Did Jesus commit treason against the liberal state?

he was not conservative because his message upset the Jewish social order,.

the Jewish social order was a uber trivial meaningless thing. Christ was the most conservative man in history because he challenged the power of the state and created the idea of freedom or individual liberty.
Jesus healed the sick for free. Jesus fed the hungry multitudes for free. Jesus died for your sins - also for free. Sounds completely antithetical to the everything for a buck conservative capitalists.

Conservatives know that they are being held accountable for......feeding the hungry and helping the sick by Jesus, not the Government. Jesus believed in limited Government. See what Jesus said about giving to Caesar (The Government) and what they should give to the poor. He mentions NOTHING about giving to the Government so the Government can take all of the money, pay off their cronies, pay off the bureaucrats, unions, interest groups, and then give to the Poor. Conservatives are very clear about this.
he was not conservative because his message upset the Jewish social order,.

the Jewish social order was a uber trivial meaningless thing. Christ was the most conservative man in history because he challenged the power of the state and created the idea of freedom or individual liberty.
Ah no. He did tell Jews they could pray to their God without paying the Priests to let them sacrifice animals at the Temple though.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.
Actually yes; thats why they killed him!!

The Jewish Sanhedrin convicted Jesus. Are you making the old anti-Semitic argument about the Jews killing Jesus?

dear, too stupid!! you just said the Jewish Sanhedrin convicted Jesus and then asked me if I was being anti-Semitic for saying the Jews killed Jesus. You idiot, you made the anti-Semitic argument while I said the Roman liberals killed Christ.

The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influenced Zacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

Have you forgotten that Pilate washed his hands of the whole matter?

Or didn't you know that in the first place?

Pilate the central government authority, in a figurative sense, turned the matter back to the state,

in a classic conservative gesture.

States rights. lol
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.

Liberals cherry pick what Jesus say. Above all, they don't what His morals being taught in schools.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.

Liberals cherry pick what Jesus say. Above all, they don't what His morals being taught in schools.

They do the same with the US Constitution.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.

Liberals cherry pick what Jesus say. Above all, they don't what His morals being taught in schools.
His morals would be fine since they are nothing like yours. He actually had some.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.

Liberals cherry pick what Jesus say. Above all, they don't what His morals being taught in schools.
His morals would be fine since they are nothing like yours. He actually had some.

Jesus will be The Judge of my level of morality, not you.
dear, can you say why its true or must you admit as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to defend what you say?
Go read the Synoptic Gospels and then tell me he's conservative, or even sane for that matter. Not many conservatives find out mom is at the door and respond with, fuck her.
Liberals love to call out Jesus rules, morals, and guidelines. One has to wonder then why Liberals would be so against Jesus in the Courthouse, Statehouse, and Schoolhouse.

About half of what liberals say contradicts the other half of what they say they are pretty unhinged. I love pointing out these contradictions they start foaming at the mouth yelling BOOOOSH and come unglued its hilarious.

Liberals cherry pick what Jesus say. Above all, they don't what His morals being taught in schools.
His morals would be fine since they are nothing like yours. He actually had some.

Jesus will be The Judge of my level of morality, not you.
No, he won't be, and I am.
Have you forgotten that Pilate washed his hands of the whole matter?

Pilate was the only power who could order death!!

Pagans were probably most suspicious of the Christian refusal to sacrifice to the Roman gods. This was an insult to the gods and potentially endangered the empire which they deigned to protect. Furthermore, the Christian refusal to offer sacrifices to the emperor, a semi-divine monarch, had the whiff of both sacrilege and treason about it.

Thus the classic test of a Christian’s faith was to force him or her, on pain of death, to swear by the emperor and offer incense to his images, or to sacrifice to the gods.
Go read the Synoptic Gospels and then tell me he's conservative,

dear, who challenged the power of the Roman Empire, defeated it, and replaced it with the idea of individual liberty?

You will always be stupid and liberal unless you can organize your thinking.
Go read the Synoptic Gospels and then tell me he's conservative,

dear, who challenged the power of the Roman Empire, defeated it, and replaced it with the idea of individual liberty?

You will always be stupid and liberal unless you can organize your thinking.
Jesus didn't do jack-shit against Rome, including fighting against his own execution. The conservatives of the day wanted him dead, and they got their wish.
Jesus didn't do jack-shit against Rome,

As a matter of fact, the Son of God was profoundly guilty of the crimes for which the Romans executed him.

He consistently appropriated titles of divinity reserved only for Caesar to himself. During the Jewish high holy days of Passover, he rode into Jerusalem in open mockery of Caesar’s own entry, complete with kingly fanfare. Even worse, during a moment when thousands of Jewish pilgrims converged on Jerusalem — a time when the threat of seditious rebellion increased exponentially — Jesus interrupted the Empire’s commerce by wrecking the tables of the freelance bankers and merchants at the Temple, brandishing a weapon and making threats about tearing down the religious holy place.

Incitement. Sedition. Terrorist threats.
The Gospel of Luke[28] records that members of the Sanhedrin then took Jesus before Pilate where they accused him of sedition against Rome by opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Fomenting tax resistance was a capital offense.[29] Pilate was responsible for imperial tax collections in Judaea. Jesus had asked the tax collector Levi, at work in his tax booth in Capernaum, to quit his post. Jesus also appears to have influencedZacchaeus, "a chief tax collector" in Jericho, which is in Pilate's tax jurisdiction, to resign.

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