Did Barry Unify Blacks And Whites?

That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

You`re hearing it where exactly? What I often see here is lifelong racists blaming Obama for their racism. Who is this Barry your speaking to? Manilow isn`t a politician and Goldwater is as dead as the space between your ears.

Bathhouse Barry only did one thing,..... give idiots a feeling of entitlement they don't deserve.
It was hard to get blacks to pay their rent. Now it's next to impossible. Even some Whites think this way.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

You're actually saying O'bama choreographed this robbery huh? When are your people returning to your home planet?

"Did O'bama unify blacks and whites"? Well the election did. After that, teabaggers and tonguewaggers and Fox Noise and Lush Rimjob and Jerome Corsi and Joe Farah (et al etc) drove a wedge into that wid a quickness, because they can't tolerate Uppities in the gummint.

It was quite revealing.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Wait... you found a video of a black guy robbing a white guy and it is Obama’s fault? Are you joking with this OP?

Nope. White wingers are racist.
Well I see you’ve abandoned your idiotic argument blaming Obama for every interracial fight caught on YouTube. At least you’re making baby steps.

Horseshit....the halfrican punk set race relations in this country back 25 years embracing Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright.....the little bitch and Mike both hate whites with a passion...we know, we saw it.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.

Hey, so cruise down into some black neighborhoods and test your theory....I know what will happen to you, it's about time you found out.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

A convict at the prison was going nuts on me and he, being black, call me the "N" word. I gassed him!!
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.

Hey, so cruise down into some black neighborhoods and test your theory....I know what will happen to you, it's about time you found out.
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.

Hey, so cruise down into some black neighborhoods and test your theory....I know what will happen to you, it's about time you found out.
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades
O'homo took it all out, heated them up and served it all again.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.

Hey, so cruise down into some black neighborhoods and test your theory....I know what will happen to you, it's about time you found out.
What does that have to do with Obama? Those problems have been around for decades
O'homo took it all out, heated them up and served it all again.
Yeah right. Keep telling yourself that
Well I see you’ve abandoned your idiotic argument blaming Obama for every interracial fight caught on YouTube. At least you’re making baby steps.

Horseshit....the halfrican punk set race relations in this country back 25 years embracing Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright.....the little bitch and Mike both hate whites with a passion...we know, we saw it.
No we didn’t see that. I saw Obama have some very close relationships with many white people including his VP Joe Biden and his old political opponent George Bush. The ugliness racist fever that surfaced after Obama was elected was always there. He didn’t create it, he exposed it. You are severely disconnected from reality.
Barry made racism into a major issue by making everything racist. Walls are racist. America is racist. Being white is racist.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

White males are too insecure to unify with anyone due to bad genetics. :rolleyes:

White females love unifying with Blacks.

The OP is an example of White Privilege in action. No white President would have such a question, such a responsibility put on him/her.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Allow me to answer.

Just the fact that a black man had been elected to the office of Presidency not once but twice should have convinced most sane Americans that racism was largely dead in the Unites States and we should have been able to move on, but instead Obama actually made things worse by instituting policies which were themselves racist, well and sexist, but that's another thread.

Obama actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a black man was a mistake, which is a crying shame because other blacks should not be judged by Obama's actions.

Obama was a TERRIBLE President, and he was even worse for blacks than he was for whites. The numbers bear this out, blacks were worse off in nearly every metric at the end of Obama's reign of terror than they were at the beginning. I mean other groups were too, but the gap was larger for blacks.
If you’re not joking then you have some serious issues understanding basic political and sociological realities.

I'm from Detroit...used to be a great city until LBJ decided to tear it apart with "political and sociological realities".....Tell Asslips all about it.....but he'll report you if you hurt his wormy little feelings.
So...now you are blaming the white President.
That's what we keep hearing from the left but our eyes tell us something quite different. Here we have a black calling a white a n*gger while he robs him.....thanks Barry, hell of a job:

Can I ask you why you would expect Former President Obama in particular to unite Blacks and Whites?

Allow me to answer.

Just the fact that a black man had been elected to the office of Presidency not once but twice should have convinced most sane Americans that racism was largely dead in the Unites States and we should have been able to move on, but instead Obama actually made things worse by instituting policies which were themselves racist, well and sexist, but that's another thread.

Obama actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a black man was a mistake, which is a crying shame because other blacks should not be judged by Obama's actions.

Obama was a TERRIBLE President, and he was even worse for blacks than he was for whites. The numbers bear this out, blacks were worse off in nearly every metric at the end of Obama's reign of terror than they were at the beginning. I mean other groups were too, but the gap was larger for blacks.

So...if we take your logic to it's end....can we now say that voting for trump actually convinced millions of Americans that voting for a white male was a mistake....with the numbers bearing this out?

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