Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

Heh partisan hacks amuse me so.

Reality is that a lot of folks don't watch the MSM anymore because they're so biased, reality is that a lot of folks only watch their local news (typically with casters/anchors who are actual journalists rather than tv stars) Reality is that all the bullshit the MSM threw at Trump during the elections /failed/ to stop those folks from voting for him.


Because mainstream, the true mainstream, American is sick to death of the partisan bullshit streaming off the right and left and we don't trust /any/ of it. That includes the bullshit reports coming out of our government, and especially if those people have anyone who knows jack anything about hacking or IT security - because we're all scratching our heads going uhm... there's nothing here but "we think they did it" Coincidentally that's another part of the current system that we're sick and tired of - false accusations (like racism, sexism, bigotry, etc.)

But lets see what the stupid useless government has to say about the Russian government 'hacking our elections' today...
No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.
No, it isn't reasonable to point out because we have no evidence. Unless you think we're just supposed to take their word for it.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.
There was no "scandal" until after Hildabeest lost.
Mac1958 "I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened."

You mean like when the right freaked the fuck out about Hillary having a completely insecure private server and the left told them to shut up and stop whining cause it wasn't a problem and nothing bad happened?

That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.
I guess you didn't hear about when Harry Reid lied about Romney's taxes on the floor of the Senate, huh?
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

Do we know how much impact decades of propaganda from the media and pop culture affected the close votes in key electoral states?
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
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That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.
I guess you didn't hear about when Harry Reid lied about Romney's taxes on the floor of the Senate, huh?
When Ds do it, it is okay, right, and just...in the small minds of some.
Mac1958 "I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened."

You mean like when the right freaked the fuck out about Hillary having a completely insecure private server and the left told them to shut up and stop whining cause it wasn't a problem and nothing bad happened?

Yep, both parties only freak out when they can pin something on the other party.

A standard practice in dishonest, hypocritical partisan politics.

Is that okay with you? And does that mean you're not concerned whether the Russians interfered with our democratic process?
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

Do we know how much impact decades of propaganda from the media and pop culture affected the close votes in key electoral states?

Can we agree that there is a clear difference between how American culture influences elections and how one of our biggest adversaries might?
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
Does it bother you that the US government has interfered in multiple nation's elections and affairs for decades?
No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
Does it bother you that the US government has interfered in multiple nation's elections and affairs for decades?

Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
Does it bother you that the US government has interfered in multiple nation's elections and affairs for decades?

Then one should expect it being done to pols here. The DNC and podesta should be held responsible for being so stupid.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
Does it bother you that the US government has interfered in multiple nation's elections and affairs for decades?

Then one should expect it being done to pols here. The DNC and podesta should be held responsible for being so stupid.
Expect that people would try, yes.

Write it off when my "side" benefits from it only, absolutely not.

This is far bigger than political advantage.
So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.

Not necessarily to get Trump elected but to sow discord in our political process. It could be that they succeeded somewhat if thats the case. It is also possible they tried to Hack the Republicans as well
Why would Russia want Trump as President over Clinton? Foreign policy wise Clinton wouldn't be much different than Obama under Obama Russia did not want a missile defense system in Poland it didn't happen they wanted Criemia they have it and still have troops in part of Ukraine they wanted Assad to stay in power in Syria he is they wanted more influence in the Middle East they have it. So given this and the fact Clinton is known and you could argue a predictable commodity why would they want as President Trump who is not a predictable or a known commodity in politics at least and does not do things in a conventional manner as his campaign showed?
When did I brag about it and you never explained why I should care about your supposed history. You keep bringing it up, not me. None of that changes the fact that your asshole, smug, self important ways won't get you far talking to real cops. Saw many like you get shown the door.

I wouldn't be surprised if you are one of the banned ones that keep coming back. There was one that was in corrections from Ohio.

Keep dreaming. I had never been to that forum until I went and looked at it today. It doesn't look very busy at all, and the subjects don't look all that educational... you poor pathetic little man.
It has shrunk to almost nothing at this point due to management. Typically you know nothing about what you are talking about. Like I said, a punk like you would never make it in LE.

Coming from your internet forum education. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep, saw many like you come and go. You're a stupid smug asshole and fool no one here, let alone people that know law better than you ever will.

Funny how you call it smug... when reality is, it's me knowing what the fuck I'm talking about and you, not so much. :bye1:
Sure I do. I've read thousands of posts by cops and know you wouldn't fit in. Most are conservative, you not so much. And you are too petty.

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