Did Russia "hack" the election? Four questions.

So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Why did the Russians hack Trumps tax returns then?

They probably did hack Trump enterprises. but why would they release any of Trump garbage to the public if Putin wants Trump to win?
Okay, just for the hell of it, let's try to define what the question "Did Russia Hack the Election?" actually means.

If I have this right, I don't believe anyone is saying that Russia somehow got into voting booths or hacked into voting machines or computers or servers and changed votes from Hillary to Trump. If I'm wrong on that, if you believe that, please say so and provide whatever evidence you have.

I believe that what is being said is that the Russians "hacked" into Podesta's and other DNC people's email accounts via phishing and got oodles of seriously damning shit on the Democrats, spilled the beans, and here we are. They are saying that an unfriendly foreign power found and used a method of influencing opinions on a major party presidential candidate, and it may have made enough of a difference in a close race. That's it, unless I'm missing something.

So, four reasonable questions:
  1. Was Podesta, was the DNC, an easy mark for this activity, did they screw up? Yeah, it appears so.
  2. Did the Russians try to hack the RNC too? Entirely possible, no one can say for sure either way.
  3. Could all the shit that came out from the hacked emails been the final straw against Clinton, particularly in those rust belt states where Trump barely beat her and gained critical electoral votes? Yeah, that seems like a reasonable possibility.
  4. And finally, if Trump had been the one whose party's emails were hacked and Hillary won critical electoral states by a hair, would his supporters be screaming right now? Of course.
So what is YOUR definition of "hacking"?

The left has changed their story a time or two. Initially, they outright accused Russia of hacking the election and people, like Stein, were calling for a recount because they pushed the idea that somehow Russia actually hacked the voting machines. Once they were reminded that voting machines are not online and that it's impossible to hack paper ballots, they changed the accusation. Of course, Trump gained more votes in the recount effort and it was discovered that there was cheating on Hillary's behalf. After learning that Hillary votes were counted as much as six times each, the left really lost the desire to look further.

That is when they went from bashing WikiLeaks to saying it was Russians who hacked the DNC emails. This was despite Assange making clear all along that it was an insider who gave him the emails. No hacking was needed since the guy, now a murder victim, had access to them. There is also no question that it was WikiLeaks who made the emails public. So, if Russia had hacked anything, why would they seek out WikiLeaks to publish the emails? I'm sure they could have done it themselves.

Now we have these reports, which are short on proof and long on bullshit, being offered up to support the latest claims. They figure if they repeat these lies often enough, they will be eventually accepted as facts.

Throughout all this, none of the lib media has spent any serious effort to look at what the emails said. It was very damning. Of course, if it wasn't, there would be no reason to accuse anyone of interfering with the election. Had the emails not shown such deep corruption, they would not have mattered.

I don't think a lot of minds were changed since most had made their minds up long before the release of the emails. Those who supported Hillary just blocked them out and pretended they didn't exist. Those against Hillary weren't the least bit surprised.

I don't think they made much difference in the outcome as the nation has been more sharply divided than ever these past years and not much was going to change that.

big baby trump with the teeny weeny hands blames the media because he knows his fans are mostly dumbos.

Trump to the Russians:

"If you're listening, I hope you find Hillary Clinton's missing emails"

As far as the accusations that Trump asked Russia to hack the emails, that was false. Hillary lied when she claimed to have turned over all emails pertaining to her job as Sec. of State. There was evidence of hacking numerous times of her insecure server and she kept insisting that there were no missing emails. Trump joked that if Russia or anyone had them, to turn them over. He wasn't requesting that anyone hack anyone. He was joking that others might well be in possession of these supposed "non-existent" State Dept. emails that magically disappeared when Hillary wiped her server with a cloth. No one had any idea what was in them at the time. It was not a request to hack. It was a request to turn them over since Hillary refused to do so. Of course, the left objected to anyone proving that Hillary had indeed deleted emails and lied about it. She was exposed as liar but the left is more angry about the fact that she was busted and not about the fact that she was guilty.

Somehow, the left is mashing all this together in a desperate attempt to connect Trump to Russia. To anyone who has paid attention, the libs look like complete fools.


anyone who believes an official government response to espionage and treason is uncalled for, or that somehow said official government response is just silly post election butthurt is not fit to lead our country...

anyone who believes an official government response to espionage and treason is uncalled for has proven an inability to preserve, protect and defend the constitution of our government...
coupla things

1. wikileaks is not Russia
2. the truth about DNC corruption did hurt Hillary
3. Hillary was a terrible candidate and a terrible human being
4. The voters rejected: the establishment, the lying media, the lying pollsters, Hillary, Obama, and liberalism in general
5. Trump was a vote for real change, enforcement of laws, and economic sanity.

1. Correct but Putin and Wikileaks love each other and have the same objective......... both hostile to America.
2. Corrupt? You may want to take a look at what Trump has been sued, or bribery, ex con connection, hiding tax returns etc etc etc.
3. Trump is a pussy grabbing lying bastard hypocrite douche bag. Worst than Hillary.
4. Remember Hillary has won more votes than Trump.
5. Maybe yes or just plain bullshit. Today he already lied who will pay for his wall. We are waiting for the rest.
the president elect has publicly undermined every single one of our intelligence agencies.

sure, let's turn the world on it's head just so donald trump can "figure out what is going on".

Putin hacked the election to let Trump win, but gave Hillary the popular vote.

President-elect Donald Trump is already undermining U.S. national security. From denying Russian meddling in the U.S. election to placing at risk the stability of U.S.-China relations to refusing to fully rid himself of his own conflicts of interest around the world, Donald Trump is making decisions that will endanger the country he is supposed to lead. And he's not even president yet.

Trump is making clear his disregard for the integrity of the system that he was elected to defend.

So, four reasonable questions:

No, there is only one reasonable question.

Why were the Russians so keen on getting Trump elected?

This is the question you like to avoid, you want to treat the Russian Hacking like it was a big prank Yuri and Vlad came up with after a long vodka bender at the Kremlin.

Instead of being concerned that a foreign power would invest millions of dollars (or rubles) to try to get one candidate elected over another.
Ask Hillary why all those ME countries gave her MILLIONS of dollars during the campaign. Were they trying to get her elected over Trump? Ask George Soros why he spent MILLIONS of dollars trying to get Hillary elected over Trump.

Do you think they all want their money back? After all, Hillary was a sure thing, right?
the donald encouraged foreign espionage of the secretary of state in his official capacity as a presidential candidate.

the donald invoked RUSSIA to do the hacking because their hacking antics were already well known...

then the donald choked to claim 'a joke' over a completely non humorous issue.

boy oh boy does he love his dumbo fans who excuse shamelss buffoonery.

once upon a time in America we had the good sense to always keep country over party.

now we elect gilded charlatans to lead us toward exxon mobil as secretary of state....



Libya holding huge gold reserves IMF data shows - BBC News

That is so fucking stupid.

As if Russian leaders were sitting around minding their own business until Trump gave them this original idea.

chuckleheads are stuck on 'hillary clinton blah blah blah" STUPID :blahblah:

these very serious issues are much bigger than any individual who seeks or achieves the American presidency.
"This is not a Republican/Democratic issue. I want to punish them for interfering in our elections, trying to destabilize the entire world," Republican Lindsey Graham said.

“My job is to do my job. And that means to defend the nation,” Republican John McCain said.

McCain, Graham to take on Trump over Russia hacking
"both the CIA and FBI agree that Russia intervened in the election"

"they breached American political institutions resulting in the theft of a trove of sensitive communications"

"intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.''

FBI accepts CIA conclusion that Russians hacked to help Trump
Still looking forward to seeing any indication of any actual evidence at all.

It'll be a long wait. Libs expect people to take their word without question.

And I take it that this is an admission on their part that the leaked emails were accurate. It means they were hacked from Hillary's server before she had the server wiped clean and that it proves that she deleted work emails, which is illegal.
"both the CIA and FBI agree that Russia intervened in the election"

"they breached American political institutions resulting in the theft of a trove of sensitive communications"

"intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.''

FBI accepts CIA conclusion that Russians hacked to help Trump
Still looking forward to seeing any indication of any actual evidence at all.

It'll be a long wait. Libs expect people to take their word without question.

And I take it that this is an admission on their part that the leaked emails were accurate. It means they were hacked from Hillary's server before she had the server wiped clean and that it proves that she deleted work emails, which is illegal.
The whole Russian hacking fantasy is obviously designed to distract attention from the Democrats monumental failures, Clinton misdeeds and incompetence, and anything that might reflect on Obama. It isn't working. Most people don't buy it.
"both the CIA and FBI agree that Russia intervened in the election"

"they breached American political institutions resulting in the theft of a trove of sensitive communications"

"intended to interfere with the U.S. election process.''

FBI accepts CIA conclusion that Russians hacked to help Trump
Still looking forward to seeing any indication of any actual evidence at all.

It'll be a long wait. Libs expect people to take their word without question.

And I take it that this is an admission on their part that the leaked emails were accurate. It means they were hacked from Hillary's server before she had the server wiped clean and that it proves that she deleted work emails, which is illegal.
The whole Russian hacking fantasy is obviously designed to distract attention from the Democrats monumental failures, Clinton misdeeds and incompetence, and anything that might reflect on Obama. It isn't working. Most people don't buy it.

For months after finding out about Hillary's private server, she claimed it wasn't hacked. She claimed she had turned over all work related emails as required by law. She claimed she didn't delete any work related emails, which would be a crime.

She broke the law by not turning the emails over to the State Dept and deleting them instead. We know she deleted them because the ones leaked were never seen by anyone at the State Dept.

And those crimes are separate from sending classified information over a personal server. Even if she didn't do that, there is no doubt that she broke the law regarding work emails and that alone should have gotten her indicted.

Once they were leaked, that was proof of all her lies and of all her dirty dealings. No telling how many countries have those emails. We may not ever see all of them. And they were hacked before she had the server wiped clean with BleachBit, which means by 2013, the hacking had been completed. For all we know, she could have had the server wiped periodically, but she definitely got rid of the evidence of wrong doing when leaving the State Dept.

The left is merely diverting attention to Russia instead of facing up to Hillary being a crook.

As far as who hacked into her home brew server and exposed her lies, we could just say "what difference, at this point, does it make?" Bottom line is that she has been exposed. Had the released emails been fakes, as was once alleged, then that would mean her emails were not hacked. We know that's not the case or the left wouldn't be crying over how someone leaked all the dirt.
They did a great job of "revealing the ugly truth" about one (1) party.

The other party doesn't exactly qualify for sainthood, yet they weren't given the same treatment.

And that's the problem. As I think we all know.
Which changes the facts how?
I'm not sure what you mean by "the facts".

Trump won, he's in, here we go.

But it's reasonable to point out that one party was given a significant advantage in the election, and if we care about the integrity of our democratic process, we should be concerned.

Unless winning is all that matters.

The impact of the release of damaging information on the dems was insignificant compared to the tsunami of false panic mongering propaganda coming out of the media, pop culture and social media.
We'll never know how much the election was affected by this.

We do know that the popular votes in key electoral states were very, very close, and that one party had to deal with the scandal, not the other.

I just wish there would be some sign of concern from much of the GOP about what may have happened.

That's just it... politics hasn't gotten so divided Trump supporters only care about one thing, their candidate won. They don't care how he won, what his private dealings are, or if he lies to them. As long as they can hang their hat on the fact he won the election, that's all they care about, period.

pot, meet kettle

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