Did Bernie just win the election?

I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.

Never happen, in both cases......The swamp is in full control of the war machine....We're just along for the ride, having to suffer with the "hooray for my team" shit.
You are likely right. However, I still hold out hope that these bastards in the Oligarchy haven’t taken total control of the nation.
I was pretty much convinced that it's over the second time Trump got rolled in Syria.....He's in so far over his head that he cannot even recognize the patterns of deceit that are right under his nose.
Bernie 30 years ago "there should be no millionaires"
Bernue after becoming a millionaire "there should be no billionaires"
Dude is a goddamn joke
Dimms say Trump should be aggressive with NoKo, who has the fucking bomb, and they say Trump should kiss Iran’s ass, who doesn’t have the bomb.

They are just contradicting every thing Trump does.

Fuck them. They should unify behind the POTUS when it comes to stuff like this. They are power and money hungry scum Pieces of trash.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


Only the most bat-shit crazy of crazy’s will cast a vote for this ancient, nutless, twisted Koook.
The same thing goes for Biden... The only candidate that brags about his quid quo pro scheme on tape (I told the president, if that prosecutor that is investigating my son isn't fired in 6 hours, you don't get the money!)
You know that isn't true, right?
I certainly hope so.
Why would someone claiming to be a libertarian want a socialist to win?

You people are very confused.
Sorry to confuse you. Let me know if this explanation is acceptable.

I recognize in our terribly corrupt system with an outright criminal government, libertarian policies will not take hold.

I also am a one issue voter. No war. No foreign interventions. Curtail the war machine. Bernie is the best choice, but I have been mistaken before.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


Only the most bat-shit crazy of crazy’s will cast a vote for this ancient, nutless, twisted Koook.
The same thing goes for Biden... The only candidate that brags about his quid quo pro scheme on tape (I told the president, if that prosecutor that is investigating my son isn't fired in 6 hours, you don't get the money!)
You know that isn't true, right?
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.

Then why did he run for the Democrat nomination? Why did he speak at the Democrat convention? Why does he sit on Democrat Senate Committees representing them? Why did he campaign for Hillary Clinton?
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.

Then why did he run for the Democrat nomination? Why did he speak at the Democrat convention? Why does he sit on Democrat Senate Committees representing them? Why did he campaign for Hillary Clinton?
Ask him. You do know he is an independent right?
I certainly hope so.
Why would someone claiming to be a libertarian want a socialist to win?

You people are very confused.

Degenerates love free shit.
I love free shit. You don’t?

I was raised by good real Americans who taught me that nothing is free...They taught me to take pride in paving my own path and paying my own way....Simple, AMERICAN concepts...weird huh?
I also am a one issue voter. No war. No foreign interventions. Curtail the war machine. Bernie is the best choice, but I have been mistaken before.

How do you “no war” types think a nation maintains its POWERFUL status and stays in command of the world without ever going to war?
I also am a one issue voter. No war. No foreign interventions. Curtail the war machine. Bernie is the best choice, but I have been mistaken before.

How do you “no war” types think a nation maintains its POWERFUL status and stays in command of the world without ever going to war?
Wow. Now that is fucked up. I don’t suppose you know how fucked up that is.
How interesting it is that Bernie's platform mentions nothing about having a strong military or dealing with terrorists who attack our embassies and kill Americans. The only thing I could find was in his foreign policy plan, which was this:

  • Follow the American people, who do not want endless war. American troops have been in Afghanistan for nearly 18 years, the longest war in American history. Our troops have been in Iraq since 2003, and in Syria since 2015, and many other places. It is long past time for Congress to reassert its Constitutional authority over the use of force to responsibly end these interventions and bring our troops home.
  • End U.S. support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which has created the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.
  • Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement and talk to Iran on a range of other issues.
  • Work with pro-democracy forces around the world to build societies that work for and protect all people. In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, democracy is under threat by forces of intolerance, corruption, and authoritarianism.
Responsible Foreign Policy
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


That's a juggling act I'd love to see: to both avoid conflict with Iran and not acquiesce to them all at the same time!

Of course Bernie can SAY he'll do anything NOW because he's never actually done ANYTHING. Never has, never will. Including being POTUS.
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I also am a one issue voter. No war. No foreign interventions. Curtail the war machine. Bernie is the best choice, but I have been mistaken before.

How do you “no war” types think a nation maintains its POWERFUL status and stays in command of the world without ever going to war?
Wow. Now that is fucked up. I don’t suppose you know how fucked up that is.

No, actually I don’t....See, I think like a man with a spine and a pair of nuts does...Enlighten me from a nutless perspective please.
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.

Then why did he run for the Democrat nomination? Why did he speak at the Democrat convention? Why does he sit on Democrat Senate Committees representing them? Why did he campaign for Hillary Clinton?
Ask him. You do know he is an independent right?

Right. He caucuses with the Democrats. He won Democrat delegates in 2016 and participated in every Democrat primary. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has endorsed him and provided funds in his every election...even against other Democrats. Barack Hussein campaigned for Sanders.
He has a seniority ranking among the Democrats for committee seats. Yep thats right...he is senior to many Democrats on that list. In 2013 he represented the democrats on the USS Committee for Veterans Affairs as Democrat CHAIRMAN.
He was introduced as the " ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015" "Since January 2017 he has been Chair of the Senate Democratic Outreach Committee"

Committee on the Budget (Ranking Member)

He is ALSO a leading member of Democratic Caucus of the United States Senate. During the 100 Congress when the breakdown was 50-50 in the Senate they crowed that Bernie made 51-49 because he was a member of all democrat caucus.

He i a Democrat through and through who gives them some plausible deniability as they rush towards third world socialism,
I also am a one issue voter. No war. No foreign interventions. Curtail the war machine. Bernie is the best choice, but I have been mistaken before.

How do you “no war” types think a nation maintains its POWERFUL status and stays in command of the world without ever going to war?
Wow. Now that is fucked up. I don’t suppose you know how fucked up that is.

No, actually I don’t....See, I think like a man with a spine and a pair of nuts does...Enlighten me from a nutless perspective please.
Let’s get you on the front line, to kill for the Oligarchy.

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