Did Democrats Alienate the Black Vote? Black Pastors Discuss 2 Justices Recusal

Do you agree with black pastors that Kagan and Ginsburg should recuse themselves?

  • No, they don't know what they're talking about. There was no bias evident.

  • Yes, they do know what they're talking about. A brain damaged fruit fly couldn't miss the bias.

  • I don't know enough about recusal and the US Supreme Court to know if they should step down.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Rebel flags torn down as a consolation prize to what the democrats did to traditional marriage? (a thing blacks consistently poll to want to preserve.)

Some consolation prize. It took 9 of them being gunned down at a church by a very fragile looking boy the day after a southern Chistian church announced it wouldn't perform gay marriages no matter how the decision came down from the obviously biased SCOTUS...

And on the subject of obvious bias and blacks for traditional marriage...

The founder and president of a coalition of black pastors has called upon U.S. Supreme Court Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to recuse themselves from the same-sex marriage case that is currently before the high court. CAAP Calls on Justices Ginsburg and Kagan to Recuse Themselves from Same-Sex Marriage Decision - Breitbart


In a recent press release, Rev. William Owens of the Coalition of African-American Pastors (CAAP) cited Ginsburg’s and Kagan’s “stated bias” as reason to recuse themselves in order to preserve the integrity of the court. Owens and his organization have launched a petition to bring attention to the alleged “lack of impartiality” on the part of the two justices....In February, Ginsburg, 81, said in an interview with Bloomberg Business that Americans are ready to accept a Supreme Court decision that legalizes same-sex marriage because of significant changes in attitudes toward gay individuals. Ginsburg also became the first Supreme Court justice to officiate at a same-sex wedding in Washington. Kagan has since officiated at a same-sex wedding as well...

And more...
“A Justice of the Supreme Court is called on to avoid the appearance of bias—especially on a highly controversial and sensitive issue that is currently before the Court,” said Owens. “And yet, both Justice Ginsburg and Justice Kagan have taken a public stance in favor of same-sex marriage, even going so far as to officiate at a same-sex wedding.”...“Not only is this a breach of ethics, but it calls into question the integrity of the Court and the supposed balance that the judicial branch is meant to provide in Constitutional interpretation,” he continued. “It is beyond objectionable that no action has yet been taken to ensure that the case will be adjudicated fairly. And so it falls to us, the people, to take action.”

“For a case that promises to dramatically affect the future of family, religious freedom, and much more, there cannot be any question of political bias on the part of the judges involved.”

Couldn't have said it better myself ^^

“The LGBT community hijacked our movement, a movement they know nothing about,” Owens asserted. “President Obama is delusional to compare our struggle with the struggle for marriage equality. Gays have not had fire hoses or dogs unleashed at them. They have not been hung from trees or denied basic human rights.”...“President Obama didn’t march,” Owens continued. “He has benefited from those of us who did march, but for President Obama to say we marched so that gays would have the right to marry today, is a disgrace and a lie.

oooooo.. OUCH! ^^
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So a heavily dominated GOP Congress in 2017 wouldn't jump at the chance to remove two despised hard left liberal fascists from the Court to replace with their own fast-tracked appointments...using the tide of public opinion against gay marriage who elected them in 2014 and will do so again in 2017...and the rock solid Caperton vs Massey Coal 2009 case.

You think they won't launch that campaign? I think they will. And the black vote isn't going to come down how you think it will in 2016. Black people aren't stupid. They know when their authentic civil rights issues have been coat-tail-ridden and bastardized...
Of course not. Democrats count on ignorant dichotomous stupidity. It's what gets them elected.
Catholics oppose abortion and homos and elect democrats.
Obama eulogized in an anti-homo black church while he defaced the White House with homonazi colors.
Democrats are dumb and their leaders know this.
Gruber, anyone?
So a heavily dominated GOP Congress in 2017 wouldn't jump at the chance to remove two despised hard left liberal fascists from the Court to replace with their own fast-tracked appointments...using the tide of public opinion against gay marriage who elected them in 2014 and will do so again in 2017...and the rock solid Caperton vs Massey Coal 2009 case.

You think they won't launch that campaign? I think they will. And the black vote isn't going to come down how you think it will in 2016. Black people aren't stupid. They know when their authentic civil rights issues have been coat-tail-ridden and bastardized...

So a heavily dominated GOP Congress in 2017 wouldn't jump at the chance to remove two despised hard left liberal fascists from the Court to replace with their own fast-tracked appointments...using the tide of public opinion against gay marriage who elected them in 2014 and will do so again in 2017...and the rock solid Caperton vs Massey Coal 2009 case.

You think they won't launch that campaign? I think they will. And the black vote isn't going to come down how you think it will in 2016. Black people aren't stupid. They know when their authentic civil rights issues have been coat-tail-ridden and bastardized...

Do you truly believe that if the GOP has a stellar 2016 that they are going to waste their political capital on impeaching two sitting Justices!? Fat chance.

Oh...and Caperton v. Massey doesn't support a single bit of your claims. It didn't months ago when you started a few threads with that exact same nonsense and doesn't now. Soon or later you'll get dizzy from all this twisting in the wind.
So a heavily dominated GOP Congress in 2017 wouldn't jump at the chance to remove two despised hard left liberal fascists from the Court to replace with their own fast-tracked appointments...using the tide of public opinion against gay marriage who elected them in 2014 and will do so again in 2017...and the rock solid Caperton vs Massey Coal 2009 case.

You think they won't launch that campaign? I think they will. And the black vote isn't going to come down how you think it will in 2016. Black people aren't stupid. They know when their authentic civil rights issues have been coat-tail-ridden and bastardized...

You babbled about impeachment when the Republicans took the house and senate. Jack shit happened.

Get used to that pattern.
NAACP had a 15 year boycott of the flag in SC. It wasn't just an overnight action...
Of course not. Democrats count on ignorant dichotomous stupidity. It's what gets them elected.
Catholics oppose abortion and homos and elect democrats.
Obama eulogized in an anti-homo black church while he defaced the White House with homonazi colors.
Democrats are dumb and their leaders know this.
Gruber, anyone?

And ascribing "ignorant dichotomous stupidity" to an entire group of people is one of the primary reasons why you are not going to see a shift. For while the democratic party may not have been wholly honest or made the best decisions, they are not overtly courting people who are openly hostile to anyone who is not white. Once the republican party finally gets its collective head out of its ass and tosses the idiots out, then I think there will be a major shift.
Of course not. Democrats count on ignorant dichotomous stupidity. It's what gets them elected.
Catholics oppose abortion and homos and elect democrats.
Obama eulogized in an anti-homo black church while he defaced the White House with homonazi colors.
Democrats are dumb and their leaders know this.
Gruber, anyone?

And ascribing "ignorant dichotomous stupidity" to an entire group of people is one of the primary reasons why you are not going to see a shift. For while the democratic party may not have been wholly honest or made the best decisions, they are not overtly courting people who are openly hostile to anyone who is not white. Once the republican party finally gets its collective head out of its ass and tosses the idiots out, then I think there will be a major shift.
Talk about backwards. The dems pander to everything in the name of skin color, etc. Not pandering to segregationists is not the same as pandering to white people. Show one group in the name of whiteness that non-dems pander to. Now name the infinite number of groups that dems pander to in the name of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.

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