Did Bernie just win the election?

As was pointed out at National Review.....

This guy was killed in Iraq....what was he doing there in the first place? You asshats? Do you realize this guy was on the terrorist list...right? It was a good, clean kill of a monster....get the F**k over it.

The Corner | National Review

Regarding Pelosi’s claim that the strike was not authorized, she’s just flat out wrong. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps was designated a terrorist group in April. This was not a strike in Iran, it was a strike in Iraq. There is no doubt about Soleimani’s connection to attacks on Americans, both recently and going back years. Literally, the Iran-backed militiamen who attacked the U.S. Embassy Baghdad wrote “Soleimani is our leader” on the wall. Under the authorization of military force passed by Congress in 2001, “the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.”

So dipshit who in this thread said he shouldn't have been killed?

All of the asshats who hate Trump. All the asshats who are afraid to make Iran and other terrorists angry at them.......
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


Who knows but many on the right have the war drums beating. If millions of younger voter's go to the polls then yes Bernie will win. Anyone in this group that has had a father or mother that has served in one of these unending wars in the ME who has seen what their parents have gone through will not vote for Trump or any other war monger. The only way I would condone a family member joining the military today would be if the continental U.S. was being attacked. No one can every justify an unending war in the ME. Let them handle their own problems.

Hey...moron....Trump is the one ending these things........you moron.
I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


Who knows but many on the right have the war drums beating. If millions of younger voter's go to the polls then yes Bernie will win. Anyone in this group that has had a father or mother that has served in one of these unending wars in the ME who has seen what their parents have gone through will not vote for Trump or any other war monger. The only way I would condone a family member joining the military today would be if the continental U.S. was being attacked. No one can every justify an unending war in the ME. Let them handle their own problems.

The problem is, if we wait until they reach our shores, it will be much too late. Remember 911?
  • Follow the American people, who do not want endless war. American troops have been in Afghanistan for nearly 18 years, the longest war in American history. Our troops have been in Iraq since 2003, and in Syria since 2015, and many other places. It is long past time for Congress to reassert its Constitutional authority over the use of force to responsibly end these interventions and bring our troops home.
  • End U.S. support for the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen, which has created the world’s worst humanitarian catastrophe.
  • Rejoin the Iran nuclear agreement and talk to Iran on a range of other issues.
  • Work with pro-democracy forces around the world to build societies that work for and protect all people. In the United States, Europe, and elsewhere, democracy is under threat by forces of intolerance, corruption, and authoritarianism.
looks good on paper- doesn't come out of his authoritarian mouth the same way though- lets begin with democracy- we're a representative republic, what the rest of the world does is their business not ours, 2) taking what doesn't belong to you, regardless of the rhetorical excuse, under the color of law, is authoritarian, 3), what about the Iran Nuclear agreement? Submitting to an authoritarian doctrine is still authoritarian, 4), he need look no further than the closest mirror for corruption, 5) the US Saudi "agreement" is for the US to protect Saudi interests in the ME, in return for Saudi accepting Fiat dollars for it's oil so, are we to renege on that agreement? like ALL the others we've reneged on? Wouldn't that prove our insincerity? Again?

I certainly hope so.

Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders)
1/3/20, 6:45 AM
I was right about Vietnam.

I was right about Iraq.

I will do everything in my power to prevent a war with Iran.

I apologize to no one.


Who knows but many on the right have the war drums beating. If millions of younger voter's go to the polls then yes Bernie will win. Anyone in this group that has had a father or mother that has served in one of these unending wars in the ME who has seen what their parents have gone through will not vote for Trump or any other war monger. The only way I would condone a family member joining the military today would be if the continental U.S. was being attacked. No one can every justify an unending war in the ME. Let them handle their own problems.

Hey...moron....Trump is the one ending these things........you moron.

Is he? Not in my time.
It's become more likely in the extreme that the Democrats will be soundly defeated in November, perhaps fatally.

You can take that as a prediction.
Bernie isn’t a Democrat.

Then why did he run for the Democrat nomination? Why did he speak at the Democrat convention? Why does he sit on Democrat Senate Committees representing them? Why did he campaign for Hillary Clinton?
Ask him. You do know he is an independent right?

Right. He caucuses with the Democrats. He won Democrat delegates in 2016 and participated in every Democrat primary. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee has endorsed him and provided funds in his every election...even against other Democrats. Barack Hussein campaigned for Sanders.
He has a seniority ranking among the Democrats for committee seats. Yep thats right...he is senior to many Democrats on that list. In 2013 he represented the democrats on the USS Committee for Veterans Affairs as Democrat CHAIRMAN.
He was introduced as the " ranking minority member on the Senate Budget Committee in January 2015" "Since January 2017 he has been Chair of the Senate Democratic Outreach Committee"

Committee on the Budget (Ranking Member)

He is ALSO a leading member of Democratic Caucus of the United States Senate. During the 100 Congress when the breakdown was 50-50 in the Senate they crowed that Bernie made 51-49 because he was a member of all democrat caucus.

He i a Democrat through and through who gives them some plausible deniability as they rush towards third world socialism,
He is a self admitted Socialist.

Most Democrats are socialists if not communists. They dont all admit it in public...another reason for them to fear wikileaks.
Will Bernie's heart hold out until January 2021? ... more likely he keels over dead trying to debate The Donald ...

1/3 of us will be voting for The Donald ... 1/3 of us will be voting against The Donald ... leaving the 1/3 of us to decide ...

I predict that of this final 1/3 ... most will vote against the Democrats, their platform will be too far left ... the "John McCain Mistake" all over again, moving to far to the extreme during the primaries and not be able to reclaim the center during the general ... Democrats need to go into Michigan promising full Federal financing of all the environmental clean-up projects (like Flint's water supply) and go into Pennsylvania promising full Federal financing to keep the coal mines open ... then go into one of the tiny states and promise full Federal financing for their whatever expensive project they have going on, say, artificial snow machines for Glacier National Park in Montana ...

Too much backtracking ... The Donald wins by mostly the same margin ...

State elections are critical to both parties ... these new State legislatures will be tasked with re-apportionment ... Democrats recover their losses in 2010 and bring a new balance to the body politic ...
You think a freaking unapologetic socialist is qualified to be president because he claims that he was right about LBJ's war in Vietnam? Things must be desperate on the left.
Bernie is a surrender monkey. He'd surrender to Putin right after being sworn in.
Trump already surrendered to Putin. Years before Putin put him in office.

In 2012, Barack Obama kowtowed and swore loyalty to Vladimir Putin in the now famous "more flexible" declaration. In 2014, Russia invaded the Ukraine. The government of Ukraine BEGGED the Obama regime for help against the invading Russians. Obama sent TV Dinners and blankets in response to the pleas of the dying Ukrainians. Obama kept his word to Putin.

In 2017, Russia again began aggression against Ukraine, but Potentate Obamugabe was gone, now Donald Trump was president. Instead of TV dinners, Trump sent Javelin Anti-Tank missiles to Ukraine to kill the invading Russians, to blow the motherfuckers straight to hell.

Tell me, WHICH president is a Russian asset?
Ukraine is a piece of shit and always will be. They have ocean access and damn good soil and water EVERYONE needs to get to."eez da bredbaskit U-rope"
The citizenry are morons.

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