did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

anti gunner don lemon from cnn allegedly commits and admits to felony.
(he does not even know he did it)
Tonight on cnn was talking about the aurora movie shooting said he went into a gun shop in aurora co and said it took him longer to get the Colorado drivers license than it did to do the back round check on the 4473 and take the gun out of the shop, he maintains he still has the AR 15 he bought that day.
He had to lie to get the Co DL, he does not live in colorado

He lives in Atlanta Georgia

Tell me he didn't commit a felony?
Tell me he didn't violate federal law too?
You want more laws but you don't want to enforce them when broken.

I am currently working a job on a island that has no guns, they are not allowed. I can show you how good life is with out fire arms.
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This is a pretty desperate Gun Nut tactic isn't it?

I seem to remember a previous POTUS putting something far more illegal on camera, intoning

"It's turning our cities into battle zones, and it's murdering our children"...

He called for us to "face this evil as a nation united".

On that description the similarity is eerie:

(Sorry, video doesn't start until 0:23)
I wasn't aware that the CiC was a member of the press.

:confused: Nobody said he was...?
anti gunner don lemon from cnn allegedly commits and admits to felony.
(he does not even know he did it)
Tonight on cnn was talking about the aurora movie shooting said he went into a gun shop in aurora co and said it took him longer to get the Colorado drivers license than it did to do the back round check on the 4473 and take the gun out of the shop, he maintains he still has the AR 15 he bought that day.
He had to lie to get the Co DL, he does not live in colorado

He lives in Atlanta Georgia

Tell me he didn't commit a felony?
Tell me he didn't violate federal law too?

Whether or not an advocate of gun control broke the law has nothing to do with the merits of his argument.

So what exactly is your moronic point?
Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

LaPierre used facts and reason. Gregory looked like an out of control liberal.

Lapierre wouldn't agree once that guns just might be a part of the problem. He is a complete moron.

No, he's smart. You and Gregory are the morons. I know it gets your panties into a tight little wad when the people you hate won't concede your premises, but anyone who did would be stupid and wrong.
Why is the NRA playing foil to the liberal left? The NRA has absolutely nothing to do with what happened why is it they seem to be the ones on trial? They would have been much better off not saying anything and why would they, it gets them no where. If what I am reading is correct their membership is going up since the shooting.
was that a 30 rnd magazine. didn't look like it to me. looked more like a 20 rd.

It was a 30 rd mag.

This is a 20 rd mag........


This is a 30 rd mag......


You can tell the difference immediately.
So this is what the right has been reduced to eh? as they say where im from, you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.

Gregory is no liberal. Dude is a smug ass hat, no matter how you try and sell it. Cant stand the guy.

He might as well have been smoking a joint live on air.
You want more laws but you don't want to enforce them when broken.

I am currently working a job on a island that has no guns, they are not allowed. I can show you how good life is with out fire arms.
Guns aren't allowed in schools, either. Go figure that school kids get massacred.
Sure you're on an island Mr. Alteredstate?

lol, I work for NASA, we are retrofitting the entire space surveillance radar system around the globe.

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