Did Jesus commit treason against the liberal state?

Jesus didn't do jack-shit against Rome,

As a matter of fact, the Son of God was profoundly guilty of the crimes for which the Romans executed him.

He consistently appropriated titles of divinity reserved only for Caesar to himself. During the Jewish high holy days of Passover, he rode into Jerusalem in open mockery of Caesar’s own entry, complete with kingly fanfare. Even worse, during a moment when thousands of Jewish pilgrims converged on Jerusalem — a time when the threat of seditious rebellion increased exponentially — Jesus interrupted the Empire’s commerce by wrecking the tables of the freelance bankers and merchants at the Temple, brandishing a weapon and making threats about tearing down the religious holy place.

Incitement. Sedition. Terrorist threats.
He was an ant, in a backwater of the empire who didn't do shit, which is why the Jews didn't claim him as the Messiah and Rome finally just hung his ass, from a tree.
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Jesus didn't do jack-shit against Rome,

As a matter of fact, the Son of God was profoundly guilty of the crimes for which the Romans executed him.

He consistently appropriated titles of divinity reserved only for Caesar to himself. During the Jewish high holy days of Passover, he rode into Jerusalem in open mockery of Caesar’s own entry, complete with kingly fanfare. Even worse, during a moment when thousands of Jewish pilgrims converged on Jerusalem — a time when the threat of seditious rebellion increased exponentially — Jesus interrupted the Empire’s commerce by wrecking the tables of the freelance bankers and merchants at the Temple, brandishing a weapon and making threats about tearing down the religious holy place.

Incitement. Sedition. Terrorist threats.
He was an ant, in a backwater of the empire who didn't do shit, which is why the Jews didn't claim him as The Messiah at Rome finally just hung his ass, from a tree.

When the real Messiah shows up - i.e. the one the modern Jews accept,

there will be some serious shit going down. lol
Have you forgotten that Pilate washed his hands of the whole matter?

Pilate was the only power who could order death!!

Pagans were probably most suspicious of the Christian refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods. This was an insult to the gods and potentially endangered the empire which they deigned to protect. Furthermore, the Christian refusal to offer sacrifices to the emperor, a semi-divine monarch, had the whiff of both sacrilege and treason about it.

Thus the classic test of a Christian’s faith was to force him or her, on pain of death, to swear by the emperor and offer incense to his images, or to sacrifice to the gods.

Have you forgotten Pilate washed his hands of the matter?
You're actually going to try to tell us that Rome invented Liberalism now?

Why not, Jefferson posthumously founding the RP has been working out so well....


LOL, Jefferson was nothing like the Democrats are, keep up that delusion

That's a reference to Special Ed's Special Insistence that Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party -- 28 years after his own death.

Ya had to be there.
You're actually going to try to tell us that Rome invented Liberalism now?

Why not, Jefferson posthumously founding the RP has been working out so well....


LOL, Jefferson was nothing like the Democrats are, keep up that delusion

That's a reference to Special Ed's Special Insistence that Thomas Jefferson founded the Republican Party -- 28 years after his own death.

Ya had to be there.

Ah. Yeah, he's not like the Republicans either. He believed in liberty
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.
Why does everyone think socialist means stealing from one to give to another? It should and does mean EVERYONE working together to help each other.

Is that the bullshit robin hood way they seduce your feeble minds? Yeah, actually it is.

What a fucking simplistic bullshit view. You know this fucking utopia they sell you is a myth right? No, you do not. You actually buy into this crap.

Let me clue you in. Capitalism (free market enterprise is better way to say it) works MOST PRACTICAL in a monetary system. You see that? I am not saying it does not have faults. I am not even saying it is entirely FAIR. I am saying it works MOST PRACTICAL. Do you understand the difference?

No, and you know why? Cause you have this pie in the sky notion that the world can be fair for JUST EVERYONE. You have any clue what this is really all about to the elites?

It is about creating a new type of CASTE SYSTEM. You, are a blind fool to think this is not about the elites grabbing more and more power for themselves, and in order to do that in a republic they need mass votes. They have somehow convinced you higher taxes (along with higher spending) is the way this utopia will come about.

Do you even have a rudimentary understanding that we are paying 400 billion dollars in INTEREST on our debt? Let me fucking clue you in. That is more 1 billion dollars a day ON THE FUCKING INTEREST. Yes, there are still 365 days in a year.

Oh never mind. You are a classical dupe, educated by an education system that lies and manipulates data in order to give more power to a central government. In case you have not fucking noticed, the rich get richer in socialism. The middle class is decimated and you have poor class that cannot even get fucking toilet paper. Check Venezuela, cause you sure as shit are not getting the truth from the praetorian left wing treasonous media.

Let me know if you want some of us to explain to you why a FREE MARKET works most practical in a monetary system. It is has a lot to do with supply and demand. Yes, those words have been bastardized by your socialist liars who have convinced you there is a robin hood fairy tale utopia out there.
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.

In either your interpretation or The interpretation, Jesus had no use for the State. Since you claim to know about Jesus better than Christians, would Jesus rather you listen to Him in how to redistribute your wealth or fork it over to the State?
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.

In either your interpretation or The interpretation, Jesus had no use for the State. Since you claim to know about Jesus better than Christians, would Jesus rather you listen to Him in how to redistribute your wealth or fork it over to the State?
He already told you what to do with your wealth, don't concern yourself with it in the slightest least it be the anchor that drags you straight into Hell. Riches in Heaven, not here, dummy.
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.

In either your interpretation or The interpretation, Jesus had no use for the State. Since you claim to know about Jesus better than Christians, would Jesus rather you listen to Him in how to redistribute your wealth or fork it over to the State?
He already told you what to do with your wealth, don't concern yourself with it in the slightest least it be the anchor that drags you straight into Hell. Riches in Heaven, not here, dummy.

Definitely not the state.
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.

In either your interpretation or The interpretation, Jesus had no use for the State. Since you claim to know about Jesus better than Christians, would Jesus rather you listen to Him in how to redistribute your wealth or fork it over to the State?
He already told you what to do with your wealth, don't concern yourself with it in the slightest least it be the anchor that drags you straight into Hell. Riches in Heaven, not here, dummy.

Definitely not the state.
What does Render Unto Caesar mean, dummy? There is no anti-tax pro-capitalism Jesus. Those are worldly things and were not his concern. If you're an actual Christian, they aren't yours either.
Jesus is definitely about people paying their fair share, just not to the Government. Liberals typically and conveniently leave this part out when they quote Jesus. If Jesus comes tomorrow, he will tell people not to pay their taxes. Biden and Schumer will have issues with that.
Hey dummy, Render unto Caesar means what you pay the state is of no matter to you. That is an earthly kingdom while yours is a heavenly one. You could be paying 105% and Jesus would still tell you to shut the fuck up since treasure here means less than nothing there. Stupid fucking Christians, don't even know the goddamn Gospels.

In either your interpretation or The interpretation, Jesus had no use for the State. Since you claim to know about Jesus better than Christians, would Jesus rather you listen to Him in how to redistribute your wealth or fork it over to the State?
He already told you what to do with your wealth, don't concern yourself with it in the slightest least it be the anchor that drags you straight into Hell. Riches in Heaven, not here, dummy.

Definitely not the state.
What does Render Unto Caesar mean, dummy? There is no anti-tax pro-capitalism Jesus. Those are worldly things and were not his concern. If you're an actual Christian, they aren't yours either.

Render Unto Caeser = limited government. Where does Jesus say to rely on Ceasar to feed the hungry, take care of the sick?

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