Did Jesus, Buddha & Mohammed really exist?

And frankly, after getting whacked over the knuckles by a nun's ruler too many times, I'm just not buying into any of the bullshit.

Indeed? So the argument is that Christianity is not true because you hated Sister Sadist so baddddd?!?

That, you know, is not a rational argument. Not for or against anything. Think for yourself, lad. :)

I have. I concluded these Nuns were full of shit when I asked as an 11 year old why God drowned every baby in the world in the Great Flood.

And the old hag shrieked out, "THey were WIIIIIIIIICKED!!!!"

Now as ass-poundingly retarded as that answer was, in the subsequent decades of talking with religionists, I really have yet to hear one of you give an answer to my question that wasn't every bit as asspoundingly retarded.

Right back at you, I'm afraid. Give us some evidence for your claims, give us some evidence that the system of life by which you live has anything to be said for it. Until you do, why should anyone listen to you? Why should anyone suppose you are making any valid points? Anyone can throw stones.

How's this for a test.

We throw the leader of your church or someone you all consider Holy off the top of the Sears Tower. If God catches him on the way down, I'll totally sign up for for your religion...

Any takers?

On a serious note, you guys are making extraordinary claims. You are claiming something happened 2000 years ago, and if we don't believe it wholeheartedly, we are going to be tortured eternally by your sky man. That is if you don't get around to torturing us first, which is what your religion has done not only to non-believers, but people who don't believe in the right things.

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