Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

I often ponder the discussions involving the Biden family prior to his presidential campaign. Hunter Biden: "Gee wiz Dad, don't you know that all our shit will be exposed?" Joe's brother: "Holy shit man, you're gunna get us all busted." Joe's daughter : "Will this expose those naked showers we took together when I was 12 years old?" Jill Biden: " I don't care care about all that ugliness, or your senility, or the destruction of America, or all of our family secrets being exposed... I want to wear a ribbon in my hair and be the first lady."
The funny part about your narrative is if the Bidens thought they could make money off Biden being VP, and having no real political power of his own other than being one of many to have Barack Obama's ear. Imagine how they would have lusted over having someone actually in charge.
The first impeachment was over claims of collusion with Russia to effect the election, and the FBI totally and complete wiped that by saying there was zero evidence of any Russian influence on the election.
The second impeachment was over the call to Zelensky about investigating Burisma Holdings, and that is absolutely and completely legal to investigate Burisma Holdings, and in fact it is illegal to NOT investigate.
I've heard all thar MAGA/Conspiracy theory crap before. You're nuts, I don't care that you're nuts.
The second impeachment was over the call to Zelensky about investigating Burisma Holdings, and that is absolutely and completely legal to investigate Burisma Holdings, and in fact it is illegal to NOT investigate.
Trump illegally withheld the military aid that Zelinsky was waiting for. The phone call was telling him that Trump needed a favor, in return for that military aid. And the favor was announcing an investigation of Hunter Biden, and Trump even specified how he was to announce the investigation.

So cut the bullshit about Trump wanting an investigation of Burisma.
It's your proof. Not up to me what you think will prove your accusation.

Are you taking speaking lessons from joe biden?

I read above post three times. I can't seem to grasp the wisdom.
You know that the VP has no actual executive authority. The constitution doesn't give him the power to do anything but count EC votes, act as president of the Senate, and break tie votes.
Personally, I truly believe that many people within the Biden "family" were probably apprehensive about Joe's family money being put under a spot light. What we are learning now, is that several "family members" were receiving large sums of money for "something". When a Biden family "money taker" lays their head down on a pillow to sleep at night ....are they peaceful?
Personally, I truly believe that many people within the Biden "family" were probably apprehensive about Joe's family money being put under a spot light. What we are learning now, is that several "family members" were receiving large sums of money for "something". When a Biden family "money taker" lays their head down on a pillow to sleep at night ....are they peaceful?
Geeeez, do you need to buy a vowel?
Joe as President would be the goldmine his VP career could never be. Jared Kushner was able to make $2 billion because of his ties to Trump.

If they were a crime family the one thing they would want is for the head of the family to have the power to pardon them.

DUH !!!!!!!
I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.

I went through the whole nearly 40 page Memorandum and there was nothing.

As a former banker and corporate law clerk, the whole structure and movement of funds looked like a normal investment funding group, with some active investors and some silent partners.

No lists of officers, directors of shareholders of any corporate entities. No contracts, employment, agreements, invoices, or even notations on the checks, as to what the deposits or payments were for.

The committee just took a list of wire, transfers, bank deposits, and checks, and made up a story about them.

The committee is sending out more subpoenas to more banks for more lists of checks, and deposits, so I expect more stories in future
I'm asking you.... is that treason... is creating a fee that causes American solar panel manufactures to not be able to compete with China and then taking a payment via your son from China running it through about 12 LLC's to launder it and putting it into a joint family account treasonous behavior?.... yes or no?....
Exactly what solar panel fees are you talking about?

Please say tariffs.
I'm asking you.... is that treason... is creating a fee that causes American solar panel manufactures to not be able to compete with China and then taking a payment via your son from China running it through about 12 LLC's to launder it and putting it into a joint family account treasonous behavior?.... yes or no?....

Do you have any evidence that this is what happened? There’s certainly no evidence that any such thing happened in that memo.

Not only that I consider the allegations contained in that memo to be slanderous. These are private citizens making personal investments in overseas companies. None of which is illegal.

I don’t blame the Biden family members for telling me that assholes to go fuck themselves with their subpoenas. The Committee had no legal right to be harassing these family members in this way. Their job is ovetsight of the president and his administration. None of these people are working for the government.

If you have evidence of crimes, bring it but stop going on these fishing, expeditions, looking for evidence to shore up your lies and rumours. These people are looking to see if a crime was committed, not investigating crimes that have happened.
The United States produces just 5 percent of global polysilicon supply, practically 0 percent of wafers, 1 percent of solar cells, and only 6 percent of solar modules

We use to own solar panel manufacturing now China does.... Biden and Obama placed heavy regulations and expense upon solar companies here... and then China within a year had cornered the market... there are a couple of companies in Canada but China is over taking them with slave labor....
And it even has been said that the Canadian president has received campaign money from... guess who?... China...
Please tell us what "fees" you were talking about that affected solar panel manufacturers.
Yes Joe Biden took his drug addicted son on Airforce2 to China so that he could make some very shady deals involving some serious money. What a great dad huh? The last thing a loving father would do with his addicted child is make him the "bag man" for shady deals that gave him almost unlimited funds to fuel his drug addiction and deviant behavior.
That would be an interesting story if you had any proof that all that actually happened.
The United States produces just 5 percent of global polysilicon supply, practically 0 percent of wafers, 1 percent of solar cells, and only 6 percent of solar modules

We use to own solar panel manufacturing now China does.... Biden and Obama placed heavy regulations and expense upon solar companies here... and then China within a year had cornered the market... there are a couple of companies in Canada but China is over taking them with slave labor....
And it even has been said that the Canadian president has received campaign money from... guess who?... China...

It’s amazing how quickly you pick up on lies and adopt him as your own. No, the Canadian Prime Minister has not received campaign money from the Chinese.

There are questions around the Chinese interfering with the Canadian elections, but not involving Justin Trudeau.

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