Did Jeb actually say his brother kept us safe?

Again, there was enough information for Clinton to raise airport security at some airports and potentially thwart the attack. Why didn't Bush do that?

And here's what you call, "years old" information ....

Nevertheless, FBI information since that time indicates patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings or other types of attacks, including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

The Bush fluffing continues. :suck:

including recent surveillance of federal buildings in New York.

I said 90% was old, or did you miss that?

as to the recent surveillance of federal buildings in NY?

Could have put up barriers and strip searched everyone entering and leaving those federal buildings.

wouldn't have prevented ONE plane from flying into the twin towers, would it?

and the only time I can find Bill increasing airport security was in 1996.

about a year after Operation Bojinka, and before the rumor of hijacking planes to trade for the blind sheik.

Keep playing, tho.

Maybe you'll get a consolation prize.
Could have increased airport security. It worked for Clinton.

He increased airport security in 1996, 2 years before his PDB.
You clearly don't know ... Clinton raised airport security in 1999, after receiving that warning. You know, the similar warning you point out was 90% the same as Bush's warning; only Bush did absolutely nothing in response to.

Clinton responds to the warning.

Result? No attack. No planes hijacked. Nobody killed. No buildings blown up.

Bush receives a similar PDB and fails to respond at all.

Result? Massive attack. Four planes hijacked in a single morning. Almost 3,000 people killed. The Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Clinton raised airport security in 1999,

and yet, within 2 years security was gone?

Bush receives a similar PDB and fails to respond at all.

Bush received a history lesson, of a previous PDB, with little if any information in it to prevent the later attack.

there were dozens of other warnings, none of which had enough information to prevent 9-11.

But I really love the parrots on the left claiming it would have.

Have a nice day.

This got boring 2 hours ago.

(Did I say 2 hours? I meant 10 years ago)
Does this mean you're not gonna answer...?

You pointed out both presidents received similar PDB's. I pointed out that Clinton responded by increasing airport security while Bush ignored the warnings. The result of Clinton's response was that there was no attack on his watch. On the flip side, we all saw what happened after Bush ignored the warnings.

The question is ... why didn't Bush at least increase airport security? It worked for Clinton, it may have worked for Bush.
The poop in your diaper and the things that come off your Nerf keyboard.
That's nothing to be ashamed of as long as it annoys the tea zombies

Children playing with their feces doesn't annoy me, I have no idea what makes you think so. You're a little lower on the liberal rung but it amounts to the same thing. You have no good ideas, just insults for anyone not going along with your juvenile outlook.
Well why don't you just answer the question then... if Bush didn't invade Iraq over the threat of their WMD, then why did he invade?
Children playing with their feces doesn't annoy me, I have no idea what makes you think so. You're a little lower on the liberal rung but it amounts to the same thing. You have no good ideas, just insults for anyone not going along with your juvenile outlook.

Oh, but I've got some very good ideas comrade.

It involves arresting Bu$h, Cheney and the rest of the war criminals, a nice trial in The Hague followed by some youtube clips of waterboarding them and paid visitors ridiculing them in their orange outfit behind barbed wire....

I said 90% was old, or did you miss that?

as to the recent surveillance of federal buildings in NY?

Could have put up barriers and strip searched everyone entering and leaving those federal buildings.

wouldn't have prevented ONE plane from flying into the twin towers, would it?

and the only time I can find Bill increasing airport security was in 1996.

about a year after Operation Bojinka, and before the rumor of hijacking planes to trade for the blind sheik.

Keep playing, tho.

Maybe you'll get a consolation prize.
Could have increased airport security. It worked for Clinton.

He increased airport security in 1996, 2 years before his PDB.
You clearly don't know ... Clinton raised airport security in 1999, after receiving that warning. You know, the similar warning you point out was 90% the same as Bush's warning; only Bush did absolutely nothing in response to.

Clinton responds to the warning.

Result? No attack. No planes hijacked. Nobody killed. No buildings blown up.

Bush receives a similar PDB and fails to respond at all.

Result? Massive attack. Four planes hijacked in a single morning. Almost 3,000 people killed. The Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

Clinton raised airport security in 1999,

and yet, within 2 years security was gone?

Bush receives a similar PDB and fails to respond at all.

Bush received a history lesson, of a previous PDB, with little if any information in it to prevent the later attack.

there were dozens of other warnings, none of which had enough information to prevent 9-11.

But I really love the parrots on the left claiming it would have.

Have a nice day.

This got boring 2 hours ago.

(Did I say 2 hours? I meant 10 years ago)
Does this mean you're not gonna answer...?

You pointed out both presidents received similar PDB's. I pointed out that Clinton responded by increasing airport security while Bush ignored the warnings. The result of Clinton's response was that there was no attack on his watch. On the flip side, we all saw what happened after Bush ignored the warnings.

The question is ... why didn't Bush at least increase airport security? It worked for Clinton, it may have worked for Bush.
Seem WillHaftawaite doesn't want to answer. I guess his forum name is rather appropriate.

The answer to the question is .... because Bush was a royal fuckup. I'm guessing that's why he wouldn't answer.
Bush kept us safe from Hurricane Katrina

He sent Brownie to protect us

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