining LARGER American Social and Health issues affecting the emotional well-being and physical HEALTH of far too many American citizens of ALL ages.

Do you believe apparent "Pro Black" minded President "My Brother's Keeper" and Mrs. "Girl Power" Obama were acting in the best interests of black or American citizens of African descent when inviting to their children's and Nation's home, more than a dozen apparent or admitted emotionally troubled American urban-TRUTH-tellers composing American music art portraying black or American citizens of African descent, in particular teen boys and adult men, as depressed, angry, frustrated, violent, suic!dal, homic!dal thinking citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful, as well as less fortunate neighbors?

"Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbm7xE99jVI/

Do you believe President and Mrs. Obama were acting in the best interests of ALL American citizens when they actively promoted VIOLENCE riddled, female HATING American music art composed by 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victims vividly describing our Nation's current *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS that 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim-survivor Oprah Winfrey passionately addresses during a March 11, 2018, '60 Minutes' segment titled, "Treating Trauma?"

A *CHILD CARE* Public Health Crisis responsible for inspiring the late American urban-TRUTH-teller Tupac Shakur, a Childhood Trauma (#ACEs) and Gun Violence Homicide Victim, to create and tattoo in bold letters across his once NEGLECTED, hungry, "hurting" belly, his #T_H_U_G_L_I_F_E Child Abuse, Emotional, Neglect, Abandonment and Maltreatment AWARENESS-PREVENTION Public Service Announcement!

"The Hate U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur

Do you believe, in her own way, pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness', as well as her medical colleagues join Tupac Shakur, in PASSIONATELY speaking about the relationship between Adverse Childhood Experiences (#ACEs), aka *Childhood Trauma*, and later-life health and well being?

Introducing Child Abuse Awareness & Education Advocate, pediatrician Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.


YouTube search terms: "Oprah Winfrey 'Fixing The 'Hole In Your Soul'"

Sorry for the long-winded, fact-based rant, though after spending near-twelve years of my life as an overworked uniform cop, robbery and death investigator serving young "Childhood Trauma" (#ACEs) victims Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter's and the late Christopher "Biggie Smalls" Wallace's Brooklyn, NY, neighborhoods...

...where on a daily basis I spoke with, interviewed or interrogated innocent (or not-so-innocent) fellow American citizens emotionally and/or physically harmed by the 'people and community harming anti-social behaviors' Biggie, as well as President Obama's friend Shawn Carter painfully and often gleefully rap about...

...I too have some pain, anger, frustrations and sadness I choose to share with my American and foreign born neighbors.


American *(Children's)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our National Health Crisis; Child Abuse and Neglect; End Community Violence/Fear, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
You really think I’m making that shit up?! Whatever man, if you don’t know basic history then your hopeless and I don’t need to waste my time talking to a brick wall. Sleep well tonight
What does history have to do with 2019? Do you know any black men who werent hired because they were black? If not, then stop saying it.
That’s not what I’m taking about and you know it. History shows how our society has evolved and why things are how they are. Smart people study it, understand it, and learn from it. You seem to want to ignore it. You want to sit on your pedi stool and judge black culture but you show no awareness or understand of the cause and effects that led to the situation. So what’s your goal here? Insult and demonize, is that all you’ve got?
Youre so fucking full of shit. You literally just rated Tigerreds racist post "winner". Youre garbage.
Oh I’m sorry, do you feel bad that your not getting trophy points?! Here I’ll give you a big win and then you can go get a cookie, ok?!
Weve been having a racial discussion for days, now i see you condoning racist posts against white people. Youre a racist/hypocrite piece of shit.
I agreed with his suggestion that you can’t blame Obama or Trump for racism in America, no one man is that powerful. I then stated my objection to the rest of his statement. Try and pay better attention. You sound like an overemotional fool
#1-#43...no responsibility for the racial issues of America

#44....it's on you, Obama!

#45...no responsibility for the racial issues of America
#35 did pretty good
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.
#1-#43...no responsibility for the racial issues of America

#44....it's on you, Obama!

#45...no responsibility for the racial issues of America
#35 did pretty good
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.
Haha, that is fucking hilarious!!! No race riots under trump?! Ok buddy

So what exactly did Obama do to cause race riots?
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

White males are too insecure to unify with anyone due to bad genetics. :rolleyes:

White females love unifying with Blacks.

Yet the genetics of blacks has produced a below average IQ.

White trash females do. Honorable white women wouldn't have anything to do with you low level boys.
#1-#43...no responsibility for the racial issues of America

#44....it's on you, Obama!

#45...no responsibility for the racial issues of America
#35 did pretty good
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.
Haha, that is fucking hilarious!!! No race riots under trump?! Ok buddy

So what exactly did Obama do to cause race riots?
"Trayvon could have been my son", "the cops acted stupidly", etc, etc, etc. He fanned the flames.
White trash females do. Honorable white women wouldn't have anything to do with you low level boys.

During my decades of chasing strange, during the first meeting for coffee, after maybe 15 minutes of conversation, I'd slip in the question...."I don't mean to be nosy, but have you ever dated a black man?" If it was no, things moved on...if it was yes, there was no second meet up.
#1-#43...no responsibility for the racial issues of America

#44....it's on you, Obama!

#45...no responsibility for the racial issues of America
#35 did pretty good
There hasnt been one single race riot since Trump became president. How many happened during Obamas presidency? He was stirring shit up. Always siding with criminals over cops.
Haha, that is fucking hilarious!!! No race riots under trump?! Ok buddy

So what exactly did Obama do to cause race riots?
"Trayvon could have been my son", "the cops acted stupidly", etc, etc, etc. He fanned the flames.
Right, and there are good people on both sides. It’s amazing how you are so quick to blame on one side and so quick to excuse, spin and ignore in the other. It’s called hypocrisy

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