Did last nights debate harm Trumps chances at winning the nomination?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Did last nights debate harm Trumps chances at winning the nomination? Seriously, between the dick talk, Trump U and Cruz pointing out his voting record(Hillary!)...Trump is going to be regretting showing up on the fox stage...Maybe until the day he dies.
Doubtful. There's an element of the party that will let him say anything, and that element appears to be large enough to get him nominated.

Uncharted waters.
It was basically a sloppy 5 on 1 attack on The Donald. John Kasich is in his own Ben Carson reality so he doesn't count. The Donald is defending himself from the MSM, and the ZOG, just fine.
Reactions seems to indicate no change in status, except for Rubio, who is seen as increasingly desperate and juvenile.
Water boarding and killing Isis fighters at their dinner table are concepts I can live with. Trump was unscathed.
Rogue Moron of the GOP
Taibbi: "But Washington is freaking out about Trump in a way they never did about Bush. Why? Because Bush was their moron, while Trump is his own moron."
It was basically a sloppy 5 on 1 attack on The Donald. John Kasich is in his own Ben Carson reality so he doesn't count. The Donald is defending himself from the MSM, and the ZOG, just fine.

What do you think his motivation is?
Hell, Clinton can get blow jobs in the WHite House WHILE the government is shut down, so Trump eluding to length and girth is not an issue.

Trump, as usual played the clown.

Making faces as others speak, calling people names like "Little Marco", puffing and posturing like Mussolini

His base eats it up...the rest of America will be turned off if he pulls it on Hillary
If only the GOP would have attacked Obama as hard as they are attacking Trump.
Water boarding and killing Isis fighters at their dinner table are concepts I can live with. Trump was unscathed.

Drudge: Who won debate. Unscathed

TRUMP 57.6% (201,116 votes)

CRUZ 24.27% (84,750 votes)

KASICH 13.23% (46,180 votes)

RUBIO 4.9% (17,138 votes)
What a disaster for the Republican Party

This is their showcase. Their chance to show why we need Republican leadership after eight years of Obama

And they give us this? Petty bickering, name calling, bragging about penis size

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