Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!
Maybe you two love birds could carry on your fucked up relationship somewhere else.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!
Maybe you two love birds could carry on your fucked up relationship somewhere else.
Maybe you can suck my dick.
Hacking is one thing and a side issue in this case. The other side of the coin NOT being examined is an antagonistic foreign agency interfering in the election process of another country and that interference constituting a de facto act of war! That aspect is being purposefully overlooked by many..
Is that you Senator McCain? Senator Graham perhaps?

Apparently you missed the fact that the "hacking" is the whole basis for the case that "an antagonistic foreign agency interference in the election process" occurred and if anyone bothers to read the joint release by DHS and the FBI it easy to see that the case is flimsy at best and that the document and it's attached "evidence" was designed to fool a laymen but is spurious to anyone with even a modicum of an IT security background. It's nothing more than allegations made on the basis of a single malware signature (that's been in the wild for years) with no event correlation and no corroborating human or signals intelligence.

Either they have evidence they aren't releasing to the public (why would that be?) OR this is another "Trust us there are WMD's in Iraq" moment.

In either case before we start talking about going to WAR with a nuclear armed nation we need a serious public debate with ALL the facts on the table.
You purposefully missed the point that there is a difference between the act and the objective; the hack itself and the objective of interfering in our election process. Obviously, you side with the Russians when they commit an act of war against the USA, you fucking turncoat.

BTW, all of the facts cannot be on the table at this time, because of their classification level within the 17 intel agencies with that information who confirmed Russia was guilty, shit for brains. But you go ahead and follow Trump's and Russia's lead with their propaganda helping them destroy this Nation you piece of shit!!!!
You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
It has shrunk to almost nothing at this point due to management. Typically you know nothing about what you are talking about. Like I said, a punk like you would never make it in LE.
Keep in mind that the same people who can never be convinced that the Russians hack Americans are almost unanimously the people who are all but certain 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.
Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
It has shrunk to almost nothing at this point due to management. Typically you know nothing about what you are talking about. Like I said, a punk like you would never make it in LE.

Coming from your internet forum education. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!

I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
It has shrunk to almost nothing at this point due to management. Typically you know nothing about what you are talking about. Like I said, a punk like you would never make it in LE.

Coming from your internet forum education. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep, saw many like you come and go. You're a stupid smug asshole and fool no one here, let alone people that know law better than you ever will.
Keep in mind that the same people who can never be convinced that the Russians hack Americans are almost unanimously the people who are all but certain 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.

Russians hack us, we hack them.

They did not however hack the election. See how this works Einstein?
You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
Don't project your shortcomings on me. You couldn't be a cop, probably why you had to settle for prison duty. I guess security guard is the next step. Walmart will be impressed with your CJ degree!
Maybe you two love birds could carry on your fucked up relationship somewhere else.
Maybe you can suck my dick.
I guess I can try to visualize it's size in cyberspace. You can't suck an imagination.
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.
I didn't want to be a cop... and I worked for the State of Ohio as a Corrections Officer and was on the SRT team, thus why I've had all that specialized training. I'm not the one that isn't a cop, has no law enforcement experience, and hangs out on a law enforcement forum and brags about it. :rofl:
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
It has shrunk to almost nothing at this point due to management. Typically you know nothing about what you are talking about. Like I said, a punk like you would never make it in LE.

Coming from your internet forum education. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep, saw many like you come and go. You're a stupid smug asshole and fool no one here, let alone people that know law better than you ever will.

Funny how you call it smug... when reality is, it's me knowing what the fuck I'm talking about and you, not so much. :bye1:
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
Hacking is one thing and a side issue in this case. The other side of the coin NOT being examined is an antagonistic foreign agency interfering in the election process of another country and that interference constituting a de facto act of war! That aspect is being purposefully overlooked by many..

Did you bring up that factor when Obama tried to manipulate the Israeli election to oust Netanyahu?

for the record, wikileaks is NOT Russia.
The two US State Dept. grants totaling $350k and received by One-Voice Israel and One-Voice Palestine were all spent in the Palestinian Territories. Palestinian are not eligible to vote in Israel's elections you bloody fool! You've been spending your time drinking more of those horseshit sundaes served up at the Alt Right singles bar again. Your false equivalency fails miserably, and don't bother with listing the Alt Right propaganda from their trite wing sites as any type of authority!

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