Did Biden use his power as VP to help his corrupt son in Ukraine?

Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

Your ridiculous conspiracy theories don't stand. Your theories that Russia didn't hack the DNC completely ignores the third party evidence: That of other foreign security services, including the Dutch, the Brits and other Europeans, who laid the blame firmly at the feet of the Russian Intelligence services, or the extensive evidence of the ongoing abuses by members of the Russian troll farm, as detailed in the multiple indictments filed by the Mueller Inquiry.

Added to which, the Western security services have documented multiple instances in multiples elections where your employers in the Russian hacker network, have been caught red-handed, interferening in the elections of other Western democracies, including the Brexit Vote in Great Britain, and failed attempts to interfere in the French and German elections.

Trump is using the same sort of smear tactics that Republicans have been using against the Clintons, since 1990. They have a book, written to smear the Bidens, written by the same author and to the same standards as Clinton Cash. The author admitted that he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever of his assertions in Clinton Cash, but that he simply connected the dots, and came to his conclusions.

But this complaint against the President is the most blatant abuse of power one can ever see outside of a banana republic. If you want American missiles, I need a favour. How much clearer could Trump be? And note that Trump transferred the military aid to the Ukraine on the day the whistle blower's report first became public. He was caught and he immediately pivoted to smearing the Bidens. Look, a squirrel!

No pivots. Every thread that you trolls start trying to promote these smears against the Bidens, we're going to bury because we're not going to let you continue to lie and promote conspiracy theories to deflect from this criminal administration.
The question remains, why would the DNC refuse to allow the FBI to examine the server and then hire Crowdstrike to do it? There are only two possible explanations. Either the DNC was trying to hide something from the FBI and Crowdstrike agreed to help them hide it or the DNC wanted to blame the Russians to distract attention from the negative information that the hackers had taken and Crowdstrike had agreed to help them promote this deception. Otherwise the DNC would simply have allowed the FBI access to the servers. It was right after Crowdstrike claimed the Russians had hacked the server that the Democrats began accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians without a single piece of evidence to support that accusation. The only collusion that took place was the illegal collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration to promote the Trump-Russia hoax. It all began with Crowdstrike's claim that the Russians hacked the DNC server, so it makes sense to see if Crowdstrike was a part of the hoax.
right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?
Not true. The DNC hired CrowdStrike immediately upon learning they were hacked, even before the FBI got involved, to secure their servers from further attacks.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

Your ridiculous conspiracy theories don't stand. Your theories that Russia didn't hack the DNC completely ignores the third party evidence: That of other foreign security services, including the Dutch, the Brits and other Europeans, who laid the blame firmly at the feet of the Russian Intelligence services, or the extensive evidence of the ongoing abuses by members of the Russian troll farm, as detailed in the multiple indictments filed by the Mueller Inquiry.

Added to which, the Western security services have documented multiple instances in multiples elections where your employers in the Russian hacker network, have been caught red-handed, interferening in the elections of other Western democracies, including the Brexit Vote in Great Britain, and failed attempts to interfere in the French and German elections.

Trump is using the same sort of smear tactics that Republicans have been using against the Clintons, since 1990. They have a book, written to smear the Bidens, written by the same author and to the same standards as Clinton Cash. The author admitted that he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever of his assertions in Clinton Cash, but that he simply connected the dots, and came to his conclusions.

But this complaint against the President is the most blatant abuse of power one can ever see outside of a banana republic. If you want American missiles, I need a favour. How much clearer could Trump be? And note that Trump transferred the military aid to the Ukraine on the day the whistle blower's report first became public. He was caught and he immediately pivoted to smearing the Bidens. Look, a squirrel!

No pivots. Every thread that you trolls start trying to promote these smears against the Bidens, we're going to bury because we're not going to let you continue to lie and promote conspiracy theories to deflect from this criminal administration.
The question remains, why would the DNC refuse to allow the FBI to examine the server and then hire Crowdstrike to do it? There are only two possible explanations. Either the DNC was trying to hide something from the FBI and Crowdstrike agreed to help them hide it or the DNC wanted to blame the Russians to distract attention from the negative information that the hackers had taken and Crowdstrike had agreed to help them promote this deception. Otherwise the DNC would simply have allowed the FBI access to the servers. It was right after Crowdstrike claimed the Russians had hacked the server that the Democrats began accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians without a single piece of evidence to support that accusation. The only collusion that took place was the illegal collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration to promote the Trump-Russia hoax. It all began with Crowdstrike's claim that the Russians hacked the DNC server, so it makes sense to see if Crowdstrike was a part of the hoax.
Stop lying. They didn't refuse. They had CrowdStrike make exact duplicates of their servers and send them to the FBI.

And CrowdStrike was not the only cybersecurity group to determine Russia got into those servers. Fidelis and Mandiant confirmed it.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

Your ridiculous conspiracy theories don't stand. Your theories that Russia didn't hack the DNC completely ignores the third party evidence: That of other foreign security services, including the Dutch, the Brits and other Europeans, who laid the blame firmly at the feet of the Russian Intelligence services, or the extensive evidence of the ongoing abuses by members of the Russian troll farm, as detailed in the multiple indictments filed by the Mueller Inquiry.

Added to which, the Western security services have documented multiple instances in multiples elections where your employers in the Russian hacker network, have been caught red-handed, interferening in the elections of other Western democracies, including the Brexit Vote in Great Britain, and failed attempts to interfere in the French and German elections.

Trump is using the same sort of smear tactics that Republicans have been using against the Clintons, since 1990. They have a book, written to smear the Bidens, written by the same author and to the same standards as Clinton Cash. The author admitted that he had absolutely no evidence whatsoever of his assertions in Clinton Cash, but that he simply connected the dots, and came to his conclusions.

But this complaint against the President is the most blatant abuse of power one can ever see outside of a banana republic. If you want American missiles, I need a favour. How much clearer could Trump be? And note that Trump transferred the military aid to the Ukraine on the day the whistle blower's report first became public. He was caught and he immediately pivoted to smearing the Bidens. Look, a squirrel!

No pivots. Every thread that you trolls start trying to promote these smears against the Bidens, we're going to bury because we're not going to let you continue to lie and promote conspiracy theories to deflect from this criminal administration.
The question remains, why would the DNC refuse to allow the FBI to examine the server and then hire Crowdstrike to do it? There are only two possible explanations. Either the DNC was trying to hide something from the FBI and Crowdstrike agreed to help them hide it or the DNC wanted to blame the Russians to distract attention from the negative information that the hackers had taken and Crowdstrike had agreed to help them promote this deception. Otherwise the DNC would simply have allowed the FBI access to the servers. It was right after Crowdstrike claimed the Russians had hacked the server that the Democrats began accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russians without a single piece of evidence to support that accusation. The only collusion that took place was the illegal collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration to promote the Trump-Russia hoax. It all began with Crowdstrike's claim that the Russians hacked the DNC server, so it makes sense to see if Crowdstrike was a part of the hoax.

Every time you fools try to post one of your conspiracy theories, you start with "There are only two possible explanations", when in fact, there are dozens of possible explanations, not the least of which is "Would YOU let the FBI go through YOUR server?" I wouldn't.

One need only look at how the access given by the FBI to the Clinton Server was used and twisted against SS Clinton, especially given that the FBI is basically a Republican lead institution, which was very hostile to the Clintons.
right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

A better question is why did the FBI find it acceptable that crowdstrike was used. And in fact used the same information that the contractor had gathered.in their (FBI) final findings. Also the DNC computers had to have all the malware and hacking items removed from all their computers. FBI wasn't going to do that so they hired a 3rd party to clean it up and they provided the results to the FBI. The FBI found that acceptable.
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
Crowdstrike was hired only after the DNC refused to allow the FBI access to the server, so the question stands, why did the DNC refuse to allow the FBI access to the server?

A better question is why did the FBI find it acceptable that crowdstrike was used. And in fact used the same information that the contractor had gathered.in their (FBI) final findings. Also the DNC computers had to have all the malware and hacking items removed from all their computers. FBI wasn't going to do that so they hired a 3rd party to clean it up and they provided the results to the FBI. The FBI found that acceptable.
The DNC hired CrowdStrike the same day they realized they were hacked.
That makes it OK for a corrupt Ukraine corporation to buy the Vice President of the United States with a $3M bribe laundered through his son?

Did you see how many cutouts they used, and through how many intermediary countries before the money finally was deposited into Hunter's account? If everything was on the up and up, why all the cut outs? Clear case of what is known in corruption cases as "awareness of guilt."
What I see is Trumpers trying to excuse Trump shooting someone on Fifth Ave in broad daylight.

Trump told us that he could do that and not lose his supporters and it's playing out NOW

President Trump didn't do anything wrong here.

He had a discussion with the President of Ukraine and pledged our cooperation in helping Ukraine rid itself of corruption. Particularly in groups like Burisma, which is Ukraine's answer to the La Cosa Nostra here in America. Not only did notorious Hop Head and Dope Addict Hunter Biden serve as an associate to the gang, but affiliates of Mitt Romney as well.
Really? What in the living hell is up with Mitch?

Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?

It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and signed by then-President Bill Clinton.

A comprehensive treaty agreement that provides for cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes.

President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.

No he did not follow the law or protocol...
Yes he did.
... get involved with their personal lawyer...
Giuliani, spoke with Ukraine on this at the request of The State Department. He is a deeply experienced prosecutor with a long history of putting members of Organized Crime where they belong.
...on a campaign rival, during an election cycle.
Running for office does does not grant the Biden's immunity from prosecution for their corruption. But as for your crazy theory that running for office grants you and corrupt family immunity from investigation, is James Comey aware of this? Because Candidate Trump was sure investigated a lot!
Sorry, the State dept was only involved to keep track of what Giulliani was doing, they would never hire the presidents personal lawyer who is simply a Politico....to do the DOJ s job or state dept work.

if they did, the State dept is in trouble.
right and what justice department investigation are we talking about
Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
That is very weird that Trump wants that. Two possible reasons are:

1. To spy on the DNC. Not sure why, as the 2016 emails are of little use to the current campaign. Are there newer emails on there he could get a hold of to screw up the current election?

2. To wipe the evidence of the Russian hackers.

He is trying to create the narrative that the Russians were not the hackers
and that they were Ukrainian hackers

which in his mind would play into a way to attack Biden and Hillary at the same time. Also to smear Mueller report for being wrong for obvious reasons. All political reasons

Which begs the question why would they (Ukraine) do it. Especially if Obama admin was giving them money and Clinton probably would have continued it

So why would they support Trump or even meddle in the election.
Still the transcript mentions it but I believe that the transcript is not complete because there seems to be gaps as the conversation goes all over the place. Still it was suppose to be a 30 minute call and if it was the transcript seems to be very light for a 30 minute call.

which does suggest a need for the recording as it really was to easy for Trump to agree to just turn over the transcript
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Shortly after the Mueller circus collapsed, the AG announced a Justice Department investigation into the Trump-Russia hoax. Crowdstrike is alleged to have played a critical role in getting the hoax started. If you recall, after the DNC server was hacked, the DNC refused to allow the FBI to examine the server but hired the private cybersecurity firm, Crowdstrike, to examine it and it was Crowdstrike's unconfirmed claim that the server had been hacked by Russia that began the whole Trump-Russia hoax. No government agency has ever been allowed access to the server, so any investigation into the hoax had to involve investigating Crowdstrike.

Since the hoax was created and promoted by a collaboration between the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration, any investigation into the hoax had to involve and investigation of high ranking members of the Obama administration who would have had inside knowledge on the hoax. This, of course, means Obama's VP, Biden, who has a history of becoming involved with the leaders of countries in which his son Hunter, a lobbyist, has business interests. Corruption has been rampant in Ukraine ever since it became independent from the USSR and Biden as VP made several visits to Ukraine to deal with corrupt officials at the same time that his son was appointed to the board of a company under investigation for money laundering by the notoriously corrupt billionaire oligarch owner who then fled to Russia to escape prosecution in Ukraine. Biden has acknowledged strongarming the Ukrainian government to immediately firing the chief prosecutor who claimed he was investigating the company Biden's son was working for. Some say Biden got the prosecutor fired to protect his son while others say he got him fired because the prosecutor was not fighting corruption aggressively enough. Hopefully, the Justice Department's investigation will clear this up.
The FBI did not need access to the DNC server to perform forensic on it. CrowdStrike provided the FBI a complete byte-for-byte copy of the servers hard drives.
I don't know what your source is but obviously if that were true, the DNC would not have objected to the FBI having access to the servers.
The FBI didn't feel the need to inspect the actual physical servers. They already had all the material they needed to perform forensics.

In call to Ukraine’s president, Trump revived a favorite conspiracy theory about the DNC hack

While it’s true that the FBI did not take custody of the affected servers, people familiar with FBI hack investigations say the agency often relies on forensic analysis by outside firms, including CrowdStrike, which is among the nation’s most prominent, having handled North Korea’s hack of Sony Pictures in 2014, among others. CrowdStrike said it “provided all forensic evidence and analysis to the FBI.”

The FBI felt it was not necessary to enter the DNC's premises and take custody of the affected servers, as agents were able to obtain complete copies of forensic images made by CrowdStrike, according to people familiar with the investigation.
That is very weird that Trump wants that. Two possible reasons are:

1. To spy on the DNC. Not sure why, as the 2016 emails are of little use to the current campaign. Are there newer emails on there he could get a hold of to screw up the current election?

2. To wipe the evidence of the Russian hackers.

He is trying to create the narrative that the Russians were not the hackers
and that they were Ukrainian hackers

which in his mind would play into a way to attack Biden and Hillary at the same time. Also to smear Mueller report for being wrong for obvious reasons. All political reasons

Which begs the question why would they (Ukraine) do it. Especially if Obama admin was giving them money and Clinton probably would have continued it

So why would they support Trump or even meddle in the election.
Still the transcript mentions it but I believe that the transcript is not complete because there seems to be gaps as the conversation goes all over the place. Still it was suppose to be a 30 minute call and if it was the transcript seems to be very light for a 30 minute call.

which does suggest a need for the recording as it really was to easy for Trump to agree to just turn over the transcript

The phone call in question took place just this year - long after Clinton had been defeated, and in anticipation of Biden being the Democratic candidate. I think the Clinton aspect to Trump's request was to debunk the Mueller Report's contention that the Russians did it. This would be proof positive that the entire the Mueller investigation is a "hoax", since Mueller said the Russians did it.

Even the transcript is a slam dunk impeachable offense, plus you have Trump's confession, with nothing else. The whistleblower's complaint also outlines a conspiracy in the White House to cover up the President's illegal activities by putting the recording of the phone call behind a national security password protected firewall. So we have the original extortion attempt by the President, and the cover up by the President's staff.

Most criminal administration in history.

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