Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
One Queston. Did any of the wikileaks releases say Anything untrue? Are you saying hillary lost the election because people learned the truth about her and her campaign? Whats so wrong?
What I'm saying is that leaks came out about one party only. I think we all know that.

If that one party had been the GOP and Hillary had won, I suspect you wouldn't be quite so calm.

Trump won, he's in. It's just disappointing to see people on the winning side so indifferent about what might have happened.

But that's partisan politics. Neither party is terribly consistent.
You keep repeating the mantra while ignoring the fact the RNC wasn't playing the games the DNC was. You are the one looking through party filters.
Neither party has any credibility.

But that's not the topic of the thread, which is clear and specific.
You brought up the point, not me. The GOP didn't even want Trump and you made it CLEAR that it was all about party. What RNC email would have caused Trump any damage? It was hardly a secret.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
One Queston. Did any of the wikileaks releases say Anything untrue? Are you saying hillary lost the election because people learned the truth about her and her campaign? Whats so wrong?
What I'm saying is that leaks came out about one party only. I think we all know that.

If that one party had been the GOP and Hillary had won, I suspect you wouldn't be quite so calm.

Trump won, he's in. It's just disappointing to see people on the winning side so indifferent about what might have happened.

But that's partisan politics. Neither party is terribly consistent.
I guess we know who takes security serious. Did hillary take her net security serious with classfied material on her bathroom server? Did podesta take security serious using the word "password" for his password? The Republicans took measures to make sure they weren't hacked. The Democrats act like they wanted it. Password, really?
Coming from your internet forum education. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Yep, saw many like you come and go. You're a stupid smug asshole and fool no one here, let alone people that know law better than you ever will.

Funny how you call it smug... when reality is, it's me knowing what the fuck I'm talking about and you, not so much. :bye1:
Sure I do. I've read thousands of posts by cops and know you wouldn't fit in. Most are conservative, you not so much. And you are too petty.

Again, do you have any clue whatsoever how stupid you sound making assumptions based on your law enforcement experience from an internet forum? You have admitted you have zero law enforcement experience or education. Petty? Do you read the shit you type?
Yep. Petty. Every. Single. Post. You have zero experience as a cop. A prison guard is not a sworn police officer so your little dick slinging fest is funny as hell.

I worked as a Corrections Officer and I've worked with Law Enforcement and I have studied Law Enforcement in college. You have ZERO experience. Why is this so hard for you to understand? An internet forum is not a fucking place to get an education. God damn you are one ignorant piece of shit.
Those damn Russians. How dare they effect our election by revealing the ugly truth.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
How do you know the Rs weren't given the same treatment? I believe it has been reported that efforts to hack the RNC were numerous, but unsuccessful.

When you have a big league dude like Podesta, so dumb he makes his password PASSWORD...hacking is made easy.

Why would you want a POTUS who cheats to win the nomination? Why would you want a POTUS who receives unlimited hidden support from members of the elite media?...who clearly lied in an effort to get the bitch elected?
I certainly think it's possible that the Russians tried unsuccessfully to hack the GOP.

What I do know is that they were successful with the Dems, and that they ran with it.

I would think that having Russia interfere with our democratic process would anger pretty much every American.

Turns out, it doesn't.
You would have no reason to believe anything because you haven't seen any evidence.
Neither has the GOP, but they're fine with Trump disparaging our intelligence community.

Why is that?

Because we've noted that government drones are so often partisan for the left.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia

If you were phished by NOT the highest levels of Russian government, then how can you assume that other maybe Russian phishing had to be directed at the highest levels of the Russian Government?
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia
Yeah, we may never know. The Dems will use it to keep Trump on the defensive and try to sway some moderate Republican votes here and there. This is all politics. The point is that some who would be otherwise screaming about democracy and sovereignty are being awfully tolerant with this whole thing, and it's obviously because they won.

Pretty transparent.
Yep, saw many like you come and go. You're a stupid smug asshole and fool no one here, let alone people that know law better than you ever will.

Funny how you call it smug... when reality is, it's me knowing what the fuck I'm talking about and you, not so much. :bye1:
Sure I do. I've read thousands of posts by cops and know you wouldn't fit in. Most are conservative, you not so much. And you are too petty.

Again, do you have any clue whatsoever how stupid you sound making assumptions based on your law enforcement experience from an internet forum? You have admitted you have zero law enforcement experience or education. Petty? Do you read the shit you type?
Yep. Petty. Every. Single. Post. You have zero experience as a cop. A prison guard is not a sworn police officer so your little dick slinging fest is funny as hell.

I worked as a Corrections Officer and I've worked with Law Enforcement and I have studied Law Enforcement in college. You have ZERO experience. Why is this so hard for you to understand? An internet forum is not a fucking place to get an education. God damn you are one ignorant piece of shit.
....none of that has anything to do with the point. I didn't discuss tactics or dept. policies. I said a cj degree isn't useful according to what I've seen over a ten year period from hundreds of cops across the nation. I gave you the place to see for yourself but you want to make it all about me. I don't care what you think of me.

I've learned a lot over there. For example, cops are overwhelmingly pro second amendment. So when someone talks about cops collecting guns (and the topic has come up many times) I know it ain't happening. They are sworn to the Constitution and put it above all else. That's useful to me and I don't need your validation.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia
Yeah, we may never know. The Dems will use it to keep Trump on the defensive and try to sway some moderate Republican votes here and there. This is all politics. The point is that some who would be otherwise screaming about democracy and sovereignty are being awfully tolerant with this whole thing, and it's obviously because they won.
Pretty transparent.
No that's not the point at all. The Democrat corruption is the heart of the matter, not who leaked or hacked it. And no one has even shown it affected the election in any way shape or form. What is transparent is that it's literally all the left has to work with so in that regard you are correct about it being party politics. But not on the right.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia

If you were phished by NOT the highest levels of Russian government, then how can you assume that other maybe Russian phishing had to be directed at the highest levels of the Russian Government?
They said that in order to get the type of email that Podesta received, the hackers must have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian Government. I have received those "types" of emails.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia

If you were phished by NOT the highest levels of Russian government, then how can you assume that other maybe Russian phishing had to be directed at the highest levels of the Russian Government?
They said that in order to get the type of email that Podesta received, the hackers must have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian Government. I have received those "types" of emails.

Because hackers never fake types of e-mail...

These are the same "they" that assured us Saddam had WMDs' isn't it?
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?
We can only guess. They say there is no way Podesta was hacked without the hackers being directed at the highest levels of the Russian government. I have received over the years phishing emails very similar to what Podesta got that I never clicked on. Were Russians, directed by the highest levels of Russian government, trying to hack me, an obscure nobody? I highly doubt it. We will probably never know who hacked the Dems but the narrative serves three primary goals.

1. To de-legitimize Trumps victory
2. To make an excuse for why they lost
3. To further the neoliberal desire for a New Cold War with Russia

If you were phished by NOT the highest levels of Russian government, then how can you assume that other maybe Russian phishing had to be directed at the highest levels of the Russian Government?
They said that in order to get the type of email that Podesta received, the hackers must have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian Government. I have received those "types" of emails.

Because hackers never fake types of e-mail...

These are the same "they" that assured us Saddam had WMDs' isn't it?
It doesn't appear that you have read the entire chain
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?

Three questions that made us talked about hacking were true, but the third one is not. The third question that I am saying to you is "Why did Russians ever hack the elections before Senator John McCain called this action of hacking an 'act of war'?" For instance, the whole story behind the investigation of mind-blowing hackers really caused a meltdown on Capitol Hill, and the intelligence report says that Russian President Vladimir Putin is being blamed for ordering Russians for hijacking the American voting system. Hacking is defined as a person, or people, created illegally gained access to the protected computer system.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
You would have no reason to believe anything because you haven't seen any evidence.
Neither has the GOP, but they're fine with Trump disparaging our intelligence community.

Why is that?
How do you disparage something with such a long history of lying to everyone?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Neither has the GOP, but they're fine with Trump disparaging our intelligence community.

Why is that?
How do you disparage something with such a long history of lying to everyone?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.
How do you disparage something with such a long history of lying to everyone?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.

There once lived a nonconforming sparrow. When winter came, he didn't
want to fly South with the rest of the birds. Finally, though, it got
so cold that he reluctantly started flying South. After a short while,
ice started forming on his wings and he fell to the Earth. Shortly, a
rather large cow came by and crapped on the little sparrow. The
sparrow thought this was surely the end. But, the warm shit actually
started to warm him up. After a while, he was warm, content, and he
could breath easily. He was so overjoyed that he started singing at
the top of his lungs. A cat wandering by heard the noise and decided
to investigate. He found the bird in the pile of shit, dug him out,
and promptly ate him.
The moral of the story is:
1) Everyone who shits on you is not necessarily your enemy.
2) Everyone who digs you out of the shit is not necessarily your
3) If you are warm and contented in a pile of shit, keep your mouth
How do you disparage something with such a long history of lying to everyone?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.
What would that trust be based on?
Look, I'll just assume that, if the GOP had been hacked and Hillary was being sworn in in a couple of weeks, you would say, "oh well, that's okay, no big deal, it happens, those crazy Russkies and our worthless intelligence boobs, you know them, ha ha, maybe next time."

And we move on.
I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.
What would that trust be based on?
Human nature, as I would cautiously place trust in the hands of my surgeon or in the decisions of a CEO.

But I admit, I'm a bit of sucker for my country, and I'll place more faith in them than in Putin.

I love America, and I tend to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't trust Russia or Putin that much, despite what I'm hearing from the GOP.
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?

Duh, it's been sufficiently proven by 17 members of the U.S. intelligence community that Russia hacked the DNC.

Why won't Trump at least admit that Russians hacked the DNC - even if he won't admit that it influenced the election?




U.S. Intel Report Identifies Russians Who Gave Emails To WikiLeaks

I'll bet I can guess what your attitude was when Sanders got fucked by the DNC and the corporate controlled news media.
Look at my sig. I have no use for either "major" party, I'm just an independent. This whole thing was a horror show for me.
Just a big fan of intelligence agencies then?
Weird question. I trust them as much as I trust any human, I suppose.

And I do trust them more than I trust Putin. Ya got me there. I wish the GOP did.
What would that trust be based on?
Human nature, as I would cautiously place trust in the hands of my surgeon or in the decisions of a CEO.

But I admit, I'm a bit of sucker for my country, and I'll place more faith in them than in Putin.

I love America, and I tend to give her the benefit of the doubt. I don't trust Russia or Putin that much, despite what I'm hearing from the GOP.
There are no surgeons in the CIA or any other intelligence agencies, just professional liars. Have they found the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq yet? Have they stopped importing cocaine to finance operations? Are they still supporting ISIS in Syria? You could have just stopped at "...I'm a sucker...." and left it at that.

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