did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

Gregory got it approved by LE.

Not through DC directly, he was denied.

That was the opinion of another officer. Police don't make the laws, Einstein. They prolly should have asked the DA.
Obviously if both stories are true, then NBC got conflicting information. Which is what the stories say anyway.

What Greta vanSusteren said.

DC denied him, he did it anyways. MSNBC is reporting this. Seems like they would mount a better defense than that. Gregory better hire his own attorney and fast.
Gregory got it approved by LE.
Not according to Metro PD:
from D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump:

NBC contacted MPD inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazine is not permissible and their request was denied. This matter is currently being investigated.
NBC News and David Gregory: A legal problem or a journalism problem?

Gregory got it approved by LE.

Not through DC directly, he was denied.

Metro PD is not the only LE agency.

They have jurisdiction over their own ordinances Synthaholic. Fail on your part.
Not through DC directly, he was denied.

That was the opinion of another officer. Police don't make the laws, Einstein. They prolly should have asked the DA.
Obviously if both stories are true, then NBC got conflicting information. Which is what the stories say anyway.

What Greta vanSusteren said.

DC denied him, he did it anyways. MSNBC is reporting this. Seems like they would mount a better defense than that. Gregory better hire his own attorney and fast.

Consultation with police is not a cut-and-dried determination of what's legal or not.
Once again, Police. Do. Not. Make. Laws. What some officer says is legal or illegal is his opinion. The actual decision belongs to the Court.

In little tiny words, whether a cop says something is illegal or not --- doesn't actually make it illegal or not. In other words the police are not David Gregory's fucking parents.

OTOH I think I have my answer about the life forms on your planet.... :cuckoo:
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That was the opinion of another officer. Police don't make the laws, Einstein. They prolly should have asked the DA.
Obviously if both stories are true, then NBC got conflicting information. Which is what the stories say anyway.

What Greta vanSusteren said.

DC denied him, he did it anyways. MSNBC is reporting this. Seems like they would mount a better defense than that. Gregory better hire his own attorney and fast.

Consultation with police is not a cut-and-dried determination of what's legal or not.
Once again, Police. Do. Not. Make. Laws. What some officer says is legal or illegal is his opinion. The actual decision belongs to the Court.

In little tiny words, whether a cop says something is illegal or not --- doesn't actually make it illegal or not. In other words the police are not David Gregory's fucking parents.

OTOH I think I have my answer about the life forms on your planet.... :cuckoo:

Yet NBC felt compelled to contact the DC police and ask permission. They say no and now Gregory gets to be investigated. His own news organization is basically hanging him to dry.
Gregory got it approved by LE.
Not according to Metro PD:
from D.C. police spokeswoman Gwendolyn Crump:

NBC contacted MPD inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazine is not permissible and their request was denied. This matter is currently being investigated.
NBC News and David Gregory: A legal problem or a journalism problem?

Gregory got it approved by LE.

Not through DC directly, he was denied.

Metro PD is not the only LE agency.
Being in possession of a magazine is a District law. Metro PD's job is to enforce District laws.

Metro PD spokeswoman has already said that NBC asked permission to bend the law by showing the magazine on their program. Metro PD said NO...denied NBC permission to break the District's laws.

NBC and Gregory seem to have more than one law to worry about at this point.
What Greta didn't get:


Gregory should get a pass, because of 'celebrity?' This is right up there with his kids being with Obama's kids at the heavy security, Sidwell Friends School, while saying that armed guards and/or staff in public schools is wrong.
The magazine is not a prop. I know what an empty magazine sounds like when you drop it,

Meet The Press David Gregory Violates DC Gun Law On National TV (Sign Petition To Have Him Arrested) - YouTube
Leftists are just plain liars and 100% ideological. Theyll make up things to try to save their ass or their Fellow traveler's ass.TM flat out made up that a cop brought it there, fabricated this crap out of a thin air, for example. The ends always justify the means when it comes to them.
If a cop gave hinm the magazine the cop broke the law when he transferred it to Gregory
Metro PD spokeswoman has already said that NBC asked permission to bend the law by showing the magazine on their program. Metro PD said NO...denied NBC permission to break the District's laws.

And once again, in English, Metro Police are not empowered to interpret the law. So if they said yes, it would not mean it was not illegal, and if they said no it would not mean it is illegal. Police do not make the laws.. Therefore whatever they say on the question is moot. The police are not the entity to ask, because it's not their jurisdiction to "give permisson". No police can do that.

What they could address is the question of whether or not they would arrest him if he did it. They may have indicated that they would have, but they didn't.

As stated before, the proper entity to ask would prolly be the DA. But just because we know they asked an officer who said no and an ATF contact who said yes, that doesn't mean those are the only entities they asked.

Again, I really think you should regroup around deporting Piers Morgan. Because this dog ain't huntin'.
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Metro PD spokeswoman has already said that NBC asked permission to bend the law by showing the magazine on their program. Metro PD said NO...denied NBC permission to break the District's laws.

And once again, in English, Metro Police are not empowered to interpret the law. So if they said yes, it would not mean it was not illegal, and if they said no it would not mean it is illegal. Police do not make the laws.. Therefore whatever they say on the question is moot. The police are not the entity to ask, because it's not their jurisdiction to "give permisson". No police can do that.

What they could address is the question of whether or not they would arrest him if he did it. They may have indicated that they would have, but they didn't.

As stated before, the proper entity to ask would prolly be the DA. But just because we know they asked an officer who said no and an ATF contact who said yes, that doesn't mean those are the only entities they asked.

Again, I really think you should regroup around deporting Piers Morgan. Because this dog ain't huntin'.
Damn straight the cops are not in a position to give anyone permission to break the law.

Yet, NBC asked Metro PD and Metro PD informed NBC that Metro PD is denying NBC permission to break the law.

Yet, it sure looks like NBC did exactly what the cops did not give them permission to do, because cops cannot give anyone permission to break the law. Duh.

So, Metro PD is currently investigating why NBC and Gregory apparently were in possession of a magazine of which they are specifically prohibited from being in possession in the District.

Duh again.

And, what the fuck are you talking about Piers Morgan? Did he also break a gun control law?

Damn, you're dense.
What Greta didn't get:

Gregory should get a pass, because of 'celebrity?' This is right up there with his kids being with Obama's kids at the heavy security, Sidwell Friends School, while saying that armed guards and/or staff in public schools is wrong.

That's cute. Except Greta didn't say anything remotely resembling that. She posted about a "TV stunt" and how silly all this fake kerfuffle is and serious police priorities. She didn't say a word about "celebrity" or 'getting a pass". Neither of those words was used at all.
Metro PD spokeswoman has already said that NBC asked permission to bend the law by showing the magazine on their program. Metro PD said NO...denied NBC permission to break the District's laws.

And once again, in English, Metro Police are not empowered to interpret the law. So if they said yes, it would not mean it was not illegal, and if they said no it would not mean it is illegal. Police do not make the laws.. Therefore whatever they say on the question is moot. The police are not the entity to ask, because it's not their jurisdiction to "give permisson". No police can do that.

What they could address is the question of whether or not they would arrest him if he did it. They may have indicated that they would have, but they didn't.

As stated before, the proper entity to ask would prolly be the DA. But just because we know they asked an officer who said no and an ATF contact who said yes, that doesn't mean those are the only entities they asked.

Again, I really think you should regroup around deporting Piers Morgan. Because this dog ain't huntin'.
Police ENFORCE the laws and arrest anyone that violates those laws. Are you finished with your foolish attempt to defend Gregory?
Metro PD spokeswoman has already said that NBC asked permission to bend the law by showing the magazine on their program. Metro PD said NO...denied NBC permission to break the District's laws.

And once again, in English, Metro Police are not empowered to interpret the law. So if they said yes, it would not mean it was not illegal, and if they said no it would not mean it is illegal. Police do not make the laws.. Therefore whatever they say on the question is moot. The police are not the entity to ask, because it's not their jurisdiction to "give permisson". No police can do that.

What they could address is the question of whether or not they would arrest him if he did it. They may have indicated that they would have, but they didn't.

As stated before, the proper entity to ask would prolly be the DA. But just because we know they asked an officer who said no and an ATF contact who said yes, that doesn't mean those are the only entities they asked.

Again, I really think you should regroup around deporting Piers Morgan. Because this dog ain't huntin'.

Damn straight the cops are not in a position to give anyone permission to break the law.

Yet, NBC asked Metro PD and Metro PD informed NBC that Metro PD is denying NBC permission to break the law.

Metro PD is not capable of giving permission. They're not "denying" something they have no power to approve or deny. They're not the Court. You acknowledged that like one sentence ago. The memory is the second thing to go.

Yet, it sure looks like NBC did exactly what the cops did not give them permission to do, because cops cannot give anyone permission to break the law. Duh.

- which is why the only answer they could rightly give to that question would be "no". As in "no, we can't give you permission". As far as " what the cops did not give them permission to do", make that "what one cop did not give them permission to do". As we now know, that wasn't the only source they asked. Duh.

So, Metro PD is currently investigating why NBC and Gregory apparently were in possession of a magazine of which they are specifically prohibited from being in possession in the District.

Probably they're investigating why wags like you give a fuck. They should ask me, because I got their answer right here:

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" and "torture" Piers Morgan...
"Imprison" David Gregory...
"Publish the personal info of" newspaper personnel who post already-public info on gun owners...
"See" the pattern.
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And once again, in English, Metro Police are not empowered to interpret the law. So if they said yes, it would not mean it was not illegal, and if they said no it would not mean it is illegal. Police do not make the laws.. Therefore whatever they say on the question is moot. The police are not the entity to ask, because it's not their jurisdiction to "give permisson". No police can do that.

What they could address is the question of whether or not they would arrest him if he did it. They may have indicated that they would have, but they didn't.

As stated before, the proper entity to ask would prolly be the DA. But just because we know they asked an officer who said no and an ATF contact who said yes, that doesn't mean those are the only entities they asked.

Again, I really think you should regroup around deporting Piers Morgan. Because this dog ain't huntin'.

Damn straight the cops are not in a position to give anyone permission to break the law.

Yet, NBC asked Metro PD and Metro PD informed NBC that Metro PD is denying NBC permission to break the law.

Metro PD is not capable of giving permission. They're not "denying" something they have no power to do. Damn, you're dense.

Yet, it sure looks like NBC did exactly what the cops did not give them permission to do, because cops cannot give anyone permission to break the law. Duh.

- which is why the only answer they could rightly give to that question would be "no". As in "no, we can't give you permission". As far as " what the cops did not give them permission to do", make that "what one cop did not give them permission to do". As we now know, that wasn't the only source they asked. Duh.

So, Metro PD is currently investigating why NBC and Gregory apparently were in possession of a magazine of which they are specifically prohibited from being in possession in the District.

Probably they're investigating why wags like you give a fuck. They should ask me, because I got their answer right here:

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" and "torture" Piers Morgan...
"Imprison" David Gregory...
"Publish the personal info of" newspaper personnel who post already-public info on gun owners...
"See" the pattern.
It's funny to watch you paraphrase exactly what I say and think you are actually making some sort of point.

It is illegal to be in possession of a magazine in the District. If that magazine Gregory showed on the tube - millions witnessed it, so more than enough probable cause - is not just a "prop", then he broke the law regarding gun control. He will have charges pressed and go to trial. His defense could be quite interesting, but the irony of his breaking a gun control law while going on about wanting MORE gun control laws is delicious.

Obviously, you and several others don't really want gun control laws enforced and I doubt you see any delicious irony about that, either.
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Police ENFORCE the laws and arrest anyone that violates those laws. Are you finished with your foolish attempt to defend Gregory?


I'm in no position to "defend" Gregory. Why would I do that? I wasn't there, unlike some of you wags who can convict on the basis of "what it sounds like when it's dropped".

I was never here to defend or accuse Gregory. That's out of my league. I'm here to observe the hypocrisy. It's a spectator sport. And David Gregory is not the ball. You guys are.
Damn straight the cops are not in a position to give anyone permission to break the law.

Yet, NBC asked Metro PD and Metro PD informed NBC that Metro PD is denying NBC permission to break the law.

Metro PD is not capable of giving permission. They're not "denying" something they have no power to do. Damn, you're dense.

- which is why the only answer they could rightly give to that question would be "no". As in "no, we can't give you permission". As far as " what the cops did not give them permission to do", make that "what one cop did not give them permission to do". As we now know, that wasn't the only source they asked. Duh.

So, Metro PD is currently investigating why NBC and Gregory apparently were in possession of a magazine of which they are specifically prohibited from being in possession in the District.

Probably they're investigating why wags like you give a fuck. They should ask me, because I got their answer right here:

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" and "torture" Piers Morgan...
"Imprison" David Gregory...
"Publish the personal info of" newspaper personnel who post already-public info on gun owners...
"See" the pattern.
It's funny to watch you paraphrased exactly what I say and think you are actually making an argumentative point.

It is illegal to be in possession of a magazine in the District. If that magazine Gregory showed on the tube - millions witnessed it, so more than enough probable cause - is not just a "prop", then he broke the law regarding gun control. He will have charges pressed and go to trial. His defense could be quite interesting, but the irony of his breaking a gun control law while going on about wanting MORE gun control laws is delicious.

Obviously, you and several others don't really want gun control laws enforced.

Actually the real irony is watching all the wags who hate gun laws suddenly drooling all over their bibs to enforce one. It is hilarious. :lmao:
What Greta didn't get:

Gregory should get a pass, because of 'celebrity?' This is right up there with his kids being with Obama's kids at the heavy security, Sidwell Friends School, while saying that armed guards and/or staff in public schools is wrong.

That's cute. Except Greta didn't say anything remotely resembling that. She posted about a "TV stunt" and how silly all this fake kerfuffle is and serious police priorities. She didn't say a word about "celebrity" or 'getting a pass". Neither of those words was used at all.

Yeah, cause she never considered those issues. That was the point. Gregory isn't a 'threat', thus is above the law, as a celebrity and as one who wishes to outlaw the 2nd amendment.
Metro PD is not capable of giving permission. They're not "denying" something they have no power to do. Damn, you're dense.

- which is why the only answer they could rightly give to that question would be "no". As in "no, we can't give you permission". As far as " what the cops did not give them permission to do", make that "what one cop did not give them permission to do". As we now know, that wasn't the only source they asked. Duh.

Probably they're investigating why wags like you give a fuck. They should ask me, because I got their answer right here:

"Fire" Bob Costas...
"Deport" and "torture" Piers Morgan...
"Imprison" David Gregory...
"Publish the personal info of" newspaper personnel who post already-public info on gun owners...
"See" the pattern.
It's funny to watch you paraphrased exactly what I say and think you are actually making an argumentative point.

It is illegal to be in possession of a magazine in the District. If that magazine Gregory showed on the tube - millions witnessed it, so more than enough probable cause - is not just a "prop", then he broke the law regarding gun control. He will have charges pressed and go to trial. His defense could be quite interesting, but the irony of his breaking a gun control law while going on about wanting MORE gun control laws is delicious.

Obviously, you and several others don't really want gun control laws enforced.

Actually the real irony is watching all the wags who hate gun laws suddenly drooling all over their bibs to enforce one. It is hilarious. :lmao:
If we want to control guns, then it would seem prudent to enforce the gun control laws we have. But, somehow that doesn't compute among your three brain cells.

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