Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
I think about or write about things and the coronavirus makes them happen.

In 2019, when shopping at Walmart or Target, I kept stopping by the toy section to see what kind of jigsaw puzzles they had but kept putting off buying one because I didn’t have any spare table or desk space to assemble it. The following year the shelves were emptied of puzzles as putting them together became a favorite pastime of people stuck at home because of the virus.

In December 2019 I posted a “Boycott the Trump economy?” comment on a political forum:

Many voters are reportedly indifferent to the impeachment process and other grievances against Trump and will make their 2020 voting decisions on their personal welfare: I’m doing ok and will vote for Trump because the economy is doing ok.

Should liberals sabotage the economy to make that less true? By sabotage, I mean simply refusing to buy anything that is not essential to your survival: the latest smart phone, the latest vehicle, the most stylish clothes. Stay home more and don’t travel and eat out less often. All that would presumably cause a recession that would negate support for Trump.

The pandemic forced nearly everyone, willing or not, to “boycott” the economy.

I had also developed an interest in a certain kind of internet porn in which the male protests “I can’t breathe.” Later, thousands of men would rush to the hospital, complaining “I can’t breathe,” followed by all the George Floyd "I can't breathe" protests.

On February 29, 2020, I drove pass the NorthBay VacaValley Hospital, the site of the first known community-spread coronavirus case in the U.S. Wondering if the virus scare had reduced business at the hospital, I looked toward the parking lot. The lot was full, and I saw a van marked with the word “Falcon.” The falcon is my spiritual guide and its regular appearance in my life is a sign of my link to the Egyptian falcon god Re.

Is this just correlation or is some causation involved? Is there some falcon magic at work? Perhaps I am like Mickey Mouse in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment of Fantasia. I had willed that the dirty planet be mopped up, but the world was flooded with buckets of COVID-19. My bad. Or not. Being a god means never having to say you’re sorry.
This is exactly what is going on. This is bigger than this election and President Trump, although they need him, Boris Johnson and Netanyahu out of the way to fully implement Global Rule.

This is bigger than a single election in a single country.

Has I created a piece of shit that ineffective I certainly wouldn't have admitted to it. Shower stink in a flower pot( bath salts) are far more deadly for those 'exposed" to it.
I'da made a gluten free, fat free, orgasmic, cheeze kibbles or something you'd drop dead suddenly from in exactly 30 days/11 minutes. Offered boxcars full to Walmart and Olive Garden to give out free at the entrance.... THAT would have been a success story !.
What do you expect from a Yahwoo from Wuhoo playing with bats in a pre-fab lab. The harbor freight of a serial killers weapon. C-18 3/4
When somebody thinks and writes about things and later it happens, that's usually because they are good at observing trends. When somebody thinks and writes something and later it happens and they think they caused it usually means they are schizophrenic.
I think about or write about things and the coronavirus makes them happen.

In 2019, when shopping at Walmart or Target, I kept stopping by the toy section to see what kind of jigsaw puzzles they had but kept putting off buying one because I didn’t have any spare table or desk space to assemble it. The following year the shelves were emptied of puzzles as putting them together became a favorite pastime of people stuck at home because of the virus.

In December 2019 I posted a “Boycott the Trump economy?” comment on a political forum:

Many voters are reportedly indifferent to the impeachment process and other grievances against Trump and will make their 2020 voting decisions on their personal welfare: I’m doing ok and will vote for Trump because the economy is doing ok.

Should liberals sabotage the economy to make that less true? By sabotage, I mean simply refusing to buy anything that is not essential to your survival: the latest smart phone, the latest vehicle, the most stylish clothes. Stay home more and don’t travel and eat out less often. All that would presumably cause a recession that would negate support for Trump.

The pandemic forced nearly everyone, willing or not, to “boycott” the economy.

I had also developed an interest in a certain kind of internet porn in which the male protests “I can’t breathe.” Later, thousands of men would rush to the hospital, complaining “I can’t breathe,” followed by all the George Floyd "I can't breathe" protests.

On February 29, 2020, I drove pass the NorthBay VacaValley Hospital, the site of the first known community-spread coronavirus case in the U.S. Wondering if the virus scare had reduced business at the hospital, I looked toward the parking lot. The lot was full, and I saw a van marked with the word “Falcon.” The falcon is my spiritual guide and its regular appearance in my life is a sign of my link to the Egyptian falcon god Re.

Is this just correlation or is some causation involved? Is there some falcon magic at work? Perhaps I am like Mickey Mouse in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment of Fantasia. I had willed that the dirty planet be mopped up, but the world was flooded with buckets of COVID-19. My bad. Or not. Being a god means never having to say you’re sorry.
Instead of "causing it," did it ever occur to you that maybe, these might have been signs or portents to you that you just did not read correctly?

I myself have always believed that all of us have minor psychic abilities, including various degrees of prophecy. This includes the ability to tap into the emotional wave states of our futures, and the futures of human psyches.

What you were actually doing, was simply reading the minds and emotional states of yourself, and the mass consciousness of the billions of folks projecting from the future down into the past.

If you are at all acquainted with cosmology and quantum physics, you would know, some believe that time and space are merely illusions. All space, and indeed time, are at at one point in the same. Thus, you were just picking up what was going on at a future moment.

I am often eerily spooked by the similarities in cross cultural prophecies, between different faiths, and cultures, from the native American prophecy, Christian, Muslim, Hindi, Baháʼí, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, Mother Shipton, the list goes on for those who would seek and try to figure out the similarities.

. . . no, I do not think you "made" this happen, but I do think, like a vision quest, that signs were shown to you, you just failed to grasp their importance.

I think the signs were shown to many of us. . .

I had posted myself, on this very website that I would be homeless in the first few months of 2020. . . and? I was.

Prophecy is not difficult when you quiet your mind and listen to your heart. It is a gift that we all have because we are part of the creation.
Something else I wrote may have predicted a largely unnoticed effect of COVID-19. Some years ago, in an article “How the meek may inherit the earth,” I suggested that a rogue scientist might fulfill the Sermon on the Mount promise by engineering a virus that would sterilize males who have the “warrior gene,” thus giving a reproductive edge to the meek.

Mounting evidence suggests that COVID-19 may cause male sterility. Researchers from the Tufts Medical Centre in Boston and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan discovered that more than 80 percent of the samples from 11 Chinese patients who died from the coronavirus showed significant damage to the seminiferous tubules, the part of the testicles where sperm is made.

In an earlier study in China, about 20 percent of men reported scrotal discomfort after contracting the virus. However, damage might occur without symptoms as antibodies have a hard time reaching the testes. Therefore, inflammation, a sign of antibodies fighting the virus, might not be present to indicate damage to the reproductive system.

In June 2020, the Russian Health Ministry reported that men who recovered from the coronavirus had a 38 percent reduction in the quality of sperm, which was considered worrisome because the overall quality of sperm in Russian men was already less than perfect.

The U.S. mass media, focused on the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths, has largely ignored this news. As aggressive males are more likely to ignore social distancing and mask-wearing advice, they stand a greater chance of contracting the coronavirus and becoming sterile, thus ceding fatherhood to “meek” men who obey the rules. “I can’t breathe” may be followed by “I can’t breed.”

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