Did Donald Trump Wear His Pants Backwards?

Hey Joe, your are supposed to shit when get out of bed, not before.
"People are saying," Tramp put his pants on backwards to hide the fact that he peed his pants and it showed.
How about you Ed would you like to try and answer this since C Clayton and Dana ran away like a little pussies....?
The border....the economy?... unemployment?...gas prices?...peace in the middle east?...which one of these things are better today than when Trump was in office?....
All of them!
so you favor a failing economy, higher gas prices, high unemployment and wars in the middle east,,,

at least youre honest,,
The economy failed under Tramp, who LOST over 2 MILLION jobs in 4 years, whereas Biden has created more jobs in his first 4 months than have ever been created in the first four months of any presidency in modern history. Unemployment has fallen from the 6.3% Tramp left with to 5.8% under Biden. Tramp was creating 63,000 jobs a month, on average, his last 3 disastrous months in office, which the Right claim was great, whereas Biden has averaged over 400,000 new jobs per month over his first 4 months, which the Right say is terrible by comparison to Tramp. :cuckoo:

At least you are consistently DISHONEST.
you arent considering the covid effect,, so whos being dishonest here??

I did notice you ignored all the rest of it??
can you quote her directly for us
Why it matters that Nikki Haley says God put Trump in power for 'lessons' and 'change'
By Caitlin Byrd [email protected]
Nov 27, 2019 Updated Sep 14, 2020

The weighty question came up over the weekend when outgoing Energy Secretary Rick Perry said in a Fox News interview that he believes President Donald Trump is God’s “chosen one” to lead the United States.

And the question came up again on Tuesday when former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley was asked a version of it during an interview that aired on Pat Robertson’s “700 Club.”

Haley, who has been doing media interviews to promote her new book, was asked by reporter David Brody whether she thought God had put Trump in power for a purpose.

Haley's initial response was to fall on a familiar adage that many people of faith subscribe to in explaining the unexplainable.

"Well, it goes to show that everything happens for a reason,” she began.

Haley, the believer: Then, Haley settled into her final answer. "I think that God sometimes places people [Trump] for lessons and sometimes places people for change. And you can look at everything that's happened, and I think we are seeing a lot of change, and I think we are gaining a lot of lessons from it as well,” Haley said.
Why it matters that Nikki Haley says God put Trump in power for 'lessons' and 'change'

Nikki Haley: God Placed Trump in Power for ‘Lessons’ and ‘Change’​

Reporter David Brody asked, “What is you view kind of spiritually on the sovereignty of God and what he is doing exactly by putting Donald Trump as president of the United States?”

Haley replied, “Well, I think it goes to show that everything happens for a reason. And the way I see it is, look at the results of Donald Trump as president. Look at we have more friends and family with jobs than we have ever had before. We have the economy moving in a direction it hasn’t been in a long time but is doing great. We are acknowledging real truths with the president that had the courage to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And there has been a lot of courage that has come from this president to change what was the status quo and to do it in a way the American people wanted to see it. They did want a disruptor-in-chief. They did want someone who was going to go against the grain and get us out of our comfort zone.”

She added, “I think that God sometimes places people for lessons and sometimes places people for change. And you can look at everything that has happened, and I think we are seeing a lot of change, and I think we are gaining a lot of lessons from it as well.”
Nikki Haley: God Placed Trump in Power for 'Lessons' and 'Change'

you're welcome. btw - i ALWAYS back up what i say.

and then explain how what she said

seems pretty clear to me. do you no understand english?

then could keep her from running in the future?

never said she couldn't or wouldn't. BUT if she ran against the chosen one, wouldn't that mean she is standing in the way of the one god sent to be potus?

lol ...
i disagree with the op-ed and think you are trying why to hard and so is the propagandist who wrote the op-ed

there is nothing wrong with think things happen for a reason and the right people are put into places at the right time rtc

but certainly what she thought then, and for that time doesn’t preclude her from thinking he’s the right person and she’s not the right person. in 2024

do you not understand plan english? is that why you need a propagandist to tell you how to think in an op-ed?

lol ... she said it. only nutbags think ' god ' sent a candidate to be potus.
no she didn’t say what you claimed...something totally different

and only Godless souls mock people for having faith and believing that things happen for a reason.
Hope and faith is what leftist always attack. It’s how they can maintain control over the masses they oppress

now only a nutcase would buy the propaganda that a President is some sort of Messiah or Chosen One...like the dembots that bought the cult of personality about Dear Leader Obama

uh-huh. & rick perry never claimed that either. or mike pompeo.

FYI - i am a christian ... so there is THAT; & i know a charlaton when i see one. too bad, the aforementioned couldn't & still don't.

donny, as he looked up to the sky - said he was the chosen one. now tell me how that was a joke. donny has no sense of humor... anyhoo, he believes he's never had to ' ask god for forgiveness '.

that's the mindset of a meglomaniac & sociopath.
I don't know if they did or didn't...all I know is Haley didn't say what you claimed.

If you have quotes from them, please provide them.

Moreover, all I know, is that Dems thought Obama was some sort of second coming and you all had children singing hymns about it. Sick stuff really

"Obama's gonna change it! Obama's gonna lead 'em! We are gonna change it! and rearrange it!"

ya they did. ALL of them did. paraphrasing & the like doesn't change the meaning behind exact words. as far as rick perry & pompeo ... i guarentee you they did. anyhoo ... you lump a few (D)s to the whole of the party?

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so tell me when did any (D) support an attempted bloody coup because obama told them to? tell me how obama stayed in the spotlight after leaving office & perpetuating a bigley lie just to feed his ego. tell me how he set it up where his supporters would believe that the election was rigged months b4 the election if he didn't win - feeding into the paranoid cray cray that make up his base?

lol ....

ok, thanks for admitting you are using parody and just pushing propaganda....did you learn that when you learned the Messiah Obama hymn?

get a dictionary & learn what 'parody' is .... & what paraphrasing means.

hahaha your "paraphrasing" is a parody....the entire DNC message is a "parody" - the propagandist run with parody

i'm not a (D) either. so there you go....


sure sure
I wouldn’t have a problem
I wouldn’t wear gay pants like that

Seriously ... I don't give a fuck if you want to stuff your junk in yoga pants and wear a bikini top.
No one is actually required to give damn what your fashion desires are ... :auiqs.jpg:

If you show up wearing a parka in August to paint my house, and manage to get it painted without passing out ...
I will still pay your ass regardless of what you are wearing.

Why don’t you post a picture of yourself in those pants and I will tell you if you look gay
Geez...what a homophobic comment....

Nothing homophobic
If you choose to wear pants that make it clear you are a homosexual, that is your decision
How do pants "make it clear you are homosexual?" Prejudice much?
Hey Joe, your are supposed to shit when get out of bed, not before.
"People are saying," Tramp put his pants on backwards to hide the fact that he peed his pants and it showed.
How about you Ed would you like to try and answer this since C Clayton and Dana ran away like a little pussies....?
The border....the economy?... unemployment?...gas prices?...peace in the middle east?...which one of these things are better today than when Trump was in office?....
All of them!
Answered like a leftist moron...you may as well just ran away like both other libs did when facing this question...at least they didn't lie....you just wasted our time....the answer is none of those things are better today and you know it....or you would have mustered a defense of your opinion....
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Kriss Kross will make ya……. JUMP! JUMP!

(Kriss Kross also wore their pants backwards)

I wonder how the GOP feels about having a leader who is one step from being involuntarily committed to a psychiatric hospital.View attachment 498077
I think Biden should get there on the double.
You can't get more obviously, desperately fake than this. The fear of 2022 is upon the Democrats.

Did Donald Trump Wear His Pants Backwards? Kris Kross Memes Have Already Begun

No he didn't wear his pants backwards.

It's been photoshopped.

It looks ok in a small photo but once I enlarged it, the obvious alteration stood out to my eyes.

I will say the untrained eye may miss it. Especially in the small version of the photo.

However. I've been using photoshop since it's first version. Once I enlarged it just a little bit, the alteration popped right out.

It was a sloppy job too.

The idiot couldn't even match the color.

They used the eye dropper tool to copy color from the pants but they didn't do it close to where the zipper is so the color they painted on is slightly lighter.

As I said, the untrained eye may not see this. Especially in the smaller version.

But even without it. How stupid is that? How was he going to button the top button of his pants then zip them up backwards?

Whoever did this should face some consequences for it.

Maybe it's me but once I see someone lie like that, I don't believe anything they claim.
it's funny the desperation, right?
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Calm down, snowflake. Back away from the radio.
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Joe Biden wears MANLY pants with a zipper in the front
Trump? Not so much
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Joe Biden wears MANLY pants with a zipper in the front
Trump? Not so much
So you don't see the zipper flap?....real pants have material over the zipper....your hand made rags may not.....
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Joe Biden wears MANLY pants with a zipper in the front
Trump? Not so much
Joe Biden shuffle steps like he is afraid to shit in them
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
I think like all anti American scum you are talking about pants when Joe has our border wide open and is killing off American jobs and creating Russian and Chinese jobs.....pants???? really???
Joe Biden wears MANLY pants with a zipper in the front
Trump? Not so much
Joe Biden shuffle steps like he is afraid to shit in them
Or already did....
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
Trump should put an end to zippergate right now!

He should go on national TV and show us once and for all that he knows how to put on a pair of pants and that he is knowledgeable in the workings of the typical zipper.
I have that it would be best for the Dem party and for the country if trump did not go away. He is leading the repub party down a path of no return. As long as trump is around, serious repub contenders like Pence and Haley, will be pushed to the fringe. The repub party will continue to shrink as long as they hump trump.

There has never been a losing presidential president who, six months after he lost both the popular vote and the EC, continues to claim he won in a landslide and was cheated. It just seems sooner or later, someone in the MAGA crowd will grow a brain and say..."GET OVER IT! YOU LOST!"

take your own advice jim.....
Tell your lying King to stop trying to instigate a repeat of January 6th. He is never going to sit in the White House again. You and He need to figure that out and SHUT UP!
He won't even run . He can't beat Hillary... lol fool. TDS , there is no cure.
Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....

Progressive Fashion

Hey Donnie!
Zipper in the FRONT
Maybe Melania finally had enough and pulled a Lorena Bobbit.
Maybe he uses pull-ups!
His zipper is clearly visible...these are quality pants not the goodwill shit you libs wrap yourselves in...I would think you would know a mans zipper close up when you see one....
So you actually think that I was being serious when I said "maybe he uses pull ups".

You guys make college snowflakes look like Stallone.
Trump should put an end to zippergate right now!

He should go on national TV and show us once and for all that he knows how to put on a pair of pants and that he is knowledgeable in the workings of the typical zipper.
Lol as Biden can't complete a sentence... you're a moron., filled with TDS.

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