did david gregory break the law on meet the press holding up that magazine

:lol: It's a news agency... No BFD.
Gun control seems to be quite a big fucking deal to many. I've noticed many in favor of more laws are quite vocal right now. So let's make more laws that we don't enforce. It makes perfect sense.

At worst, IF he was in violation of a law, which I doubt, at worst the network would get fined for violating the letter of the law. Do we even know if the clip was empty? Do we know the status of permits held by the agency or individuals involved? Does the spirit of the law not matter, or are political games now paramount to public safety?
Empty or not, possession of the clip itself is a violation.

Yes, the network AND this guy should be fined. There is no judicial discretion on the fine, I'm not sure if there is any on the incarceration.

Gun control. It's about time we actually practiced what so many preach.
:lol: If you say so... I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, waiting for any legal action to take hold. That is not to say the news agency is above the law, but that the law was not actually broken... You have nothing but reactionary claims on opinion blogs.

Good luck! Let me know how it all unfolds... :eusa_clap:

Liberals are hypocrites, they only want gun control laws until one of their own violates that law.

That's what it's all about, isn't it? Your desperate need to cry hypotwit hypotwit, gotcha gotcha gotcha, which does no good whatsoever, let's just make up the facts of the matter and ignore the spirit of the law, or the purpose of the news report as a public safety issue. You armchair lawyers crack me up...
Sorry no one has to point out how hypocritical liberals are anyone with an IQ of 50 can see right through your hypocrisy,
David Gregory lost that debate by a mile today. He was spotlighted on NBC news the night before. NBC really expect Gregory to mop the floor with the NRA. Total fail.

Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

Thy can try to.spin all they want. He really screwed up. All those kids dead and video games are the issue?
David Gregory lost that debate by a mile today. He was spotlighted on NBC news the night before. NBC really expect Gregory to mop the floor with the NRA. Total fail.

Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

Thy can try to.spin all they want. He really screwed up. All those kids dead and video games are the issue?

Sick people are the issue... Last time I checked. Because he did not arbitrarily to agree to align the NRA with the surrender of our Freedoms based solely upon emotions he is somehow the asshole? Nope... The assholes are the ones who use people's compromised emotions to further their own agendas.
Another "Do as I say, not as I do." Libtard!

The Weekly Standard is reporting that despite his criticism of the NRA school proposal, David Gregory’s own kids go to a high-security school with armed guards on the premises: "The Gregory children go to school with the children of President Barack Obama, according to the Washington Post. That school is the co-ed Quaker school Sidwell Friends. According to a scan of the school’s online faculty-staff directory, Sidwell has a security department made up of at least 11 people. Many of those are police officers, who are presumably armed. Moreover, with the Obama kids in attendance, there is a secret service presence at the institution, as well."
That's because tyrone has no clue as to what he is talking about.

OK playing devil advocate, how many who actually support gun control know what they are talking about??
Well I guess I wasn't playing devils advocate.:badgrin:

Didn't you lose a bet? Why are you still here?

Proof that liberals want me gone
They think I lost a bet when there was no bet accepted. One of them brought a thread back life that is over a year old, and that person never posted in the thread. Makes my value here very high since they would go to that extreme trying to force me away from here.
How many more times are you going to ask me that question?
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That's what it's all about, isn't it? Your desperate need to cry hypotwit hypotwit, gotcha gotcha gotcha, which does no good whatsoever, let's just make up the facts of the matter and ignore the spirit of the law, or the purpose of the news report as a public safety issue. You armchair lawyers crack me up...

So the "spirit of the law" means liberal journalists are free to violate the letter of the law anytime they want to score points for their agenda?
David Gregory lost that debate by a mile today. He was spotlighted on NBC news the night before. NBC really expect Gregory to mop the floor with the NRA. Total fail.

Not really. Lapierre looked like a giant asshole gun nut all over again.

Thy can try to.spin all they want. He really screwed up. All those kids dead and video games are the issue?

Liberal turds like you have been whining about violent video games for decades. The only time anyone gets called an asshole for doing it is when the liberal turds are trying to sell gun control to the public.
What a Pin Head Thread. Wait until someone with a 100 shot clip invades a school with Lapierre's kids. Yes, Lapierre wants to try everything as long as it has nothing to do with assault rifles. Hunters really need them to bag game...:eusa_eh:
So, why would a thread about enforcing gun control laws be a "pin head thread"?

This Thread is not about Gun Control. It is about Dick Gregory. Someone please tell Lapierre to stop drooling over the prospect of more guns in schools...

Why are you against protecting children in school? Are you also in favor of taking away the guns of the Secret Service agents protecting the President? Is his life more valuable than a child's to their parent?
The logic coming from the right is slowly making me have a change of heart.

Congrats! Coming from a logic free environment like the leftwing, we know it's hard for you guys to recognize logic when you first encounter it. You're making "progess". Pun intended.
Anybody think the cartridges might have been empty....duh

Two things, no such thing as an empty cartridige, by defintion a cartridge is a casing containing a charge and a bullet or shot for small arms, what you would propbably mistakenly refer to as a "bullet", and secondly if you are refrerring to the MAGAZINE being empty, that's irrelevent seeing that the law prohibits the possession of the magazine period, empty or loaded, duh.

This is the biggest problem with this whole issue, we have hundreds of thousands of people in this nation and in our govt that have ZERO knowledge on firearms trying to offer opinions on the topic.
:lol: No doubt the network has a legal team who handles these things beforehand. I'm sure the law considers David Gregory to be acting as an agent of the DC News.

§ 7-2506.01. Persons permitted to possess ammunition.

(a) No person shall possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless:
(1) He is a licensed dealer pursuant to subchapter IV of this unit;
(2) He is an officer, agent, or employee of the District of Columbia or the United States of America, on duty and acting within the scope of his duties when possessing such ammunition;
(3) He is the holder of the valid registration certificate for a firearm of the same gauge or caliber as the ammunition he possesses; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets; or
(4) He holds an ammunition collector’s certificate on September 24, 1976.
(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.

Trouble comprehending the written word huh? The end result of a liberal public school education, basing an opinion on your liberal feelings rather than on the written word. Try reading the law YOU highlighted. Unless he is an agent or an employee, now here's the relevent portion, OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, not IN the District, OF the District, and a TV channel or news show is not an entity OF the District of Columbia. I know you being a liberal jackass and with the way the news media has become Pravda West, think this is the case, it's not, news programs are not agents of the govt, they are public or private entities. This isn't the Soviet Union where newscasters are govt agents. Furthermore you highlighted the exceptions for the possesion of ammunition, NOT high capacity mags, which is what he had and which is covered under sec 4b. Once again the liberal shows us why they are unqualified to offer a valid opinion on this topic. or most others for that matter. You people are brain dead.
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§ 7-2506.01. Persons permitted to possess ammunition.

(a) No person shall possess ammunition in the District of Columbia unless:
(1) He is a licensed dealer pursuant to subchapter IV of this unit;
(2) He is an officer, agent, or employee of the District of Columbia or the United States of America, on duty and acting within the scope of his duties when possessing such ammunition;
(3) He is the holder of the valid registration certificate for a firearm of the same gauge or caliber as the ammunition he possesses; except, that no such person shall possess restricted pistol bullets; or
(4) He holds an ammunition collector’s certificate on September 24, 1976.
(b) No person in the District shall possess, sell, or transfer any large capacity ammunition feeding device regardless of whether the device is attached to a firearm. For the purposes of this subsection, the term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The term “large capacity ammunition feeding device” shall not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.
See? Logic.

The only logic required:

1. Is it legal to possess the clip that he was holding? The answer is no.
2. Was he holding it, thus in possession? Yes
3. Is it in the best interest of the nation, right now, to have a news caster flaunt the law? No, they should be held more accountable. A picture of the clip would have been sufficient to make his point, he didn't need to violate the law.

Easy then, arrest him.

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