Did Biden add 13 million jobs or were the 13 million RE-HIRED employees that were let go due COVID ?

How so?

I present data, you might notice I never once gave Biden credit for any of it.

Or perhaps you have not noticed.
i have been in many of those threads with you eagle....you present something the biden adm gives you and defend the hell out of it and when someone shows you something countering that,what do you do?....you defend the administration.....so yes on this stuff you are pretty partisan....
How many government workers has Biden hired?

Not many

There has been a pretty steep rise under Biden.

i have been in many of those threads with you eagle....you present something the biden adm gives you and defend the hell out of it and when someone shows you something countering that,what do you do?....you defend the administration.....so yes on this stuff you are pretty partisan....

The problem here is that you confuse facts with defense, it is because you are program to hate Biden and think any fact given is a defense of him.

Take this thread for instance, you take my posting of the data with a defense of Biden or his Admin. Yet I have not once said anything positive about Biden, just given you data.

You seem to be very emotion driven, while I am data driven.
look i know dam well you dont go shopping were the poorer people shop....

Poor people do not shop at WalMart and Aldis?

But, I do most of my shopping at the local supermarket chain, I am pretty sure there are lots of poor people in there as well.
The problem here is that you confuse facts with defense, it is because you are program to hate Biden and think any fact given is a defense of him.

Take this thread for instance, you take my posting of the data with a defense of Biden or his Admin. Yet I have not once said anything positive about Biden, just given you data.

You seem to be very emotion driven, while I am data driven.
no im just realistic...you eat up any stat they give you while i question it because i know better....try shopping were the "regular" people shop....
Poor people do not shop at WalMart and Aldis?

But, I do most of my shopping at the local supermarket chain, I am pretty sure there are lots of poor people in there as well.
and you also said you are well off....you cant relate to anything those poorer people have to put up with...because to you its no big deal....
You of course have the data to support this claim...correct?
It's called
You of course have the data to support this claim...correct?
I'm not playing your BS games. Close down the economy in 2020 and 2021....allow it to slowly re-open.... take credit for "record job grown"
It's beyond stupid that they have people falling for this.
How is it you know better? Do you work in the field? Do you have experience with stats and big data?

Pretty sure I already do that.
i know better because i have delt for 10 years with people with your mindset....you dont go to the poorer side of town to shop,and dont say you do....
and you also said you are well off....you cant relate to anything those poorer people have to put up with...because to you its no big deal....

Oh, but I can. Not much more than a decade ago my family was living below the poverty rate. We often had to choose between food or paying bills. We had no money in savings and nothing set aside for retirement except for my Marine Corps pension.

My wife and I decided we did not want to live that way any longer and we did something about it. I finished my Bachelors and got my Masters and my wife got her ASN and then her BSN. Fast forward to today and we make what the Govt says puts us in the top 6% or so of all income earners.

So, yeah...I can relate as I have been there not all that long ago.
It's called

I'm not playing your BS games. Close down the economy in 2020 and 2021....allow it to slowly re-open.... take credit for "record job grown"
It's beyond stupid that they have people falling for this.

So that is a no.

Could have just said that and saved a lot of typing.

Though I do agree it is stupid for any POTUS to take credit for job creation. Yet they all do it.
Oh, but I can. Not much more than a decade ago my family was living below the poverty rate. We often had to choose between food or paying bills. We had no money in savings and nothing set aside for retirement except for my Marine Corps pension.

My wife and I decided we did not want to live that way any longer and we did something about it. I finished my Bachelors and got my Masters and my wife got her ASN and then her BSN. Fast forward to today and we make what the Govt says puts us in the top 6% or so of all income earners.

So, yeah...I can relate as I have been there not all that long ago.
big deal....we are talking about today not 10 years ago....
The jobs lost due to Trump's mishandling of COVID were all made up by June of 2022.

From July of 2022 till May of 2024 the average number of jobs added is 269,000.

So, Trump before COVID according to your post had an average of 180,000 per month.

Seems to me that 269,000 is better than 180,000....would you not agree?
Again... did you read this link closely?
HEADLINE: Biden’s Job Growth Chart Ignores Impact of Pandemic

Biden’s chart, titled “Jobs Created by President,” also leaves the misleading impression that presidents are responsible for all the job creation, or loss, during their time in office.
There are more people employed full time than ever, there are more people employed overall than ever, as a percent to total the multiple job holders is smaller than under Trump.
Please you make a totally UNSUBSTANTIATED statement! Where is your proof? Otherwise it means ZERO!
So that is a no.

Could have just said that and saved a lot of typing.

Though I do agree it is stupid for any POTUS to take credit for job creation. Yet they all do it.
that i can agree with you on....its the American Entrepreneur who gets the credit for that.....

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