Did hilary clinton let China hack her emails? If you followed the clinton's in the 90s?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When bill was in office in the 1990s he moved the process for allowing strategic technology transfers from the Department of Defense to the less strict Commerce Department.... you know, missile tech, computer tech, and various other things we don't want the bad guys to have.....and when he was doing this he was getting bags full of cash from the Chinese Government through guys like Charlie Trie and Wang Jun.....

This article puts out the idea that hilary sold access to her illegal, insecure, private email server to the Chinese...letting them know she had it, and that gave them access to it....

China and Clinton Emails: Hack or Invitation?

Apparently, the Chinese wrote code that they embedded into Clinton's home server in her Chappaqua home, which conveniently sent a copy of all of her emails to this Chinese company – and, by default, to the Chinese government.

This is exactly why official government email communications must travel only through secure government servers: to prevent such electronic intrusion.

The other less mentioned reason is that then-president Barack Obama was regularly communicating with Mrs. Clinton via her unsecure server. How inconvenient if the president was found to be mishandling classified material.

The FBI and DOJ were well aware of the server hack in July 2015 but did nothing about it. James Comey's book, A Higher Loyalty, was appropriately named. Unfortunately, his higher loyalty was to Mrs. Clinton, not the USA, the FBI, or the U.S. Constitution.

What if this wasn't actually a hack? Instead, what if Mrs. Clinton allowed the Chinese to access her server, knowing full well that she was giving a foreign adversary full access to communications at the highest levels of the U.S. government?

Why would she do that? Conspiring with a foreign government or serving as an agent of that government is highly illegal. How ironic if Mrs. Clinton is doing what the Deep State and the media are accusing president Trump of having done. That's called projection.

Given the Clintons' pattern of behavior, one must assume they were being paid for giving the Chinese access. This is just another form of "pay to play." Mrs. Clinton would be paid not directly, but instead through her money laundromat, the Clinton Foundation.

The Clinton Foundation has ties to the Chinese, as well as many other foreign governments hostile to U.S. interests. The South China Morning Post reported earlier this year, "The FBI is investigating donations to the Clinton Foundation – but will charges follow?"

Ask Jeff Sessions about the charges. Money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation from all over the world, disguised, rerouted through a Canadian charity, all to obscure its origins.


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