Did last nights debate harm Trumps chances at winning the nomination?

I keep finding out little nuggets of information that makes Rubio, and Cruz's attacks on Donald Trump look just like hyperbole.

Sure, Trump gave to Democrats......but not all that much.

Feb 18, 2016
“Donald, for the last four decades has written checks to Democrats over, and over, and over again. From Jimmy Carter, to Hillary Clinton, to John Kerry, to Chuck Schumer, to Harry Reid.”

This is true as far as we can tell. While CRP records don’t go back to President Jimmy Carter’s era, they do show that Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) received $5,500 from Trump; Clinton has received a total of $700; Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has received $8,900; and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has received $9,400.

Presidential hopefuls stretch the truth talking about campaign finance
Biden made a fool of himself by laughing the entire debate. He confirmed to the nation that he is a blubbering fool. Obozo got a second term because Romney ran a shitty campaign and refused to attack Obama for his many screw ups and lies.
Biden still apparently "won" that debate.

Democrat voters are too stupid to actually analyze policies, they live by perception.

Trump is the ultimate anti-Democrat candidate.

and Candy Crowley won the Romney/ Obama debate. I do agree that dems and libs live on talking points and stupidity. Must be that defective liberal gene.
Trump will destroy Crowley if he ever has to deal with her.

No other Republican candidate would ever attack biased moderators and stacked partisan audiences like Trump does.
No question Trump knows how to play the victim......accusing women reporters who offend him of having their period

Look everyone, Jake just switched to his rightwinger user name. Sock switch time.
How many times have you reported your suspicion to the mods and how many times did you fail?

You are not a threat to anyone, kid, you are just for laughs and grins.
New York real estate mogul Donald Trump and his daughter Ivanka have donated a combined total of at least $105,000 to the Clinton Foundation, records show.

“Donald J. Trump” is listed on the foundation’s website as giving between $100,000 and $250,000 to the charitable organization.

“Ivanka Trump,” meanwhile, is listed as a donor who gifted between $5,001 and $10,000 to the nonprofit.

Trump gave at least $100K to Clinton Foundation
Hell, Clinton can get blow jobs in the WHite House WHILE the government is shut down, so Trump eluding to length and girth is not an issue.


He was working "hard" for the American people he cares about. By the way I "heard" no link, she was signed in WH over 108 times. Not just during shutdowns.
Exactly how Joe Biden debated Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate...

America will love Trump's antics and Democrats will whine that Hillary is a wimp.

Biden made a fool of himself by laughing the entire debate. He confirmed to the nation that he is a blubbering fool. Obozo got a second term because Romney ran a shitty campaign and refused to attack Obama for his many screw ups and lies.
Biden still apparently "won" that debate.

Democrat voters are too stupid to actually analyze policies, they live by perception.

Trump is the ultimate anti-Democrat candidate.

and Candy Crowley won the Romney/ Obama debate. I do agree that dems and libs live on talking points and stupidity. Must be that defective liberal gene.
Trump will destroy Crowley if he ever has to deal with her.

No other Republican candidate would ever attack biased moderators and stacked partisan audiences like Trump does.
No question Trump knows how to play the victim......accusing women reporters who offend him of having their period
Oddly enough Megyn has defended Trump many many times on her show after that.
Exactly how Joe Biden debated Paul Ryan in the 2012 VP debate...

America will love Trump's antics and Democrats will whine that Hillary is a wimp.

Biden made a fool of himself by laughing the entire debate. He confirmed to the nation that he is a blubbering fool. Obozo got a second term because Romney ran a shitty campaign and refused to attack Obama for his many screw ups and lies.
Biden still apparently "won" that debate.

Democrat voters are too stupid to actually analyze policies, they live by perception.

Trump is the ultimate anti-Democrat candidate.

and Candy Crowley won the Romney/ Obama debate. I do agree that dems and libs live on talking points and stupidity. Must be that defective liberal gene.
Trump will destroy Crowley if he ever has to deal with her.

No other Republican candidate would ever attack biased moderators and stacked partisan audiences like Trump does.

Trump: Hey you, fatso shut up! :laugh:
You are underestimating him quite a bit.
Nebraska oddly enough is giving 50% of its delegates to Cruz as we write,meaning the other three split the other 50%.
Why do the Republicans continue the charade that they are holding legitimate debates?

Get rid of the Fox and CNN commentators and bring in Jerry Springer. That is what they are selling as a debate

The republican primary debates are not debates. They're nothing but shouting contests and long series of personal attacks. Issues aren't discussed which seem to make Trump pretty happy since his only contributions are his campaign slogans and attacks on other candidates.
Did last nights debate harm Trumps chances at winning the nomination? Seriously, between the dick talk, Trump U and Cruz pointing out his voting record(Hillary!)...Trump is going to be regretting showing up on the fox stage...Maybe until the day he dies.
Right now, it looks like the answer is yes with Trump taking 2 states and Cruz taking 2 states.
What a disaster for the Republican Party

This is their showcase. Their chance to show why we need Republican leadership after eight years of Obama

And they give us this? Petty bickering, name calling, bragging about penis size
What few people realize is that after this campaign, Trump will have a better working relationship with Democrats in Congress than Republicans. It's one thing to attack your opponents in a campaign and something quite different to attack congressmen in your own party, people that you will need if you make it to the presidency.
What a disaster for the Republican Party

This is their showcase. Their chance to show why we need Republican leadership after eight years of Obama

And they give us this? Petty bickering, name calling, bragging about penis size
What few people realize is that after this campaign, Trump will have a better working relationship with Democrats in Congress than Republicans. It's one thing to attack your opponents in a campaign and something quite different to attack congressmen in your own party, people that you will need if you make it to the presidency.

you are very naïve. congresspersons will do what is best for them regardless of who is president or what was said during a campaign. If Trump wins, both parties will be jumping through hoops to work with him because they all know that he will get things done and they will be desperate to share in the credit.
What a disaster for the Republican Party

This is their showcase. Their chance to show why we need Republican leadership after eight years of Obama

And they give us this? Petty bickering, name calling, bragging about penis size
What few people realize is that after this campaign, Trump will have a better working relationship with Democrats in Congress than Republicans. It's one thing to attack your opponents in a campaign and something quite different to attack congressmen in your own party, people that you will need if you make it to the presidency.

you are very naïve. congresspersons will do what is best for them regardless of who is president or what was said during a campaign. If Trump wins, both parties will be jumping through hoops to work with him because they all know that he will get things done and they will be desperate to share in the credit.
He will turn his back on the far right and their issues. He will waffle on immigration and Muslims. He will have the office and can secretly laugh at you.
Biden made a fool of himself by laughing the entire debate. He confirmed to the nation that he is a blubbering fool. Obozo got a second term because Romney ran a shitty campaign and refused to attack Obama for his many screw ups and lies.
Biden still apparently "won" that debate.

Democrat voters are too stupid to actually analyze policies, they live by perception.

Trump is the ultimate anti-Democrat candidate.

and Candy Crowley won the Romney/ Obama debate. I do agree that dems and libs live on talking points and stupidity. Must be that defective liberal gene.
Trump will destroy Crowley if he ever has to deal with her.

No other Republican candidate would ever attack biased moderators and stacked partisan audiences like Trump does.
No question Trump knows how to play the victim......accusing women reporters who offend him of having their period
Oddly enough Megyn has defended Trump many many times on her show after that.
Mustn't have been that time of the month

You know how she gets
What a disaster for the Republican Party

This is their showcase. Their chance to show why we need Republican leadership after eight years of Obama

And they give us this? Petty bickering, name calling, bragging about penis size
What few people realize is that after this campaign, Trump will have a better working relationship with Democrats in Congress than Republicans. It's one thing to attack your opponents in a campaign and something quite different to attack congressmen in your own party, people that you will need if you make it to the presidency.

you are very naïve. congresspersons will do what is best for them regardless of who is president or what was said during a campaign. If Trump wins, both parties will be jumping through hoops to work with him because they all know that he will get things done and they will be desperate to share in the credit.
Congressmen follow their party leadership, not necessarily the president. There is no evidence that Trump will be able to accomplish anything in government. His followers believe because he is a successful businessman so he will be successful in the highest political office in the government although he has no experience in politics or government. In his campaigning, he's not even demonstrated that he has any knowledge of how our government works.

I believe republicans in congress will approach Trump as they would a dangerous and unpredictable viper, just as likely to side with democrats as his own party.
The question whether or not the military would follow any "illegal orders" to torture prisoners was lame and a clear shot at Trump.

Uniform Code of Military Justice -- which is the most difficult-to-crack part of the legal puzzle. The UCMJ is a federal statute that prohibits U.S. armed forces from, among other things, engaging in cruelty, oppression or maltreatment of prisoners (art. 93), assaulting prisoners (art. 128) (a prohibition that includes a demonstration of violence that results in reasonable apprehension of immediate bodily harm), and communicating a threat to wrongfully injure a detainee (art. 134).

The answer to getting about this is simple - have individuals who are not subject to the UCMJ do the interrogating!

As to his answer that the military would do as he wished - I think that is closer to the truth than most leftists wish to hear. When the military respects their Commander-in-Chief and knows he has their backs, they will carry out his orders "to the best of their abilities" and Trump's answer shows he respects and admires the military.


Should the U.S. be allowed to use torture techniques on terrorists?
79% say "Yes" - 21% say :"no" @ Should the U.S. be allowed to use torture techniques on terrorists?

So, I think a whole lot of viewers nodded their approval of The Donald's stand on treating terrorists/jihadists
Trump does not have our military's back. He never has.

Open the door to torture and you open the door to our troops being subjected to the same treatment. Not just by terrorists, but any nation we are in conflict with
We have lost the moral high ground and surrendered to the end justifies the means

you live in a dream world. American soldiers and civilians are ALREADY being subjected to much worse things than water boarding. Beheading, burned alive, drowned in a cage. WTF is wrong with you? Being nice to murdering bastards who want to kill all of us will only get more of us killed.

You fricken libs are the dumbest creatures on planet earth.
Crime is crime and those who engage in it are punished
Our pilots routinely engage in missions against civilian targets. When captured, they can be tried as war criminals and tortured for information that can save lives.
Sinking to the level of terrorists does nothing to help our cause except demonstrate to the world we are no better than terrorists

OMG, you are truly a moron. War is about killing the enemy faster than he kills you. There are no rules. How many innocent civilians did we kill at Hiroshima? Second question, how many American and Japanese lives were saved by ending the war at Hiroshima?
Civilized societies have rules of war.
After WWI we banned poison gas....it was too horrible
After WWII we banned nuclear weapons ......it was too horrible

Conservatives want to return us to the Middle Ages when family members were killed in retaliation and torture was routine

When the hell have "civilized societies" ever won wars?

We won in the Pacific by using an WMD.
We won in Europe because we held back while Russian troops raped and pillaged across the east and kicked the Germans' ass in a truly horrific, uncivilized manner.

We did not win in Korea, or Vietnam because we wanted to be civilized while our opponents raped and pillaged. And look what's happened in the Middle East while we took "the high ground". You call that winning?
longknife, do you really think that any of us consider you any type of expert on this or other issues?
longknife, do you really think that any of us consider you any type of expert on this or other issues?

he displays much more intelligence than you do. Do you think any of us consider you an expert on anything except your own asshole?

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