Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

Did you really see that? Or is that just what people on the Law Enforcement forum told you?
They are overwhelmingly conservative so you are doing right to stay away from a career in the LE field. You wouldn't last a week. Believe me.

Anyway, what I said it true and mirrors that of many others across the nation. I also belong to a contractor's board and here from them as well. Also conservative too btw. So stay away from actually doing things and find a job playing with your dick and looking busy. 'bout all you will ever be good for.

I've already worked in the fucking corrections field. And if you think the people on the forum act like they do in real life, you are out of your damn mind. I'm also not liberal...

Your comments are pretty fucking hilarious coming from a guy who's knowledge of Law Enforcement comes from a forum. Do you know what COP is? Do you know who created the first police force? Do you know the different ideals that go into how Police Ethics are created? Do you know what committee was the first to take a serous look into Police corruption? Do you know what the type of policing during Bill Clinton's tenure as President was called?
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
Show me the proof. If Russia hacked the DNC, show me the proof. I'm not into lemming activities.
I don't have it, and I don't claim to know, either way.

Nor can anyone else, until we have seen the proof.
So, you have no proof yet ask the question anyway?

Did Russia try to influence our election via a misinformation or slander campaign? Possibly, maybe even likely. Does it matter? Not really. Americans have the tools to find the truth if they choose to do so.
Also of note:
I find the outrage at the prospect of Russia meddling to be hypocritical. The United States routinely meddles in the elections of other nations in an attempt to get a certain outcome that would be friendlier to our goals.
Not only that but I guarantee you that our government hacks other nations.

The only reason this is suddenly an issue imo, is because the power brokers (parties) feel threatened.
Can you give us an example of our Intelligence agencies hacking another government's election institutions and then selectively dropping this information on to wikileaks?
They are overwhelmingly conservative so you are doing right to stay away from a career in the LE field. You wouldn't last a week. Believe me.

Anyway, what I said it true and mirrors that of many others across the nation. I also belong to a contractor's board and here from them as well. Also conservative too btw. So stay away from actually doing things and find a job playing with your dick and looking busy. 'bout all you will ever be good for.

I've already worked in the fucking corrections field. And if you think the people on the forum act like they do in real life, you are out of your damn mind. I'm also not liberal...

Your comments are pretty fucking hilarious coming from a guy who's knowledge of Law Enforcement comes from a forum. Do you know what COP is? Do you know who created the first police force? Do you know the different ideals that go into how Police Ethics are created? Do you know what committee was the first to take a serous look into Police corruption? Do you know what the type of policing during Bill Clinton's tenure as President was called?
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
Show me the proof. If Russia hacked the DNC, show me the proof. I'm not into lemming activities.
I don't have it, and I don't claim to know, either way.

Nor can anyone else, until we have seen the proof.
So, you have no proof yet ask the question anyway?

Did Russia try to influence our election via a misinformation or slander campaign? Possibly, maybe even likely. Does it matter? Not really. Americans have the tools to find the truth if they choose to do so.
Also of note:
I find the outrage at the prospect of Russia meddling to be hypocritical. The United States routinely meddles in the elections of other nations in an attempt to get a certain outcome that would be friendlier to our goals.
Not only that but I guarantee you that our government hacks other nations.

The only reason this is suddenly an issue imo, is because the power brokers (parties) feel threatened.
Can you give us an example of our Intelligence agencies hacking another government's election institutions and then selectively dropping this information on to wikileaks?
A little slow this morning? Show me the PROOF Russia hacked the DNC. You want proof from me but offer none in return.
I've already worked in the fucking corrections field. And if you think the people on the forum act like they do in real life, you are out of your damn mind. I'm also not liberal...

Your comments are pretty fucking hilarious coming from a guy who's knowledge of Law Enforcement comes from a forum. Do you know what COP is? Do you know who created the first police force? Do you know the different ideals that go into how Police Ethics are created? Do you know what committee was the first to take a serous look into Police corruption? Do you know what the type of policing during Bill Clinton's tenure as President was called?
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.
I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.
Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
They are overwhelmingly conservative so you are doing right to stay away from a career in the LE field. You wouldn't last a week. Believe me.

Anyway, what I said it true and mirrors that of many others across the nation. I also belong to a contractor's board and here from them as well. Also conservative too btw. So stay away from actually doing things and find a job playing with your dick and looking busy. 'bout all you will ever be good for.

I've already worked in the fucking corrections field. And if you think the people on the forum act like they do in real life, you are out of your damn mind. I'm also not liberal...

Your comments are pretty fucking hilarious coming from a guy who's knowledge of Law Enforcement comes from a forum. Do you know what COP is? Do you know who created the first police force? Do you know the different ideals that go into how Police Ethics are created? Do you know what committee was the first to take a serous look into Police corruption? Do you know what the type of policing during Bill Clinton's tenure as President was called?
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.
I'm an astronaut. Really I am! I have real world experience in all things space.

Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
Now, too busy getting a blow job from your mother.

Get personal some more faggot
I've already worked in the fucking corrections field. And if you think the people on the forum act like they do in real life, you are out of your damn mind. I'm also not liberal...

Your comments are pretty fucking hilarious coming from a guy who's knowledge of Law Enforcement comes from a forum. Do you know what COP is? Do you know who created the first police force? Do you know the different ideals that go into how Police Ethics are created? Do you know what committee was the first to take a serous look into Police corruption? Do you know what the type of policing during Bill Clinton's tenure as President was called?
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
Yeah dipshit great analogy.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
Now, too busy getting a blow job from your mother.

Get personal some more faggot

You said you were an astronaut, I was just pointing out what your real background was. You opened the door, I kicked it in.
It's a perfect analogy. You make claims, I make claims.

I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
Now, too busy getting a blow job from your mother.

Get personal some more faggot

You said you were an astronaut, I was just pointing out what your real background was. You opened the door, I kicked it in.
I made you look stupid and you went personal. Obviously I'm not an astronaut but anyone can claim anything on the internet to claim seniority over another poster which is what you did.
BTW, tell your mother she sucks
Nope, there's no concrete evidence that he was responsible either of course I'd imagine that won't stop you left wing lunatics from trying to blame him for Hillary's loss.

They KNOW the Russians hacked American accounts etc. There's a ton of evidence.

No, what we all know is that wikileaks hacked DNC accounts. Wikileaks is not Russia.
What we also know is that that evidence of DNC lying and corruption MAY have cost the hildebeast some votes.

Are voters entitled to the truth?
Why are you lying? Wikileaks did not hack the DNC accounts, they simply posted the stolen emails on the net...

Wikileaks does not steal the info they post, they are the conduit that is used by the thieves, to release it...but you KNOW that... :rolleyes:

are you paid to be a disinformation shill? if so, you deserve a raise!

oh, grow up. Wikileaks has repeatedly denied that their info source was the Russian government. They refuse to disclose the source, but there is some strong evidence that it was someone within the DNC.

But if you think it was Russia. Why? why would Putin prefer a strong American president to the continuation of the weakness shown by Obama and Clinton? Why would Putin prefer a president who wants to build up the American military to one who wants to continue to make us weaker?

The entire liberal mantra on this is illogical.
I can back up my claims. You on the other hand can't. What's your proof of being an astronaut? Is it written on your arm as a jailhouse tattoo?
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
Now, too busy getting a blow job from your mother.

Get personal some more faggot

You said you were an astronaut, I was just pointing out what your real background was. You opened the door, I kicked it in.
I made you look stupid and you went personal. Obviously I'm not an astronaut but anyone can claim anything on the internet to claim seniority over another poster which is what you did.
BTW, tell your mother she sucks

You can make fun of my mother all you want? I don't care. She's a piece of shit drug addict that cheated on my father and left us when I was a kid.

I'm not just claiming something. I'm stating it, and I can back it up. End of story.
You're a liberal unless your post here are fake. None of the history stuff matters to me but hell yes I learned a lot about policing from officer.com. A few phonies do pop up but get outted pretty quick. Cops have a nose for that. I'm not sure why you think they would fake conservationism though. To what end?

I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.
I don't "fake" conservatism. Are you really that fucking dense? Is everyone in this world an "Either, or?" I'm Independent. I hold views that can align with both political parties. I'm sorry you have to let other people decide your morals and values for you. Of course you don't care about history... because you don't know shit. COP isn't history. Police Ethics isn't history. Do you know who is credited with creating the modern Law Enforcement in the United States? Do you know what important things he did? If you don't think the history of something is important then you are just broadcasting your ignorance. It's hilarious that you think you learn a lot from an internet forum.

You really don't get it. I've done training in the field. I've done tactical training. I've done riot training. I've done hostage negotiation training. I've done fugitive recovery training. I've trained on how to clear rooms, buildings, and vehicles. I've done interview and interrogation training. I've gone through PR-24 training. I've gone through OC training. I've gone through CN training. This shit isn't stuff you just learn from an internet forum.
You can't read. When did I say you faked conservativism? What does your training have to do with anything? I have learned a lot about what cops deal with and what they think on that forum, why should I care about what you think? I can tell you many CJ students show up and get their asses handed to them. What they learned is not applicable to real life.

Again... I have real world experience. What part of that do you not understand? I'm not just some CJ student that hasn't worked in the field.

What does my training have to do with anything... :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

So seriously, is being a forum member on Officers.com your only experience and knowledge in Law Enforcement? You and that Etherion guy that thinks he knows a lot because he can Google stuff should get together, you're a perfect match.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. I don't have any experience in law enforcement, never said I did. I did say you can't read though. As far as cops not thinking like you do I'm going by 11 years experience there and your posts here. Don't take my word for it though, go join up and start slinging your little pecker around like you do here.

You have no experience in Law Enforcement but you hang out on Officers.com... so you're one of those loser cop wannabes. :lmao:

I went and looked at that site and it doesn't seem very active to me. And why would I go sign up there when all you're going to do is try to talk shit about me there? It wouldn't be productive in the least bit.

Oh and FYI, the first police department was created by Sir Robert Peele and it was the London Metro Police. COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. The different approaches to Police ethics is a deontological, a utilitarian, and mixed. The Wickersham Commission was the first major committee to study police corruption. During Bill Clinton's tenure as President a movement called "Broken Windows" policing was developed.

Oh, and the "Father of Law Enforcement" is August Vollmer. I figure I might as well at least make this discussion have a little value to it... since you obviously don't know shit.
And she continues making the thread about her so she can blame me for it. No, I'm not a wannabe, that's just another idiotic conclusion on your part. I said they are mostly conservatives, so am I. That should be a clue. I do support LE and learned a lot media doesn't cover.

Now I don't give a fuck if that meets with your approval or not. Last thing I need is the validation of some punk ass criminal justice student. Cops eat them for lunch over there and you are a perfect example of why. Go over there and impress them, I'll watch.

Again dipshit...I'm not just a criminal justice student. So why couldn't you become a cop? Too stupid? Too mental? Too out of shape? :lmao:

And then you try to use a history of posting on a forum as a basis of education. This shit is fucking hilarious.
I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night.

Is that where you met up with your old cellie for a reunion quickie?
Now, too busy getting a blow job from your mother.

Get personal some more faggot

You said you were an astronaut, I was just pointing out what your real background was. You opened the door, I kicked it in.
I made you look stupid and you went personal. Obviously I'm not an astronaut but anyone can claim anything on the internet to claim seniority over another poster which is what you did.
BTW, tell your mother she sucks

You can make fun of my mother all you want? I don't care. She's a piece of shit drug addict that cheated on my father and left us when I was a kid.

I'm not just claiming something. I'm stating it, and I can back it up. End of story.
You're stealth bragging then? Ultimately no one cares.
No doubt Big Ears thinks Trump stole the election and as such, is illegitimate. The silver lining could be that the Ds double down on their stupid policies, resulting in the American people rejecting them for the foreseeable future.
Yep it's a huge risk since if compelling evidence is brought to light that the Russians had nothing to do with it the Democrats are going to be exposed as the lying, corrupt "ready to risk war to gain power" criminals that they really are and they'll have handed the GOP ready made campaign commercials for at least a few future election cycles.
I am not sure it is a huge risk. I think the narrative is out there now and will not be exposed as propaganda, even if it is propaganda...well at least not by the MSM. The MSM will continue to claim Russia influenced the election and many Americans will believe. You know??? The old left wing tactic of proclaiming something long enough, results in enough dumb Americans believing it.

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