Did Jeb actually say his brother kept us safe?

Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:

Are you intentionally lying or are you really that ignorant?

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

11 Sept, 2012: 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!
Funny how you failed to mention the Charleston shooter, if that wasn't a terrorist attack I don't know what the fuck is??

What about all of the Abortion clinics that have been bombed by of course whites, TERRORISM seems to be at the hand of a lot of white assholes huh??

How about Colorado theatre shooting???

The guy in Arizona that killed a bunch of people and shot Gabby Gifford??

And Sandy Hook another white motherfucker..

I could go on and on but you get the point..

You fucking white maggots are the real terrorists in this country..
Yep, liberals do insane shit. But even so whites commit much less crime compared to blacks and much less terrorism than Muslims. That's why you could name the few that happened.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:


Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.
N one knew what they would do because Clinton pulled the undercover operatives out, had Bin Laden offered to him twice. Only retards blame Bush for 9/11, Jeb was talking about afterwards.

Looks like you broke another crayon.
It doesn't matter who you blame, Bush failed to keep us safe. His brother is demented to claim otherwise.

But he is a conservative, so dementia is to be expected.
Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:

Are you intentionally lying or are you really that ignorant?

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

11 Sept, 2012: 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!
Funny how you failed to mention the Charleston shooter, if that wasn't a terrorist attack I don't know what the fuck is??

What about all of the Abortion clinics that have been bombed by of course whites, TERRORISM seems to be at the hand of a lot of white assholes huh??

How about Colorado theatre shooting???

The guy in Arizona that killed a bunch of people and shot Gabby Gifford??

And Sandy Hook another white motherfucker..

I could go on and on but you get the point..

You fucking white maggots are the real terrorists in this country..
Yep, liberals do insane shit. But even so whites commit much less crime compared to blacks and much less terrorism than Muslims. That's why you could name the few that happened.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:


Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.
N one knew what they would do because Clinton pulled the undercover operatives out, had Bin Laden offered to him twice. Only retards blame Bush for 9/11, Jeb was talking about afterwards.

Looks like you broke another crayon.
It doesn't matter who you blame, Bush failed to keep us safe. His brother is demented to claim otherwise.

But he is a conservative, so dementia is to be expected.
I did not feel safe on 9-11

How did Bush keep us safe?
Gee funny how we haven't been hit on us soil with The so called "community organizer" in office:fu:

Are you intentionally lying or are you really that ignorant?

After the 9/11/01 attack and the invasion into Afghanistan until the election of Barak Obama there were NO - ZERO - terrorist attacks on US soil.

Since taking office, the number of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil under Barack Obama, from 2008 - 2010 ALONE = FIVE

  • June 2009 – Little Rock, Arkansas – Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad, an American Muslim opened fire on a U.S. military recruiting office. Private William Long was killed and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was wounded.
  • September 2009 – New York, New York – Attempt to detonate bombs in NYC subway system by member of al-Qaeda
  • November 2009 – Fort Hood, Texas – Nadal Malik Hassan conducts mass shooting at Fort Hood killing 13 and wounding 30 others.
  • December 2009 – Detroit, Michigan – Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab attempts to detonate an explosive on an aircraft enroute from Amsterdam to Detroit.
  • May 2010 – New York City, New York – New York’s Times Square was evacuated after the discovery of a car bomb.
These do not include the Boston Marathon attack Obama ALLOWED to happen or the murder of 4 military members on July 16, 2015 in Tennessee! These do not include:

Feb. 7, 2013 – Yusuf Ibrahim, 28, shot two Coptic Christians to death and beheaded them in Buena Vista, New Jersey.

March 31, 2013 – Reshad Riddle walked into an Ashtabula, Ohio, church and fatally shot his father after an Easter service, claiming it was the 'will of Allah'.

Aug. 4, 2013 – A Muslim convert, Daymond Agnew, 34, went to an Ace Hardware store on a “mission from Allah to help people” before he fatally stabbed employee Daniel Joseph Stone 17 times.

April 27, 2014 – A 30-year-old Muslim man, Ali Muhammad Brown, is accused of shooting to death two men in Seattle and a man in New Jersey as part of 'Allah's Vengeance'.

Sept. 25, 2014 – Alton Nolen is accused of beheading a woman in Moore, Oklahoma because she would not convert to Islam.

May 3, 2015 – In Garland, Texas, Pamela Geller, along with her group the American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted a “Draw Muhammad” event. Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi of Phoenix responded to a call to “avenge the prophet” and traveled to Garland, where they were shot and killed by a security guard after opening fire in an apparent attempt to get into the building. The guard was wounded in the attack.

11 Sept, 2012: 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on US Embassies throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12, 20 being overrun, and 4 Americans murdered - to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years.

If we're talking about keeping people safe at home, then we should probably bring up how Obama armed Mexican Drug Cartels and how as a result of this a US BPA and a US military member is dead, both killed by guns connected to Obama's Fast and Furious Scandal. Now let's add the murder of all these cops because Obama started a race war / 'War on Cops'!
Funny how you failed to mention the Charleston shooter, if that wasn't a terrorist attack I don't know what the fuck is??

What about all of the Abortion clinics that have been bombed by of course whites, TERRORISM seems to be at the hand of a lot of white assholes huh??

How about Colorado theatre shooting???

The guy in Arizona that killed a bunch of people and shot Gabby Gifford??

And Sandy Hook another white motherfucker..

I could go on and on but you get the point..

You fucking white maggots are the real terrorists in this country..
Yep, liberals do insane shit. But even so whites commit much less crime compared to blacks and much less terrorism than Muslims. That's why you could name the few that happened.
Gee I've never heard of a Black man blowing up a federal building killing 168 innocent people ..

Never heard of a Black man setting a bomb off during the Olympic games, during the 1996 Summer games in Atlanta??

Suppose the Unabomber was a Muslim too??

Was it a Black guy who TRIED to fuck with the US Government with that Waco bullshit, yea that POS got what he deserved..

Ive never heard of Black men blowing up Churches, and Abortion clinics???

Who are those inbred militia assholes that love to hang out in the woods like rats, claiming to want to overthrow the Government, I suppose your dumbass is gonna tell me they are Blacks and Mexicans too??

Most serial killers are WHITE!!

A lot of whites seem to be blaming Blacks and Hispanics for crime when their own race seems to be a toxic cancer to society, especially those anti Government sewer rats..
LEAVING OUT ONE ATTACK? Oh right the one where 3,000+ American's died

WTF are you talking about?! I didn't leave out 9/11/01. you mentioned some attack at an Israeli airline that I had forgotten about, and I admitted I had forgotten about that one. Do you SERIOUSLY think anyone can forget 9/11/01?! You need some SERIOUS help - you have lost your mind!

And as CNN reported, the FBI and Homeland Security knew of the Brothers - you kept repeating there is no proof they did. CNN reports Putin reached out to the FBI and asked them to investigate the Brothers - you said there is no proof the Obama administration knew anything about them before the attack. CNN, the Liberal News Network, reports the US (Obama administration) had placed them on a terrorist watch list a YEAR before the attack. So, once again, even with evidence reported by CNN you continue your B$ delusion about the Obama administration being oblivious to these two.

Bush did not have the names of the 9/11/01 attackers before the 9/11/01 attack, yet you insist he should have had some way to prevent the attack. At the same time Obama DID have the names of the Boston Bombers as early as a year in advance, but you insist there was no way for him to stop that attack. Your hypocrisy, and biased delusion, could NOT be MORE obvious!


Putin says Russia had nothing to offer on Tsarnaev brothers

President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that, “to our great regret,” Russian security services lacked any operative information on the Tsarnaev brothers that they could have shared with their American counterparts.

Russian officials had raised concerns about Tamerlan Tsarnaev with the FBI in 2011 and later that year also with the CIA. But analysts here doubt that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was warning the Americans; more likely, they say, it was acting out of worry that Tsarnaev might join an underground group in the strife-torn Russian region of Dagestan during a visit there.

The FSB did not respond when the FBI asked for more details about him, U.S. officials said. …

His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:

HUH??????? What report was this?????? Why isn't this report mentioned anywhere in the 9/11 Commission's report????

And, how many domestic terrorist attacks did we suffer AFTER 9/11 under Bush? ZERO.

How many domestic terrorist attacks have we suffered under Obama? Quite a few. I'd have to go back and count them all, but we've had at least five or six domestic terrorist attacks since Obama took office.

And how's the battle against Jihadism going in the Middle East under Obama? Hey? He said ISIS was "the JV squad" and that Yemen was a "success" (yeah, a few weeks before Jihadists took control of most of it!). If ISIS is the JV squad, I'd hate to see the varsity squad.

Thanks to Obama's bungling, we have lost Libya and Yemen; Iraq is a mess; Syria is a mess; and Iran is about to get over $100 billion.

Are YOU kidding?

2001 anthrax attacks. A March 2004 State Department report on "Significant Terrorist Incidents, 1961-2003" quotes then-Attorney General John Ashcroft saying of the letters containing anthrax mailed to various targets: "When people send anthrax through the mail to hurt people and invoke terror, it's a terrorist act." Five people were killed as a result of those letters in the autumn of 2001.

2001 shoe bomber attempted attack. In June 2008, then-Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff described Reid's December 2001 attempt "to blow up a trans-Atlantic plane with a shoe bomb" as an attempt to "carry out terrorist operations for Al-Qaeda."

2002 attack against El Al ticket counter at LAX. In July 2002, Hesham Mohamed Hadayet opened fire at an El Al Airlines ticket counter at Los Angeles International Airport killing two people and wounding four others before being shot dead. A 2004 Justice Department report stated that Hadayet's case had been "officially designated as an act of international terrorism."

2002 DC-area sniper. The state of Virginia indicted Washington, D.C.-area sniper John Allen Muhammad -- along with his accomplice, a minor at the time -- on "an act of terrorism" for one of the murders he committed during a three-week shooting spree across Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Muhammad was convicted, sentenced to death, and subsequently executed for the crime.

2006 UNC SUV attack. In March 2006, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill graduate Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar drove an SUV into an area of campus, striking nine pedestrians. According to reports, Taheri-azar said he acted because he wanted to "avenge the deaths or murders of Muslims around the world." Taheri-azar also reportedly stated in a letter: "I was aiming to follow in the footsteps of one of my role models, Mohammad Atta, one of the 9/11/01 hijackers, who obtained a doctorate degree."
Gee I've never heard of a Black man blowing up a federal building killing 168 innocent people ..

Never heard of a Black man setting a bomb off during the Olympic games, during the 1996 Summer games in Atlanta??

Suppose the Unabomber was a Muslim too??

Was it a Black guy who TRIED to fuck with the US Government with that Waco bullshit, yea that POS got what he deserved..

Ive never heard of Black men blowing up Churches, and Abortion clinics???

Who are those inbred militia assholes that love to hang out in the woods like rats, claiming to want to overthrow the Government, I suppose your dumbass is gonna tell me they are Blacks and Mexicans too??

Most serial killers are WHITE!!

A lot of whites seem to be blaming Blacks and Hispanics for crime when their own race seems to be a toxic cancer to society, especially those anti Government sewer rats..
You're trying to make racist blacks look a little better by pointing out Islamic terrorists and a few whites nutcases, most of which are liberals throwing temper tantrums? That's a joke right? But blacks do go off too, guess you missed the news.
Bill Clinton kept us safe and captured the WTC bombers that struck during his term...it was when Mouth breathing Moron 43 inflicted his sorry ass on the US that we had problems
Bill Clinton kept us safe and captured the WTC bombers that struck during his term...it was when Mouth breathing Moron 43 inflicted his sorry ass on the US that we had problems

What? Bu$h kept you safe from those evil WMD that Saddam could have launched at the homeland within 45 minutes.

And quit whining about 9/11, that was just a minor oversight, a mistake anyone could have made.

Bill Clinton kept us safe and captured the WTC bombers that struck during his term...it was when Mouth breathing Moron 43 inflicted his sorry ass on the US that we had problems

What? Bu$h kept you safe from those evil WMD that Saddam could have launched at the homeland within 45 minutes.

And quit whining about 9/11, that was just a minor oversight, a mistake anyone could have made.

His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:


Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.
N one knew what they would do because Clinton pulled the undercover operatives out, had Bin Laden offered to him twice. Only retards blame Bush for 9/11, Jeb was talking about afterwards.

Looks like you broke another crayon.
It doesn't matter who you blame, Bush failed to keep us safe. His brother is demented to claim otherwise.

But he is a conservative, so dementia is to be expected.
These Right wing numb nuts live detached from conventional facts and reality ...seriously these folks are absolute loons ...
That wasn't the purpose.

It wasn't? Are you one of those conspiracy loonies who think it was just a scheme to enrich weapons manufacturers and make Bu$h a war pretzeldent?
You're that clueless after all this time?

I'd say you're the clueless one, it's quite clear you need a Bu$h in the white house to keep you safe from evil. Hillary will only lead to more Benghazis.
And you aren't ashamed of it?

Ashamed of what exactly?

That wasn't the purpose.

It wasn't? Are you one of those conspiracy loonies who think it was just a scheme to enrich weapons manufacturers and make Bu$h a war pretzeldent?
You're that clueless after all this time?

I'd say you're the clueless one, it's quite clear you need a Bu$h in the white house to keep you safe from evil. Hillary will only lead to more Benghazis.
And you aren't ashamed of it?

Ashamed of what exactly?

The poop in your diaper and the things that come off your Nerf keyboard.
The poop in your diaper and the things that come off your Nerf keyboard.
That's nothing to be ashamed of as long as it annoys the tea zombies

Children playing with their feces doesn't annoy me, I have no idea what makes you think so. You're a little lower on the liberal rung but it amounts to the same thing. You have no good ideas, just insults for anyone not going along with your juvenile outlook.
George Bush kept us safe from Iraq killing us with WMDs

It only cost us 5000 troops...seems like a good bargain

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