Did Biden use his power as VP to help his corrupt son in Ukraine?

That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.

No, that is most definitely NOT the gist of what is going on. The gist of what is going on is simply this:


Trump made it clear in the phone call, "if you want aid from me, I need a favour from you". He ordered the Ukrainian President to coordinate with the US Attorney General, and his personal attorney and the implication was, the Ukrainians needed to come up with something quick in order to get that aid.

Then the White House tried to bury that phone call and cover it up. This implicates both Barr and Guiliani in a criminal conspiracy.

This is worse than Watergate - much, much worse. I cringed at the President's bathering defense involving Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton's email, and his utter denial that he said anything wrong.

Trump will be gone by Christmas. This phone call isn't just a smoking gun, it's also the spent cartridges with Trump's fingerprints on them. Slam dunk - abuse of power.

That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."
What I see is Trumpers trying to excuse Trump shooting someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Trump told us that he could do that and not lose his supporters and it's playing out NOW

President Trump didn't do anything wrong here.

He had a discussion with the President of Ukraine and pledged our cooperation in helping Ukraine rid itself of corruption. Particularly in groups like Burisma, which is Ukraine's answer to the La Cosa Nostra here in America. Not only did notorious Hop Head and Dope Addict Hunter Biden serve as an associate to the gang, but affiliates of Mitt Romney as well.
Really? What in the living hell is up with Mitch?

Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?

It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

A comprehensive treaty agreement that provides for cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.

No he did not follow the law or protocol...
Yes he did.
... get involved with their personal lawyer...
Giuliani, spoke with Ukraine on this at the request of The State Department. He is a deeply experienced prosecutor with a long history of putting members of Organized Crime where they belong.
...on a campaign rival, during an election cycle.
Running for office does does not grant the Biden's immunity from prosecution for their corruption. But as for your crazy theory that running for office grants you and corrupt family immunity from investigation, is James Comey aware of this? Because Candidate Trump was sure investigated a lot!
that's B.S. on Giuliani.... he said himself months back he was going to the Ukraine for OPPO research.
that's B.S. on Giuliani.... he said himself months back he was going to the Ukraine for OPPO research.

Exactly. This has been going on for months.

Understand that Ukraine has been under attack from Russia and fighting for its life this whole time.

Thousands have died and Trump is trying to "leverage" that to help him get elected and take the pressure off Russia for the 2016 election hacking
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
Quote - Giuliani, spoke with Ukraine on this at the request of The State Department. He is a deeply experienced prosecutor with a long history of putting members of Organized Crime where they belong.

State department has already denied this assertion of Rudy

They said he lied so is there any need to continue this

In Rudy we Trust

good luck with that one
Which law is that? The one Nancy invented or the one Schiff invented?
This law...


(5)(A) An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report to the Inspector General.

(B) Within the 60-calendar day period beginning on the day of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. If the Inspector General determines that the complaint or information appears credible, the Inspector General within such period shall transmit the complaint or information to the Director.

(C) The Director shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of the transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), forward such transmittal to the intelligence committees together with any comments the Director considers appropriate.
In this case the DNI consulted the department's lawyers and the Justice Department and both said the complaint failed to meet the standards for any urgent. In the paragraph above the one you quoted:

"An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor 11 to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a com12 plaint or information with respect to an urgent concern 13 may report to the Inspector General."

Since the department's lawyers and the Justice Department determined the complaint did not meet the standard of an "urgent concern" the next paragraph, which you quoted was not relevant. However, all of this is irrelevant since the President released everything that was requested despite the fact that he was not required to by law.
The law doesn't support what you claim. The law doesn't say it matters what the DNI thinks. It does offer the DNI an avenue, however, to file any opinions with the complaint when they send it to Congress, which they are compelled to do within 7 days -- which is why the just sent it over .... to comply with the law that you still don't understand.
No, the law only concerns matters of "urgent concern" and both the Department's lawyers and the Justice Department determined that the complaint did not meet the legal standard of "urgent concern" and therefore there was no requirement for mandatory release to Congress. If you had read the paragraph above the one you quoted, you might understand this. However, the President released everything the Schiff circus requested despite the fact that there was no legal requirement fo him to do so.
The law specifies it's up to the IG, not the DNI, to determine if a complaint is credible and of urgent concern -- and he did.
No, the law states clearly the IG has no jurisdiction unless the complaint meets the legal standard for an "urgent concern" and since the Department's lawyers and the Justice Department ruled it did not meet that legal standard, the IG had no jurisdiction in the matter.
That appears to be the gist of what's really going on.

No, that is most definitely NOT the gist of what is going on. The gist of what is going on is simply this:


Trump made it clear in the phone call, "if you want aid from me, I need a favour from you". He ordered the Ukrainian President to coordinate with the US Attorney General, and his personal attorney and the implication was, the Ukrainians needed to come up with something quick in order to get that aid.

Then the White House tried to bury that phone call and cover it up. This implicates both Barr and Guiliani in a criminal conspiracy.

This is worse than Watergate - much, much worse. I cringed at the President's bathering defense involving Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton's email, and his utter denial that he said anything wrong.

Trump will be gone by Christmas. This phone call isn't just a smoking gun, it's also the spent cartridges with Trump's fingerprints on them. Slam dunk - abuse of power.

you are correct, however Teflon Don, will likely get away with his lawbreaking, as he has for all of his crimes, his whole life....
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
There is no such law requiring everything be turned over to Congress, Nancy lied about that, just as all the Dems have been lying about the IG calling the complaint credible. You now have access to the transcript to the phone call the whistleblower was complaining about so now that you have more facts than the whistleblower had, why not decide for yourself what the truth is?
Since when is the law, a statute, not the law?

The IG stated the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE, where did you get that he did not?
In his first letter to Schiff, the IG did not call the complaint credible and it was only after the Justice Department ruled the complaint did not meet the legal standard for an "urgent concern," a legal requirement for the IG to have any jurisdiction in the matter, that the IG in a second letter called it credible.
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
Check out what the right wing Washington Examiner says

They call Shokin a "Swamp Monster"

Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin
That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."
What I see is Trumpers trying to excuse Trump shooting someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Trump told us that he could do that and not lose his supporters and it's playing out NOW
Trump was merely following the treaty between Ukraine/US that Biden helped pass while in the Senate and BJ Clinton signed into law:

“To the Senate of the United States: With a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, I transmit herewith the Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998. I transmit also, for the information of the Senate, an exchange of notes which was signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application, as well as the report of the Department of State with respect to the Treaty. The Treaty is one of a series of modern mutual legal assistance treaties being negotiated by the United States in order to counter criminal activities more effectively. The Treaty should be an effective tool to assist in the prosecution of a wide variety of crimes, including drug trafficking offenses. The Treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters. Mutual assistance available under the Treaty includes: taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records, and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searches and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state. I recommend that the Senate give early and favorable consideration to the Treaty and give its advice and consent to ratification.”



Trump had a perfectly lawful, reasonable, and mutually affirming conversation, not like Bragging Billion Dollar Bounty Biden with the 6 hour deadline, or else, or that mean judgmental letter by those 4 senators including that one that likes to sleep with 15 year old Jamaican girls.

This is REALLY blowing up in your faces.

There has to be an investigation.

So has any entity initiated an investigation of a criminal nature

Article 2 provides for the establishment of Central Authorities and defines Central Authorities for purposes of the Treaty. For the United States, the Central Authority shall be the Attorney General VI or a person designated by the Attorney General. For Ukraine, the Central Authority shall be the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the Prosecutor General. The article provides that the Central Authorities shall communicate directly with one another for the purposes of the Treaty. Article 3 sets forth the circumstances under which a Requested State’s Central Authority may deny assistance under the Treaty. A request may be denied if it relates to a military offense that would not be an offense under ordinary criminal law. A further ground for denial is that the request relates to a political offense (a term expected to be defined on the basis of that term’s usage in extradition treaties).

So Trump calling the president for a favor is not what the Treaty is done for

Calling to tell him how the US is a good friend and supports them is not an investigation

asking for an investigation is not what the Treaty is about

If there was a crime and it was being investigated then the AG would investigate it

He would be standing on solid ground but unfortunately that was not the case as there is no ongoing investigation of Biden.

Not RG

Not Trump

professional investigators...
Executive Branch Investigators, under the Constitution, derive their authority from the President. The President's authority to discuss whatever he wishes with another foreign leader is not limited by this treaty and it does not support the Legislature attempting to criminalize the President offering whatever assistance Ukraine wishes and taking the same from Ukraine.
... Article 4 prescribes the form and content of written requests under the Treaty...
It does NOT proscribe verbal requests. The AG does not stand for election and has no inherent authority. The AG is not even mentioned in the Constitution, the President is.
... what Trump doing by asking for a favor is political which is grounds for denial...
Sure, if Ukraine wished to, they are free to do so, however, as our interests are alligned they are eager to engage in mutually beneficial cooperation to root out this corruption that involves US aid. Just think, if you were as concerned about the corruption as you were Trump's perfectly reasonable and lawful discussion of it, maybe we wouldn't have such deep corruption by past Administration office holders and their cocaine addled family members.
... The investigation was done and it was concluded that Russian intelligence did the hacking...
According to Crowd-strike, a Hillary Campaign contractor. Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz refused to allow the FBI to ;examine the servers, and just waht the hell are they doing int he Ukraine? Of course our FBI and DOJ want to examine these servers, they are the basis of the corrupt witch hunt that was illegally launched on Trump. And he must be getting close, because you guys are losing your cookies!

Crowd-strike is run by an Oligarch that hates Putin with a passion and blames him for everything. They did an "investigation" that found that Russia had hacked a Ukrainian app that caused Ukrainian artillery to target Ukrainian forces in a battle that never took place and a hack that never occurred with losses that only existed in Crowd Strike's fevered imagination. OF COURSE Trump and the USDOJ want information on Crowd Strike's reliability and The Swamp is really panicked!
... Requesting to reopening an investigation that was closed is tampering
No it isn't. The investigation was closed in the aftermath of Biden's Billion Dollar Bounty, the Ukrainian President brought this up, and of course Trump offers our full and complete cooperation. In is in the interests of the United States to uncover this corruption and where appropriate, hold Americans to account for it.

I love how you guys just make things up and then claim you have the right to police, control and inhibit the free speech and actions of others based on your wild fictions.
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.


The Mueller Investigation originated because the President of the United States fired the Director of the FBI and then went on National Television and said he did so because of the Russian Investigation. That's called "obstruction of Justice".

Trump has come up with this elaborate conspiracy theory about Joe Biden in order to deflect from the egregious abuses of power by this President. Not to mention Trump's attempt to use the national security system, which is supposed to keep the country safe, in order to lock down the evidence of his crimes.

Trump is toast. Get used to saying "President Pence". I look forward to the perp walks for top members of the White House staff involved in the cover up.
This law...


(5)(A) An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report to the Inspector General.

(B) Within the 60-calendar day period beginning on the day of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. If the Inspector General determines that the complaint or information appears credible, the Inspector General within such period shall transmit the complaint or information to the Director.

(C) The Director shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of the transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), forward such transmittal to the intelligence committees together with any comments the Director considers appropriate.
In this case the DNI consulted the department's lawyers and the Justice Department and both said the complaint failed to meet the standards for any urgent. In the paragraph above the one you quoted:

"An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor 11 to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a com12 plaint or information with respect to an urgent concern 13 may report to the Inspector General."

Since the department's lawyers and the Justice Department determined the complaint did not meet the standard of an "urgent concern" the next paragraph, which you quoted was not relevant. However, all of this is irrelevant since the President released everything that was requested despite the fact that he was not required to by law.
The law doesn't support what you claim. The law doesn't say it matters what the DNI thinks. It does offer the DNI an avenue, however, to file any opinions with the complaint when they send it to Congress, which they are compelled to do within 7 days -- which is why the just sent it over .... to comply with the law that you still don't understand.
No, the law only concerns matters of "urgent concern" and both the Department's lawyers and the Justice Department determined that the complaint did not meet the legal standard of "urgent concern" and therefore there was no requirement for mandatory release to Congress. If you had read the paragraph above the one you quoted, you might understand this. However, the President released everything the Schiff circus requested despite the fact that there was no legal requirement fo him to do so.
The law specifies it's up to the IG, not the DNI, to determine if a complaint is credible and of urgent concern -- and he did.
No, the law states clearly the IG has no jurisdiction unless the complaint meets the legal standard for an "urgent concern" and since the Department's lawyers and the Justice Department ruled it did not meet that legal standard, the IG had no jurisdiction in the matter.
I'll read it to you again, hopefully this time, you'll understand it....

(B) Within the 60-calendar day period beginning on the day of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. If the Inspector General determines that the complaint or information appears credible, the Inspector General within such period shall transmit the complaint or information to the Director.

You'll note, the law does not state what you're saying. You're saying, "the IG has no jurisdiction unless the complaint meets the legal standard for an "urgent concern."

But the law doesn't state that. It clearly states it's up to the IG to determine if a complaint is credible and of urgent concern.

The IG determined the complaint was credible and of urgent concern.

And because the IG determined the complaint was credible and of urgent concern, he sent the complaint to the DNI just as the law says he must do.

The law then says if the DNI receives such a complaint that the IG deemed was credible and of urgent concern, then the DNI "shall" then transmit the complaint to the appropriate committees in Congress.

It matters not if the DNI finds it credible or not. It matters not if the DNI finds it of urgent concern or not. Once the IG "determined" it was, the DNI is compelled to follow that law and send the complaint to Congress within 7 days. Which is why they sent it within 7 days.

And if the DNI felt the complaint was either not credible or not of an urgent concern, they could file any such comments to the Congress with the complaint. But send the complaint, they must.
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.


The Mueller Investigation originated because the President of the United States fired the Director of the FBI and then went on National Television and said he did so because of the Russian Investigation. That's called "obstruction of Justice".

Trump has come up with this elaborate conspiracy theory about Joe Biden in order to deflect from the egregious abuses of power by this President. Not to mention Trump's attempt to use the national security system, which is supposed to keep the country safe, in order to lock down the evidence of his crimes.

Trump is toast. Get used to saying "President Pence". I look forward to the perp walks for top members of the White House staff involved in the cover up.
Again, you are cherry picking the bill to try to support your argument. The paragraph above the one you are quoting states clearly that the IG only has jurisdiction if the complaint is of "urgent concern". Urgent concern is a legal term and the Justice Department and the CIA's lawyers determined the complaint did not meet the legal standard for "urgent concern" and therefore the IG did not have jurisdiction.

"An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor 11 to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a com12 plaint or information with respect to an urgent concern 13 may report to the Inspector General."

Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.


The Mueller Investigation originated because the President of the United States fired the Director of the FBI and then went on National Television and said he did so because of the Russian Investigation. That's called "obstruction of Justice".

Trump has come up with this elaborate conspiracy theory about Joe Biden in order to deflect from the egregious abuses of power by this President. Not to mention Trump's attempt to use the national security system, which is supposed to keep the country safe, in order to lock down the evidence of his crimes.

Trump is toast. Get used to saying "President Pence". I look forward to the perp walks for top members of the White House staff involved in the cover up.
lol Did you put all of that in your letter to Santa?
Another prospective

we all remember Trumps initial statement in June this year of his willingness to access dirt from foreign countries and whether he would report it to the FBI

FEC tweets - “Election intervention from foreign governments has been considered unacceptable since the founding of our nation.”

Obviously the Rudy initiative had been going on and the call that was released was done within a few week of the interview about political dirt

Still we do not know if there were prior call

But it is clear the complaint made was a valid complaint and the government including the DOJ and DNI tried it best to sweep it under the wrong

So it had to be done this way as the Trump government lacks any candor with the peoples right to know what the government is doing
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
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lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?
lol Asking a foreign government to cooperate with an ongoing Justice Department investigation is not having a foreign government intervene in an election.

right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
That is very weird that Trump wants that. Two possible reasons are:

1. To spy on the DNC. Not sure why, as the 2016 emails are of little use to the current campaign. Are there newer emails on there he could get a hold of to screw up the current election?

2. To wipe the evidence of the Russian hackers.
right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

Your ridiculous conspiracy theories don't stand. Your theories that Russia didn't hack the DNC completely ignores the third party evidence: That of other foreign security services, including the Dutch, the Brits and other Europeans, who laid the blame firmly at the feet of the Russian Intelligence services, or the extensive evidence of the ongoing abuses by members of the Russian troll farm, as detailed in the multiple indictments filed by the Mueller Inquiry.

Added to which, the Western security services have documented multiple instances in multiples elections where your employers in the Russian hacker network, have been caught red-handed, interferening in the elections of other Western democracies, including the Brexit Vote in Great Britain, and failed attempts to interfere in the French and German elections.

Trump is using the same sort of smear tactics that Republicans have been using against the Clintons, since 1990. They have a book, written to smear the Bidens, written by the same author and to the same standards as Clinton Cash. The author admitted that he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever of his assertions in Clinton Cash, but that he simply connected the dots, and came to his conclusions.

But this complaint against the President is the most blatant abuse of power one can ever see outside of a banana republic. If you want American missiles, I need a favour. How much clearer could Trump be? And note that Trump transferred the military aid to the Ukraine on the day the whistle blower's report first became public. He was caught and he immediately pivoted to smearing the Bidens. Look, a squirrel!

No pivots. Every thread that you trolls start trying to promote these smears against the Bidens, we're going to bury because we're not going to let you continue to lie and promote conspiracy theories to deflect from this criminal administration.
right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
That is very weird that Trump wants that. Two possible reasons are:

1. To spy on the DNC. Not sure why, as the 2016 emails are of little use to the current campaign. Are there newer emails on there he could get a hold of to screw up the current election?

2. To wipe the evidence of the Russian hackers.

The missing Clinton emails Trump is on about date from her time as Secretary of State, which ended in 2012. They weren't even relevent during the 2016 election, except there was were questions raised about the Foundation and pay for play they were using to muddy the waters on the Clintons, similary to the way Trump is now trying to smear the Bidens.

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