Did Biden use his power as VP to help his corrupt son in Ukraine?

Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.

Yet you have no proof that he did that (using the power of his office to get his son that job)

You glossed over the private citizen part as it really is important

Hunter was hired as a consultant in matters of public relations.

He served on the board from 2014 to 2019. 3 years after Biden left office

Obama and other European governments wanted to rid the country of corruption that why Biden was sent.

Ukrainians fired this one guy because the world believes he was corrupt

Now Trump call them and says Biden is corrupt

The UK president dealing with Rudy did there investigation and found nothing that biden did that was illegal

He tells Trump if you want us to investigate again what is do you want us to investigate , do you have some information that we need to look at.

This really must be confusing to them

Obama complained about their corruption

now trump wants them to be corrupt

Hunter Biden has no experience lets look at that

served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland - Sounds like a good character reference

went to Yale law school and graduated as a lawyer - wow Yale

Went to work for MBNA bank

then worked for the department of commerce where he was involved in economic policies (experience in government)

He then was on the board of director of Amtrak (experience of working on board of directors)

Biden with some partners founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners (started a company)

with some partners he formed BHR Partners a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies (started another company that basically want to invest using Chinese investors

He then joined others in a high-profile international board" to oversee the oil company

He sat on a board that makes management decision

He has plenty of business experience and experience on the international stage

You really can't believe everything Trump says

Now that is true liberal bullshit and ignorance. He admitted it on video and bragged about it. They have the tape and have released it. So Biden is a liar and now he needs to handover his phone call with the Ukraine President. Trump did and you assholes have nothing. So if Biden has nothing to hide release the phone call.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he admitted to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt. Funny. He was put on a BOD he new nothing about and where did the 1.6 billion go. Traced to the company Biden’s son was working with then it was moved to offshore accounts. Biden said the money was lost and they didn’t know where it went. Yeah that needs to be investigated. Why don’t you start giving all the details. Why do you constantly leave important information out. On purpose of course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Of course he did and bragged about it.

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Sleepy Joe loves to talk about herself as a macho bully.

Dementia does word things to people.
We know. We currently have a president that suffers from it.

Spoken like a true libtard You morons just can’t take losing. Get use to it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But we aren't losing.
You can't burst their bubble. They b'lieve whatever they say is true because they read it on thegatewaypundit or heard it from Alex Jones.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Biden has nothing to release.

So this is the cracker you want to get behind?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
he's not my pick for president, but that matters naught.... trump thinks he's gonna win.... I've never thought that...

Trump using his personal lawyer,...
Guiliani was tasked with this by The State Department.
... and presidential power to get a foreign govt to help his own reelection is an abuse of power, and just plain wrong...
Give me the pull quote from the transcript that was an abuse of power.
At trump's direction. He even said so to Zelensky in that phone call.

These guys don't know anything.
Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.

Yet you have no proof that he did that (using the power of his office to get his son that job)

You glossed over the private citizen part as it really is important

Hunter was hired as a consultant in matters of public relations.

He served on the board from 2014 to 2019. 3 years after Biden left office

Obama and other European governments wanted to rid the country of corruption that why Biden was sent.

Ukrainians fired this one guy because the world believes he was corrupt

Now Trump call them and says Biden is corrupt

The UK president dealing with Rudy did there investigation and found nothing that biden did that was illegal

He tells Trump if you want us to investigate again what is do you want us to investigate , do you have some information that we need to look at.

This really must be confusing to them

Obama complained about their corruption

now trump wants them to be corrupt

Hunter Biden has no experience lets look at that

served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland - Sounds like a good character reference

went to Yale law school and graduated as a lawyer - wow Yale

Went to work for MBNA bank

then worked for the department of commerce where he was involved in economic policies (experience in government)

He then was on the board of director of Amtrak (experience of working on board of directors)

Biden with some partners founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners (started a company)

with some partners he formed BHR Partners a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies (started another company that basically want to invest using Chinese investors

He then joined others in a high-profile international board" to oversee the oil company

He sat on a board that makes management decision

He has plenty of business experience and experience on the international stage

You really can't believe everything Trump says

Now that is true liberal bullshit and ignorance. He admitted it on video and bragged about it. They have the tape and have released it. So Biden is a liar and now he needs to handover his phone call with the Ukraine President. Trump did and you assholes have nothing. So if Biden has nothing to hide release the phone call.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he admitted to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt. Funny. He was put on a BOD he new nothing about and where did the 1.6 billion go. Traced to the company Biden’s son was working with then it was moved to offshore accounts. Biden said the money was lost and they didn’t know where it went. Yeah that needs to be investigated. Why don’t you start giving all the details. Why do you constantly leave important information out. On purpose of course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt."

You merely saying Biden's son was being investigated doesn't make it true.

That you can't prove it does make it false.
  • Thanks
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Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.

Yet you have no proof that he did that (using the power of his office to get his son that job)

You glossed over the private citizen part as it really is important

Hunter was hired as a consultant in matters of public relations.

He served on the board from 2014 to 2019. 3 years after Biden left office

Obama and other European governments wanted to rid the country of corruption that why Biden was sent.

Ukrainians fired this one guy because the world believes he was corrupt

Now Trump call them and says Biden is corrupt

The UK president dealing with Rudy did there investigation and found nothing that biden did that was illegal

He tells Trump if you want us to investigate again what is do you want us to investigate , do you have some information that we need to look at.

This really must be confusing to them

Obama complained about their corruption

now trump wants them to be corrupt

Hunter Biden has no experience lets look at that

served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland - Sounds like a good character reference

went to Yale law school and graduated as a lawyer - wow Yale

Went to work for MBNA bank

then worked for the department of commerce where he was involved in economic policies (experience in government)

He then was on the board of director of Amtrak (experience of working on board of directors)

Biden with some partners founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners (started a company)

with some partners he formed BHR Partners a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies (started another company that basically want to invest using Chinese investors

He then joined others in a high-profile international board" to oversee the oil company

He sat on a board that makes management decision

He has plenty of business experience and experience on the international stage

You really can't believe everything Trump says

Now that is true liberal bullshit and ignorance. He admitted it on video and bragged about it. They have the tape and have released it. So Biden is a liar and now he needs to handover his phone call with the Ukraine President. Trump did and you assholes have nothing. So if Biden has nothing to hide release the phone call.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he admitted to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt. Funny. He was put on a BOD he new nothing about and where did the 1.6 billion go. Traced to the company Biden’s son was working with then it was moved to offshore accounts. Biden said the money was lost and they didn’t know where it went. Yeah that needs to be investigated. Why don’t you start giving all the details. Why do you constantly leave important information out. On purpose of course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That did not happen. The only people leaving out information is you trumps. The prosecutor was not investigating Burisma. That's one reason The US, EU,G7, UK, IMF, and government of Ukraine, wanted him gone. Biden was sent to represent the Obama administration. It was the administrations policy, not Biden's. The vice president does not have unilateral authority to make decisions like that, idiot.
If he has nothing to hide, why not release them?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Trump was compelled by law to release the whistle blower's complaint. And he was compelled to release it to the body the law proscribes. There is no law stipulating Biden need turn anything over to the RNC.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?
Bullshit. The complaint was deemed to be credible and of "urgent concern" by the IG. He then sent it to the DNI according to the law; who was then legally obligated to send it to the Congress.
The DNI following the advice of the Justice Department found that the complaint did not meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress.

"But a Sept. 13 letter to the House panel and the Senate Intelligence Committee asserted that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire - after consulting with the Justice Department - found that the complaint did not meet the legal definition of “urgent concern.”

In the letter, Jason Klitenic, general counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said the complaint was not subject to disclosure because it did not concern conduct by an intelligence official or an intelligence activity overseen by the DNI, as required by the law.

“Furthermore, because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community, the DNI lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials to the intelligence committees,” he wrote.

Because of the findings, Atkinson was unable to provide details on the complaint in speaking with the committee, lawmakers said."

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure

However, at this date, everything has been released to Congress and much of it has been released to the public, and there is nothing to justify the Democrats' bizarre allegations against the President.
No, T
Trump's tax returns are being demanded by the DNC and Biden's phone calls to foreign leaders while his son had business interests in those countries should be released to voters so they can make an informed decision about whether he acted corruptly in concert with his son or not. There is no reason for him not to be transparent about this to the public unless he has something to hide. There is no reason for you to be so defensive about this unless you believe Biden has something to hide.
Trump's taxes were demanded by the public from whom he was seeking votes after he promised he would release them. Now he works for the public. Biden doesn't work for the RNC.
No, Trump's tax returns were demanded by the DNC which only wanted them so they could rally up class warfare against the rich, but the public needs know what Biden was up in these calls to foreign leaders while his son had business interests in those countries so they can decide if he is too corrupt to be president. The longer he stalls on this the guiltier he looks.
Of course people were demanding to see his taxes....

Progressive Activists Deliver Tax Return Petitions To Trump Tower
So you admit it is the DNC trying to stir up class warfare against the rich. After all, progressive activists means left wing Democrats.
Who knows where you see anything in that link about the DNC?

lol Where else would you find "progressive activists"?
Good point, tell your beloved Trump that....and have them release the whistle blower IG report to Congress, as per the stating of SHALL turn it over, under LAW.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Trump was compelled by law to release the whistle blower's complaint. And he was compelled to release it to the body the law proscribes. There is no law stipulating Biden need turn anything over to the RNC.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?
Bullshit. The complaint was deemed to be credible and of "urgent concern" by the IG. He then sent it to the DNI according to the law; who was then legally obligated to send it to the Congress.
The DNI following the advice of the Justice Department found that the complaint did not meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress.

"But a Sept. 13 letter to the House panel and the Senate Intelligence Committee asserted that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire - after consulting with the Justice Department - found that the complaint did not meet the legal definition of “urgent concern.”

In the letter, Jason Klitenic, general counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said the complaint was not subject to disclosure because it did not concern conduct by an intelligence official or an intelligence activity overseen by the DNI, as required by the law.

“Furthermore, because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community, the DNI lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials to the intelligence committees,” he wrote.

Because of the findings, Atkinson was unable to provide details on the complaint in speaking with the committee, lawmakers said."

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure

However, at this date, everything has been released to Congress and much of it has been released to the public, and there is nothing to justify the Democrats' bizarre allegations against the President.
The law states the DNI has to turn a complaint over to the Congress if the IG finds the complaint credible and of urgent concern.

The IG found the complaint to be credible and of urgent concern.
Trump released everything. Now it's time for Biden to do the same.
Trump was compelled by law to release the whistle blower's complaint. And he was compelled to release it to the body the law proscribes. There is no law stipulating Biden need turn anything over to the RNC.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?
Bullshit. The complaint was deemed to be credible and of "urgent concern" by the IG. He then sent it to the DNI according to the law; who was then legally obligated to send it to the Congress.
The DNI following the advice of the Justice Department found that the complaint did not meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress.

"But a Sept. 13 letter to the House panel and the Senate Intelligence Committee asserted that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire - after consulting with the Justice Department - found that the complaint did not meet the legal definition of “urgent concern.”

In the letter, Jason Klitenic, general counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said the complaint was not subject to disclosure because it did not concern conduct by an intelligence official or an intelligence activity overseen by the DNI, as required by the law.

“Furthermore, because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community, the DNI lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials to the intelligence committees,” he wrote.

Because of the findings, Atkinson was unable to provide details on the complaint in speaking with the committee, lawmakers said."

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure

However, at this date, everything has been released to Congress and much of it has been released to the public, and there is nothing to justify the Democrats' bizarre allegations against the President.
The law states the DNI has to turn a complaint over to the Congress if the IG finds the complaint credible and of urgent concern.

The IG found the complaint to be credible and of urgent concern.
Which law is that? The one Nancy invented or the one Schiff invented?
Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.

Yet you have no proof that he did that (using the power of his office to get his son that job)

You glossed over the private citizen part as it really is important

Hunter was hired as a consultant in matters of public relations.

He served on the board from 2014 to 2019. 3 years after Biden left office

Obama and other European governments wanted to rid the country of corruption that why Biden was sent.

Ukrainians fired this one guy because the world believes he was corrupt

Now Trump call them and says Biden is corrupt

The UK president dealing with Rudy did there investigation and found nothing that biden did that was illegal

He tells Trump if you want us to investigate again what is do you want us to investigate , do you have some information that we need to look at.

This really must be confusing to them

Obama complained about their corruption

now trump wants them to be corrupt

Hunter Biden has no experience lets look at that

served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland - Sounds like a good character reference

went to Yale law school and graduated as a lawyer - wow Yale

Went to work for MBNA bank

then worked for the department of commerce where he was involved in economic policies (experience in government)

He then was on the board of director of Amtrak (experience of working on board of directors)

Biden with some partners founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners (started a company)

with some partners he formed BHR Partners a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies (started another company that basically want to invest using Chinese investors

He then joined others in a high-profile international board" to oversee the oil company

He sat on a board that makes management decision

He has plenty of business experience and experience on the international stage

You really can't believe everything Trump says

Now that is true liberal bullshit and ignorance. He admitted it on video and bragged about it. They have the tape and have released it. So Biden is a liar and now he needs to handover his phone call with the Ukraine President. Trump did and you assholes have nothing. So if Biden has nothing to hide release the phone call.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he admitted to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt. ... Funny. He was put on a BOD he new nothing about and where did the 1.6 billion go. Traced to the company Biden’s son was working with then it was moved to offshore accounts. Biden said the money was lost and they didn’t know where it went. Yeah that needs to be investigated. Why don’t you start giving all the details. Why do you constantly leave important information out. On purpose of course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bottom line there is no law that would prohibit Hunter Biden’s and the other Americans who saw an opportunity to go there and assist them in joining the west and to forget about Russia. Russia was obviously not pleased with Ukraine western tendencies. The issue was corruption with the Ukrainian government. The west wanted to help but they need some assurances that the help was not increasing corruption.

Hunter is not a government employee. So there is no laws broken by taken the job

Did being Joe's son influence the company to hire him

probably but as a business they were looking for energy independence and they hired a few Americans as that was the direction that the company wanted to go. They wanted to move away from Russia dependency and into the world market. Why wouldn't they hire Americans.

Still there has to be a quid pro quo for it to be illegal.

Whether his son got the job or not , they were going to get assistance

Now if you had a very high moral compass, you might not take the job for appearances sake but legally there is nothing that would prohibit him from taking the job as a private citizen.

Bottom line
Hunter was not a government employee or a pretend government employee

There was opportunity and he took it, isn't that the American way. He stayed there even after Biden had left office and just recently resigned from that company when Joe was go to make a run

Trump didn't hesitate to take his dads money or his dad co signing to help him get started.

He could have said "You know dad, I want to do this on my own

now that is funny
That's a fine analysis. This is what you are glossing over. When a Vice President uses the power of his office to get his completely unqualified son to get on the board of a Ukranian Energy Company that is a clear conflict of interest. If he wants to hand his son millions in inheritance as Dona;d Trump's dad did, that is totally fine and a completely different situation.

Yet you have no proof that he did that (using the power of his office to get his son that job)

You glossed over the private citizen part as it really is important

Hunter was hired as a consultant in matters of public relations.

He served on the board from 2014 to 2019. 3 years after Biden left office

Obama and other European governments wanted to rid the country of corruption that why Biden was sent.

Ukrainians fired this one guy because the world believes he was corrupt

Now Trump call them and says Biden is corrupt

The UK president dealing with Rudy did there investigation and found nothing that biden did that was illegal

He tells Trump if you want us to investigate again what is do you want us to investigate , do you have some information that we need to look at.

This really must be confusing to them

Obama complained about their corruption

now trump wants them to be corrupt

Hunter Biden has no experience lets look at that

served as a Jesuit volunteer at a church in Portland - Sounds like a good character reference

went to Yale law school and graduated as a lawyer - wow Yale

Went to work for MBNA bank

then worked for the department of commerce where he was involved in economic policies (experience in government)

He then was on the board of director of Amtrak (experience of working on board of directors)

Biden with some partners founded the investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners (started a company)

with some partners he formed BHR Partners a business focused on investing Chinese capital in companies (started another company that basically want to invest using Chinese investors

He then joined others in a high-profile international board" to oversee the oil company

He sat on a board that makes management decision

He has plenty of business experience and experience on the international stage

You really can't believe everything Trump says

Now that is true liberal bullshit and ignorance. He admitted it on video and bragged about it. They have the tape and have released it. So Biden is a liar and now he needs to handover his phone call with the Ukraine President. Trump did and you assholes have nothing. So if Biden has nothing to hide release the phone call.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes, he admitted to getting a corrupt prosecutor fired.

Getting the prosecutor investigating his son is corrupt. Funny. He was put on a BOD he new nothing about and where did the 1.6 billion go. Traced to the company Biden’s son was working with then it was moved to offshore accounts. Biden said the money was lost and they didn’t know where it went. Yeah that needs to be investigated. Why don’t you start giving all the details. Why do you constantly leave important information out. On purpose of course.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Ukraine President brought it up. Of course we want this investigated, the Biden's corruption involves US Aid and is a stain on our entire nation. Thee folks are pretending that the Bidens have immunity from investigation simply because they hold and express leftwing views. They think it should be illegal for Trump to have and express thoughts that they disagree with in a conversation with another President, to the extent that they are now trying to pretend that stating something they disagree with in a telephone conversation is A CRIMINAL ACT? It isn't, but it would be if they ever gained the power to make it law.
Trump was compelled by law to release the whistle blower's complaint. And he was compelled to release it to the body the law proscribes. There is no law stipulating Biden need turn anything over to the RNC.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?
Bullshit. The complaint was deemed to be credible and of "urgent concern" by the IG. He then sent it to the DNI according to the law; who was then legally obligated to send it to the Congress.
The DNI following the advice of the Justice Department found that the complaint did not meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress.

"But a Sept. 13 letter to the House panel and the Senate Intelligence Committee asserted that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire - after consulting with the Justice Department - found that the complaint did not meet the legal definition of “urgent concern.”

In the letter, Jason Klitenic, general counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said the complaint was not subject to disclosure because it did not concern conduct by an intelligence official or an intelligence activity overseen by the DNI, as required by the law.

“Furthermore, because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community, the DNI lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials to the intelligence committees,” he wrote.

Because of the findings, Atkinson was unable to provide details on the complaint in speaking with the committee, lawmakers said."

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure

However, at this date, everything has been released to Congress and much of it has been released to the public, and there is nothing to justify the Democrats' bizarre allegations against the President.
The law states the DNI has to turn a complaint over to the Congress if the IG finds the complaint credible and of urgent concern.

The IG found the complaint to be credible and of urgent concern.
Which law is that? The one Nancy invented or the one Schiff invented?
This law...


(5)(A) An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report to the Inspector General.

(B) Within the 60-calendar day period beginning on the day of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. If the Inspector General determines that the complaint or information appears credible, the Inspector General within such period shall transmit the complaint or information to the Director.

(C) The Director shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of the transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), forward such transmittal to the intelligence committees together with any comments the Director considers appropriate.
Not just Ukraine, China too. I doubt we'll ever know. Our DOJ/FBI certainly wouldn't investigate diligently.
Of course we know...

The story behind Biden's son, Ukraine and Trump's claims

Ukraine’s current prosecutor, Yuriy Lutsenko, was quoted by Bloomberg News in May as saying he had no evidence of wrongdoing by Biden or his son. Bloomberg also reported that the investigation into Burisma was dormant at the time Biden pressed for Shokhin’s ouster

Yeah and I’ll believe that coming from a piece of shit like Bloomberg. Good try though. They have Biden on video bragging about. Once the phone call transcript comes out him and his son will be in prison together hopefully joint Clinton and Obama.

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Like it matters what you b'lieve. :lol:

You're only going to b'lieve what you want to b'lieve no matter who says it; which by the way, they're quoting the Ukrainian prosecutor general. And he said what he said regardless of what you rubes b'lieve.
They are quoting Biden's puppet. Shokin was the prosecutor general at the time,

Like it matters what you b'lieve. :lol:

You're only going to b'lieve what you want to b'lieve no matter who says it; which by the way, they're quoting the Ukrainian prosecutor general. And he said what he said regardless of what you rubes b'lieve.
Yep the guy Biden refers to as “solid” says so.
Check out what the right wing Washington Examiner says

They call Shokin a "Swamp Monster"

Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin
That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."

Yes dummy, it’s ok for companies to hire people any people. There is nothing inherently wrong with that.

Trump kids get paid all kinds of money from all kinds of people, because they are Trump kids (and are functional).

For that Ukrainian company hiring a Biden on the board could have been for prestige and shielding from corrupt Ukrainian investigators. OR it could have been with calculation to shield them from legitimate investigation, but it doesn’t mean Biden actually did anything untoward.

Bottom line - if you have a specific act of impropriety by Biden let’s have it. Getting a clearly corrupt prosecutor fired IS NOT IT.
Check out what the right wing Washington Examiner says

They call Shokin a "Swamp Monster"

Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin
That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."
What I see is Trumpers trying to excuse Trump shooting someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Trump told us that he could do that and not lose his supporters and it's playing out NOW
Check out what the right wing Washington Examiner says

They call Shokin a "Swamp Monster"

Trump endorses Ukraine's swamp monster, prosecutor Viktor Shokin
That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."
What I see is Trumpers trying to excuse Trump shooting someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Trump told us that he could do that and not lose his supporters and it's playing out NOW

President Trump didn't do anything wrong here.

He had a discussion with the President of Ukraine and pledged our cooperation in helping Ukraine rid itself of corruption. Particularly in groups like Burisma, which is Ukraine's answer to the La Cosa Nostra here in America. Not only did notorious Hop Head and Dope Addict Hunter Biden serve as an associate to the gang, but affiliates of Mitt Romney as well.
Well lets look at facts instead of conjecture

transcript says

Hey we help you out more than the Europeans and insults the leader of Germany.

According to the transcript Trump asks for a favor after highlighting how much the US does for his country and the Europeans do not

You can almost here the kissing of ass as the guy try to please Trump,


Trump then talks about the prosecutor that he fired but Trump claims he was a very good guy

How does Trump know that, he doesn't

Yet Obama admin and other European governments wanted him fired because corruptions was still a problem in the country and they blamed the guy who was in charge of prosecuting corruption

still it shows that Trump was aware of what Rudy was doing and blessed it

Then he attacks the US embassy people

. Zelenskyy then talks about the energy company blowing off Trumps comments about biden and Trumps really accusing the Ukrainian of hacking the DNC instead of Russia

I can assume that this energy company is important and I do not believe Zelensky is going to make them enemies because Trump tells him so

I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.

It seems there appears to be something missing as now he is talking about additional info and talks about the ambassador to the US

Either this is the clueless talking to another clueless guy

Actually last time I traveled to the United States, I stayed in New York near Central Park and I stayed at the Trump Tower.

it becomes clear now that dignitaries should stay at Trump tower to curry favor

The Ukrainian president then talks about energy independence and buying more oil from the US

I am assuming that he is referring to getting away from Russian dependencies. I am sure the Russians will love that

So there appears to be some missing stuff as the flow is not consistent but maybe it was just an AWKWARD moment
Biden's Transcripts Demanded.

Marianna Sotomayor


The RNC is now calling on Biden to release transcripts of calls he had with Ukrainian & Chinese leaders while he served as VP:


Biden is under no obligation to answer to the RNC. :cuckoo:

Yes Leftist loon, but he WILL answer to the American people! Put a fork in him, his candidacy is history! Now go ahead, run with Bernie or Warren, lol. Lets see how that works out for you-)

Trump is the one with the problem.

See how this is? It's everyone else and not you. Classic symptoms.
Not true. The Justice Department ruled the whistleblower's complaint didn't meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress. Nancy lied about that. Of course Biden doesn't have to allow voters to see transcripts of his conversations with Chinese and Ukrainian officials while his son had business interests in those countries, but why would he hide this from voters if he has nothing to hide?
Bullshit. The complaint was deemed to be credible and of "urgent concern" by the IG. He then sent it to the DNI according to the law; who was then legally obligated to send it to the Congress.
The DNI following the advice of the Justice Department found that the complaint did not meet the standard for mandatory release to Congress.

"But a Sept. 13 letter to the House panel and the Senate Intelligence Committee asserted that acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire - after consulting with the Justice Department - found that the complaint did not meet the legal definition of “urgent concern.”

In the letter, Jason Klitenic, general counsel in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, also said the complaint was not subject to disclosure because it did not concern conduct by an intelligence official or an intelligence activity overseen by the DNI, as required by the law.

“Furthermore, because the complaint involves confidential and potentially privileged communications by persons outside the Intelligence Community, the DNI lacks unilateral authority to transmit such materials to the intelligence committees,” he wrote.

Because of the findings, Atkinson was unable to provide details on the complaint in speaking with the committee, lawmakers said."

Lawmaker accuses Justice Department of blocking whistleblower disclosure

However, at this date, everything has been released to Congress and much of it has been released to the public, and there is nothing to justify the Democrats' bizarre allegations against the President.
The law states the DNI has to turn a complaint over to the Congress if the IG finds the complaint credible and of urgent concern.

The IG found the complaint to be credible and of urgent concern.
Which law is that? The one Nancy invented or the one Schiff invented?
This law...


(5)(A) An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report to the Inspector General.

(B) Within the 60-calendar day period beginning on the day of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. If the Inspector General determines that the complaint or information appears credible, the Inspector General within such period shall transmit the complaint or information to the Director.

(C) The Director shall, within 7 calendar days after receipt of the transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), forward such transmittal to the intelligence committees together with any comments the Director considers appropriate.
In this case the DNI consulted the department's lawyers and the Justice Department and both said the complaint failed to meet the standards for any urgent. In the paragraph above the one you quoted:

"An employee of the Agency, or of a contractor 11 to the Agency, who intends to report to Congress a com12 plaint or information with respect to an urgent concern 13 may report to the Inspector General."

Since the department's lawyers and the Justice Department determined the complaint did not meet the standard of an "urgent concern" the next paragraph, which you quoted was not relevant. However, all of this is irrelevant since the President released everything that was requested despite the fact that he was not required to by law.

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